Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 5-11-1955 Herald of Holiness Volume 44 Number 10 (1955) Stephen S. White (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation White, Stephen S. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 44 Number 10 (1955)" (1955). Herald of Holiness/ Holiness Today. 1110. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/1110 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. “I . Yet Not I” General Superintendent Powers J 'h e Apostle Paul said, “ I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me” (I Cor. 15:10). Paul was not lazy. He set the example and took the lead in doing the work of God. He “laboured more abundantly than they all.” He made plans, then zealously promoted those plans for the building of the Kingdom. Yet he recognized that man is a power only when he is the agent of the Divine Spirit. In doing God’s work, man certainly is an indispensable factor, but the power is from God. To fail to bear this in mind will lead to activity that is presumptuous, and will eventually expose the Church to spiritual embarrassment. Without God we can do nothing spirit­ ually worth-while, but God working through us can perform the miraculous. Man is the instrument; God is the power. It is said that Stephenson, the inventor, was once asked what power made the train move. He replied, “The sun.” To the undis- cerning his answer may appear ridiculous. After all, it was the fire under the boiler producing steam which provided the power to make the train move. True, but without the fire of the sun, there could be no fire from the coal, the wood, the oil. Likewise, the Church is advanced through human effort, but only after the human instrument has received the divine enduement from on high. The secret of effective Christian service always is, “ I laboured . yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me” (I Cor. 15:10). “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above” (Col. 8:1). TELEGRAM GLEANINGS Baltimore, Maryland—Washington- DEEPENING Philadelphia District goes over the From the Office Editor's Desk top in Sunday-school Easter goal with ACHURCH 16,199 in attendance.—J a m e s R. B e l l , “We have few Nazarene members Chairman Church Schools. Jn rough Prayer Groups^ here, but as chaplain I distribute the magazine [H e r a l d ] to other patients after I have read it myself. We NEWS IN BRIEF do appreciate having it, and it is a After serving for five years as pas­ welcome addition to our religious r o u p praying was one of the dis­ tor of Westside Church in Sacra­ papers.”—V.A. Hospital in West Vir­ mento, Rev. Robert H. Scott has ginia. G tinguishing marks of the early resigned to accept a call to pastor the Christians. In compliance with Jesus’ request, they were praying together church in Wasco, California. “I’m sending my renewal for the H e r a l d . have been reading your in the Upper Room when the Holy paper now for at least twenty years, Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost. After serving the church in Allen­ From the second chapter of Acts we town for six years, Rev. L. G. Gordon and as a subscriber since 1934 I just can’t get along without the H e r a l d . would understand that probably they has resigned to accept the pastorate There are always so many articles met together daily for prayer meet­ of Immanuel Church in Lansdale, ings. In Acts 3, Peter and John were Pennsylvania. that help to give me a lift on life’s rugged pathway.”—Texas. on their way to a prayer meeting when they healed the man who had On April 10, Rev. and Mrs. C. A. “Sending unlimited praises for such been lame from his birth. After Peter Alexander celebrated their golden blessings received from the writings and John were released by the wedding anniversary with open house of Supt. Benner, Supt. Vanderpool, council, following their arrest for this at their home in the Mt. Hope com­ Supt. Young, Supt. Williamson, and healing, they returned to the other munity, Jacksonville, Texas, where Supt. Powers on the front of the Christians and had a great prayer they have lived all their married life meeting. “And when they had H e r a l d o f H o l in e s s each week. Each with the exception of one year. week it seems I am in trying times prayed, the place was shaken where Brother Alexander is an elder in the with personal difficulties, and after they were assembled together; and Church of the Nazarene, and has been I read your magazine I feel lifted and they were all filled with the Holy in the ministry for thirty-seven years; inspired to carry on.”—Tennessee. Ghost, and they spake the word of he is now pastor of the Mt. Hope God with boldness” (Acts 4:31). Church. They have one son, who is “I love the H e r a l d o f H o l in e s s next If we are not having such experi­ a Nazarene minister, and one daugh­ to the Bible. With me it is a ‘must.’ ” ences as this in our churches, then ter who is a missionary in Guate­ —Washington. let us examine the prayer life of our mala. Many friends called at the church. Pentecost will come through home during the afternoon, and many “I have taken the H e r a l d o f H o l i ­ prayer—to the individual seeker for nice gifts were presented. n e s s for several years, and it has sanctification, and to the church in an been a great help to me in my Chris­ outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Let it After serving the church at Harris- tian life.”—Wyoming. be said of the Church of the Naza­ burg-Paxtonia for two and one-half rene around the world today, “And years, Rev. Joseph Biscoe has re­ “We have just had some back num­ when they had prayed ...” signed to accept the pastorate of the bers of the H er a l d o f H o l in e s s passed This is the last of this special church in Orbisonia, Pennsylvania. on to us and we have had a great series of articles concerning prayer blessing reading them. Now we would groups during the Easter-to-Pente- After serving the church at Hamlin like to subscribe to your good Chris­ cost emphasis, but it is our confident for more than two and one-half years, tian paper.”—British Columbia. hope (and sincere prayer) that the Rev. William C. Emberton has re­ prayer groups that have been formed signed, as of April 10, having ac­ during this time will continue in ef­ cepted the call to the church in HERALD OF HOLINESS fective power in our churches for Lamesa, Texas. months and years to come. S t e p h e n S. .W h i t e , Editor in Chief The General Stewardship Com­ V e l m a I. K n i g h t , Office Editor The Nazarene Theological Semi­ mittee will welcome reports from any nary reports that as of Monday, April Contributing Editors: church on the forming and effective­ 25, they have received 2,563 envelopes, H a r d y C. P o w e r s ness of prayer groups.—A l p i n P. and a total of $13,074.52 for the spe­ G. B. W il l i a m s o n B o w e s . cial Landscape Fund. S a m u e l Y o u n g D. I. V a n d e r p o o l Rev. Charlie Harrison has resigned H u g h C. B e n n e r AS I TRAVEL DOWN LIFE’S WAY the pastorate of South Side Church General Superintendents, in Springfield, Illinois, where he has Church of the Nazarene By Anna M. Gilleland served four years, to accept a call Published every Wednesday by the Lord, give me strength to do the task to the South Shore Church in Chi­ NAZARENE PUBLISHING HOUSE, To which I am assigned; cago. M. L u n n , Manager; 2923 Troost Ave­ Make me a faithful servant, nue, Box 527, Kansas City 41, Mis­ Patient, good, and kind. Behold, I come quickly; and my souri. Subscription price, $1.50 per May I not stoop to petty schemes reward is with me, to give every year, in advance. Entered as second Or a principle betray; man according as his work shall be class matter at the post office at Kan­ But live soberly and righteously (Rev. 22:12). sas City, Missouri. Printed in U.S.A.
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