Stage Managing while Cruising The Dream Christina Ann Capobianco Submitted in fulfillment Of the requirements For the degree of Master of Fine Arts In the theater Program of the School of the Arts COLUMBIA UNIVERISTY 4/14/13 Table of Contents IntURGXFWLRQ«««««««««««««««««««.«««««««««S 7UDGLWLRQV %HLQJD&DVW0HPEHU««««««««.«««««««««.....«S VWZHHN2QERDUG6DIHW\ 7LPH&RPPLWPHQW«««««««««««««...p8 Assistant Stage Manager on the Disney Dream«««««««««...««««p10 T raining, Maintenance & ShoreVLGH«««««««««««««««««...«.p20 Direct Reports & &RPPXQLFDWLRQ«««««««««««««««««««S2 8QH[SHFWHG&KDOOHQJHV«««««««««««««««««««..«««««S7 WeatKHU&RQGLWLRQV &RQWLQJHQFLHV«««««««««««««««.«...«S4 Motions and EmoWLRQV«««««««««««««««««...««««...«S7 The Advantages of Stage Managers on C ruise Ships««««««««««««p40 Stage Management Concentration Ȃ Thesis Requirement 2 Introduction Before reading this thesis, one must understand what the role of a stage manager entails. In The Backstage Guide to Stage Management 2nd Edition, Tom Kelly has created his own definition that identifies the persona and skills of a stage manager. To fully understand the role, and observer must first grasp that although stage managers may have similar functions and job descriptions, no two positions are the same. It depends on the role they are partaking in and whether or not they abide under a particular contract or union. ³6WDJH0DQDJHUVDUHUHVSRQVLEOHDQGDGDSWDEOHFRPPXQLFDWRUV who have the ability to handle and coordinate diverse groups of artistic personalities with tactful discipline and a sense of humor. They establish a creative environment by combining the ability to prioritize and anticipate and solve problems, with calm sensitivity and grace under pressure. Their ability to do the above stems from organizational ability, acquired technical knowledge (sound, music, lights, design, and construction, typing, use of computers, and so on), familiarity with union requirements, DQGDQLQVSLUDWLRQDOSHUVRQDOLW\WKDWFUHDWHVSRVLWLYHHQHUJ\´ The Backstage Guide to Stage Management, p19, 20). In effort to elaborate on the practical application of the above definition, this thesis will feature the experience of an Assistant Stage Manager (ASM) for Disney Cruise Line (DCL) on the Disney Dream ship. It will also describe in detail the training procedures for this position; compare the ASM role on a ship to a trained assistant stage manager on land, and assess the external factor of life on board a cruise ship. The responsibilities discussed will include the following: time commitment required of a Disney Cruise Line ASM, paperwork created, challenges faced, direct reports, rehearsals, challenging weather conditions, and the benefits of ship work to young stage managers. This thesis will maintain a focus on Disney etiquette and the importance of keeping the Stage Management Concentration Ȃ Thesis Requirement 3 magic of Disney alive while at all times providing an excellent show. Traditions & Being a Cast Member $V:DOW'LVQH\RQFHVDLG³<RXFDQGUHDPFUHDWHGHVLJQDQGEXLOGWKHPRVW wonderful place in WKHZRUOG«EXWLWUHTXLUHVSHRSOHWRPDNHWKHGUHDPDUHDOLW\´ Whether on land or on a ship, a good team can make all the difference when it comes to creating a passionate workspace. When a team includes passionate and dedicated members who are willing to go that extra mile, some of the most amazing outcomes can result. Working as a Disney cast member, I have found myself surrounded by an extraordinary team that surpassed nearly all of my expectations. Although many other companies may have very high working standards combined with great business ethics, few organizations compare to Disney in the caliber of employees; the process to be a cast member1 at Disney is extensive and very detailed oriented. Disney Cruise Line as it exists within the Walt Disney Company stresses professionalism, business ethics and customer service etiquette to cater to the guests on board. Disney Cruise Line¶Vworking conditions differ from those within a traditional theater in that its ships also act as a floating hotel. As such, our focus on guests becomes much more than just ticket sales and reviews. In order for the Walt Disney Company to keep all their employees up to par, all new hires have to go through a training process known as: Traditions. The Disney Company flies new cast members to Orlando Florida to meet about ten to fifteen other new hires from all over the world, all soon to embark on the same voyage. These first few days give new hires a glimpse of the many diverse people from 1 Cast Member: What employees who work for Disney are referred to as. Stage Management Concentration Ȃ Thesis Requirement 4 assorted countries they will be working with on the ship. All training before boarding the ship takes SODFHDW'LVQH\8QLYHUVLW\RWKHUZLVHNQRZQDV'8³'LVQH\8QLYHUVLW\LVWKH global entity under which Disney Cast Members receive a range of opportunities including Disney heritage and traditions, personal and professional development, and on the job training. Although, Disney University is not an accredited institution, courses are primarily designed, developed and delivered by experienced learning professionals,´ (http://disneyinstitute.com). In my experience at DU, you are welcomed into the company with open arms. Everyone has a smile on their face and each person appears excited to have you there to experience what many have already been through. You are immediately referred to as a ³cast member´ and not just as an employee. During Traditions, you are taught about the history of the Disney Company and the life of Walt Disney himself. Some of these details LQFOXGH:DOW'LVQH\¶Vmajor life accomplishments, history of the Disney parks, the first movie pictures made and the development of the idolized characters and their transformation over the years. The Disney Company requires its cast members to know as much about the product from the beginning in order to service guests with proper factual information. Throughout this process, you are also introduced to the way the Disney Company runs operations. Specifically as new hires to Disney Cruise Line, training aimed to prepare us as much as possible living at sea before boarding the cruise ship. Tradition training differs for cruise ship employees versus new hires who work in the parks, because as DCL crew, you are not only starting a new job, but a completely new lifestyle, too. You learn about sleeping arrangements, the food prepared for crew, the diverse cultures of people working on the ship, basic job responsibility and general Stage Management Concentration Ȃ Thesis Requirement 5 life at sea. The human resources department warns new hires to expect to undergo fluctuating emotions; you could be the happiest person in the world one day, then the next feel depressed and homesick in an instant. Employee contracts can vary from four to nine months aboard a Disney ship. For those crew members on board for the long haul, the HR trainers offered the advice to keep going, follow through with work, responsibilities and utilize the human resource team or fellow crewmembers aboard for support. As an Assistant Stage Manager on board Disney Cruise Line, my contracts never last longer than four to five months with about a two-month break in between to go home and visit family. This keeps one energized, well rested and ready to come back to each new contract with a fresh start. Beyond the important message of preparing new hires for ship lifestyle, our Human Resource trainers went into the standards and conducts of Disney and what the company stands for. This process compares favorably to being back in school, from taking notes and quizzes to memorization of extensive company knowledge. In this sense, Traditions has the potential to turn into a boring presentation with minimal lasting impact. Instead, Disney aims to take what could be countless hours of training and turn it into a memorable experience for its new hires. The following lessons are statements that as new hires, we were advised to memorize and know first hand. Lesson One: Disney Standards of Business Conduct. ³2XU6WDQGDUGVRI%XVLQHVV&RQGXFW RU³6WDQGDUGV´ DUHDUHIOHFWLRQRI that commitment and provide you with the information you need to do the right thing on the job and preserve the reputation we have earned as an HWKLFDOFRPSDQ\ 6WDQGDUGVRI%XVLQHVV&RQGXFWS ´ These standards include Integrity, Trust, Teamwork, Honesty, Play by the Rules Stage Management Concentration Ȃ Thesis Requirement 6 & Respect. Together they establish a prime foundation of what makes the Disney Company a successful entertainment organization. During Traditions, new crew members receive a manual with more detailed descriptions of what these standards mean to Disney VRWKH\KDYHWKHUHVRXUFHVWRIXOO\XQGHUVWDQGWKHFRPSDQ\¶VYDOXHV7KHVHFRQGPRVW important lesson taught pertained to us more specifically as new hires for DCL. Lesson Two: Disney Cruise Line Vision Statement ³'LVQH\&UXLVH/LQH9DFDWLRQVFRPELQHWKHHQFKDQWPHQWRI'LVQH\ZLWK the lure of the sea, inviting Guests of all ages to experience a magical vacation that delights every member of the family. Through the wonder that is Disney, Guests will be transported on a journey of never-ending enchantment where excitement coexists with rejuvenation, serenity lives with adventure and escape is the destination´ (Disney Cruise Line®: Disney Traditions, p8) DCL teaches this vision statement as something that all crew members need to keep in the back of their mind is fulfilling all duties on the ship. All crewmembers must know what our guests deserve,
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