SECOND LATIN-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON ICHNOLOGY - SLIC2013 Program Monday September 16th, morning 8:00-10:00 Registration 10:00 -10.45 Opening Ceremony 10:45-11:00 Coffee break (Room 211, 2nd floor) 11:00-11:50 Netto, R.G. Ichnology of sandy beaches: lessons from the South Atlantic Brazilian coast (invited talk) Monday September 16th, afternoon Shallow marine ichnology session in honor ofJordi María de Gibert Atienza Coordinators: M.G. Mángano and A. Varela 13:40-14:00 Carmona, N., Netto, R., Mángano, M. G., Muñiz, F., and Buatois, L. Homage to Jordi M de Gibert Atienza 14:00-14:40 Pazos, P.J. Ichnology: sedimentological and stratigraphic applications in the study of the Lower Cretaceous of the Neuquén Basin (Invited talk) 14:40-15:05 Dobler Lima, J.H. and GuimarãesNetto, R. Ichnology of deglaciation deposits of the Taciba Formation (Upper Carboniferous/Lower Permian, Paraná Basin) at Santa Catarina State (S Brazil) 15:05-15:20 Coffee break (Room 211, 2nd floor) 15:20-15:45 Fernández, D.E. and Pazos, P.J. Ichnological study of the Lower Cretaceous Mulichinco Formation (Neuquén Basin, northern Patagonia): preliminary results 15:45-16:10 Fodor, R. Occurrence of small Ophiomorpha from various Early Miocene formations of Hungary SLIC2013 program 16:10-16:35 Richiano, S., Varela, A.N. and Poiré, D.G. Distribución de trazas fósiles en hemigrabenes: ejemplo en la Formación Springhill, Cuenca Austral, Patagonia, Argentina 16:35-17:00 Mángano, M.G. and Buatois, L.A. Tidal flats through time: The trace- fossil record of evolutionary innovations and faunal turnover 17:00-17.15 Break 17:15-19:15 Short course 20:00 Exhibition “Icnología de La Pampa” (Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales, Quintana 116). 20:15 Welcome reception of SLIC2013 at the former “Palacio de Justicia”, Quintana and Pellegrini (in front of the Museum) Tuesday September 17th, morning Vertebrate ichnology session Coordinators: C. I. Montalvo and U. Nicosia 9:00-9:50 Nicosia, U.Italy: A dinosaur sea-side resort (invited talk) 9:50-10:05 Coffee break(Room 211, 2nd floor) 10:05-10:30 Moreno Sánchez, M. and Gómez-Cruz, A. de J. Huellas de dinosaurios en Colombia. Revisión y nuevos hallazgos 10:30-10:55 Vildoso Morales, C.A. and Sciammaro, M.P. Inferencias paleoambientales en torno a huellas de saurópodos (Dinosauria, Sauropodomorpha) en el Albiano de Yanashalla, Andes del Norte Peruano 10:55-11:20 Cónsole-Gonella, C., de Valais, S., Sánchez, M.C., Marquillas, R.A. and Herrera Oviedo, P. Icnocenosis de vertebrados e invertebrados en el Subgrupo Balbuena (Maastrichtiano-Daniano), Quebrada de Humahuaca, noroeste argentino 11:20-11:45 Marchetti, L., Avanzini, M., Conti, M.A. and Santi, G. Early Permian vertebrate ichnology of the Southern Alps (N Italy): new discoveries and sites of interest 11:45-12:30 Poster session 1 Authors should be present during this session for individual presentation of the posters. Posters should be exhibited at room 211 (2nd floor) until 18:00. Árpád, D. and Apró, A. Bioeroded bone fragments from the late Miocene of Hungary Quezado de Figueiredo, A.E., Dentzien-Dias, P.C. and Schultz, C.L. 2 SLIC2013 program Inclusões de Dipnoi em coprolitos, Formação Rio do Rasto (PermianoMédio-Superior), Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Kihn, R.G. and Gómez, E.A. Bioerosión en ostrácodos de sedimentosholocenos del estuario de Bahía Blanca Marchetti, L., Ronchi, A. and Santi, G. The Early Permian Gerola Valley ichnosite (W Orobic Basin, N Italy): taxonomical revision and paleoenvironmental reconstruction Muñiz, F., Cáceres, L.M., Rodríguez-Vidal, J., Finlayson, C., Fa, D., Finlayson, G., Abad, M. and Ruiz, F. Huellas de vertebrados en dunas costeras del Pleistoceno superior de Gibraltar (S de la Península Ibérica) Paes Neto, V.D., Pretto, F.A., Quezado de Figueiredo, A.E., Soares, M.B. and Schultz, C.L. A new occurrence of archosaur tooth marks on Late Triassic bones from southernmost Brazil Pazos, P.J., Rusconi, F. and Gutiérrez, C. Zoophycos in “fluvial facies” of the El Imperial Formation (Pennsylvanian/Cisuralian) of the San Rafael Basin: the record of an ignored transgression Richiano, S., Aguirre, M.L., Davies, K., Castellanos, I. and Farinatti, E. Characterization of bioerosion structures in marine Quaternary mollusks from Bahía Bustamante (Patagonia, Argentina): preliminary results Roland, G and Verde, M. Trazas meniscadas en ejemplares de Uruguay rivasi de la Formación Asencio (Eoceno temprano) de Uruguay Sostillo, R., Cardonatto, M.C., Montalvo, C.I., Visconti, G. and Melchor, R.N. New findings of invertebrate trace fossils in a Late Miocene loess-paleosol succession, Cerro Azul Formation, La Pampa, Argentina Verde, M. Insect trace fossils diversity in ultisols and calcisols, and paleoclimatic oscillations during the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene in Uruguay Vildoso Morales, C.A. and Sciammaro, M.P. Análisis preliminar de rastro de iguanodonte (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) en el Cretácico Temprano de los Conchucos (Andes del Norte Peruano) Tuesday, September 17th, afternoon Session in honor of the contributions to Ichnology by Silvia Aramayo Coordinators: S. de Valais and I. S. Carvalho 14:00-14:20 Manera de Bianco, T. Homage to Silvia Aramayo 14:20-15:00 De Valais, S. Small early mammals in the shadow of Jurassic dinosaurs: La Matilde ichnofauna, Patagonia (invited talk) 3 SLIC2013 program 15:00-15:15 Coffe Break (Room 211, 2nd floor) 15:15-15:40 Macias, C., Moreno, K. and Pino, M. Una icnita humana del Pleistoceno tardío, Sitio Arqueo-paleontológico Pilauco, Región de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile 15:40-16:05 De Souza Carvalho, I. and Borghi, L. Microbial mats and the preservation of the invertebrate trace-fossils from the Sousa basin (Early Cretaceous), Brazil 16:05-16:30 Oliva, C., Arregui, M., Lirusso, V. and de Valais, S. Laguna del Monte, un nuevo yacimiento paleoicnológico del Pleistoceno tardío (Piso/Edad Lujanense), Guaminí, provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) 16:30-17:30 Poster session-1 (continued) 17:30-19:30 Short course Wednesday, 18th September Intra-symposium fieldtrip (including field exercise for the short course) 8:00 Departure from the bus terminal (Luro Av. and Yrigoyen St.) 8:00-9:30 Travel to Salinas Grandes de Hidalgo 9:30 -12:30 Intra-symposium fieldtrip / Short course exercise 12:30-13:30 Travel to ParqueLuro 13:30-14:30 Lunch at ParqueLuro 14:30 -16:30 Free time The park has several hiking trails to see the natural vegetation and fauna of the area; visit to the “El Castillo” Museum is also possible. 15:00 Football game: Argentina vs. Rest of the World 16:30 -17:00 Return to Santa Rosa 17:00-19:00 Short Course (at University Campus, Auditorium) 17:00-19:00 Workshop on trace fossils from the Paleontological Collection of the National University of La Pampa (University Campus, Auditorium) 4 SLIC2013 program Thursday, September 19th, morning Marine ichnology session Coordinators: P. Pazos and S. Richiano 9:00-9:50 Mcllroy, D. Did bioturbating “ecosystem engineers” fuel the Cambrian explosion? (invited talk) 9:50 – 10:05 Coffee break(Room 211, 2nd floor) 10:05-10:30 Pazos, P.J., Heredia, A. and Cingolani, C. Nereites ichnofacies in the Río Seco de los Castaños Formation, Mendoza, Argentina: age, facies and trace-fossil content 10:30-10:55 Melchor, R.N., Cardonatto, M.C. and Tickyj H. Diverse deep marine trace fossils from the Early Paleozoic metasediments of the Las Lagunitas Formation, Frontal Cordillera, Argentina 10:55-11:20 Richiano, S. The Zoophycos ichnofacies in the Río Mayer Formation (Austral Basin, Patagonia): palaeoenvironmental controls on its development 11:20-11:45 Buatois, L.A. and Mángano, M.G. Ichnologic insights into the early colonization of the deep sea 11:45- 13:00 Poster Session 2 Authors should be present during the session for individual presentation of the posters. Posters should be exhibited at room 211 (2nd floor) until 17:30. Aceñolaza, G., Bayetgoll, A., Nieva, S. and Aráoz, L. Environmental constraints of a Middle Ordovician trace fossil association from the Lina Formation (Puna of Jujuy province, NW Argentina) Bayetgoll, A., Aceñolaza, G., Moussavi-Harami, R. and Mahboubi, A. Trace fossils and environments of the Shirgesht Formation (Ordovician of Kamard, Central Iran) Brezina, S.S., Romero, M.V. and Casadío, S. Boring and encrusting barnacles through the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary in Northern Patagonia (Argentina) Canale, N., Ponce, J.J., Carmona, N.B. and Drittanti, D. Caracterización icnológica de sistemas de barras deltaicas de la Formación Lajas en la Sierra de la Vaca Muerta (Jurásico Medio), Cuenca Neuquina, Argentina Cereceda, A., Poiré, D.G., Richiano, S. and Varela, A.N. Primeras aproximaciones en la caracterización icnológica de la Formación Alta Vista: Implicancias paleoambientales. Fernández, D.E., Pazos, P.J., Pérez, D.E. and Luci, L. Asteroid trace fossils from a Lower Cretaceous shallow marine paleoenvironment in 5 SLIC2013 program Patagonia: the first record of starfishes for the Agrio Formation Gomes Barroso, F.R., Sales Viana, M.S., Agostinho, S. and Ferreira De Lima Filho, M. Icnofósseis associados à fauna de Ediacara da Bacia do Jaibaras (Nordeste do Brasil) Muñiz, F., Cárcamo, C., Belaústegui, Z., Domènech, R. and Martinell, J. Trazas cruzianiformes producidas por espáridos actuales en el Estuario del Río Piedras (Lepe, Huelva, SO España) Varela, A.N., Richiano, S. and Poiré, D.G. Ichnology of the brackish water intervals of the Puesto El Moro Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Austral Basin, Argentina Vilmova, E.S. Triassic deposits and ichnofossils of Transbaikalia (Russia) Zapata, L., Krapovickas, V., Raigemborn, M.S. and Matheos, S.D. Presencia de icnofacies de Glossifungites en la base de la Formación Santa Cruz (Mioceno inferior-medio), sudeste de la provincia de Santa Cruz, Patagonia Austral Thursday, September 19th, afternoon Bioerosion structures Coordinators: A.
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