Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. A, 36(4), pp. 95–100, December 22, 2010 A New Earthworm Genus (Oligochaeta, Megadrili, Megascolecidae) from Japan Robert J. Blakemore1 1 Department of Zoology, National Museum of Nature and Science, 3–23–1 Hyakunin-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169–0073 Japan E-mail: rob.blakemore @ gmail.com (Received 8 September 2010; accepted 1 November 2010) Abstract Genus Manus is newly proposed with type and only species Pheretima koellikeri Michaelsen, 1928. Type specimens of the type species preserved in the Zoological Museum Hamburg are inspected and sketched. Distribution of the species is Japan (Kyushu?) with an unconfirmed Kore- an record. The new genus is diagnosed by a secretory diverticulum opening adjacent to each prostate gland and associated with a penial seta internally and, secondarily, on its manicate intestinal caeca. Key words: Pheretima, new genus, Asiatic, prostates, conservation status, von Kölliker. Introduction Materials and Methods Pheretimoids (Pheretima auct.) comprise at Classification follows the conventions, metho- present 14 genera and ϳ940 valid species from dology and abbreviations of Blakemore (2000, ca. 1,400 nominal taxa (Blakemore, 2004, 2007, 2008b). Tissue samples from type specimens 2008a). The number of nominal taxa is nearly were taken with the permission of the Zoological double the 746 nominal species including sub- Museum Hamburg (ZMH), and submitted to the species when reviewed and divided into manage- International Barcode-of-Life program (iBOL able taxonomic groups by Sims and Easton http://ibol.org/) for DNA sequencing which, if (1972) and is raised considerably from Michael- successful for such old material, will have its sen’s (1900a) list of just 167 valid Pheretima data entered into the BOLD database and to the species. They form a large and ecologically im- GenBank online facility [http://www.ncbi.nlm. portant group of Oriental earthworms with a few nih.gov/genbank/], as with samples in Blakemore peregrine members spread worldwide, especially et al. (2010). Abbreviations used: lhs, left hand in the tropics (see Blakemore, 2002, 2008b). side; rhs, right hand side. First emerging around 1903, Pheretima koel- likeri Michaelsen, 1928 has had a varied taxono- mic history, being sunk, elevated and transferred Taxonomic results between several genera—this indicative of its un- Genus Manus Blakemore, nov. usual characteristics that merit it separate generic Type and only species. Pheretima koellikeri status. Michaelsen (1928, p. 12) grouped it with Michaelsen, 1928. Japanese Metaphire sieboldi (Horst, 1883) by Distribution. Japan (Kyushu?) and possibly virtue of its manicate caeca, but also thought it Korea. unique in Pheretima as then defined. This paper Diagnosis. Pheretimoid with secretory diver- aims to establish it firmly within bounds of ICZN ticulum opening adjacent to prostate gland on (http://iczn.org/) stated aims for “standards, sense non-superficial male pore with penial seta inter- and stability for animal names in science.” nally; intestinal caeca manicate from ca. 27. 96 Robert J. Blakemore Remarks. The genus has non-superficial or it may serve in some way to prevent ingress of male pores that define both Metaphire Sims and pathogens and/or parasites. Easton, 1972 and Pheretima Kinberg, 1867 but Other Manus candidates are unknown despite it lacks the nephridia on the spermathecal duct several Metaphire species having stalked glands, required for membership of the latter genus. Dif- rather than definite diverticula, on their copulato- ferentiation is via acquisition of pronounced se- ry pouches (when present) adjacent to non-super- cretory diverticula, rather then mere stalked ficial male pores. glands, opening along with pouched penes. The Etymology. Manus—meaning“hand” in Latin relationship of Manus to Metaphire is analagous (masculine gender)—listed neither in Airey to that of subgenus Parapheretima Cognetti, Neave’s Nomenclator Zoologicus (http://uio.mbl. 1912 to Pheretima as exemplified by Pheretima edu/NomenclatorZoologicus/) nor in the Thomp- (Parapheretima) saba Sims and Easton, 1972 son Reuter ION facility of names (http://www.or- when compared to Pheretima (Ph.) darnleiensis ganismnames.com/query.htm). This name alludes (Fletcher, 1886) in a detailed redescription in to Röntgen’s famous X-ray picture of the hand of Blakemore et al. (2007, figs. 2–6). Secretory di- Alfred von Kölliker who also had a ‘hand’ in the verticula resemble tubular prostates as found in determination of Gregarine parasites and of some more ‘primitive’ members of Megascole- parthenogenesis in invertebrates, both pertinent cidae sensu Blakemore, 2000 (cf. Gates, 1959) to earthworm studies. The name also references and in Acanthodrilidae but are presumed (by the worm’s finger-like diverticular projections on Stephenson 1930, and the current author) to not the fist-like copulatory pouches, as well as its be homologous in these otherwise relatively “ad- manicate caeca—these latter being a subordinate vanced” species. characteristic. Notwithstanding, Michaelsen (1928, p. 11) doubting homology of these structures between Pheretima koellikeri and Parapheretima because Manus koellikeri (Michaelsen, 1928), comb. nov. they were more muscular in examples of the lat- (Figs. 1–2) ter he had experience of, he also said “Das Auf- Pheretima sp. (Köllickeri Mich. Ms.) (sic, nomen nudum), treten von Penialborsten im Zusammenhang mit Michaelsen, 1903: 100. diesen akzessorischen Prostaten der Pheretima Pheretima köllikeri Michaelsen, 1928: 8, figs. 1–2. [From köllikeri, würde, falls es sich bestätigen liesse, “Japan” collected before 1903. Type specimens in the meine Deutung dieser Organe als acanthodriline Zoological Museum Hamburg (V6074).] Prostaten wesentlich stützen.” —[The occurrence Pheretima kollikeri: Stephenson, 1930: 000. Pheretima (Parapheretima) koellikeri: Sims and Easton, of penial setae in connection with this accessory 1972: 240, 266; Easton, 1981: 60 (same as Pheretima ‘prostate’ of Pheretima köllikeri would, if con- sp. Michaelsen, 1903, ?? P. vesiculata). firmed, support my interpretation of these organs Metaphire vesiculata (part.): Blakemore, 2003: 1, 7, 31 as much like acanthodriline prostates]. However, [with ? P. koellikeri as a provisional junior synonym of as Stephenson (1930) remarked, normal glandu- prior P. vesiculata Goto and Hatai, 1899 (cf. Easton, 1981) along with ? P. okutamaensis, ? P. biggiberosa]; lar prostates with the usual relations are also pre- Blakemore, 2004: 156. sent, thus duplicated or transitional functionality ? Metaphire koellikeri: Blakemore, 2007: 1, 20, 112, is unlikely. Unfortunately no complete specimens 125–6, fig. 6 (as provisional comb. nov. restoration sep- are available to allow re-examination of the ac- arate from Perichaeta vesiculata Goto and Hatai, cessory gland and its true rôle can only be specu- 1899); Blakemore et al., 2007: 36–37; Blakemore, lative: obviously relating to mutual exchange of 2010: 7. Planapheretima koellikeri (sic, lapsus): Texas A & M sperm when charging spermathecae, possibly it University website 2010 (http://insects.tamu.edu/re- facilitates adhesion of con-copulants (especially search/collection/hallan/test/Annelida/Family/Megas- since the spermathecal pores have flat areolae), colecidae.txt accessed 7. IX. 2010). New Earthworm Genus from Japan 97 Fig. 1. Male organs (section of male pore) and a rhs spermatheca of Pheretima koellikeri after Michaelsen (1928, figs. 1–2). Material examined. The type series (syn- may have been sent specimens via contacts with types?) of ZMH V6074 with modern label stat- von Siebold’s family. In which case, the type lo- ing: “Pheretima Köllikeri Type material”, com- cality, as for some earlier von Siebold specimens, prising two specimens: one a posterior amputee may well be in Kyushu. mature, previously dissected with most of inter- Distribution. “Japan.” Sims and Easton nal organs removed such as gizzard, both lhs (1972, p. 221) mistakenly thought it an intro- spermathecae, and primary male organs except duced Parapheretima and Easton’s (1981: 60) for part of 18lhs prostate gland; thus, this is the distribution included Kyushu (from Kobayashi, only known type, though it is not designated as 1941, p. 513), but his other records were for his the lectotype. The second, longer, specimen was erroneous (priority) synonym (?? vesiculata Goto previously undissected but is immature, it was and Hatai, 1899, p. 21). Kobayashi (1941) has an dissected by the current author (RJB) for the first unconfirmed report from Korea. Yasuaki Sugi time to confirm its identity since the primary (pers. comm. 2. IX. 2010) did have records type was so damaged. This latter specimen is a thought to be P. koellikeri from Kyushu, although probable syntype and thus eligible as a paralecto- he says these are P. vesiculata, rather than P. koel- type. No other material is known to exist. likeri proper. Origin of the type specimens. Although Conservation status. This species appears to Michaelsen attributed collection to “A. v. have been recorded only once by Kobayashi Kölliker (Mus. München)” and wrote that the (1941) since its original description in 1903. types belonged in the Zoological Museum Ham- Thus its status may be classed as rare or uncer- burg, they were transferred there from Munich tain in both Japan and Korea. (A. Schmidt-Rhaesa pers. comm. IX. 2010). It External characters. Colour grey with clitel- may be reasonably surmised that their provision lum buff in alcohol (based on type specimens). is attributable
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