COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, IROISEMBA, MANIPUR M.Sc. Sl. Title of thesis Name of the Major Subject Year of No. Student complet ion 1. AGRONOMY CATEGORY (CROP): RICE Cereals Rice 1. Studies on Weed Control in the Transplanted Rice L Chaoba Agronomy 1993 and its Economics Implications Singh (weed management) 2. Effects of Levels and Method of Application of M Gyanendro (Agronomy 1993 Nitrogen on the Yield of Transplanted Rice Singh Nutrient management) 3 A Study on Rice Based Intercropping System N Manileima Agronomy 1995 Under Upland Rainfed Condition Devi (cropping system) 4. Effect of Age of Seedling and Spacing on the Yield K Nandini Devi Agronomy 1996 of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Variety Norin-18 (Agrotechnique) 5. Effect of Levels of Nitrogen on the Growth and S Jugindro Agronomy 1996 Yield of Transplanted Rice Singh (Nutrient management) 6. Effect of Seedling Age Cutting Height and Nitrogen A Sanatombi Agronomy 1998 Requirement on Economics and Yield of Main- Devi (Nutrient ratoon Rice Sequence management) 7. Study on the Effect of Different Sources of Organic Oinam Bidur Agronomy 1997 Nitrogen With and Without Inorganic Nitrogenous Singh (Nutrient Fertilizer on the Yield Rice (Oryza sativa L.) management) 8. Effect of Cyanobacteria and Azolla Biofertilizers in M Amutombi Agronomy 1997 Conjunction with Nitrogenous Fertilizer on the Singh (Nutrient Productivity of Rainfed Lowland Rice management) 9. Effect on Spacing and Number of Seedling per Hill Khumlo Levish Agronomy 2001 on the Yield of Transplanted Rice Under Rainfed Chongloi (Agro- Condition technique) 10. Effect of Different Sources of Phosphorous and Sakhen Agronomy 2004 Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria on Yield and Sorokhaibam (Nutrient Nutrient Uptake to rice (Oryza Sativa L. ev K D 2- management) 6-3) 11. Effect of Planting Geometry and Nitrogen on Yamthong Kuki Agronomy 2005 Growth and Yield of Black Aromativ Rice (Chak- (nutrient hao) management) 12. Effect of Introducing Arrowhead (Sagitharia John Debbarma Agronomy 2006 sageltiifolia) as an Intercrop of Transplanted Rice (cropping (Oryza satva L.)on Productivity and Economics system) 68 Under Rainfed Condition of Manipur 13. Response of Transplanted Rice (Oryza satium ) to Ranjeeta Agronomy 2010 Zinc and Sulphur with Reference to Growth and Khomdram (Nutrient Yield management) 14. Varietal cum Spatial effect on Yield of Rice (Oryza Pheiroijam Agronomy 2012 sativa L.) Under System of Rice Intensification Thoithoi Devi (Agro- (SRI) Method in Manipur Valley technique) 15. Efficacy of some promising Weedicides on Shallow Punabati Agronomy 2012 land Transplanted Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Under Heisnam (weed Rainfed Condition management) 16. Influence of Variety and Sowing Date on Growth Chumsha Agronomy 2013 and Yield of Direct Seeded Puddled Rice (Oryza Clement (Agro- sativa L.) Under Late Situation Ngoruw technique) 17. Influence of Nitrogen and Weed Management Khongbantabam Agronomy 2015 Practices of Yield of Direct Seeded Puddled Rice Henery Singh (Nutrient and (Oryza sativa L.) weed management) 18. Studies on the Effect of Age of Seeding and Ganesh Agronomy 2016 Number of Seedling per Hill on Growth and Yield Narayan Gurjar (Agro- of Manipur Black Scented Rice Oryza satva L) technique) Cultivar Chakhao Poireiton 19. Effect of Variety and Spacing on the Productivity Ng Monica Agronomy 2017 of Direct Seeded Rice (Oryza satva L.) under Devi (Agro- Manipur Condition technique) 20. Studies on the Effect of Sowing Techniques and Nilanjana Agronomy 2017 Seed rate on the Productivity, Economics and Halder (Agro- Energetic of Direct Seeded Rice (Oryza satva L. ) technique) Rainfed Madium land Condition 21. Influence of Phosphorus and Potassium on Growth Naorem Meena Agronomy 2018 and Yield of Black Aromatic Rice (Chak-hao) Devi (Nutrient management) 22. Influence of Different Doses of Pyrazosulfuron- T Malemnganbi Agronomy 2018 Ethyl and Establishment methods on the Yield of (weed lowland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) management) 23. Studies on Different Crop Establishment Nurina Shahni Agronomy 2019 Techniques and Nitrogen Management on Basmati (Nutrient Rice variety (Pusa basmati 1509) management) 24. Nitrogen Management in Direct Seeded Black Rice Kumar Agronomy 2019 (Oryza sativa L.) Under Different Establishment Sambhavgiri (Nutrient Methods management) 25. Effect of chemical priming on drought tolerance Thoudam Agronomy 2020 and its impact on a few varieties of rice under Anupama Devi (Agrotechnique) moisture stress condition 26. Systematic Approach on Agronomic Research of Nongthombam Agronomy 2018 SRI system of rice cultivation in Manipur Anandakumar (Agrotechnique) 69 MAIZE 1. Planting Geometry and Weed Management in N Agronomy 1999 Maize (Zea mays L.) and Green Gram (Vigna Lakshmichand (weed radiate L.Wilzok) Intercropping System Singh management) 2. Effect of Weed Management on Growth and Yield Gaipuichung Agronomy 2008 of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) Kamei (weed management) 3. Influence of Bio-fertilizer and Nitrogen on Growth Zothanmawii Agronomy 2013 and Yield of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) (nutrient management) 4. Effect of Phosphorus and Potash on the Growth and Rajesh Kumar Agronomy 2015 Yield of Hybrid Maize (Zee mays L.) (nutrient management) 5. Influence of Integrated Nitrogen Management Y Sanatombi Agronomy 2016 Practices on Growth and Yield of Hybrid Devi (nutrient Maize(Zea mays L) management) 6. Influence of Sowing Time and Integrated Nitrogen Tabuiliu Agronomy 2019 Management on Growth and Yield of local Abonmai (nutrient Glutinous Maize (Zea mays L) management) WHEAT 1. Studies on Wheat Based Intercropping Systems K Pradipkumar Agronomy 1994 Under Upland Rainfed Conditions Singh (cropping system) 2. Effect of Different Doses of Vermicompost on Ajit Kripal Agronomy 2006 Growth and Yield of Wheat [Triticum aestivum L. Sahu (nutrient c.v. H W 2004 (Amar)] management) 3. Effect of different Concentrations of Potassium Kshetrimayum Agronomy 2014 nitrate (KNO3) as Foliar Spray on Growth and Manishwari (nutrient Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Devi management) TUBER CROP POTATO 1. Study on the Effect on Seed size and Spacing on the Kh Nandijei Agronomy 1994 Growth, Development and Yield of Potato Kabui (Agrotechnique) (Solanum tuberosum L.) Var. Kufri Jyoti Grown Under Clay Soil of Manipur 2. Study on Effect of Different Methods of Planting Soram Nilla Agronomy 1998 and Placement of Seed on the Growth, Singh (Agrotechnique) Development and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Var Kufri Jyoti Grown Under Clay Soil of Manipur 3. Effect of Different Levels and Mode of Application W Agronomy 1999 of Potassium on Growth and Yield of Potato Vijayalakshmi (nutrient (Solanum tuberosum L.) Var. kufri Jyoti Devi management) 4. Effect of Varying Levels of Nitrogen with and Ps Esther Anal Agronomy 2002 without Azolobactor on Growth and Yield of Potato (nutrient 70 (Solanum tuberrosum L.) var. “Kufri Jyoti” management) 5. Effect of nitrogen in Integrated with Different Anju Keisham Agronomy 2013 Organic Sources on Growth and Yield of Potato (nutrient (Solanum tuberosum L, var Kurffri jyoti) management) 6. Effect of Mulching on the Yield of Potato (Solanum Kimneihoi Agronomy 2014 tuberosumL.) local Cultivar Thangal Allu Duhlian (agrotechnique) 7. Effect of Seed Size and spacing on Yield and Yengkhom Agronomy 2014 Economic of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) var. Telneikhomba (agrotechnique Kufri Jyoti 8. Comparative Study in Growth and Yield of Dibyendu Agronomy 2016 Different Varieties of Potato (Solanum tuberosum Debbarma (agrotechnique L) in Manipur Condition 9. Effect of Integrated Nitrogen Management on Yield Kamwenes Agronomy 2019 of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) local Cultivar Kazamba (Nutrient Alu Amubi management) OILSEED CROP 1. Effect of Nitrogen Application on the Seed Yield of M Shanti Devi Agronomy 1994 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (Nutrient management) 2. Effeect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium on Lydia Zimik Agronomy 1999 Growth and Yield of Broad Leaf Mustard (Brassica (Nutrient Juncea Var. rugosa. Roxb tsen and Lee) management) 3. Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen and Sulphur Nongmaithem Agronomy 2000 on Seed Yield and Oil Content of Rapeseed Jyotisana (Nutrient (Brassica campestris var. Toria) management) 4. Effect of Spacing on Different Plant Types of N Arunkumar Agronomy 2001 Groundnut (Araches hypogaea L) Under the Foot Singh Hills Conditions of Manipur 5. Effect of Azotobacter on Yield and Oil Content of a Sucharita Dutta Agronomy 2001 few Varieties of Rapseed and Mustard Under (Nutrient Manipur Condition management) 6. Studies on the Effect of Rhizobium on the Growth Sukanya Agronomy 2001 and Yield of Different Varieities of Soyabean Pandey (Nutrient (Glycine max L. Messit) management) 7. Study on Yield Performance of a few Varieties of I Rajendro Agronomy 2003 Rapeseed and Mustard Under Manipur Condition Singh (Agro-technique) 8. Effect of Phosphorus and Organic Manure on N Anando Agronomy 2004 Growth and Yield of Rapeseed (Brassica campestris Singh (Nutrient var. toria) Under Late-Sown Condition management) 9. Effects of Phosphorus on Plant Growth and Yield of Kamalesh Agronomy 2011 Promising Varieties of Soybean (Glycine max L. Kumar (Nutrient Merril) Under Rainfed Condition of Manipur management) 10. Impact of Hydrogen and Thiourea on Field and Abhinanda Agronomy 2015 Quality of Indian Mustard(Brassiea juncea L.) Singh (Water Under Moisture Stress Condition management) 71 11. Effect of Herbicides on Growth, Yield and Weed Ng Bishal Agronomy 2016 Dynamics of Soybean (Gtycine
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