Curriculum Vitae October 2016 Name: Russell T. Scott, Jr. Higher Education: B. A. Stanford University 1960 (Classics, Philosophy) M. A. Yale University 1962 (Classics) Ph. D. Yale University 1964 (Classics) Honors: Sterling pre-doctoral Fellowship, Yale University 1963-64 Fulbright Fellowship to Italy 1964-65 Rome Prize Fellowship in Classics, American Academy in Rome 1964-1966 Summer research grants Bryn Mawr College 1969, 1972 Summer research grants APS 1968, 1972, 1977 Summer research grants ACLS 1968, 1969 ACLS Fellowship 1972 NEH Senior Research Fellowship 1990 NEH Summer Grant 1994 Senior Grant APS 1998 Employment: Bryn Mawr College Department of Latin Assistant Professor 1966-1972 Associate Professor 1972-1978 Professor 1978, Chairman 1976-1982, 1989, 1993- 2006 Research Interests: Roman archaeology and history of the republican and imperial periods with special reference to Italy and the western provinces. Field Experience: Excavations at Cosa (Ansedonia) Italy 1965-1973, 1990-1997, 2013- Excavations in the Roman Forum: the Regia 1965, 1969, 1972; The Area Sacra of Vesta 1986-1996; 2004-2009 Publications: 1968 Religion and Philosophy in the Histories of Tacitus (PAAR 22, 1968) (B) 1969 Interim report: “The Arx of Cosa 1965-68”, AJA 245 (1969) 73 “Seating Space in the Roman Senate and the Senatores Pedarii” with L. R. Taylor, TAPA 100 (1969) 529ff. 1971 Interim Report: “Cosa 1969-70: the Houses”, AJA 273 (1971) 75 1973 “The Locrian Pinakes” with B. S. Ridgway, Archaeology 26 (1973) 43ff. 1977 “Pre-Arretine: New Evidence from Cosa”, AIA Abstracts (1977) Page 2 of 9 1981 “A New Inscription of the Emperor Maximinus at Cosa”, Chiron 11 309ff. 1982 “Providentia Aug.”, Historia 23 (1982) 436ff. “The Historic Mediterranean”, National Geographic 162, 6 (1982) 694ff. (Principal Consultant). “The Text of Tacitus Ann. 14.60-61 and Octavia”, CJ 79 (1983) 39ff. “On Catullus 11”, CP 78 (1983) 39ff. 1985 “Cosa e il suo territorio”, La romanizzazione dell 'Etruria (Milano, 1985) 95ff., 100ff. “La Regia nel Foro Romano”, Case e palazzi (Milano 1985) 186ff. 1986 “Urbs/Ager: Recent Developments in Roman Italy”, AJA 90 (1986) 181. 1988 “Archaeology and the Roman Forum”, Places 5:1 (1988) 60. “The Latin Colony of Cosa”, La colonizzazione romana tra la guerra latina e la guerra anibalica. Atti del convegno, Acquasparta. DdA 6 (3rd. series 1988) 73ff. “Scavi nel Foro Romano lungo la via sacra presso la Regia”, Archeologia Laziale IX QuadAEI 15 (1988) 18ff. 1989 “The City and the Camp in Tacitus' Histories”, AJAH 9 (1984 published 1989) 109ff. 1990 “Excavations in the Roman Forum: The Area Sacra of Vesta”, AJA 94 (1990) 304. “A New Corpus of Gladiatorial Inscriptions in the West”, JRA 3 (1990) 310ff. “Un americano per Vesta”, Archeo 59 (1990) 111ff. “The Decorations in Terracotta from the Temples at Cosa”, La coroplastica templare etrusca fra il IV e il II secolo a.C. Atti del XVI convegno di studi etruschi ed italici (Orbetello 1988) 91 ff. 1990 “Rome. The Area Sacra of Vesta, 1990,” Rivista di Topografia Antica 1 (1991) 163. “Cosa” Enciclopedia Italiana (paginations missing) 1992-1993 Cosa IV: Houses (with V.J. Bruno) MAAR 38 (1993) (B). Page 3 of 9 “A New Fragment of Serpent Ware from Cosa,” Journal of Glass Studies 34 (1992) 58f. “Lavori e ricerche nell 'area sacra di Vesta 1990-1991,” Archeologia laziale XI, QuadAEI, 21 (1993) 11f. “Excavations in the Area Sacra of Vesta 1988-1989”, Eius Virtutis Studiosi: Studies in Memory of Frank Edward Brown (1993), 161f. Cosa III: The Buildings of the Forum: MAAR 37 (1993) Editor (B). Eius Virtutis Studiosi: Studies in Memory of Frank Edward Brown (National Gallery of Art): Editor with Ann R. Scott.) (B). “Atrium Vestae,” LTUR I, (Roma 1993), 138f. “The Area Sacra of Vesta 1992-1993,” AIA Abstracts 17 (1993), 84. 1994 “Roma: Dieci anni di scavi,” Archeologia Viva 11 (1992), 55f. Cosa: The Lamps (Fitch, Goldman): Editor (B). Architectural Terracottas from the Regia (Downey): Editor (B). 1995 “Domus Publica,” LTUR II, 165f. 1996 “The Porticus Neroniana,” Bollettino di Archeologia, 19-21 (1993), 88f. Hic Manebimus Optime: The Archaeology of Rome and the American Academy (B). 1997 “The Shield of Aeneas and the Problem of Ecphrasis,” Ultra Terminos Vagari: Studies in Honor of Carl Nylander (Rome 1997), 171f. “Excavations in the Area Sacra of Vesta: Final Report,” AJA 101 (1997), 356. 1999 “Atrium Vestae: the Campaign of 1996,” MAAR 42 (1997), 249f. “‘Regia,' Kalatores Pontificum et Flaminum’” LTUR IV (1999), 189 f.; 243 f. “Vestae Aedes,” “Vestae Lucus,” in LTUR, V 125f.; 129f. Page 4 of 9 2000 “The Arch of Augustus and the Roman Triumph,” JRA 13 (2000), 183f. “Vestae Aedem Petitam? Vesta in the Empire,” Rome and Her Monuments: Essays in Honor of Katherine Geffcken, ((Bolchazy-Garducci) 2000), 173f . 2003 E. Fentress et al., Cosa V: an Intermittent Town, Editor (B); (University of Michigan) 2005 “The Archaeological Contribution to Early Roman History”, Chapter in Kurt Raaflaub (ed.) Social Struggles in Archaic Rome (2nd. edition Blackwell) 2006 Maria Teresa Marabini Moevs, Cosa: Studies in the Arretine and Italian Sigillata, Editor (B); (University of Michigan) 2007 “The Later History of the ‘Domus delle Vestali’, “ Res Bene Gestae: Ricerche di storia urbana su Roma antica in onore di Margareta Steinby (Quasar, Roma), 397. 2008 Ann Reynolds Scott, Cosa. The Black-Glaze Pottery 2 Editor (B); (University of Michigan) 2009 *AA.VV. Excavations in the Area Sacra of Vesta (1987-1998) (University of Michigan) “There’s Nothing Wrong with Horace Odes 4,” Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History” 15 (“Collection Latomus”) 258. 2015 “Cosa Excavations: the 2013 Report,” Orizzonti XVI, 11. 2016 Cosa, Orbetello: Archaeological Itineraries (Edizioni Pegaso, Florence); co- author A. De Giorgi. Forthcoming/ in Progress Articles/Monographs AA.VV. Excavations in the Area Sacra of Vesta 2: the Imperial Building and the Regia. The Brick Stamps and Inscriptions from Cosa Page 5 of 9 *R.T. Scott, A.Ammerman, L. Costantini, J. Giorgi, C. Steffensen, C. Trier with P. Henderson (Architect). Exhibitions: “La romanizzazione dell Etruria: il territorio di Vulci”, Orbetello (GR) Polveriera Guzman, June-October 1985. “Case e palazzi”, Siena, ex-ospedale Sta. Maria delle Scale, June-October 1985. “Il trionfo dell 'acqua: acque e acquedotti a Roma” Roma, Museo della Civiltá Romana (EUR) December 1986-February 1987. “Dal Campidoglio alla Valle del Colosseo” (Soprintendenza Archeologica di Roma, Roma, sede dell' American Express Italia, June 1991. “Roma e le capitali europee dell archeologia” (Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Associazione Culturale RomaEuropa), Roma 11-15 June 1991. Bibliotheca Archaeologica, “Libri sulle civiltá del mondo antico,” Mostra Internazionale, Roma, 2-8 December 1992. “Recent Archaeological Work by the American Academy in Rome,” Accademia Americana, February 1995. “Il museo di palazzo Caetani sulla via Appia antica”, Rome, April 2003 Miscellaneous Publications: La Scuola di studi classici dell’ accademia americana in Roma. Storia dell Unione, 3 vols. 1993. Reviews: 1967 L'eternel feminin dans la religion mediterraneenne (Pestallozza) CW 60 (1967) 347. 1968 Mithraism in Ostia (Laeuchli et al) CW 61 (1968) 255. 1969 La nike de Paeonios de Mend et le triangle sacre des monuments figures (Deonna CW 62 (1969) 358. Kleinasien zur Romerzeit, Griechisches Leben im Spiegel der Munzen (Franke) CJ 65 (1969-70) 34. 1970 Die Lokrischen Tonreliefs: Beitrag zur Kultgeschichte von Lokroi Epizephyrioi (Pruckner) CW 63 (1970) 273. Page 6 of 9 1971 Violence in Republican Rome (Lintott) CJ 66 (1971) 372. Le putto dans l'art romain (Stuveras) CW 64 (1971) 372. 1972 Die Interpretation in der Altertumswisenschaft (Bonn Congress: aa. vv.) CW 65 (1972) 43. 1973 Fouilles de Bolsensa, Poggio Moscini: Les Architectures 1962-67 (aa.vv.) AJA 77 (1973) 247. 1974 Reliefs en bronze de 'Etrurie (Johansen) AJA 78 (1974) 205. 1975 The Column of Antoninus Pius (Vogel) CW 69 (1975) 148. 1977 Blera: topografia antica della citta e del territorio (Gigli) AJA 82 (1977) 264. 1979 Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army (Engels) Archaeology 32 (1979) 67. 1980 Flavius Cresconius Corippus: in Laudem Iustini Augusti Minoris Libri (ed. with translation and commentary by A. Cameron) ByzSt 7 (1980) 118. 1981 Scavi di Luni II (Frova et al) AJA 85 (1981) 356. 1984 Urbanisme et metamorphoses de la Rome antique (Duret, Neraudau 1983) RelStRev 10 (1984) 287. 1986 The Senate of Imperial Rome (Talbert) RelStRev 12 (1986) 67. 1990 Archaeologie Laziale VIII. Ottavo incontro di studio del comitato per l'archeologia laziale. (aa.vv.) AJA 94 (1990) 357ff. 1991 Fidenae (Quilici and Quilici Gigli) AJA. 95 (1991) 558 ff. 1994 Luce, T. J. and Woodman, A.J. (eds.), Tacitus and the Tacitean Tradition BMCR 5 (1994), 25. 1998 Linderski, J. (ed.), Imperium Sine Fine: T. Roberts S. Broughton and the Roman Republic. (Historia Einzelschnften” 105), BMCR 9 (1998). 2007 Rome’s Vestal Virgins (Wildfang, R.L.) in BMCR (on line). 2008 Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell’Occidente Romano VI. Roma. Anfiteatri e strutture annesse con una nuova edizione e commento delle iscrizioni del Colosseo (Orlandi) in BMCR (on line) Page 7 of 9 Professional Activities: Lecturer A.I.A. 1969-1970, 1973-1974, 1988-1989 Correspondent Fasti Archaeologici 1972- Representative to A.I.A.C. 1983-1989 Consultant National Geographic Society Journal Referee CP, AJA Advisory Editor AJA 1982-1985 Advisory Committee JRA Comitato Scientifico, Orizzonti Referee, panelist in archaeology NEH Referee APhS American Commission for Cultural Exchange with Italy 1984-1988 Director, summer sessions of the School of Classical Studies, American Academy in Rome 1974-1976 Resident in Classics, American Academy in Rome 1979 Director, Villa Massenzia, Bryn Mawr College, Rome 1982-1984 Andrew W. Mellon Professor in Charge, School of Classical Studies, American Academy in Rome 1984-1988 Editor, Cosa publications, American Academy in Rome 1984- Andrew W.
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