I Feller Will3 Partly Cloudy Slldb Victor" of Year. IOWA - ParU, cloudy, moweN From Yank eeL locIay; tomorrow parU)' cloudy See Story on Pace •. e Daill and COOler, mowers In east porUon. 'owa City'. MorRin, New.paper IOWA CITt, IOWA: WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1941 Th. _"lItd '·n ... VOLUME XLI NUMBER 196 := = • Warn of Danger ~c'corQWlg to a letter reid, Rudolf Hess T ells Captors Zone Iowa City board 01 .. I~:~n~~~: review Jast night frJ. Facing Transportation illes and sororities 011 ~ us have no recourse in " I of tax assessment r. How Flight W as Planned :~: :'::z=: IMake Anuouucement After President Roosevelt unless legislative aid can _ GLASGOW.... Scollund,... ... May 13 or compl'C:lscd... .foOd.' • lunding place.... * ... him; thilt... he... seemed... mol'c im- BY Move; W'JI1 SI·Up Had Opened Red Sea to American ined, IAP)-RUdolt Hcss lold his cup- • • • "TIl en I climbed several thou- pl'essed by the availability of a Supplies to Egypt opinion followed a '111!­ Shipments to Ea t !IM's how he sccretly filled::IO The extra rasolJnc tank, CU- sand feet, UlI'CW the planc ovel' on drink or mjlk than by his own t made last week by ~ IXtra gasoline tank to II wal'plane led 1o Ibe MesserschmlU 110 80 iI~ baek und switched oIl the en- achievement, and [hat he gave his WASHINGTON, May 13 (AP) J, Tecters, councibnl!, ,nd !lew a bee-line om Augs- tbat Hess could be certain ht; gine. Just as I WIiS falling Ol.lt dl'inking cup to his gual'ds as ~ - The United States wif( ignore BERLIN, (Wednesday) May 14 (AP)-In the face of told the board that fn_ pulS, GermanY, to Scotland with would have enoul'h I'asollne for [ righted the machine again, German warnings against send­ President Roosevelt's opening of the Red ea to American !be route marked in blue pencil the trip, was dropped tn the switched on the engine and sent souvenh', ing ships into the Red sea and ma map. sea as he crossed the ScoUlsh the plane hurtling lo earth while The stu/'dy Scottish farmer who will rush plans for getting sup­ shipping the German government formally announced early financial l'uin IInless !(It The story of the nazI chief depu- coast, Hess relaled. I felf clear," til'St approached Hess wilh a plies into thal gateway to the today that the northern part of the sea wa an operating a llowance could II \1'5 coldly calculated !light from - - • He said noUIJnr aboul the pitChfork, and the horne guards Mediterranean, informed circles zone and that all vessels traveling there risked destruction. He defended the or,_ , ~I! HiUer was rclated todtly by The home guardsmen, Jack Pa- )0 build holes round In the lall to wnom the farrner delivered him believed tonight. jw(I homeguardsmen who took terson and Robert Gibson, related of the wrecked plane-Indlcat­ agreed that their remarkable pri­ Nazi threats to extend sea aDd Whether any American ships are in the area or en route !'fT Hess' custody late Saturday also Hess' story of how he tried In, he el&her was fired upon by soner was a pOlite, self-possessell air warfare into the zone were there was not known publicly here. Jiilt aLter }lesS' parachuted onto to land the plane-the first Mes- German pursuers or cau,ht In fellow, and tha t they knew he anticipated here when President No specific mention wa made of the United States, but I Scottish lIeld with an impact serschmitt he ever had flown. the ,uRlllrhts of British fighters, must be important even though Roosevelt rccently reopened that the warning to that country was plain. Idl 'round the world, "r circled over the spot where No such action by BrUlsh pilots he wns the No, 3 nazl, moking route to American shIpping, The • • • On him they found the mDp I finally parachuted for a long has been repOrted. good on an escape outrivallin~ Berlin aMounccment thercfore Every ship traveling in the waters defined an opera­ wilh the blue-pencilled Augsburg- time," he said, "but in the dark- Palerson said Hess was com­ they did not at the limc ieam came as no surprise and was ex­ as io-Scolland route, and a quantity ness I could not see a suitable pletcly calm when hc talked to penny-dreadful fiction. pected to have no effect on the tions zone "exposes itself to destruction by mines or government's plans, , other weapon of war," the communique said. (In New York today, inlercoastal • • • Presumably mine-laying German planes and bombers will shipping operators who conferred Desertl·On Vl'ewed by Hl·gh Brl·tons with o1!icials of the U, S. mari- be sent into the Red sea zone in view of developments in the timc cornmission asserted that ,.,acetum, son eastern Mediterranean. Imlla!' GrollDdi great sculptor. Gutzom Borglum,! German planes already have been active in the Suez canal his letter to the As Better Than MaJ·or Military Victory ~:relt~~ldSh~~~nlOoV:~e a::::r~~ is pictured tlbove arrivIng in zone to the north, and at least one German surface raider has ment within the next 30 days and H, Hall, dlrector of the ~Pid .Clty, S, D" to complete the been operating in the Indian ocean far to the outh. ------- -- 120 more by mId-July to rush sup- tax division, said if gigantIc Mount ~ushmore monu- (The British recently announced the destruction of financial status of Consider fvent Draft Blanks \ M d !B " · h R I plies to Egypt along the Red sea men! ~hlCh hIS father began one German surface raider by the British cruiser Corn- were to be Attempt a e rItls epu se I'oute,) carvlOg In the granite of the Black I' . k' hi Reveals Discord L Moreover, it was believed that Hills 14 years ago, Jt was thc late wal 111 an Indian ocean tiattie. The U,n en naZl 8 p wa in the city oWoials already had taken today's Gutzom BUl'glum 's wish his son believed to be the former transaUantl.c liner Hansa), grounds for reduction To ' imit Rise A"" E t In Nazi Councils Sent Stn d ents In Gold Prl·ce, XIS 1n gYP move by German,r in\o conSidcra- carryon the task which end d lor The area declared to be a danger zone Includes the northel'll OJ tion in any sters to provide pro- him when he died last March. part of the Red sea, the gulfs of Suez and Aqaba, and goes a::s gIvIng his opinion, he cite! l~ction for any American mel'- case of Theta Xi vs, the LONDON, May 13 (AP)-High far south as the Tropic of sta. WASHINGTON, May 13lAP)-'Clairu Tank Column chant ships carrying sUpplics rd or assessment, a case" Britons declared tonIght that Ru­ Inlormalion Given On d t R through the Rcd sea to Egypt. Canoer, 450 miles below the' years ago in which Ihe .,U Hess, by his almost incred­ A bill exten ing Presiden oos~- What these steps were remained British De troyers Beat Off Possible Deferment vell's emergency monetary powers Pushed Clear Back Suez canal. court ruled that the ciV ible flight from Adolf Hitler, had tor two years won approval 01 To Salum Region a secret, but Mr, Roosevclt has Territorial walers of Saudi I would have no autho~ ~n Britain more military ad­ Of 'Necessary Men' the house coinage committee so emphasized that naval patrols now Arabia wel'e exciuded trom the VIntage "than a major victory on Nazi Air Attack Near Crete uce taxes, quickly today that an amendment operating OVllr .Ill') extencled area area outlined, !he battlefield." Olher Complaints Furlher intormation for Uni- designed to forestall further de- 2- BRJ'I'ISa REPULS£ I n lh e Atl an t'IC a Iso wIII g 0 any- The text of the communique: othcr complaints wen AulhoritaUve sources 5 aid, "As a resull or the development versity 01 Iowa students regarding valuation of th~ dollar slipped CAIRO. Egypt, May 13 (AP)- where deemcq necessary for the P01UP01llS, 'ix.hlchers itted lo the board laBt nl&bt trllleover, that the desertion of Officials Plan ot war in the eastern Mediter­ the procedure with regard to tiling into the measure almo.st unno- F~ve a~is cO.lumns with 200 ve-,' dele,nse ot the western hem is- Set U 'Wall of Shel1 '. fra temal organizations l1li Adol! Hitler's deputy fuehrer was ticed. hlcles mcludlng tanks have been pbcI e, , ' , , P , ranean, war actions ot Gel'man Complai~ ~ncrete evidence that Hess "and information with draft boards for armed forces may also be ex­ property owners, Acting Chllirman Cochran (0- hid b k t th S I to.. , No offiCial lice of the Gel'man Fleet Blust Bengasi To Train British Pi Beta Phi sorority, WIltrs In the inner councils of possible occupational deferment ot Mo) said he would recall the ll~ e lie 0 e II urn SCI +blllcklJtle exl.cIullon bad bllen re- pected in the Red sea in the fr~f"r'nillv, Home Owners !he nazis" had dccided that Ger­ military service was released members tomorrow and, in the on the Egyptian bOl'Cler Mlel' ceivcd tonight. The United States. I 8 LARRY ALLEN l'il()ts ill ll. • future, Eva Dayton. many could not beat a Britain hope that the full democratic pencl.rating ~O miles into £gypl, howev~l·. consistently relused to ABOfRD THE BATTLESHIP "Every 'hlp which travels Wednesday.
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