/ THE NATIONAL AUVLKTIHF.U A i-.ii-i:ii FOB Tin: UOJU- KNOWS TIIK REST MKD1UM- THK IVirilKSTS OF CHAN. HE 1>ATK0M7.ESTHE lit.AALD THE ORANBROOK HERALD BKOOH KOItEMOST ALWAYS VOLUME 24 i-JtAMIUOOK. B.O, llll R81UV, JUJiE 1st, 1922 ty " U^YA*-<** * CONGREGATION iJc*^ *& "**••••• • IIAXO OF DEATH STILL •[Forest Exhibit Car HEAVY OX STRICKEN School Board CHUR\ .aONKS. GOLF C1CB NOTES Delegates to Motor Here This Week KIMBERLEY FAMILY Considers Salaries The annua] congregational meeting of tlie Methodist Church held on Wed­ The golf course was never in better There is probably no parallel iu Through B. C. Many Visit Interesting Display TRC3K ROADS, OR ROAOS nesday evening of this week waB the condition und a large number of this distinct to Hit* heavy toll which! -tiruiil Some Smnll IIHTWIM'S DesiifiuMl lo Attract .Notico TO MIM.S. largest of its kind for many yeara. bers, and visitors are taking advan­ death ha» lately taken in ihe Hand- j Proposal Kor Eastern Visitors nt Special Meeting Held on lo Forest Woullli .Minor Craubrook Herald. ley family of Kimberley. Elsewhere j The gathering wn& presided over by tage dally of the fine weather and To Good Roads Convention Dear Sir; "Is the casual tourist a iu this issue is recorded the funeral rrltl-iij el'lening Last , the pastor. Rood golfing. t» Motor Back Good (rowds pai ro mora Important factor in the building of the second son, Edgar Francis, Reports of the various departments On Saturday the spring tournameul Canadian KoreMi,* ' . i p of British Columbia than tha rate­ who died on Tuesday of last week. )\ special mooting <>r the -school wore presented by Mrs. J. T. Sarvls, commences, and will continue all the which was bete on I i rack at tli payer wlio, under the handicap of In­ At Ills funeral, among tlie family I Tli ik-lc Dominion board WIIH holt! nu Friday evening of for thu Ladies' Aid; Mrs. A. W. Hodg­ following week. This fs a handicap station on Wedne ie n i different transportation facilities, Is mourners, stood his brother, Harvey- Km returning hint week, when all the trustees wuro son, for tho W. M. 8.; Rev. it. W. tournament, and beglnnors will have or of tlie big car waa .. i. attracl doing his inmost towards the, develop­ Joseph, eldest of the family of four rrom mi over Canadn trom tlieir preseni except 0. II. "MoPliee. Tho Uo ror the Sunday School; Mr. W. U. au equal char.ee with the best play­ Ively arranged BUOI HI. ihe advant-* ment ui tliu natural resources of the then remaining, in less than a week gathering al Victoria en June 12-1S, purpose of ilie moot Ing was tn cun* Morton, Ktividope Steward; and Mr. ers. Gel your three scores in quick­ iges of tcresl conservation, and the uountry?" he himself wus laid to rest beside may be miiioieil ihrou_!i the Okana­ aider tlto iiuestion of salaries, an re- W, Shepherd, treasurer. All reports ly to Mr. c. .1. Utile, so ihal your line of Canada's i treat re o in es the body of his brother, and the fa­ gan mnl Kootenay district, and tliu uuested by the (anchors. wero highly satisfactory, showing haudicup can be fixed. Those mem­ Thai w.is the question recently ask­ were very graph;-, ... uwn fri.ui ther who predeceased his sons by less j orgauixatlone in towns alo.ig the Tliu locnl Thallers' Institute suh- (lie viilifous branches of tlie church bera who have not yet paid tlieir ed by a well known man of the district many angles. than two moulds, Human sympathy | route are to be naked to take u .roui- mlHeil IhroUBll Miss 11. 1>. Nelll, Ua to he In excellent condition. dues should do so nl once, us only .vlio is far-sighted enough to recog­ Tlie car is in ohai :>! c ti. Blyth, can ofTer but mile consolation when I iiicni part lu the BnterlRinuient ot tho secretary, a suggested BCRIQ or min­ The election of society representa­ those who have paid will be allowed nize Uio potentialities of the big min­ . isisiant secretary so great a moasure of sorrow Beems visit.) B. imum nml maximum salaries, for tiio tives lo tho Oltlclal Board of the to enter the competitions, so send tbe Canadian eral belt ot which Cranbrook is the . orestry Arrociathi] poured out upon tbe heads of a sin­ The BO d( publio seh'ool grades, wiili figures church resulted in the election of the centre. legate IO are prominent in your dues to the Secretary, Mr. M. ad iit every .point by gle family, a.ul those who re­ thought fair whon considering the ex­ (. Mowing: Messrs. J. T. Sarvls, Oeo. li was of roads the gentleman was cltlie ot he r pr ivloce , will in A. Beale. of both provincial a main must slill he numb with the Im­ perience of Hi.! rospeclKo patties. Reoco, L. Lundy. J. M. Clark, F. peaking, or, rather the lack of roads many i -see Brit- New members for this season are emraents. Moving mensity of their bereavement, scarce­ Bond* Mrs Sarvis, Mrs. McKowan, in certain soel_on which, except for Ish Cd umJi; ; fo iir-t Ume The The general schedule suggested was limited (o fifteen, so anyone thinking 8 ly yei realizing iis devastating ex­ o shown to tlle 11 bin idea if c ig i part way aa follows; ' Mrs. Patmore. mils of doubtful utility, are still in tent. about Joining up had belter do so at which an explanatory lalk is given bv | Mill. Max. The official board now consists of i state of primitive isolation. He de­ home totor nice. Application forms can be ob- by Mr. G. Lcavltt, flro prevention of­ id Junior tirades ¥ 11 no J1560 tlie above, together with Mrs. W. C. plores the apparent lack of coordin­ The lute Harvey Joseph Handle) •tl bs nlBslooMr tultied from the secretary. ficer for lhe rallv.'.*... c-aiiiniiSBign.. ,jldiu. Senior. intermediate Adlard, G, B. Willis, B. A. Moorhouse, ation hoi ween tho Department or us born at Port Benton. Montana, on nrist A-- There was it large crowd out on The seventy foot' railway conch and Receiving ... 1200 11120 W. H. Wilson, M. T. Hc.rrls, W. G. Mines and the Department of Public January 17th, ISSfl. and was thus in Et B.C and Wednesday afternoon, when tea was was fitted out at Ottawa specially Viee-Principul 1C00 2050 Morton, G. W| Patmore; Mrs. W. H. Works as exemplified by the mini bet his thirty-fourth year. Like bis bro­ Southern Alberu, H |a planned to served by Mrs. Allen DeWolf and Mrs. for the tour which it is now making 2250 Wilson from the Ladies' Aid, Mrs. A. of mining prospects—many of which ther who snccuiuber a week before, take them off the train l(( Salmon Principal — Chas. Ward. In tho ladles' competi­ Another car Is doing tho round.-! uf No maximum wan stated Vor the po­ W. Hodgson from the W. M. 8., and are proved—that are lying idle simply he had been suffering trom whal see­ Arm. Vernon cltiieua will take them Mr. W. Shepherd, treasurer tion Mrs. Geo. Hogarth and Mrs. C. the prairie rrovinces iu the interests because the first essential' to profit med au ordinary cold. Ou tbe day by tar from Salmon Arm to Kelowna. sition of principal, since it is obvious J. Utile tied with Mrs. M. A. Beale Especially of tree planting. that'conditions might change, affect- Refreshments were served, and a ible operation is wanting, viz: good 6f tho funeral. Friday last, Harvey whert- they will Bpeod lhe tirtii olgfct, anl Mrs. Forrest. There is nn extremely Interesting lug salary attached to the position. most successful aud enjoyable even­ road.-.. Decidedly, ho Is of lhe opinion seemed to grow worse, and return­ about June ll. Residents of Kelowna entomological exhibit sli .whig the that vote-getting. Is tiio determining will bring them to Pentlcton, aud it A suggested salary schedule, bas­ ing was spent, ing home that night, he retired, und ravages of ihe insect pests thai are factor in ahaping the decision of tbe Is planned to have auto owners of ed on the scale above, was submitted WYCLIFFE DEFEATS was never to get up, Tiie following now doing duinage ol .hunt *7U,- Kqvernmeitl iu respect of roads and morning he complained of pains, and Pentlcton drive them through tin* by tbo Institute as follows: 1 CRA.MiKOOk IN FAST SALE OF CHAUTAUQUA 1)00,(100 to t'ie nation'* forests am il other improvements. The govern medical aid was sumnoiied. The southern land- up Anarchlsl Moun­ Present Years EXHIBITION (UME TICKETS OPENS THIS ally. A fire protection exhibit dis meiit's policy is following along the presence of the fatal pneumonia was tain lo Brldosrllle, where cara from Salary Asked Kxper. played the means used In doteclinj WEEK-END| GET VOURS Wycliffe, B.C. — Wycliffe defeated linos of least resistance in yieldi again diagnosed, and the patient was Orand Forks will conv-Bj them to that Principal .... *22S0 ,*2400 10 locating' and combatting forest fir Cranbrook in an exhibition game on to popular sentiment iu tlie building removed to the hospital at Kimber­ city. They win there entrain for Viee-Pi'iiici|..i! . 1500 1600 Tlie sale of tickets for the Cran­ es, with models of Ibe apparatus ii the Cranbrook diamond by u score of roadu that nro scenic rather than ley, where death eiis.ied at ;i.0a a.m.
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