NOVEMBER 2011 4TH ISSUE L L A A N N O O I I T T MMaarrii//mmee IInntteerrddiicc//oonn OOppeerraa//oonnss jjoouurrnnaall A A nmio tc R R E E P P O O REGIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING E E N N R R O O T T I I N N T T E E C C I I C MARITIME SECURITY ISSUES C D D G G R R N N E E I I T T N N I I N N NMIOTC COUNTER PIRACY & WMD TRAINING I I A A R R E E T T M M I I T T SMART BUOYS I I R R A A M M O O INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO TACKLE PIRACY T T A A N N NMIOTC MIO JOURNAL CONTENTS DIRECTOR Commodore A. Poulos GRC N Commandant NMIOTC 4 COMMANDANT’S OVERVIEW by Commodore Adrianos Poulos GRC N EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 7 NMIOTS PHOTO GALERY Cdr G. Tedeschini ITA N 16 NMIOTC ANNUAL CONFERENCE Director of Transformation by Mr. Michel Soula 18 REGIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING JOURNAL MANAGER by LTC (Ret) Phyllis Mihalas, Ph.D. Cdr. K. Sampanis GRC N 20 JOINT NPS-LLNL FIELD EXPERIMENT by Dr. Alex Bordetsky, Mr. Steve Mullins, Lt Georgios Mantzouris Mr. EDITOR Eugene Bourakov, Mr. Bryan Hudgens, and Mr. David Trombino Lt G. Mantzouris GRC N 28 ATP-71 WORKSHOP IN NMIOTC by LCdr Alexandrou Gobjila, ROU N ASSISTANT EDITOR Lt G. Georgiev BGR N 30 MARITIME ‘ICAO’: PERHAPS AN ANSWER TO MODERN MARITIME TERRORISM? by Professor NikitasNikitakos & Lt Ioannis Nellas GRC N WEB EDITOR Lt N. Tiantioukas GRC N 34 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF IMPLEMENTING REGIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING TO SOMALIA ADMINISTRATION AND by Isaac Wiles Jr Esq DISTRIBUTION 39 READJUSTING ANTI-PIRACY LAW LtJG K. Papanastasis GRC N EFFECTIVENESS THROUGH STATE PRACTICE. HOW FEASIBLE? EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Alex Bordetsky by Gerasimos Rodotheatos, PhD Candidate Mr M. Efthymiopoulos 41 PROSECUTION OF SOMALI PIRATES: AN Dr. Joship Kasum OVERVIEW Dr. P. Michalas by Mr Ingo Klaus Wamser Esq. Dr. S. Desautel 43 THE NEXT STEP TO THE EVOLUTION OF THE Professor I. Koukos NMIOTC: A CONCEPTUAL MODEL Professor G. Tsialtas by Dr. Marios Panagiotis Efthymiopoulos Professor N. Nikitakos 47 “REGIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING FOR Professor F. Papoulias COUNTERING PIRACY THROUGH THE HUMAN SECURITY CONCEPT” COLUMNISTS Lt A. Pothitos GRC N by Commander Ioannis Chapsos, GRC N LCDR A. Gobjila ROU N 50 SOMALI PIRACY 50 UNDERSTANDING THE CRIMINAL BUSINESS CONTRIBUTORS MODEL Mr Michel Soula by Dr Alec D Coutroubis and George Kiourktsoglou, Ph.D. candidate Mr. Isaac Wiles 52 COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH: IMPLEMENTING Cpt K. Hoffer USA N THE EFFECT BASED APPROACH TO CONTEMPORARY Cdr G. Ioan ROU N MARITIME OPERATIONS PLANNING Cdr I. Chapsos GRC N by CDR Ioan Craciun ROU N Mr Harm Greidanus Mr. D. Trombino 56 REGIONAL SURVEILLANCE CONCEPT TO Mr Ingo Klaus Wamser SUPPORT MARITIME GOVERNANCE AND SECURITY by Mr. Harm Greidanus Mr. G. Rodotheatos Mr. G. Kiourtsoglou 58 COALITION END-TO-END EMIO PERFORMANCE Cpt T. Fairbanks USA N reserve OPTIMIZATION (C3PO) JOINT CAPABILITY Lt I. Nellas GRC N TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION (JCTD) by Dr. Stephen Desautel 60 A FRAMEWORK FOR ENHANCED 2 NMIOTC Journal INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SECURITY COOPERATION AND AWARENESS by Cpt Ken W. Hoffer USA N 63 MARITIME AFFAIRS, SAFETY OF NAVIGATION AND SECURITY by Professor Josip Kasum 68 COUNTER-PIRACY ESCORT OPERATIONS IN THE GULF OF ADEN by Professor Thomas Lucas and LtCdr T. Tsilis GRC N 72 ARTEMIS – A NOVEL MULTIPURPOSE SMART BUOY by Mr Anastasios Kounoudes, Ph.D. and Mr Christodoulos Protopapas, Ph.D. 74 EXPANDING NMIOTC USING MOBILE TRAINING TEAMS by Lt Antonios Pothitos GRC N 76 MARITIME OPERATIONAL LANGUAGE TRAINING COURSE by Cpt Teresa Fairbanks, USA Navy Reserve 78 TRAINING OF ROS REGINA MARIA IN NMIOTC by LtCdr Alexandrou Gobjila ROU N The NMIOTC MIO Journal is a professional publication of NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center, aiming to serve as a forum for the presentation and stimulation of innova - tive thinking on NATO Maritime Interdiction related issues such as doctrine, concepts, force structure, employment and readiness. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the NMIOTC MIO Journal are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of NATO. The NMIOTC MIO Journal is open to receive and publish articles at [email protected] . We reserve the right to make editorial changes. All articles within this issue not bearing a copyright notice ( ©), may be reproduced in whole or in part without further permission. Articles bearing a copyright notice ( ©) may be reproduced for any NATO purpose but without permission. If an article is being reproduced, the NMIOTC MIO Journal re - quests a courtesy line. To obtain permission for the reproduction of material bearing a copyright notice (©) for other than NATO purposes, please contact the author of the material rather than the NMIOTC MIO Journal. NMIOTC Journal 3 COMMANDANT’’S OVERVIEW by Commodore Adrianos Poulos GRC N NMIOTC’s MISSION To conduct the combined training necessary for NATO fforces to better execute sur- fface,, sub-surface,, aeriall surveilllance, and speciial operations actiivitiies iin support of Maritiime Interdictiion Operations. NMIOTC Commandant’’s Vision Enhance Maritime Security through MIO Traiiniing and remaiin the recognized expert in the ffield of MIO. The fourth edition of our journal has found Commercial Organizations, as well as with the Academia NMIOTC with an increased momentum in many environment has raised NMIOTC’s transformational aspects. Being one of the four NATO Education and fame to a level similar to larger and more mature Training Facilities is a heavy responsibility, but at the organizations worldwide. It is a prototype filled with same time it is an honor to provide training to anyone fresh, innovative ideas that our personnel effectively interested in acquiring NATO standards in Maritime executes, invaluable cooperative schemes have been Interdiction Operations. Since the Center’s inauguration created and sustained. in October 2008, the number of trainees has On the other hand, and having in mind the above continuously grown, even amidst an era of austerity. mentioned energetic environment, I would like to NMIOTC stands in the forefront safeguarding maritime mention that NMIOTC is not an organization that has interdiction and security operations by transferring state stable academic and operational characteristics. Along of the art tactical / operational training to individuals, with the evolution of maritime security operations and personnel, command and boarding teams of the units taking into account that NMIOTC is in close that are going to participate in NATO led operations cooperation with ACT and many other NATO and non such as Operation Ocean Shield, Operation Active NATO organizations (such as IMO, EU, UN etc) Endeavour and many more. It is not the delivery of NMIOTC evolves its training products utilizing a training that makes our environment unique, nor the dynamic process that is continuously updated and enhancement of the expertise level that students acquire calibrated in accordance with current NATO operations. after finalizing the real hands on training, it is the Three years ago, when NMIOTC started its operation, exchange of knowledge and ideas that creates a Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) were an productive environment for the students - allowing them important aspect in NATO objectives, but now it has to leave the facility with a unified and strengthened become evident, especially after the execution of perspective. “It is practical, it is real, I need it, they Operation Unified Protector that MIO attracts a lot of know how to deliver it. At the same time it makes me interest in the Alliance and worldwide. feel safer during the execution of the real operation”. This is the type of response we usually receive from The evolution of piracy, illicit trafficking of Weapons students on their feedback opinion form. These positive of Mass Destruction in the maritime movement (WMD reviews demonstrate that we are a unique training facility in MIO) as well as the increased threat for maritime where student participation has increased by 30 % in the Improvised Explosive Devices (M-IEDs) has brought last year and by 70 % from the initiation of the Center to NMIOTC’s attention other aspects that are directly three years ago. linked and affecting maritime interdiction operations as a whole. NMIOTC’s scope, in accordance with the Apart from being a training facility, NMIOTC is also official documentation, is to provide training to improve an organization that holds a strong and active expertise at the individual unit level or in combined transformational department. The Italian Director along maritime operations environment in the following areas, with his small but efficient team, supports ACT’s within a MIO context: transformational activities and goals by participating in numerous events ranging from experimentation, a. MIO plan development simulation to modeling. Cooperation with Military and 4 NMIOTC Journal b. Surface, Subsurface and aerial surveillance WMD and Counter Improvised Explosive Devices in the maritime environment have been created. These c. Boarding process courses will provide modern NATO standardized d. MIO aspects of Special Operations training to personnel prior to deployment to the operational environment. As we are all aware, the definition of MIO in Allied Publications is: “ to enforce prohibition in the maritime NMIOTC understands that there is always a cycle movement of specified persons or material within a that needs to be executed in order for the training to be defined geographic area” (This definition encompasses effective, efficient and affordable. We are always many illegal activities which are known to day). So, it is considering how to enhance Maritime Security obvious that piracy, WMD counter proliferation or Operations (MSO). NMIOTC believes that training Maritime Improvised Explosive Devices and numerous plays a crucial role.
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