ARTICLE .15 Humanicide: From Myth to Risk A History and Two Possible Futures for Western Globalisation Chris C. Stewart Australian Foresight Institute Australia Abstract The Fisher King myth provides an explanatory logic for reviewing globalisation: its past, present and potential.1 The conclusion is twofold.2 The real predicament of globalisation is simple survival. Then, the quality of that survival. Humanity is, for the first time in history, poised on multiple fronts to wilfully or negligently com- mit humanicide: the annihilation of our species to all but a stranded handful.3 Both survival and its quality involve the whole of humanity. They speak to the consequences that are integral to any choices we make, as individuals, communities, nations, and, as a species. This Fisher King mythic interpretation of Western globali- sation identifies the outlines of the risk profile for humanity in the 21st Century, and, speaks to a global agenda for action. Approaching Globalisation tive multiple meanings in different contexts. (Sheil 2001: 6) Globalisation requires an approach that can embrace "Thus we arrive at today: a project of synthesis, an each of these expansive subtleties of difference. integral age at the leading edge...just now beginning with Globalisation's most common dimensions of refer- the dawn of the new millennium." ~ Ken Wilber ence include governance, economics, security, culture In recent human history few topics could rival the and the environment. More dimensions will likely join amount of writing and diversified debate carried out in these ranks in the decades to come. It seems as if every the name of globalisation. Globalisation is a topic that major system of knowledge and activity in humanity has no voice seems to have a definitive word on, no author something to say about globalisation, some way of appears to forward the most credible knowledge about, relating to it, critiquing it, adding to it. Globalisation is, and no mind seems to be able to grasp and communi- at the very least, global in its reach into human affairs. cate in its entirety. The continuing debate about how Any approach to globalisation needs to address this fea- to even define the word "globalisation" is an example of ture, and it is fair to say that any competent considera- the nature of the approach the topic demands. tion will also include, or at the very least need to leave Globalisation is multi-dimensional, for each dimension room for including, as many of these as possible. This there are multiple perspectives, and for each perspec- requires of globalisation thinkers, the ability to consider Journal of Futures Studies, May 2005, 9(4): 15 - 28 Journal of Futures Studies not only a single discipline of knowledge, or inequalities and dominance of economic ration- even systems of systems of activity seen within ality, an international governance crisis, rising one paradigm, but rather to be "pluralistic", or cultural hegemonies, a lack of average personal "aperspectival" in not unduly privileging any development, and new forms of security chal- particular partial perspective. (Wilber 2000: 159- lenges among others. In light of the criteria for 163) globalisation thinking above it needs to be The search for simplicity on the other side asked if the discourse surrounding any of these of globalisation's complexity awaits human priorities can adequately relate to, accommo- kind. Many have contributed efforts that date, and favourably influence the predicaments attempt to embrace the diverse dimensions of seen in the others? Is this itself the real global globalisation. Few efforts are held in high predicament? The implicit requirement pre- regard however, across different disciplines, or sented by this theme is that approaches to glob- in different contexts. This search for a common alisation need to address humanity's priorities. simplicity, for an acceptable understanding of The globalisation agenda for discussion, deci- the affairs of globalisation, is an implicit theme sion-making and action needs to be set at a in most writings on globalisation. There is an global level. inherently human desire for a map of globalisa- It is important to note that globalisation tion that affords a meaningful logic to guide our itself is not the cause, nor necessarily, a prob- thinking, decisions and actions in relationship lem. It is the forms that globalisation takes, or to both global realties and potentialities. It how we as a species globalise, that counts, and appears any credibly comprehensive approach where the real site of humanicide is emerging to globalisation needs not only to be pluralistic, from. Many positive and viable futures are pos- or aperspectival, but also integrative. To grasp sible, although, they're not where we are cur- globalisation then, an approach that is "cross- rently heading. This paper does not serve to paradigmatic" or employs "integral-aperspec- offer yet another solution to an ill conceived tivism" is required.4 problem, but rather review the problems in our To date, the common integrative approach current forms of globalisation, and invite the taken is to focus on one dimension of globalisa- reader to revisit their conceptions of solutions. tion, and then draw on the multitude of issues in relationships of causality and prioritisation. Many of these efforts are extremely illuminating The Fisher King Myth and valuable. They do however, attract the criti- "No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels cism that they champion one knowledge disci- responsible" ~ Voltaire pline's perspective over others, or they are in The Fisher King myth holds many structur- some manner, and usually concurrently, deri- al similarities to the issue of globalisation, both sive of other valid positions. To achieve an inte- in its rise, and current status. It also affords a gral-aperspectival approach to globalisation the useful summary interpretation and understand- thinker's disposition needs to be global in its ing of direction in relationship to it. The Fisher altruism. It needs to embrace concern for the King myth has repeatedly been re-interpreted entirety of humanity and its relevant concerns, and communicated in Western civilisation and, some argue, for all sentient life. It would through the centuries, including in the twenti- require therefore, a personal identity that holds eth century.6 The version being re-interpreted an outlook of universal care and concern.5 here is from Robert Johnson's "The Fisher King A common theme in most writings on and the Handless Maiden" (1993).7 globalisation is an effort to define the most Johnson (1993: 12) reasons that "the important predicament it presents, with its twelfth century began so many of the issues cause/s, effect/s and possible solution/s. that we struggle with today. It has been said Predicaments vying for pre-eminence include that the winds of the twelfth century have 16 the degradation of the environment, the become the whirlwinds of the twentieth. Thus Humanicide: From Myth to Risk we can profitably look at the road maps of and the more commonly acknowledged ones of Western civilisation laid down in the formative Greek and Roman heritage, the great Western time of our modern world to gain some per- Enlightenment began with the renaissance and spective on the maze we encounter today." moved through numerous revolutions of politi- Indeed, this is exactly what this paper will be cal and social power, based on new relation- doing. ships between thought and nature (human and The format for presenting the Fisher King otherwise). (Bronowski 1975) The major power Myth will be a selection of writings, historical shifts can be seen in the secularisation of activi- events and a general social-cultural commentary ties from religious domination. Rousseau "secu- recounting a globalisation interpretation of this larised the problem of evil" in human nature as myth. For those not familiar with the story, a "Machiavelli had done for politics and Galileo short summary of the structural activity of the for science." (Bronowski 1975: 285) Separating, myth culled primarily from Johnson's telling, that is, the validity of different domains of and a statement regarding the psychological life, what Ken Wilber (2000: 60) refers to as the disposition (variously the motivation, reason big three "value spheres of arts, morals and etc) of the character as applied to Western civili- science," from the mythic religious institutions sation for each Act is provided in an endnote.8 and their control through theology. Often known by the title of Thomas Paine's Act 1 – Development & Wounding "The Age of Reason", the Western enlighten- The past millennium has seen the growth ment's major outcome was the industrial revo- of Western civilisation into its young adult lution, which laid the technological grounds for stage: the fully armed, trained and expectant today's globalisation. In what was an "age of prince. The West's wounding in failing to inte- empires" around the globe, the Western Empire grate its foundations (and those seen in other rapidly advanced in comparison, because the cultures), and its persistent grasp for global West excelled at the codification of knowledge dominance, that is at once noble and corrupt, through empiric scientific principles and the sys- idealistic and frighteningly effective, a bold temisation of mass production.9 (Pacey 1990) grasp for a unitary vision that's been incredibly With this rapid rise in social, political, eco- rewarding yet terrifyingly destructive, is the tale nomic, and military power came strident indi- of a generatively wounded youth. Despite the vidualism, political liberalism, the resurgence of fact that the successes include holding the keys democracy, and the advent of free-market capi- to further health and fulfilment the West does- talism. (Bronowski 1975) Consistent through n't seem to recognise how to use them. each of these developments is an inherited fea- The early "teenage" years of the West, the ture of the West's Christian conditioning: the renaissance, are often glorified, with the teach- notion of the right to control nature.10 ers forgotten, and the weaknesses rarely paid Hindsight shows that these social-cultural devel- attention.
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