VNSMAN L17IL NIDIDVEP ■ CWINSMAN Andover's Own Pt ewspaper Since 1887 VOLUME 71 NUMBER 1 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 10, 1957 PRICE 10 CENTS g Co. uen -4372 Wells, Force Main Will Be Started By Oct. 21 trvice. Annual Meeting Bids S11,000 Will Be Oct. 15 Under Estimate The Andover Red Cross Chapter Town boards moved quickly this will hold its annual meeting Tues- week to begin the task of installing day, Oct. 15. two test wells and 8000 feet of There will be an Open House at water main, to put a million gal- headquarters, 4 Punchard ave., lons of water into the town system from 7 to 8 p.m. with coffee and by February. dessert served by the Canteen. A contract for the wells was Following the Open House will be signed yesterday with the the meeting in the Bay State Bank Chapman Co. The firm hid 810,611 assembly room. to install the two wells. Two other After a brief business meeting, bids were received. the Junior Red Cross will present Some 22 bids were also re- a program, "The Junior Speaks". ceived for water main installation. Linda Johanson, David Simpson A contract will be awarded next and Katherine Nelligan, the three Monday night, the Board of Public delegates to the Junior lied Cross Works decided. Leadership Training Centre held The swift action came after at Phillips Academy last summer, town meeting Monday night gave will discuss the value of the unanimous approval to the project Centre. The group's president, at a total cost of $280,000, Patricia Murnane, will outline (Continued on Page 11) plans for this year's activities in the Andover Schools. The key Wage, Job Plan speaker, Patricia Reynolds, will talk and show slides of her travels in Europe last summer with the Being Prepared International Study Visit Group. The Boston firm of Charles M, The public is cordially invited Evans and Associates, Manage- to attend both the open house and ment Engineers, has been appointed the meeting. by the Town Personnel Board to assist in the development of a Building Permits classification and compensation plan for town employees, to be presented to the next regular town Top $225,000 meeting. PROBABLY SET — Fire Chief Henry Hilton said tfiis two-story, vacant building at the cor- A 8213,000 value has been esti- Acting under the authority ner of Greenwood rd. and North st. was probably set afire Tuesday night, but he is calling in the mated for new construction author- granted at the March 1957 town state fire marshal to determine the actual cause. Hilton said the vacant dwelling will be a total ized during September. meeting, the Board has agreed to loss.lt had been vacant for several years, he said. Officials found a five-gallon kerosene can at Building Inspector Ralph W. retain the Evans firm, whose the site, Hilton stated. Box 75 was sounded at 7:53 Tuesday night but the building burned Coleman also issued permits for principals have had long experience rapidly and was almost completely destroyed before apparatus reached the scene. (Leone) 816,700 in additions and altera- in municipal job evaluation. Three tions. thousand dollars had been appro- Nine new homes were permitted priated for the use of the Per- and one storage building was 1600 Employees (Continued on Page 17) allowed. New construction permits Tax Receipts Hit 45%; At Raytheon went to Jerome liussem, Karleton About 1600 men and women are cir.; Glen Inman, Stinson rd.; Lions Start now working at the Raytheon Manu- Joseph Mangeri, Sherry dr.; George 3 Weeks Left To Pay facturing plant in Shawsheen. Jones, Bowdoin st., all for homes Annual Drive and garages; to Loretta Cairns on 'f axes — both real estate and per- paid. And of that total, some 256 are At the regular meeting of the Bowdoin st. for three homes with sonal property — are being paid at Christie said he has received Andover residents, while 448 live Andover Lions Club Monday night, in other Greater Lawrence commu- garages; William Bears, Ballard- about the same rate as last year. 8665,884 of the total 81,472,810 King Lion Edward K foury presented vale rd., house and to Guy Howe, Tax collector James Christie said real estate tax commitment. Last nities. a Past President's pin to William Community Relations Director Lupine rd., storage building. figures through Oct. 7 show 45 per- year's total raised by real estate Skulley, who in turn presented key Dewey Dyer explained this week Permits for additions and alter- cent of the real estate tax money is was 81,314,363 and 8567,087 had Awards to Dr. Frank Hayden, Henry that it is still assumed that 6000 ations were issued to Douglas paid. And 14.5 percent of the per- been paid at this time. Nassar and Robert Rauh. men and women will be employed Hutcheson, 115 Summer st., re- sonal property taxes are in. Taxes may be paid until Nov. 1 This meeting marked the launch- at the plant. But the peak will not locate two windows; Richard '11iese figures correspond to a without interest becoming due. ing of the annual fall drive for be reached for another three or Abbott, 25 Upland rd., breezeway year ago, when 44 percent of real In personal property taxes, funds to support the Eye Research estate tax money and 14.8 percent Christie has received 823,282 to (Continued on Page Three) (Continued on Page 14) program. "Be Thankful That You of personal property taxes had been date, of a total of 8175,655, But he Can See" was adopted as the said about 55 percent of that total slogan for their campaign, which "LEARNING BY will come from the Lawrence Gas Billy Machen Discovers last year enabled the Club to buy eyeglasses for needy children in ( Continued on Page Three) STUDY MUST BE Andover. Thanksgiving seals will 367.43 WON" Friends, New And Old be sold as this year's project, 300.00 • (Author's Name Below) CALL 1943 under the co-chairmanship of Harold Nine-year-old Hilly has to stay 334.22 Little Billy Machen found two Coleman and Vincent Marino. Physicians and Pharma- new friends this week . among in the house for quite a while — 358.85 cists study for many years many he never knew before. the result of his collision with a PRACTICAL 300.00 before receiving a license They, were Ted Williams and the truck on Dascomb rd. early in 354.41 to practice. We must pass a Cleveland Browns football team. August. NURSE 715.65 state examination to prove "He's really improving" re- At Once 106.05 that we have learned how Visit Our New ported his mother, Mrs. CharlesN. For elderly lady. Machen of Bascom', rd., "but it's Live In to properly take care of RECORD 304.06 your health. ( Continued on Page 14) Tel, Andover 77 DEPARTMENT We both have a particular 0.67 duty to perform. Your phy- sician's learning concen- COLE PAINT LAKE LOTS THE TOWNSMAN 10 MAIN STREET TEL. 1156 trates on the diagnosis and treatment of disease, and At Sawyer Lake, in the the preservation of your — BRAND NEW 1957 — heart of Lakes Region and close to Belknap health. We pharmacists Call on us to shape your shrubs Ski Area. Beautifully study how to compound, And beautify your land. wooded camp sites for dispense, and protect med- Tasteful pruning does the job icines. • only $289 ($49 down). We must know the To make your home look grand! CHEVROLET New section just opened. proper dosage of every drug because it is our legal FINAL CLEARANCE SALE! Shown Saturday and Sun- duty to make certain that day only, until dark. every prescription we dis- ESTIMATES Take Route 28 north to pense contains a safe dose. 107. Signs on 107, mile Allot% a tire of GRATIS! s600-Anythingri beyond Gilmanton. Isaa DALTON HURRY — '!” LEE — YEAR'S GREATEST SAVINGS PHARMACY ACT NOW! BRONSON CHEVROLET CO. TEL. 101 THESE WILL GO FAST! •Quotaboo by John Gay 329 JACKSON ST. LAWRENCE OPEN EVENINGS (1685.1732) aorta THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, OCTOBER 10, 1957 Sherwood Kelly, Mrs. George Gesing, Joan Lynch, Kathy Nelli- Anniversary Waltz Local Rout( Westhaver, Mrs. Ilenry Petzinger, gen, Janet Busby, Linda Johanson, Miss Beatrice Ilenderson, Mrs. Jane Yeager, Barbara Forsythe and Here October 25-26 Guidance Department Is Frank Crawford and Arthur Bassett. Ii. J. McEvoy. An "over-the-top'' effort 1,, mished By Horace e Mok, Registration: Mrs. every member of the D :5 report of progres Thomas, Mrs. William Perry, Co- Mothers Club and Priscilla Aid„. (waled Houle 28 show, Running Test Programs chairman; Mrs. Roger Whitcomb, Chapter, N.S.D.A.11., has beet vets, with a bid value of co-chairman; and Miss Mary Sher- going on since early last Augi,t The senior and sophomore test- future date. 00 presently tinder eon ing programs administered annually The test program is also under- man. to insure the success of their in t was reported by Sta Motor Corps: Mrs. Leon Field, fund-raising project for this year. by the Guidance Department, were way in the Junior High School and orks Commissioner At chairman; and Mrs. Harold Ler- This project is the much-antici• held in Andover High School on the four elementary schools. iNatttle. mond. Thursday, Oct. 3. There will be pated perforniance of "Anniversar, Five of them will be Staff Aides: Mrs. Henry G. further testing of the seniors at a Waltz", a play in three acts to he tiring 1958. The sixth Tyer, Mrs.
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