The Library FRIDAY MIL ART EDITION ©Itp Nan itamuahirrBALL TONITE Z 413 “A Live College Newspaper” VOL. 28. Issue 18. UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, DECEMBER 3, 1937. PRICE THREE CENTS WILDCAT GRIDSTERS 1825 Scholastic Warnings ARE GUESTS OF PEP- Issued to U.N.H. Students 1825 notices of grades below sev­ Lois Hudson is Chosen CATS AT BANQUET enty were sent to the 1738 students enrolled in the University. Of these President Engelhardt and notices 1103 were between sixty and seventy, with the remaining 722 be­ Other Dignitaries Address low sixty. 697 men, approximately Honorary Cadet Colonel Gathering in Dining Hall 56% and 240 or 44% of the women received warnings. This is a slight Military Committee Honors The most successful football team in improvement over last year, when Alice Davenport, Elizabeth the history of the university was feted over 2,000 notices were issued. Cadet Colonel for the third time when the Pep - Cats, McNamara as Cadet Majors student booster organization, tendered them a banquet in Commons last Mon­ SORORITIES PLEDGE Lois Hudson received a majority vote day night, with a rather small gathering for the much heralded position of Cadet of faculty members and students in at­ EIGHTY-FOUR GIRLS Colonel of the annual Military Ball. At the intermission of the ball she will be tendance. presented, making her appearance with After a turkey dinner had been served, Alpha XI Delta and Theta Captain Martin Verville. The officers of the speaking program was opened by Pet­ Upsilon Head Sororities the campus military society have also er Wellenberger, chairman of the Pep- chosen Alice Davenport and Elizabeth Cats who welcomed the assembled guests In the Number of Pledges McNamara for her aides, and they will and the football players in behalf of his occupy seats next to the Cadet Colonel. organization. Major Donovan Swanton, Eighty-four girls were pledged to serving as toastmaster in a very capable Greek letter sororities on November 23 Officers Pledged and humorous manner, introduced the after the fall rushing period. Alpha Xi In addition to the presentation of the other speakers, namely: President En­ Delta led in numbers with twenty-eight honorary Cadet Colonel and Cadet Ma­ gelhardt, Coach Sauer, Coach Justice, pledges and Theta Upsilon was second LOIS HUDSON jors, twenty-five junior officers will be Director of Athletics William H. Cow­ with twenty-one. formally pledged into the honorary mili­ ell, Captain Edward Little of the foot­ Alpha Chi Omega tary society. These officers have been ball team, William Marsh, trainer of Earline Brown, Rachael Cox, Dorothy chosen by the officers of Scabbard and Wildcat athletes, and George Stenzel, Dexhemier, Betty Fisher, Barbara Head, Cadet Major Cadet Major Blade for their proficiency in military president of the Student Council. Dorothy Laing, Violet Lazarevich, Mary science. They will be honored by a tap In congratulating the team for their McCarthy, Ruth McQueston, Margaret on the left shoulder from the sabre in the fine work during the season, President Patten, Evelyn Robertson, Anna Swen- hand of the Cadet Colonel. After this Engelhardt stated that he had attended sen, Madelon Willis. they will form a line in back of Captain Martin Verville, and proceed to march every game but the Maine contest and Alpha Xi Delta that he had missed that one only because under the arch formed by the sabres of he was busy being inaugurated. He de­ Barbara Adams, Virginia Alden, Sol- the senior officers of Scabbard and Blade. plored the small attendance at the ban­ veig Ansteensen, Ann Cota, Elizabeth The pledges are: George Abbott, Pierre quet and declared that every student and Crooks, Grace Etter, Alfce Gordon, Elea­ Boy, Roger Bruford, Robert Farr, Maur­ every member of the faculty should have nor Gould, Dorothy Haines, Jean Halpin, ice Fournier, Louis Frank, Marry Hatch- been present. The president then went Margaret Herring, Eleanor Hillier, Mary ell, Paul Horne, Arthur Little, Gordon on to describe his plans for improving the Kearney, Elizabeth Kinsman, Virginia Martin, Robert Nash, Donald Otis, Ray­ community singing at the University; he Linscott, Natalie Painting, Madeline Pa- mond Patten, Howard Platts, William said that even if it were necessary to add pachristos, Virginia Parker, Virginia Quinn, Robert Spaulding, Adelbert a community singing instructor to the Randall, Beverly Rowell, Mary Saye- Teague, Frank Tenney, Harrison Thyng, wich, Ann Sewell, Sara Shaw, Helen Gordon Tibbetts, Peter Urban, Walter faculty, that he would bring about this Sipell, Dorothy Sparks, Joan Sweet, ALICE DAVENPORT ELIZABETH McNAMARA Webb, and Steve Zagreski. improvement. Ruth Sweezy, Nancy Thompson. At the conclusion of his speech, Pres­ The chaperones for the ball will be: ident Engelhardt awarded appreciation Chi Omega GLEE CLUBS PRESENT HOUSE GUESTS Colonel and Mrs. Putney, Major and certificates, which had been donated by Kathryn Barry, Barbara Clausen, Bar­ The thirteen Greek letter fraternities Mrs. Prindle, Major and Mrs. Buracker, the Pep-Cats, to the football players. bara Dwight, Dorothy Folz, Margery XMAS CAROL SERVICE Major Swanton, Captain and Mrs. Dev- on campus will be the hosts to a large ens, and President and Mrs. Engelhardt. This was the third banquet which has Folz, Eleanor Gay, Marie Rassias. number of guests at their annual fall been given for the Wildcats this season. Kappa Delta Rehearsals are being held for the four­ house parties on Saturday evening. Dick McGinley Plays teenth carol service which will be given Those attending are: They were the guests of the Springfield Esther Gillingham, Patricia Pattee, by the combined glee clubs. The service Music for the evening will be furnished Alumni in that city following the final Edith Spurr, Betty Farnsworth, Virginia for which there will be no admission Sigma Alpha Epsilon by Dick McGinley and his famous New game of the season with the Gymnasts, Dyke. England orchestra. Miss Peggy Wood, Phi Mu charge, is to be held in the men’s gymna­ Chaperones: Mrs. Earle Donle, Mr. and on the 19th of November, the Man­ sium at 8:15 on December 15th. and Mrs. John Conroy, Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ song bird of the Atlantic Coast, will ac­ chester Alumni played hosts to them at Anne Carlisle, Fretta Cooke, Carol Ev­ The clubs will sing a group of carols, seph Batchelder. company McGinley’s orchestra to New the Rice-Varick Hotel in Manchester. erett, Eleanor Woodbury, Fredricka Pet­ choruses, motets, and hymns. The pro­ Orchestra: Phil Haskell and his Col­ Hampshire. There are eleven maestros erson. gram, consisting of both familiar and un­ lege Inn Band. in his band; and each one is individually Theta Upsilon familiar carols, will present two interest­ House Guests: Florence Armstrong, known for his musical abilities, and Mc­ CELEBRATE SIGNING Betty Browne, Marjorie Callahan, Nat­ ing arrangements of the old familiar Plymouth, Mass.; Beatrice Caldwell, Ginley is well known in the harmony alie Chandler, Lois Draper, Laurenia carols “God King Wencelaus” and “The Portland, Maine; Martha Aldrich, Sugar world for his clever arrangements. The OF CONSTITUTION Eastman, Elizabeth Edson, Dorothy Fer­ First Noel” with descants, the old medie­ Hill; Alice Perkins, Kennebunk, Maine; orchestra will commence the evening with ry, Eileen Foss, Clara Hayden, Martha val principle of weaving an oblagato mel­ Betsey Vannah, Berlin; Ann Hawkins, an hour of concert music. Two members of the faculty of the Holt, Mary Howe, Leila Lister, Joseph­ ody against the principle one. Boston, Mass.; Barbara Cole, Portland, The gymnasium will be principally dec­ University of New Hampshire, will rep­ ine Lyons, Susan Malsch, Barbara Mar­ Maine; Mary Sarson, Portsmouth; orated with flags and streamers. During resent the University in the national ses- shall, Ada Nudd, Dorothy Patrich, Ed- Katherine Myhre, Wakefield, Mass.; the intermission regular army officers of qui-centennial celebration of the signing wina Russell, Phyllis Stanton, Priscilla Sociology Club to Constance MacNaughton, Nashua; Bar­ the Military Science department will pre­ of the American constitution in a broad­ Taylor, Carole Toleman. Test New Theories bara Phillips, East Candia; Margaret sent commissions to the senior officers. cast over radio station WHEB in Ports­ Pi Lhmbda Sigma Rayner, Providence, R. I.; Faith Stan­ Those who wish to see the ceremony “Subjective Social Stimulation” will be ton, Durham; Barbara Clisham, Win- will be charged a small fee for admission mouth, December 6. Ursula Hart, Mary Haynes, Josephine to the gymnasium balcony. Dr. Thorsten V. Kalajarvi, Associate Kleczynska, Ruth LeClair, Genevieve the topic for the next meeting of the throp, Mass.; Nancy Powers, Cambridge, Lessard. Sociology Club which is to be held at the Mass.; Lucy Gullow, Greenfield, Mass.; Professor of Political Science, gave the j Alpha Xi Delta House, Monday, De­ June Nordine, Concord; Audrey Pettin- first address in October, in a radio series ’ cember 5. gill, Fremont; Polly Hammond, Welles­ NOTICE that brings little known historical infor- i cock, Professor of History, will give a There will be a discussion of and at­ mation to the public. The radio series ley, Mass.; Jean Patterson, Smith Col­ The Bureau of Appointments announc­ short series of biographical sketches of tempts at testing some of the newer the­ lege ; Nancy Thomas, Bronxville, N. Y.; es that in the future the information con­ are concerned with the knowledge and use distinguished delegates to the Constitu­ ories concerning societal contact and in­ Barbara Martin, Portland, Me.; Frances of medicine, farming problems, and other tional convention; and Lloyd C. Fogg, teraction. Only members of the Sociol­ cerning all companies whose representa­ industries and professions of the Revo­ Stanley, N. Y. C.; Betty Burns, Cape tives visit the campus for the purpose of Assistant Professor of Zoology, will ogy club are invited. Elizabeth, Maine; Eleanor Powers, recruiting seniors for June employment lutionary period.
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