"Ir Gilli;; librarian California 4t' WSSF Drive Begins n 2’ 3'tt edie Dpfl Smith Ansviers Today; COP Rally, To Roar As Lead Films To Aid Fund !n Shaw's Comedy The World Student Service S artan Dail A lion has finally been found to Fund contribution drive began to- play the WIRE SERVICE OF UNITED PRESS lead role in "Androeles day. What is WSSF? It is a relief FULL LEASED and the Lion," the fantastic organization of students and fac- Entered as second class mattr in th San Jose Post Office. The Press of the Globe Printing Co., San Josc Calif. George B. Shaw comedy which ultlee of American schools for the will be presented by the Speech assistance of students and pro- Volume .XVI SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1948 Number 108 and Drama department April 29 fessors of universities in war-dev- through May 4. astated countries. The lion, who answers to the Sponsored by the associated stu- name of Don Smith, was captured dent body, two hundred canvass- Spartans Stopped by the casting crew in Campbell ers will attempt to cover 4000 stu- REPRESENTATIVES last NSA week, sources high in the dra- dents at their homes between to- ma department revealed today. day and Saturday evening. They National Tourney In The human cast topped by Cliff will blanket the area north to San Bob Andersen and Don Schaef- TO ADDRESS COUNCIL Roche, as Androcles was also an- Francisco and south to Mon'terey. nounced today by Miss Helen Mi- G. Landry Hall, chairman of the fer, San Joao State's two remain- netta, department secretary. Gwen local WSSF officers, is spearhead- ing boxers, were eliminated Friday By GEORGE GUNTER Samuelson will play Lavinia, ttie ing the drive and speaks of the night in the semi-finals of the Dick Heggie, UC graduate student in international relations, and Christian maiden. Bill Furnell ll urgent need for more canvassers. National Collegiate Athletic asso- be Centurion, and Ed Williams "We are going ahead with the ciation Boxing tournament held Sally Holt, UC senior formerly of Vassar college, will address the will portray the Captain. number we have," he said, "but to at Madison, Wisconsin. Student Council meeting this afternoon at 4:30. Don Holladay will be Ferrovius, do a good job we need at least 100 Andersen, runner-up last sea- They will discuss the NSA activities on the Pacific coast probably the most spectacular more menor women. If anyone by Don son, was decisioned character except for the lion, in can help, drop your name in Box and how the organization may benefit San Jose State college. Brown of Cal Aggies. Brown pre- the play. Jackson Young as Spin- 'W' at the Co-op. Out-of-town can- viously defeated the Spartan Heggie is at present active in tho, John Hayden as the Menag- vassers are needed in the worst boxer in the Pacific Coast inter- establishing the National Student erie Keeper, and Dr. James Clan- way." collegiates held recently at Sac- Organization of the west coast. He cy as Caesar, are other characters. Edith Graves, of the graduate BAY AREA SCHOOLS ramento. Vito Parisi, Wisconsin has addressed about 15 university Clif Roche appeared as the male managers office, and William F. battler, -captured the nod over and college student bodies recently comic lead in Spartan Revelries Luick, speech and drama instruct- Schaeffer. The bout was stopped and discussed with them problems and as the druggist in "My Sister or, will aid in contacting mem- SCHEDULE CONCERT in the second round because of a and policies of the NSA. Eileen" during the fall quarter. bers of the faculty during the cut injury suffered by Schaeffer. Over 300 voices will be blended Gwen Samuelson, who played drive, according to Landry. Ileggie has attended the Uni- Tournament finals were con- in song at the War Memorial Op- the shrewish wife in "Doctor in To keep the drive moving there versity of California since 1941 ducted Saturday night, though no era House in San Francisco on Spite of Himself," has also appear- will be an exchange rally with and participated in the V-12 pro- Spartan boxers were represented. April 15 at 8:30 p.m. when the ed in several shorter plays in the College of Pacific Wednesday af- gram. His 14 months was spent in glee clubs of six hay area colleges Studio Theater. Jackson Young ternoon. Betty Anne Rabe of COP (Continued on page 5) the Pacific Ocean area as a Radar join in a concert for ,the benefit of officer on the USS Wileman. Be- was the male lead in "Ftosmen- will head the rally here while Bob Europe's war stricken students. sholm." Thomlison will go to Stockton to fore his graduation in 1944 he was Other characters are Marian Ja- represent the Spartans. Glee clubs of Mills college, Stan- active in class and athletic affairs cobsen as Megaera, Ivan Van Per- "In competition with COP this ford, the Univertty of San Fran- and held offices in Phi Kappa Sig- POWER SHORTAGE re as Lentulus, Don Pearlman as year, San Jose, in order win, cisco, University of Santa Clara, ma fraternity. to Metellus, Eugene Hartman the ox has to San Francisco State college and quadruple last year's sub- Last summer Heggie represent- driver, Don Lev, Reteriaus, War- scription," CUT 20 PER CENT the University of California are in- ed Denmark Landry said. "Last year UC in at the Inter- ren Blomseth as Secutor, Joe Ju- COP gave twice much to WSSF cluded in the joint concert in co- as "San Jose State college's power national Student Service confer- liano, the editor, and Joe Guzzetti, with half the number of students." operation with the National Stu- consumption must be cut by 20 ence. After the meeting, he tour- the call boy. The committee two dents association. Proceeds of the ed Europe and has obtained per cent during the present power returned to the The soldiers and gladiators will documentary films which explain concert will be turned over to the United States to be named senior crisis," sated Edward S. Thomp- fund. be played by Robert Debold, Har- the purpose of the drive. They World Student Service regional co-chairman of the Pa- son, college comptroller, today. old Upson, Glendon Heath. Jim will be mu- shown Monday through The concert will feature 20 cific region. Jensen and Clark Kirkpatrick. Thursday afternoons at 4:40 In San Jose State must operate varied sical selections in such Sally Holt is regional secretary Anyone interested in being a room 210 of Library. They under the same restrictions which Casey Jones, the fields as Bach and of the national organization. She soldier, Christian, servant, gladi- also may be seen Monday, Tues- apply to industries in this area thrown in for with Cole Porter is studying social welfare at lie ator or slave, is invited by Miss day, Wednesday and Friday morn- and face the necessity of cutting songs and good measure. College and will graduate in June. Minetta to sign the list in room 57. ings at 11:30 in room 31 of the power consumption by 20 per a verbal sketch of each school and Sciessoe building. cent. The cut may be taken by lts traditions will be featured. In September, Holt wadi chosen "The cafeteria has given the uniformly decroiting the electrI- as one of the repremeatattves to student body the use of the tea cal output over a given period or the convention held in Madison, FUNERAL SERVICE room - the entire week," Landry by shutting off power for one day Wisconsin. concluded. "It will be available in every five. SWIM CAST TO MEET Sally Holt is active in student between 11:30 and 1 each day. FOR Si STUDENT According to Mr. Thompson, if All members of the swim show body and clam affairs and is a During luncheon discussions on only one-third of the student body meet tonight at 6:30 at the pool. member of Kappa Kappa Gamma WSSF, its policies future and will and faculty members of the col- Final casting will be done, and all sorority. held." HELD SATURDAY be lege will cooperate in turning off those absent will be replaced by lights and motors operating use- someone present. San Jose State student Gaden Spartan Trackmen lessly, a five per cent saving in Practice will be held every night Walter Richardson, 23, son of Mr. power would result. Service this week. It is imperative that SB NOMINATIONS and Mrs. W. W. Richardson, 2084 groups and clubs on the campus everyone be there for all practices, 16th avenue, San Francisco, died Swamp OC, 95-36 have been asked to cooperate in stated Mary Hooten, faculty ad- at O'Connor hospital from a heart TO BE DISCUSSED attack Friday morning. By CARL UNDERWOOD saving power and in helping to viser. make the whole college power Richardson, a Commerce major, Two school records were smash- Two NSA regional officers will conscious. was outstanding in football and ed and another tied as San Jose be present at this afternoon's track at San Rafael high school State's track team opened their "The complete 20 per cent sav- Mechanic's School Student Council meeting, accord- and came to San Jose State from dual meet season by swamping ing can only be accomplished by ing to ASB President Emerson San Francisco Junior college last the Olympic Club, 94 4/5 - 36 1/5, whole - hearted cooperation of Request Coming "Doc" Arends, Their address will year, according to Personnel of- Saturday on the Spartan ovaL both student body and faculty," be the most important part of the fice records.
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