Jesus Studies ¾¾ Maps of Jesus ’ Travels Travels By Johnzz By SeresJohn By John Seres ¾¾MMf1MapsCt of 1stst 1Century Ct Palestine Palestine zz BDBy Dav idKtid Kantor ¾¾ Jesus Studies MAPS Illustrating the Life and Travels of Jesus The flight to Egypt Localities Trip to Trip to Jesus' trip to of Joseph, Mary, mentioned during Jerusalem for Jerusalem for Jerusalem for and Infant Jesus Jesus' 6th and 10th Passover - Jesus, Passover - Jesus Passover alone [OCT.6 B.C.] years [1 B.C.- 4 A. Joseph and Mary and brother [A.D. 14, his D.] [A.D. 7]. James [A.D. 12]. 20th year]. Trip to Trip to Trip to Tour of the Roman Caravan trip to the Jerusalem for Jerusalem for Jerusalem for world [April 26, A. Caspian Sea [April Passover - Jesus Passover - Jesus Passover - Jesus D. 22 to December 1 AD.24- returns and brother and brother and brother Jude 10 AD. 23]. in AD 25]. Joseph [A.D. 15]. Simon [A.D. 17]. [A.D. 19]. Solitary Map showing The first Localities The flight of wanderings places preaching tour of mentioned during Jesus and the during the mentioned Galilee [January the second and apostles from Master's 31st during the tour 18 - March 17, A. third preaching Capemaum year, A.D. 25. of Decapolis D. 28]. tours, [October 3 - [May 22 AD 29]. with the December 30, A. apostles, late in D. 28, January 18 A.D. 27. - March 10, A.D. 29]. The Perean The 19 Mission [January appearances of through March, Jesus to believers A.D. 30]. after the resurrection, [Sunday, April 9 through Thursday, May 18th, A.D. 30]. 1. The flight to Egypt of Joseph, Mary, and Infant Jesus [OCT.6 B.C.] 2. Localities mentioned during Jesus' 6th and 10th years [1 B.C.- 4 A.D.] 3. Trip to Jerusalem for Passover - Jesus, Joseph and Mary [A.D. 7]. 4. Trip to Jerusalem for Passover - Jesus and brother James [A.D. 12]. 5. Jesus' trip to Jerusalem for Passover alone [A.D. 14, his 20th year]. 6. Trip to Jerusalem for Passover - Jesus and brother Joseph [A.D. 15]. 7. Trip to Jerusalem for Passover - Jesus and brother Simon [A.D. 17]. 8. Trip to Jerusalem for Passover - Jesus and brother Jude [A.D. 19]. 9. Tour of the Roman world [April 26, A.D. 22 to December 10 AD. 23]. 10. Caravan trip to the Caspian Sea [April 1 AD.24- returns in AD 25]. 11. Solitary wanderings during the Master's 31st year, A.D. 25. 12. Map showing places mentioned during the tour of Decapolis with the apostles, late in A.D. 27. 13. The first preaching tour of Galilee [January 18 - March 17, A.D. 28]. 14. Localities mentioned during the second & third preaching tours, [October 3-December 30, A. D. 28, January 18-March 10, A.D. 29]. 15. The flight of Jesus and the apostles from Capemaum [May 22 AD 29]. 16. The Perean Mission [January through March, A.D. 30]. 17. The 19 appearances of Jesus to believers after the resurrection, [Sunday, April 9 through Thursday, May 18th, A.D. 30]. JESUS' PuBLIC MINISTRY IN PALESTINE TIME LINE FOR MAPs 26 A.D. -- January 14: Baptism -- near Pella (Paper 135) 26 A.D. -- February 26: Water into wine -- Cana (Paper 137) 26 A.D. -- March 2: Capernaum Sermon (first public appearance since baptism) (Paper 137) 26 A.D. -- March 6: 4 months training at Zebedee home -- Bethsaida (Paper 137) 26 A.D. -- June 12: John the Baptist arrested -- near Pella (Paper 135) 26 A.D. -- June 22 -- Second Sermon at Capernaum Synagogue 26 A.D. -- June 23 to July 5 -- Two weeks practice from Bethsaida (Paper 138) James and John -- Kheresa Andrew and Peter -- Capernaum Philip and Nathaniel -- Tarichea 26 A.D. -- July 10 to July 17 -- A Week of Intensive Training for new recruits at the Zebedee home -­ Bethsaida 26 A.D. -- August 12 -- Five months of fishing, training, and personal work around the Sea of Galilee (Paper 138) Capernaum Bethlehem of Galilee Bethsaida-Julias Jotapata Chorazin Ramah Gerasa Safed Hippos Gischala Magdala Gadara Cana Abila 27 AD. -- January 12 -- Ordination of the 12 -- north of Capernaum (Paper 140) 27 A.D. -- January 18 -- Consecration of the 12 -- north of Capernaum (Paper 140) 27 A.D. -- January 19 to March 31 -- Journey to Jerusalem -- 2 1/2 months (Paper 141) 2 weeks at Pella near Pella 3 weeks at Amathus Amathus 4 weeks at Bethany ford Bethany ford Tarichea 3 days at Jerico 27 A.D. -- April, May, and June -- Three months in Jerusalem and vicinity -- Jesus and the 12 stayed with Lazarus in Bethany 27 A.D. -- April 6 -- Jesus and the 12 went into Jerusalem together -- taught openly in the temple -­ first time Jesus and the 12 went to Jerusalem together 27 A.D. -- end of April -- Bethlehem 27 AD. -- all of May -- Hebron -- Engedi (the Nazarite colony) -- Jesus and Abner 27 A.D. -- June 1 -- Back to Jerusalem -- stayed at Gethsemane 27 A.D. -- July 12 -- Return trip through Gamaria and the Decapolis -- 6 months (Paper 142) 27 A.D. -- July 8 -- Archelais, Sychar 27 A.D. -- September 12 -- Camp Gilboa and the Decapolis Bethel Arimethea Mt. Gilboa -- September and October Thamna Decapolis -- November and December Phasaelis Scythopolis Archelais Gerasa Samaria Abila Sychar -- Nalda at the well Gadara Mt. Gerizim -- until the end of August Jordan by Pella -- end of December 28 A.D. -- January 10 -- Death of John the Baptist (Paper 144) -- "Tomorrow we go into Galilee" from Pella 28 A.D. -- January 17 -- Healing 683 at sundown -- Zebedee home at Bethsaida (Paper 145) 28 A.D. -- January 18-March 17 -- First Preaching Tour -- 2 months -- from Capemaum (Paper 146) Gischala Rimmon Chorazin Jotapata Hadon Ramah Cana Zebulun Nain Iron Endor 28 A.D. -- March 17 to March 30 -- Taught for 2 more weeks at Bethsaida headquarters (Paper 147) 28 A.D. -- March 30 to April 2 -- Jesus and the 12 go to Jerusalem for Passover -- through Jerico -­ stay at Bethany and Gethsemane (Paper 147) 28 A.D. --last week in April -- leave Bethany for Capemaum by way of Jerico, Jordan, Tarichea, then by boat to Bethsaida 28 AD. -- May 3 to October 3 -- Five month's school -- Bethsaida (Paper 148) 28 A.D. -- October 3 to December 30 -- Second Preaching Tour -- 3 months -- from Zebedee home at Bethsaida (Paper 149) Jezreel Gadara Scythopolis Ptolemais Tarichea Japhia Hippos Dabaritta Gamala Megiddo Bethsaida-Julias 29 AD. -- January 17 -- Women commissioned 29 AD. -- January 18 to March 4 -- Third Preaching Tour -- 7 weeks (Paper 150) -- Magdala -- Tiberias -- Nazareth -­ plus all places previously visited -- all principle citzes & villages of central & southern Galilee 29 AD. -- March 5: Nazareth rejection (Paper 150) 29 AD. -- March 30: Feeding the 5000 -- King-making episode -- Magadan Park (Paper 152) 29 AD. -- April 30: The Capernaum Crisis (Paper 153) 29 AD. -- May 22: Fliqht from Galilee -- from Zebedee home in Bethsaida (below Capernaum) -- Kheresa (by boat) -­ Magadan Park (south of Bethsaida-Julias) (Peter and the evangelists -- Chorazin) (Jesus and the 11 -- Caesarea-Philippi -- 2 weeks) Luz 29 AD. -- May 28: Porphyreon Heldua Sidon Sarepta 29 AD. -- July 11-July 24: Tyre 29 AD. -- July 24: Ptolemais Jotapata Ramah 29 AD. -- July 31: Zebulun (near) Gischala Gennesaret Magadan Park 29 AD. -- August 1: Return from Phoenician Mission 29 AD. -- August 9: Peter's Confession -- at Magadan Park (Paper 157) 29 AD. -- August 15: Transfiguration -- at Mt. Hermon (Paper 158) 29 AD. -- August 18 to September 16: Decapolis Tour -- 4 weeks -- from Magadan Park (Paper 159) Gerasa Gadara Heshbon Gamala Abila Dium Hippos Edrei Scythopolis Zaphon Philadelphia 29 AD. -- October 29: Jerusalem for Feast of Tabernacles -- from Magadan Park -- bold teaching (Paper 162) 29 AD. -- November 19: Ordination 70 -- at Magadan Park (Paper 163) 29 AD. -- November 20: Abner sends 70 to Galilee, Samaria, Judea (Paper 165) 29 AD. -- December 6: Move Camp from Magadan Park to Pella 29 AD. -- December 29: Jerusalem for Feast of Dedication (Jesus, Nathaniel, Thomas) -- quiet teaching 29 AD. -- December 30: Return of 70 to Pella camp 30 AD. -- 30 AD. -- January 3 to March 13: Perean Mission -- almost 3 months (Paper 165) Zaphon Gadda Gadara Philadelphia Macad Jogbehah Arbela Gelead Ramath Beth-Nimrah Endrei Tyrus Bosora Elealah Caspin Livias Mispeh Heshbon Gerasa Callirrhoe Ragaba Beth-Peor Succoth Shittim Amathus Sibmah Adam Medeba Penuel Beth-Meon Capitolias Areopolis Dion Aroer Hatita 30 AD. -- Feburary l l-February 20: Northern Perea 30 AD. -- February 22: Jesus visits Philadelphia 30 AD. -- March 2: Resurrection of Lazarus at Bethany (Paper 171) 30 AD. -- March 6-March 13: Last Teaching at Pella -- depart for Jerusalem 30 AD. -- April 2: Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Paper 172) TIHE LINE FOR HAP OF PALESTINE IN JESUS' TIHE 26 A,D. 1/14/26 BAPTISff--near Pella IS04 .., 1528 ..:. , 2/22/26 UATER INTO UINE--Cana ~ /532 3. .3/;';;- ~'C:. CAPERNAUH SERHON--fIrst public appearanc• 15""3"2. ... SInce BaptIsm /53'3 4. .3-6/26 4 HONTHS TRAINING AT ZEBEDEE HOHE--Bethsalda 153'3 5, 6/22/26 SECOND SERMON AT CAPERNAUM SYNAGOGUE 6/2.3-7/.5/26 TUO UEEKS PRACTICE (1538) from Bethsaida 1$ 3~ Kheresa--James & John Caoernaum--Andre~ & Peter TarIchea--PhllIP & NathanIel -. 7. 7/10-7/17/26 A UEEK OF INTENSIVE TRAINING for new recruits at Zebedee hoTlte 8-12126.. .5 MONTHS OF FISHING. TRAINING, & PERSONAL 1543 UORK around Sea of GalIlee (1545) Capernaum BethsaIda-Julias ChoraZln Gera;;:;;a HIppOS Haqdala Cana Bethl~hem of GalIlee .7otapata Ramah ::';afed 6'lschaia Gadara AbIla .:?)' .,4 ~ fJ 41 '.~ .' 1/12/2"/ JSft:>% ORDINATION o~ l2--north o~ Capernaum 1 118/27 15'i'l CONSECRATiUN ot 12--north of CaDernaum 1/1·.~-3/.Jl/.27 JOURNEY fa JERUSALEN--2 1/2 months (1587) ue e tcs at f·'el.!a 3 weeks at Amathus 4 weeks at BethanY ford ri ear F'e}la ..·Im.a t.tius b'etl1dn ....! ,ror'(j .teri ';:"0 {.3 i ..1!·:'i~/_·.7·--' 11 • 4-.5-c.127 .3 MONTHS iN JERUSALEM AND V1CINITY t Je sus -,.
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