Directory of Kosher Certifying Agencies - Worldwide As a public service, the Chicago Rabbinical Council is presenting a list of common acceptable kosher symbols and their agency’s contact information. Note: There are more than 700 kosher certifying agencies around the world, making it impossible to list all of them. The fact that a particular agency does not appear on this list does not imply that the cRc has determined it to be substandard. UNITED STATES California Igud Hakashrus of Los Angeles (Kehillah Kosher) 186 North Citrus Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90036 (323) 935-8383 Rabbi Avraham Teichman Rabbinical Council of California (RCC) 617 South Olive St. #515, Los Angeles, CA 90014 (213) 489-8080 Rabbi Nissim Davidi Colorado Scroll K / Vaad Hakashrus of Denver 1350 Vrain St. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 595-9349 Rabbi Moshe Heisler District of Columbia Vaad HaRabanim of Greater Washington 7826 Eastern Ave. NW, Suite LL8 Washington DC 20012 (202) 291-6052 Rabbi Binyamin Sanders Florida A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 1 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Kosher Miami The Vaad HaKashrus of Miami-Dade PO Box 403225 Miami, FL 33140-1225 Tel: (786) 390-6620 Rabbi Yehuda Kravitz Florida K and Florida Kashrus Services 642 Green Meadow Ave. Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 644-2500 Rabbi Sholom B. Dubov South Palm Beach Vaad (ORB) 5840 Sterling Rd. #256 Hollywood, FL 33021 (305) 534-9499 Rabbi Manish Spitz Georgia Atlanta Kashrus Commission 1855 La Vista Rd., Atlanta, GA 30329 (404) 634-4063 Rabbi Reuven Stein Illinois Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) 2701 W. Howard, Chicago, IL 60645 (773) 465-3900 Rabbi Sholem Fishbane www.crcweb.org Indiana Indianapolis Beth Din 1037 Golf Lane Indianapolis, IN 46260 (317) 251-5573 Rabbi Avraham Grossbaum A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 2 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Indianapolis Orthodox Board of Kashrus, 6510 Hoover Avenue Indianapolis, IA 46260 (317) 253-5253 Rabbi Avraham Grossbaum Iowa Iowa “Chai-K” Kosher Supervision 943 Cummins Pkwy Des Moines, IA 50312 (515) 277-1718 Rabbi Yossi Jacobson Kansas Vaad HaKashruth of Kansas City 9900 Antioch Road Overland Park, KS 66282 (913) 649-4300 Rabbi David Fine Maryland Star-K Kosher Certification (chalav Yisrael) & Star-D Certification (non-chalav Yisrael) 122 Slade Ave. #300 Baltimore, MD 21208 (410) 484-4110 Dr. Avram Pollack Massachusetts Rabbi Dovid Moskovitz 46 Embassy Road Brighton, MA 02135 (617) 734-5359 Michigan A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 3 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit (Merkaz) 16947 West Ten Mile Rd. Southfield, MI 48075 (248) 559-5005 Rabbi Yosef Dov Krupnik Minnesota United Mehadrin Kosher 1001 Prior Ave. South St. Paul, MN 55116 (651) 690-2137 Rabbi Asher Zeilingold Missouri Vaad Hoeir of Saint Louis 4 Millstone Campus St. Louis, MO 63146 (314) 569-2770 Rabbi Avi Bloch New Jersey Double U Kashrus Badatz Mehadrin USA 1140 Forest Ave. Lakewood, NJ 08701 (732) 363-7979 Rabbi Y. Shain Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger 170 Sunset Rd. Lakewood, NJ 08701 (732) 364-8723 Kashrus Council of Lakewood N.J. 750 Forest Ave. #66 Lakewood, NJ 08701 (732) 901-1888 Rabbi Avrohom Moshe Weisner A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 4 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Kof-K Kosher Supervision 201 The Plaza Teaneck, NJ 07666 (201) 847-0500 Rabbi Zecharia Senter New York-Bronx Rabbi Zevulun Charlop 100 E. Mosholu Parkway South Bronx, NY 10458 (718) 365-6810 New York-Brooklyn Rabbi Yechiel Babad (Tartikover Rav) 5207-19th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11204 (718) 951-0952/3 Central Rabbinical Congress (Hisachdus HaRabanim) 85 Division Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718) 384-6765 Rabbi Yitzchak Glick Rabbi Nussen Naftoli Horowitz 1712-57th St. Brooklyn, NY 11204 (718) 234-9514 Rabbi Benzion Halberstam Kehilah Kashrus (Flatbush Community Kashrus Organization) 1294 E. 8th St. Brooklyn, NY 11230 (718) 951-0481 Rabbi Zechariah Adler A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 5 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 The Organized Kashrus Laboratories (OK) 391 Troy Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11213 (718) 756-7500 Rabbi Don Yoel Levy Debraciner Rav (Rabbi Shlomo Stern) 1641 56th St. Brooklyn, NY 11204 (718) 853–9623 Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum (Nirbater Rav) th 1617 46 St., Brooklyn, NY 11204 (718) 851-1221 Rabbi Nuchem Efraim Teitelbaum (Volver Rav) th 58085-11 Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11225 (718) 436-4685 Bais Din of Crown Heights Vaad HaKashrus 512 Montgomery Street Brooklyn, NY 11225 (718) 604-2500 Rabbi Yossi Brook Vaad Harabanim of Flatbush 1575 Coney Island Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11230 (718) 951-8585 Rabbi Meir Goldberg New York-Manhattan K’hal Adas Jeshurun (Breuer’s) (KAJ) 85-93 Bennett Ave, New York, NY 10033 (212) 923-3582 Rabbi Moshe Zvi Edelstein A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 6 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Orthodox Jewish Congregations (OU) 11 Broadway New York, NY 10004 (212) 613-8241 Rabbi Menachem Genack New York-Queens Vaad HaRabonim of Queens 185-08 Union Turnpike, Suite 109 Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 (718) 454-3529 Rabbi Nachum Katz New York-Long Island Vaad Harabanim of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway 597A Willow Ave. Cedarhurst, NY 11516 (516) 569-4536 Rabbi Yosef Eisen New York-Upstate Vaad HaKashrus of Buffalo 3940 Harlem Rd. Amherst, NY 14226 (716) 634-0212 Rabbi Moshe Taub The Association for Reliable Kashrus 104 Cumberland Place Lawrence, NY 11559 (516) 239-5306 Rabbi Shlomo Ullman National Kashrus (NK) 101 Route 306 Monsey, NY 10952 (845) 352-4448 Rabbi Yaacov Lipschutz A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 7 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Vaad Hakashrus of Mechon L’Hoyroa 168 Maple Ave. Monsey, NY 10952 (845) 425-9565 ext. 101 Rabbi Y. Tauber Rabbi Avraham Zvi Glick 34 Brewer Road Monsey, NY 10952 (845) 425-3178 Rabbi Yitzchok Lebovitz P.O. Box 939 Woodridge, NY 12789 (845) 434-3060 Rabbinical Kashrus Council 21 Truman Ave. New Square, NY 10977 (845) 354-5120 Rabbi C.M. Wagshall Rabbi Menachem Meir Weissmandel 1 Park Lane Monsey, NY 10952 (845) 352-1807 Ohio Cleveland Kosher 3695 Severn Road Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 (440) 347-0264 Rabbi Shimon Gutman Texas A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 8 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Texas-K Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) 2701 W. Howard Chicago, IL 60645 (773) 465-3900 Rabbi Sholem Fishbane Dallas Kosher 7800 Northaven Rd. Dallas, TX 75230 (214) 739-6535 Rabbi Sholey Klein Washington Vaad Harabanim of Greater Seattle 5100 South Dawson St. #102, Seattle, WA 98118 (206) 760-0805 Rabbi Aharon Brun-Kestler Wisconsin Kosher Supervisors of Wisconsin 3100 North 52nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53216 (414) 442-5730 Rabbi Benzion Twerski INTERNATIONAL ARGENTINA Achdus Yisroel Moldes 2449 (1428) Buenos Aires (5411) 4-961-9613 Rabbi Daniel Oppenheimer A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 9 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Rabbi Yosef Feiglestock Ecuador 821 Buenos Aires Capital 1214 ARGENTINA (5411) 4-961-9613 AUSTRALIA Melbourne Beis Din 572 Inkerman Rd. Caulfield, Vic. 3161 (613) 9527-8337 Rabbi Mordechai Gutnick AUSTRIA Rabbi Avrohom Yona Schwartz Ohel Moshe Lilienbrunng; A-1020 Wien (431) 216-3695 BELGIUM Machsike Hadass Jacob Jacobstraat 22 Antwerp 2018 (323) 233-5567 Rabbi Eliyahu Shternbuch BRAZIL Communidade Ortodoxa Israelita Kehillas Hachareidim Departmento de Kashrus Rua Haddock Lobo 1091, S. Paulo SP (5511) 3082-1562 Rabbi A.M. Iliovits CANADA A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 10 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Kashrus Council of Canada (ROR) 4600 Bathurst St. #240, Toronto, Ontario M2R 3V2 (416) 635-9550; Rabbi Mordechai Levin Montreal Vaad Hair 6825 Decarie Blvd. Montreal, Quebec H3W3E4 (514) 739-6363 Rabbi Jaffe Rabbinical Council of British Columbia 8080 Francis Rd. Richmond, BC V6Y 1A4 (604) 275-0042 Rabbi Levy Teitelbaum CHINA HKK Kosher Certification Service 8-B Albron Court 99 Caine Road, Hong Kong (852) 2540-8661 Rabbi D. Zadok ENGLAND Kedassia The Joint Kashrus Committee of England 140 Stamford Hill London N16 6QT (44208) 802-6226 Mr. Yitzchok Feldman Machzikei Hadas Manchester 17 Northumberland St. Salford M7FH (44161) 792-1313 Rabbi M.M. Schneebalg A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 11 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Gateshead Kashrus Authority 180 Bewick Road Gateshead NE8 1UF (44191) 477-1598 Rabbi Elazer Lieberman FRANCE Rabbi Mordechai Rottenberg (Chief Orthodox Rav of Paris) 10 Rue Pavee, Paris 75004 (3314) 887-4903 Adas Yereim of Paris Rabbi Y.D. Frankfurter 10 Rue Cadet, 9e (Metro Cadet), Paris 75009 (3314) 246-3647 Kehal Yeraim of Paris 13 Rue Pave Paris, France 75004 33-153-012644 Rabbi I Katz ISRAEL Badatz Mehadrin 10 Rechov Miriam Mizrachi 6th floor, Room 18 Rechovot, Israel 76106 (9728) 939-0816 Rabbi Avraham Rubin Rabanut Hareishit Rechovot 2 Goldberg St. Rechovot, 76106 (9728) 936 A service of the Kashrus Division of the Chicago Rabbinical Council – Serving the world! 12 www.crcweb.org Updated: 1/03/2005 Beis Din Tzedek of Agudas Israel Moetzes Hakashrus 2 Press St. Jerusalem (9722) 538-4999 Rabbi Zvi Geffner Beis Din Tzedek of the Eidah Hachareidis of Jerusalem Binyanei Zupnick 26A Rechov Strauss Jerusalem (9722) 624-6935 Rabbi Naftali Halberstam Beis Din Tzedek of K’hal Machzikei Hadas - Maareches Hakashrus P.O.
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