ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL 18 May 2016 Dear Sir/Madam You are hereby invited to attend a meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council which will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 25 May 2016 commencing at 7.00pm. Please note that the Council photograph will be taken at 6.45pm, weather permitting. Yours faithfully Stephen Reid Chief Executive Ards and North Down Borough Council A G E N D A 1. Prayer 2. Apologies 3. Declarations of Interest 4. Mayor’s Business 5. Mayor and Deputy Mayor Engagements for the Month (To be tabled) 6. Minutes of Meeting of 27 April 2016 (Copy attached) 7. Minutes of Committees (Copies attached) 7.1. Planning Committee dated 3 May 2016 7.2. Environment Committee dated 4 May 2016 7.3. Corporate Services Committee dated 10 May 2016 7.3.1. Matters Arising – Elected Member Development Charter – Official Declaration of Commitment and Minutes of Meeting of Elected Member Steering (Copy attached) 7.4. Community and Wellbeing Committee dated 11 May 2016 7.5. Regeneration and Development Committee dated 12 May 2016 8. Requests for Deputation 8.1. Transport NI – Annual Report for 2015/16 (Correspondence attached) 8.2. Donaghadee Sports Hub Committee – Update (Correspondence attached) 9. Request for Delegated Powers 9.1. Proposed Amendments to the NILGOSC Funding Strategy Statement (Report attached) 10. Consultation Document 10.1. Department of the Environment – Ecclesiastical Exemption – Comments to be submitted no later than 13 June 2016 (Copy attached) 11. Conferences, Invitations etc. 11.1. AgendaNI – Infrastructure Investment Conference 2016 Wednesday 22 June 2016, Baby Grand, Belfast (Copy information attached) 11.2. Planning for Climate Change Conference London and Limerick 2016 (Copy information attached) 11.3. NILGA – Local Government Annual Conference & Exhibition 5&6 October 2016 Hastings Everglades Hotel, Londonderry (Copy information and report attached) 11.4. Nuclear Free Local Authorities All Ireland Forum Spring Seminar – Friday 10 June 2016, Fingal County Hall, Swords, Ireland (Copy information attached) 11.5. Somme Commemoration Events – Update (Report to follow) 11.6. World Towns Leadership Summit 2016 (Report attached) 12. Transfers of Rights of Burial 13. Sealing Documents 14. Notice of Motion Status Report (Report attached) 15. Notice of Motion 15.1. Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Thompson “That the Council Officers bring back a report, with costs, for the reinstatement of the installation of temporary toilets at the Millisle Beach Lagoon, during the summer months of June, July and August” 16. Applications for Entertainment Licence (Report attached) 17. Civic Reception for the Mayor and Mayoress of Thiepval (Report attached) 2 18. Notification of Nomination of PCSP Chairman (Report attached) 19. Amendments to Standing Orders (Report attached) 20. Ards Business Awards and Bangor Business Awards Proposal 2016 (Report attached) ***IN CONFIDENCE*** 21. Bangor Fun Fair (Report attached) 22. Cloughey Tennis Courts Redevelopment Scheme – Economic Appraisal (Report attached) Circulated for Information (a) Queen’s University Belfast and Public Health Agency – Children and Young People with Cerebral Palsy in Northern Ireland (1981-2008) (Copy correspondence attached) (b) Action Mental Health – The Final Report (Copy attached) (c) Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland (Copy attached) MEMBERSHIP OF ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL Alderman Carson Councillor Cummings Alderman Gibson Councillor Dunne Alderman Girvan Councillor Edmund Alderman Graham (Mayor) Councillor Ferguson Alderman Henry Councillor Fletcher Alderman Irvine Councillor Gilmour Alderman Keery Councillor Kennedy Alderman McDowell Councillor Leslie Alderman Smith Councillor Martin Councillor Adair Councillor McClean (Deputy Mayor) Councillor Allen Councillor McIlveen Councillor Anderson Councillor Menagh Councillor Armstrong-Cotter Councillor Muir Councillor Barry Councillor Roberts Councillor Boyle Councillor Robinson Councillor Brooks Councillor Smart Councillor Cathcart Councillor T Smith Councillor Chambers Councillor Thompson Councillor Cooper Councillor Walker Councillor Wilson 3 ITEM 6 ARDS AND NORTH DOWN BOROUGH COUNCIL A meeting of the Ards and North Down Borough Council was held in the Town Hall, The Castle, Bangor on Wednesday, 27 April 2016 commencing at 7.00pm. PRESENT: In the Chair: The Mayor (Alderman Graham) Aldermen: Carson Irvine (7.10pm) Gibson Keery Girvan McDowell Henry M Smith Councillors: Adair Fletcher Allen Gilmour Anderson Kennedy Armstrong-Cotter Martin Boyle McIlveen Brooks Menagh Cathcart Robinson Cooper Smart Cummings T Smith Dunne (7.21pm) Thompson Edmund Walker Ferguson Wilson Officers: Chief Executive (S Reid), Director of Community and Wellbeing (G Bannister), Director of Environment (D Lindsay), Director of Organisational Development and Administration (W Monson), Director of Regeneration, Development and Planning (C Mahon), Interim Director of Finance and Performance (J Pentland), Head of Administration (A Martin), Democratic Services Manager (J Wilson) and Democratic Services Officer (P Foster) 1. PRAYER The Mayor (Alderman Graham) commenced the meeting by reading a passage of Scripture. NOTED. 2. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Alderman Chambers and Councillors Armstrong Barry, Leslie, Muir, McClean, Roberts and Walker. C.27.4.16 Apologies for lateness were received from Alderman Irvine and Councillor Dunne. NOTED. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Mayor asked for any declarations of interest and none were advised. NOTED. 4. MAYOR’S BUSINESS Mr John Pentland The Mayor welcomed Mr John Pentland, Interim Director of Finance and Performance to the meeting and noted that he would be providing cover for Mr Dave Clark who was currently off work with ill-health. NOTED. 5. MAYOR AND DEPUTY MAYOR ENGAGEMENTS FOR THE MONTH (Appendix I) PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor Engagements for the month of April 2016. The Mayor reminded members of the invitation to the Garden of Remembrance on 20 May 2016. NOTED. 6. DEPUTATION 6.1. IRISH CONGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS –NORTHERN IRELAND COMMITTEE Members were advised that the deputation would not be in attendance due to having been called to another urgent meeting. The Mayor asked that as this was the second month in a row they had not been able to attend that they be asked to re-apply to make a presentation to a future meeting of the Council. RESOLVED, on the proposal of Councillor T Smith, seconded by Councillor Edmund, that the Irish Congress of Trade Unions be asked to re-apply to make a presentation to a future meeting of the Council. (Alderman Irvine entered the meeting at this stage – 7.10pm) 2 C.27.4.16 7. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 23 MARCH 2016 PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the above minutes. RESOLVED, on the proposal of Councillor Boyle, seconded by Alderman McDowell, that the minutes be agreed as a correct record. 7.1. MATTERS ARISING – ELECTED MEMBER DEVELOPMENT CHARTER – FILE REF: DIR/ADM4 PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Report dated 20 April 2016 from the Director of Organisational Development and Administration stating that at the March Council meeting members elected seven representatives to sit on the Elected Members Development Steering Group. The seven representatives were: Alderman Robert Gibson Alderman Bill Keery Alderman Alan McDowell Alderman Ian Henry Councillor Eddie Thompson Councillor Joe Boyle Councillor John Barry A meeting had been arranged for Wednesday 4 May at 10.00am. However, the group nominated did not reflect the gender makeup of the Council and it was suggested that perhaps some of the seven representatives should be female. RECOMMENDED that the Council further considers the nominations to the Steering Group. RESOLVED, on the proposal of Councillor Boyle, seconded by Councillor Ferguson, that Councillor Boyle be replaced by Councillor Robinson. 8. MINUTES OF COMMITTEES 8.1 Planning Committee dated 4 April 2016 PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the above minutes. RESOLVED, on the proposal of Alderman Gibson, seconded by Alderman Keery, that the minutes be adopted. 3 C.27.4.16 8.2 Environment Committee dated 6 April 2016 PREVIOUSLY CIRCULATED:- Copy of the above minutes. Page 14 – Item 16 – Newtownards Market Contract Alderman Girvan sought clarification on who was responsible for the overall running of Bangor Market. In response the Director of Environment confirmed that the Council was responsible for the operation of Bangor Market. Continuing Alderman Girvan referred to a letter which had been circulated by a member of the public complaining that not enough effort was currently being put into Bangor Market. In light of that she asked if a report could be brought back on how to make improvements to the market at Bangor. The Director of Environment advised that expressions of interest had been sought for a contractor to operate the Newtownards Market and Harvest Fair and Bangor Market. While none had been received in respect of Bangor Market one had been received for the operation of the Newtownards Market and Harvest Fair and it was being recommended that the contract was awarded to Newtownards Saturday Market co-operative. Continuing he stated that further options for the operation of Bangor Market would be considered. NOTED. Page 17 – Item 18.4 – Dog Bins in the Borough Alderman Smith noted that while many dog bins had been removed they had not been replaced and that had resulted in much annoyance for members of the general public.
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