^/. ni7 SAND78-0080 \X Unlimited Release ' UC-21 Г Electron Bea Progress Report April ThroughMS B ber1977 Directorate of Physical Research <-MSHUBUTI9N OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED Sandia Laboratories ^nergy report SF 2900 QQB(374| SAND78-008П Distribution Unlimited Release Category UC-21 ELECTRON BEAM FUSION' PROGRESS RETORT APRIL THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1977 - NOTICE - This repurt wai prepared as an ipnnsnied by the United States Gottri i Neither the United Statci nar the Untied Slat Energy, nor any of Ihelt employees. n,u »ni (ч their ciniliacioM, suhcuniiaclon, or their employe", makei any warranty, eipreu «r implied, чг iHiinid in> le?a! lutnluy i'r Jcipuniiilily l<4 ihcic^rjo.rratfiltleneii •ч useftilnets »f an) infmnution. jppjrjILi. pimJut! in pttKeu Jisdntcd. IH repreienii Ihat iti uie would n>r infringe pnnttly i>*ned г Rim Directorate of Physical Research 5200 Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87115 JOVLT.iiXT IS ЦШЛЖТЕ;TVHВ 0,,14- 3-4 ' CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION П TECHNICAL OVERVIEW (G. Yonas) 11 General Discussion 11 Pulsed Power 12 Particle Beam Source Development 12 Target Interaction 13 Applications.. 13 MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW (G. W. Barr) 14 EBrA Fiujtiut Status 14 Personnel and Operating Budget 20 PULSED POWER 21 OVERVIEW (T. H. Martin) 21 EBFA-I (T. H. Martin, D. L. Johnson) 21 PROTO II 21 Summary (T. H. Martin) 21 Accelerator Description (T. H. Martin, D. L. Johnson, D. H. McDaniel) 23 Twenty Nanosecond Mode Operation (T. H. Martin, D. L. Johnson, D. H. McDaniel). 25 Varying Pulse Width Mode {T. H. Martin, D. L. Johnson, D. H. McDaniel) 26 SF-6 Trigatron Switching (T. H. Martin) 26 Prepulse Prevention (J. P. VanDevender, T. H. Martin) 27 MITE 27 Summary (T. H. Martin) 27 Solid Dielectric Capacitor Testing (D. L. Johnson) 28 Blumlein (D. L. Johnson, J. P. VanDevender) 28 Strip Lines (D. L. Johnson, J. P. VanDevender) 29 Diode CE. L. Neau) 29 POWER FLOW - SELF MAGNETICALLY INSULATED TRANSMISSION LINES 29 Introduction (D. H. McDaniel, J. P. VanDevender). 29 Computational Results (K. D. Bergeron, J. W. Poukey, D. H. McDaniel, J. P. VanDevender) 30 Sandia Triplate Experiment (D. H. McDaniel, J. P. VanDevender, D. L. Johnson) ... 30 MAGNETIC FLASHOVER INHIBITION (MFI) WITH SELF-FIELDS (J. P. VanDevender) 34 MAGNETIC FLASKOVER INHIBITION USING AN EXTERNALLY APPLIED MAGNETIC FIELD (E. L. Neau, D. H. McDaniel) 35 OPTICAL CALIBRATOR (E. L. Neau) 37 S CONTENTS (cont) Page VOLTAGE MONITORS (J. P. VanDevender) 38 SUPERFAST Z-PINCH (J. P. VanDevender) 38 EBFA DATA ACQUISITION FACILITY (W. B. Beyer) 40 HYDRA, PROTO I, PROTO И - ОЛТЛ ,'• :Q!J1SITI0N FACILm (К. В. Boyer) 41 IMAGE PROCESSING 0*. B. Boyer) 41 REFERENCES 43 THEORETICAL RESEARCH 45 OVERVIEW (J. R. Freeman) 45 FUSION TARGET PHYSICS 46 Single-Shell Fusion Pellets for EBFA with Electron or Ion .Ablative Drivers СМ. А. Гл vnay) 46 Multiple-Shell Fusion Pellets for HKFA (M- A. Sweeney) 48 Voltage Shaping with Electron Beam Fusion Targets (M. Л. Sweeney, H. J. Clauser). 49 Proto II Magnetic Targets (A. V. Farnsworth, Jr.) 52 Magnetic Target Preheat Calculations (L. Baker) 52 Hydrodynamics of Power-Deposition Driven Expansions (A. V. Famsworth, Jr., M. M. Widner, M. J. Clauser) 54 REACTOR AND STANDOFF RESEARCH • 56 Plasma Channels for RcB Propagation (L. Baker, J. R. Freeman, M. M. Widner) .... 56 RF.B Combination (T. P. Wright). 57 Electron Deposition in Thin Tr>r;.;ets (M. M. Widner, E. J. T. Burns, S. A. Goldstein, J. N. Olsen, J. W. Poukev, J. P. Quintenz, J. Л. Halbleib, Sr.) . .' 59 Preliminary Studies of iil;ist loading at the First Wail of an Electron Beam Reactor Chamber СМ. Л. Sweeney, M. M. Widner) 63 TOWER FLOW THEORY AND DIODE PHYSICS 67 Magnetic Insulation of Vacuiri Transmission Lines - The Short Line Problem l"K. D. Bergeron, J. W. Pouke>', D. H. McDaniel, j. 1', VanDevendfг) 07 Magnetic Insulation of Vacuum Tr.ji'.smission Lines - The Short Pulse Problem (} . 0. Bergeron, J. W. Poukey) 70 Double Sheaths in Plasmas fK. 0. dergeran, T. P. Wright) 72 Electron Emission from Cat>,i.de PI. ;nas in Relativistic Diodes (K. D. Bergeron). 74 Theory of Radial Powc:' Flow (J- »'• Poukev. K. D. Bergeron) 75 DIODE CODE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION' 76 Variable Zoning Diode Code (J V. i.Minvn. 76 Foil Anode Effects (J. Vf. Pouipy, J. P. Qiiintcn;) 77 Proto II Ojode Studies (J. V Ош'Пеп,-, :. W. :\;iJe; 80 6 CONTENTS (cont) Page Los Alamos PHERMEX Diode Simulation (J. P. Quintenz) 83 Large Diode Simulation (J. P. Quintenz, J. W. Poukey) 83 Hermes II Ion Diode Studies (J. W. Poukey, J. P. Quintenz) 83 Angara Cathode (J. P. Quintenz) 84 Parapotential Cathode Simulation fJ. P. Quintenz) 84 PARTICLE BEAM SOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND THEORY 86 Collective Ion Acceleration fC. L. Olson) 86 Calculations of Ion Beam Neutralization (J. W. Poukey) 87 REFERENCES 89 PARTICLE BEAM SOURCE DEVELOPMENT 93 OVERVIEW (G. W. Kuswa) 93 IMPEDANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF HEATED REB DIODES (D. J. Jolinson) 93 ELECTRON BEAM PINCHIN'G FROM DISCRETE LARGE DIAMETER CATHODES (S. A. Goldstein) .... 96 Diagnostics and Apparatus 97 Experimental Results 99 Conclusions 100 REB PROPAGATION AND COMBINATION IN PLASMA CHANNELS (P. A. Miller) 104 Pinch Formation 104 REB Injection Into Channels 104 REB Transport in Plasma Channels 105 REB Overlap 107 Summary Ill A HIGH RESOLUTION TIME RESOLVABLE FLASH X-RADIOGRAPHY SYSTEM (J. T. Chang) Ill HIGH POWER MAGNETICALLY INSULATED RADIAL DIODE (G. W. Kuswa) 112 Principles of Operation 112 Diagnostics and Results 113 Direction of Future Research 117 HIGH INTENSITY PULSED LINEAR ION ACCELERATORS (S. Humphries, Jr.) 118 SLOT REFLECTOMETRY TOR DIAGNOSING DIODE PLASMAS (C. W. Mendel) 121 TARGET INTERACTION 125 OVERVIEW (A. J. Toepfer) 125 BEAM-TARGET INTERACTION MEASUREMENTS ON PROTO I (L. P. Mix) 125 Irradiation Symmetry Measurements 126 Energy Deposition Measurements 126 7 CONTENTS (cont) Page Theoretical Calculations 128 Summary 130 ELECTRON DEPOSITION IN THIN GOLD AND ALUMINUM FOILS HEATED BY A RELATIVISTIC BEAM (E. J. T. Burns) 130 Introduction 131 Experimental Procedure 131 Results 13S Conclusion 139 MEASUREMENT OF THE TEMPERATURE OF A THIN FOIL USING OPTICAL AND VUV DETECTORS (E. J. T. Burns, J. N. Olsen, S. A. Goldstein) 146 IMPLOSION PHYSICS (F. С Perry) 149 SCINTILLATOR-PHOTOMULTIPLIER RESPONSE TO A SIMULATED REB GENERATED THERMONUCLEAR NEUTRON PULSE (R. J. Leeper, J. T. Chang) 152 Thermonuclear Neutron "Signature" 154 STABILITY OF MULTIPLE SHELL ICF CAPSULES (A. J. Toepfer, W. J. Tiffany) 156 NEUTRON PRODUCTION FROM ADVANCED REB FUSION TARGETS (J. T. Chang, M. M. Widner, A. V. Farnsworth, Jr., R. J. Leeper, T. S. Prevender, L. Baker, J. N. Olsen) 158 TARGET PREHEAT EXPERIMENT (J. N. Olsen) 163 REFERENCES 166 APPLICATIONS 169 REP-RATE PULSE POWER. TECHNOLOGY STUDIES 169 Overview (K. R. Prestwich) 169 Development of a 350-kV, 300-J, 100-pps Test Facility (M. T. Buttram, G. J. Rohwein) 169 Low Voltage Rail Gap Switch (G. J. Rohwein) 169 High Voltage Switch (M. T. Buttram) 171 Multichannel Surface Discharge Switch Experiment (G. J. Rohwein).... 174 Spark Gap Gas Flow Experiments (G. J. Rohwein) 175 High Voltage Transformer Development CG. J. Rohwein) 178 Marx Generator Design Studies (M. T. Buttram, K. R. Prestwich, A. W. Sharps). ... 178 LOW CURRENT DENSITY DIODE STUDIES 179 Overview (1С. R. Prestwich) 179 Cathode Plasma Instability Studies (M. T. Buttram, C. W. Mendel) 179 Emission Enhancement Experiments (R. S. Clark, J. J. Ramirez) 186 Emission Suppression Experiments (R. S. Clark) 188 LEGS, A Test Facility for Large Area, Microsecond Diode Studies (M. T. Buttram, K. R. Prestwich, A. W. Sharpe) 191 • CONTENTS (cont) Page RADIAL ELECTRON BEAM LASER EXCITATION (J. J. Ramirez) 193 Total and Spatially Resolved Energy Deposition Measurements 193 Radial Diode Impedance Characteristics. , 195 Hibachi - Anode Investigations 199 AN INDUCTIVE GENERATOR TOR FUSION POWER GENERATION (M. Cowan) 200 Introduction 200 Plasma Armature Code Development 20] The 1-m Magnet 201 SYSTFMS STUntES (j. L. Mitchiner, S. С Varnado) 201 Overview 201 Parametric Analysis of a REB Fusion Reactor 203 Parametric Analysis of a REB Hybrid Reactor ... 206 Conclusions 209 REFERENCES 210 PUBLICATIONS 213 PRESENTATIONS 215 9-10 INTRODUCTION TECHNICAL OVERVIEW «-«в wEarr-:- ющв ю-» General Discussion The key milestones achieved during this re­ porting period are as follows: 1. Detailed measurements and further analysis of magnetic thermoinsulation targets which support the conclusion that the neutron production observed is of thermonuclear nature and not due to ion acceleration. 2. Continued measurements and analysis of beam г ipagation in preformed channels to de- fji. quirsnents for Proto II, hbFA, and eventually reactor experiments. 3. Operation of Proto II at the 8-TW Fig. 1. Particle Beam Fusion Program power level thus demonstrating most of the options. pulsed power components for EBFA. 4. Initial tests of the EBFA module ОПТЕ) Success in electron beam focusing with with preliminary data on the critical aspects •> 1-U diodes on Proto I together with beam of ;nagnetically insulated vacuum transmission propagation in plasma channels and demonstra­ lines. tion of enhanced electron deposition have led to the adoption of this combination as 5. Completion of theoretical and experi­ our base line approach. The need for complex mental electron beam focusing and target targets involving a central ignitor, such as studies on Proto I demonstrating 5 to 10 a magnetically insulated region, became more MA/on2 and power densities of ~ 5 TO/g and clear as our analysis of simple targets came ~10 to 15 TW/g in thin Au and Al foils, to an end. respectively, in agreement with theory which predicts enhanced deposition due to multiple With the definition of an experimental and electron interactions. theoretical program at NRL to pursue the self- magnetic field approach to electron suppression 6. Demonstration of the high rep-rate in ion diodes, we were able to narrow our test facility with over 10' shots yielding attention at Sandia to use of external fields.
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