Comhairle Contae Mhaigh Eo Mayo County Council A publication by the Communications Department at Mayo County Council APPENDX 4 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 85 APPENDIX 1 86 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 87 87 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 88 88 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 89 89 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 90 90 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 91 91 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 92 92 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 93 93 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 94 94 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 95 95 APPENDX 1 APPENDX APPENDIX 1 CASTLEBAR MUNICIPAL DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT 2017 96 96 APPENDX 1 APPENDX Castlebar Municipal District has continued to meet the requirements of both Castlebar town and its general area over the year by, on the one hand maintaining essential services, while also encouraging competitiveness and growth. The elected members of the District are: Cllr. Martin McLoughlin (elected Cathaoirleach on 29th June 2017) Cllr. Cyril Burke Cllr. Frank Durcan Cllr. Michael Kilcoyne (Cathaoirleach from June 2016 to June 2017) Cllr. Henry Kenny Cllr. Blackie Gavin Cllr. Al McDonnell Cllr. Thérèse Ruane Councillor Martin McLoughlin, Cathaoirleach of Castlebar Municipal District In the interest of making Castlebar Municipal District more attractive for the local, visitor and investor alike many projects which were underway in 2016 have been advanced significantly during 2017/2018. Housing Continuation of the remedial works scheme for local authority housing Continuation of the Energy Retrofitting Scheme for local authority units Town Centre Regeneration Footpath extensions Car park refurbishments Amenities Castlebar new Swimming Pool and Outdoor Pursuits Centre. While funding these projects will continue to be a challenge, Castlebar Municipal District will continue to examine all potential funding options available. 97 HOUSING APPENDIX 1 Housing Grants for Private Houses - 2017 Type of Grant No. Approved Value Approved € Housing Aid for Older People 34 €81,238.62 Mobility Aids Grant Scheme 23 €52,217.75 Housing Adaptation for Persons with a Disability 28 €88,123.99 Ongoing local authority housing maintenance Housing Stock As of 31st December, 2017 there are 406 units of local authority housing within the Castlebar Municipal District. Castlebar Municipal District has an annual budget in place to maintain this substantial housing stock. In recent years the Department of the Environment introduced the Energy Efficiency Programme and the Voids Programme for local authority dwellings. The Energy Efficiency Programme assists local authorities in carrying out works to upgrade the energy efficiency levels in its houses. The Voids Programme assists in returning vacant social housing units to productive use. The Municipal District Offices located at Áras an Chontae, Castlebar carry out the following housing functions among others: - • Delivery of the housing construction programme • Implementation of the Traveller Accommodation Programme • Management of the housing waiting list • Provision of services for the homeless • Provision of special needs and rural housing 98 APPENDX 1 APPENDX • Hou Purchase provements oans • Collection o ousing nts • Renovate ong-term using oids • Implem En Efficiency r Scheme • Assi local oluntary using di ROAD RANSPORTATION D SAFETY Castlebar Municipal istric h total 1,518 kilometres roadway which divided we ational, Regional Local oad t ut d. National rima Roads 29ms National ondary oads 9ms Regional oads 162ms Local oads 1,278 s o he gramm o ork, ongoing 2016 and arried orward nto 2017, h following ounts were allocated stlebar unicipal istric. € Total National rimary oads General aintenanc 81,03 Winte aintenance 3,600 12,630 National econdary oads General aintenanc 87,36 Winte aintenance 2,230 Pavem Mino rks 3,221,50 3,351,36 Regional oads General aintenance 27,82 Su ressing 268,62 Oth Wor o aintenance 7,20 Strengthening/Road estoration 632,477 Winte aintenance 123,517 Specifi provements Schemes 7,000 Bridg Rehabilitation rks 73,775 2,13,31 Local oads General aintenance 828,691 Su ressing 693,418 Strengthening/Road estoration 1,358,23 Local oad provements 3,853 Bridg ilitation rk 68,100 Community volvement hemes 16,365 Local provem chemes 182,331 3,325,961 8,95,58 99 NATIONA ADS - CAPITAL ROJECTS APPENDIX 1 N5 Westpor to urlough ad Projec - ms Compulsory urchas Ord and nvironment p Statem wer approv r he m in 2014 Th proje tend from Westpo to Castlebar includes ne southern o Castlebar 2015 tices o Trea w serv on l h affect andown and h land aluation process n aeological es Trenching led te nvestigation oth advanc wor also comm on te togeth with aration o ont docum fo encing. The project with a value of €200m includ n Governm frastructur and tal vestm Programme tember 2015. N5/N26/N5 astleba to Bohola winford o ount Falcon ad roject Following rd leanál decision o s planning ermission o th propo 26 Ballin o Bohola Stag 2 n ruary 2010 a vised roposal evelop by ayo ounty ouncil to mprove 5 oute betwe Turlough d of hola gether th 26/N58 onnection etween xford d th improv 5 oute merging referr Route orridors r e N5/N26/N58 Turlough ohol Project ere resented o memb o Castlebar and lin Municipal Distri in un 2015 d opted full meeting f Council in ul 2015. is hop tha the N5/N26/N58 roject ll ontinu to enefit om nvestment n 2017. GENERAL NICIPAL LLOCATION – DISCRETIONAR NDING Last year an amount in excess of €31,000 was ade vailable t arious community nd porting organisations n Castleba area o arious estivals nd vent s set out below: Ball Christm arket Rush Traders Ball val ommittee Explore ayo cle Ballygl ommunity ouncil Castlebar Car roup Bohola Sports ommittee Mayo tercultural tion Seamu orbett Memorial Road ce Lov astlebar Mayo rid Castlebar Mayo in Ribbon Castlebar antomime Bilberry/Lannagh gling ub Castlebar atri Day Parade Kiltimagh urism anisation Candl o Kiltimagh urism anisation Castlebar oxing ub atri Day, ahardane L éil Partry tag Festival Mayo ancheste Tourism n Group Straide Cultural storical ciety Mayo ternational Choral val Straid Community evelopment Castlebar ternational Days alks Coist ltú ang Forbar hi Brend gg Éadaigh eo Swi onservation ayo GMIT Tourmakeady GAA ub GM ayo Tourmakeady ricultur Show mpu MIT Turlough tag Committee Yotoshinkai Club Turlough mmunity evelopment Mayo eet od tival Ball Latvian x3 mp Bohola Development mmittee 100 APPENDX 1 APPENDX n excess of €11,000 has een made aaiable to esidents ssociations in astebar unicipal istrict in 2017. They are - hurchfield alla iley lose atlear Moat alla Laehore rive, atlear hurchview alla oi hainn atlear lm are alla ossmor atlear rdcrona alla ortfield/t artin Terrace atlear ollee oods, alla aview, atlear N84 ttavally/Lufferton eidet allintuber hetnut rove atlear allheae illae The urragh atlear Oakwoo, ohola arryduff ar atlear arle ill ourt ohola pecer ourt atlear Meaow ar atlear Marian ow t ridget recet a Lio a irce atlear iveride atlear ahel ar atlear afield aor atlear An ruthán atlear liah air, Kiltimagh Maor illae atlear ileera eidet arty The airways atlear Partry eidet Asociation reefields, atlear Leicín illae, Turlouh ofield atlear Millwood, Turlouh Abbeide atlear oirtín a oille Touraeay Other lus an rganisations o enefited from funin from Castlear unicial istrict in 017 were - alla olf lub allheae 5 lub alla Tow ar allheae Ti Tow alla oróie lu allheae hritma ights hraheen evelopmet ommittee alla elcarra Ti Tow alla hritma ight ohola heeler alla ommunit esource etre ohola oróie lu alla o ame lub ohola ational chool Paret Association alla ctive Age roup herida emorial ommunit entre alla Tidy Tow aracon ommunity Developmet ociation allintuber ommunit ouncil logher Paret a Toddler roup allintuber ver 55 lub logher ctive etiremet ociation allintuber Heritae roject logher Envirometal roup allintuber Abbe Trut td - eltic urrow atlear ommunit aio allintuber Abbe Trut td - hurch lad atlear ycling lub allintuber Abbe Trut td - Tochar hárai atlear thletic lub allla ommunity hildcare Cetre atlear ommunit ae allla ootall ad ocial lub o Lt Mao tercultural ction project of allla ommunity ouncil - aling outh et Mayo evelopmet ompay roup (Walie Talie outh Wet ayo evelopmet ompay allheae F.C. Dolme lubhoue Lt allheae ommunit ouncil t ríd' pecial S atlebar allheae ommunit all ommittee t eter ational chool, nuoro 101 Mao eace Par atlear arer APPENDIX 1 atlear omes he rimlin aminton lub atlear e he rimlin port ad ocial lub Gráinne haol Draon oat lub rimlin evelopmet Communit Aociation Mindpace ao leilad ommunit ouncil atlear Macra a eirme ladea Community ouncil aring ervice" Le héile , atlear ladea oróie Mao olunteer etre c/o e héile C, ladea GA lub atlear eeah evelopmet Committee rer of alta atlear Unit Killawalla ommunity ouncil atlear pecial lympic Tale Tei lub oillte Playgroup t, iltimagh atlear pecial lympic aaing lub lan achua Drama roup iltimah atlear o Name lub iltimah irst Reponder t ohn bulace iltimah adball lub atlear trier owling lub iltimah meit Par ommittee atlear ctive Retiremet iltimah istorical ociet oc oe Houe, atlear iltimah outhreach Mao etre for the neploye Mcale Rover GFA aharae atlear Tow FC Laharae Developmet o t atlear eltic Wome C Maulla ootall lub atlear eltic FC Mao bey oróie lub atlear eltic outh caey Mao Abbey evelopmet ompay atlear eltic outh lub Pare uical ociety adle of race, atlear Pare rt ad rama roup Gráinne Úaile ub ua lub Pare ommunit all t Mao eealogy roup Partry thletic FC atlear wimming lub Partry erae occer lub otohinai arate lub Partry fterchool t 1t Mao cout atlear Partry Tír
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