United Nations Development Programme Ms. Ameerah Haq Ms. Anna Stjarnerklint Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Shah Mahmood Ghazi Watt, P.O. Box 5 Villa 35, Shkurti Street Kabul - Afghanistan Tirana - Albania Tel: 009320 - 210 1682 / 85 Tel: 00355 4 - 233122 Sat: 00871 - 7619 05365 Fax: Sat: 00873 763 468 836 Fax: 00355 4 - 232075 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.undp.org/afghanistan Website: www.undp.org.al Mr. Henri-François Morand Mr. Pierre François Pirlot Resident Representative, a.i. Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP 9A, rue Emile Payen - B.P. 823 - Alger Gare Rua Major Kanhangulo 197, C.P. 910 Alger 16000 - Algérie Luanda - Angola, Republic of Tel: 00213 21 - 69 12 12 Tel: 002442 - 331 181/188 Sat: 0047 241 36812 Fax: 00213 21 - 69 23 55 Fax: 002442 - 335 609 Sat: 0047 241 36811 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.dz.undp.org Website: Mr. Carlos Felipe Martinez Ms. Lise Grande Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Esmeralda 130, Casilla de Correo 2257, F. 12 & 13 14 Liebknecht Street, United Nations Office 1035 Buenos Aires - Argentina Yerevan 375010 - Armenia Tel: 0054 11 - 4320 8700 / 1 Tel: 00374 1 - 566 073 / 529 341 Fax: 0054 11 - 4320 8754 / 8708 Fax: 00374 1 - 543 811 / 812 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.undp.org.ar Website: www.undp.am Mr. Marco Borsotti Mr. Khaled Alloush Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP 3 Isteglaliga Street Office 1083, Road 4225, Box 26814 Baku 1 - Azerbaijan Jufair 342 Tel: 00994 12 - 498 98 88 / 498 05 81 Manama - Bahrain (PNY) Fax: 00994 12 - 498 32 35 / 492 24 91 Tel: 00973 - 311 400 / 319 411 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00973 - 311 441 / 311 500 Website: www.un-az.org/undp E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.undp.org.bh ________________________________________________________________________________ 1 UNDP, Country / Field Office Information (CFO) If errors are noted, please send an email to: [email protected] Ref: CFO/GM/04/2004 United Nations Development Programme Mr. Jorgen Lissner Ms. Rosina Wiltshire - A page 19- Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP IDB Bhadan, E/8-A Begum Rokey Sharani UN House - Marine Gardens Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Hastings - P.O. Box 625C Dhaka 1207 - Bangladesh, People's Rep. of Christ Church - Bridgetown - Barbados (PNY) Tel: 00880 2 - 811 3320 Tel: 00 246 - 467 6000 Fax: 00880 2 - 811 7811 / 3196 Fax: 00 246 - 429 2448 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.un-bd.org/undp Website: www.bb.undp.org Ms. Cihan Sultanoglu Mr. Omar Bakhet Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Director UNDP UNDP Liaison Office 17 Kirov Street, 6th floor, P.O. Box 103 14, rue Montoyer Minsk - Belarus B-1000 Brussels - Belgium Tel: 00375 17 - 227 4876 / 8149 Tel: 00322 - 505 4620 Fax: 00375 17 - 226 0340 Fax: 00322 - 503 4729 Internet: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.un.minsk.by/undp1 Website: Mr. Mustapha Soumare Ms. Renata Lok Dessallien Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Lot III, Zone Résidentielle - B.P. 506 Dremtoen Lam, B.P. 162 Cotonou - Bénin, République du Thimphu - Bhutan (PNY) Tel: 00229 - 311 474 Tel: 00975 2 - 322 605 Fax: 00229 - 315 786 Fax: 00975 2 - 322 657 Sat: 873 7615 77590 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.undp.org.bj Website: www.undp.org.bt/ Mr. Antonio Molpeceres Mr. Jens Toyberg-Frandzen Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Av. Sánchez Bustamante, esq. Calle 14 Calacoto 48 Marsala Tita Street La Paz - Bolivia (PNY) 71000 Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: 00591 2 - 2795 544 / 967 / 947 Tel: 00387 33 - 276 840 Fax: 00591 2 - 2795 820 / 963 Fax: 00387 33 - 665 681 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pnud.bo Website: www.undp.ba ________________________________________________________________________________ 2 UNDP, Country / Field Office Information (CFO) If errors are noted, please send an email to: [email protected] Ref: CFO/GM/04/2004 United Nations Development Programme Mr. Bjorn Forde Mr. Carlos Lopes Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP UN House Plot 22, Khama Crescent, P.O. Box 54 Quadra 2, Bloco A, Setor Comercial Norte Gaborone - Botswana (PNY) C.P. 07 - 0285 Tel: 00267 - 351 680 70712 - 901 Brasilia, DF - Brazil (PNY) Fax: 00267 - 356 093 Tel: 0055 61 - 329 2001 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 0055 61 - 329 2099 / 2009 Website: www.bw.undp.org E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.br.undp.org Mr. Neil Hans Buhne Mr. Georg Charpentier Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Bld Tsarigradsko Chaussée, 7th Km, P.O. Box 160 Quartier Ex-Koulouba, Secteur 4, B.P. 575 1784 Sofia - Bulgaria Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso Tel: 00359 2 - 969 61 00 Tel: 00226 - 50 30 67 65 Sat: 871 150 6675 Fax: 00359 2 - 974 3089 / 765 024 Fax: 00226 - 50 31 04 70 / 30 81 80 E-mail: [email protected] Fax Sat: 871 150 6676 Website: www.undp.bg E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pnud.bf Mr. Sunil Saigal Mr Douglas Gardner Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP 3, rue du Marché, B.P. 1490 House No. 53, Street 51, Corner Street 334 Bujumbura - Burundi Sankat Beng Keng Kang, P.O. Box 877 Tel: 00257 - 22 66 19 Sat: 382 420 280 / 281 Phnom Penh - Cambodia Fax: 00257 - 21 52 13 / 22 58 50 Sat: 382 420 282 Tel: 00855 023 - 216 167 Sat: 873 - 150 5742 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00855 023 - 216 257 Sat: 873 - 150 5743 Website: www.bi.undp.org E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.un.org.kh/undp Ms. Patricia de Mowbray Mr. Alphonse Nkouka Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Officer-in-Charge UNDP UNDP Rue Giscard d’Estaing, B.P. 836 Casa Moeda, Ave. Andrade Corvo Yaoundé - Cameroun, République du Caixa Postal 62 Tel: 00237 - 222 5035 Sat: 762 - 330 240 / 3 Praia - Cape Verde, République de Fax: 00237 - 222 4369 Sat: 762 - 330 241 Tel: 00238 - 262 1401/02/03 Sat: 871 150 6673 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00238 - 262 1096/262 1352 Sat: 8711506674 Website: www.un.cm/pnud E-mail: [email protected] Website: ________________________________________________________________________________ 3 UNDP, Country / Field Office Information (CFO) If errors are noted, please send an email to: [email protected] Ref: CFO/GM/04/2004 United Nations Development Programme Ms. Irene Philippi Mr. Khalid Malik Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Dag Hammarskjold 3241, Casilla 19006 No. 2 Liangmahe Nanlu Vitacura Beijing 100600 - China, People’s Rep. of Santiago - Chile Tel: 008610 - 6532 3731 / 3316 Tel: 0056 2 - 337 2460 / 2400 / 2410 Fax: 008610 - 6532 2567 Fax: 0056 2 - 337 2444 Tel Sat: 762 096 315 Fax Sat: 316 096 317 / 319 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pnud.cl Website: www.unchina.org/undp Mr. Alfredo Witschi-Cestari Ms. Giuseppina Mazza Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Avenida 82 No. 10-62, 3rd and 4th floor Hamramba, B.P. 648 (PNY) P.O. Box 091369 Moroni - Comoros, Fed. Islamic Rep. Bogota - Colombia (PNY) Tel: 00269 - 73 15 58 / 15 59 Sat: 761 481 828 / 9 Tel: 00571 - 488 90 00 Sat: 762 344 385 Fax: 00269 - 73 13 03 / 15 77 Sat: 761 481 830 Fax: 00571 - 488 90 10 Sat: 762 344 386 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.undp.km.undp.org Website: www.pnud.org.co Mr. Herbert M’Cleod Mr. Aurélien Agbenonci Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Immeuble des Nations Unies (Losonia), Avenue du Maréchal Foch, B.P. 465 Bld du 30 juin Brazzaville - Congo, People's Rep. of the Boîte Postale 7248 Tel: 00242 - 667 75 99 / 660 85 76 Kinshasa - Congo Dem. Republic of Fax: 00242 - 669 99 27 / 811 679 Tel: 00243 12 - 33 424 / 31 Sat: 761 466 470 Tel. Sat: 0031 20 5407 182 / 3 / 4 Fax: 00243 88 - 43 675 Sat: Fax Sat: 0031 20 5407 188 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.cd.undp.org Website: http://mirror.undp.org/congo/ Mr. Jose Herminda Mr. Abdoulaye Mar Dieye Resident Representative, Res Coordinator Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP UNDP Oficentro La Virgen 2, 300 mts sur y 200 suroeste Angle rue Courgas et Ave. Marchand de la Embajada Americana Miramar, Playa, 01 B.P. 1747 Pavas, San José - Costa Rica Abidjan 01 - Côte d'Ivoire, Rép. de Tel: 00506 - 296 1544 / 2659 Tel: 00225 - 20 21 29 95 Sat: 762 358 98 Fax: 00506 - 296 1545 / 291 1125 Fax: 00225 - 20 21 74 04 Sat: 762 516 341 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.nu.or.cr/pnud/ Website: www.ci.undp.org ________________________________________________________________________________ 4 UNDP, Country / Field Office Information (CFO) If errors are noted, please send an email to: [email protected] Ref: CFO/GM/04/2004 United Nations Development Programme Mr. Cornelis Klein Mr. Bruno Moro Resident Representative Resident Representative, Res Coordinator UNDP Liaison Office UNDP Ilica 207, P.O.
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