Middleton Parish Plan 2004-2009 P ARISH P LAN 2004 - 2009 Middleton Parish Plan 2004-2009 Page 1 I NTRODUCTION What is the Middleton Parish Plan? tage of being able to adapt and modify it’s policies if achieved then clearly the village will be a better place circumstances require it. The plan exists only to reflect to live. It is necessary to prioritise the Action Plan CONTENTS Parish Plans were announced In the Government’s the wishes of the people of Middleton, now and in fu- because some issues require more urgent action. High “Rural White Paper” in 2000. Through the Countryside ture years. priority may not guarantee rapid action however, road Agency’s Vital Villages initiative, parishes in rural areas safety in the village is an example. To bring about re- Environment 2,3,4 were given priority and grants made available to cover ductions in traffic speed through the village requires the costs of preparation and production. Who has produced the plan? Employment 5 considerably more resources and cooperation by other Although initiated by Middleton Parish Council in early authorities than say, tackling poor grass cutting . 6,7 Health and Social Care The purpose of the plan is to find out what the people of 2003, many people in the village have contributed substantial amounts of voluntary time and effort to the 8,9 Middleton think about the issues affecting life in the Because the rural scene is changing, and priorities can Education project. village, find out if anything needs changing, create shift, the Parish Plan needs to be dynamic and flexible. 10 Heritage policy and take appropriate action where needed. This Policies and their associated plan of action need to be is a five year plan. Housing Needs 11-13 The vital contributors of course are those people who reviewed on a regular basis. The ongoing success of the aired their views, expressed opinions and made sug- project can only be assured if everyone in our commu- 14-17 Crime A substantial amount of feedback from the village gestions on the issues affecting the village. Without nity is involved. Traffic & Transport 18,19 “Future Needs” day in July 2003 helped to focus on this involvement in our community, there could be no Acknowledgments and Thanks the issues that concerned the majority of people. The plan. 20,21 The people of Middleton for their participation in the open day Sport & Leisure Parish Plan Steering Committee was able to produce a questionnaire based on these issues, and therefore and survey and the loan of historical photographs, maps and 22 artefacts. Places of Worship tailored to the needs and aspirations of Middleton. What happens now? Parish Administration 23,24 Middleton Parish Plan contains a number of policies that the community want implemented or continued. The Parish Plan Steering Committee : Kay Dickens, Tony Free- 25 The questionnaires were distributed by hand to the 301 man, Charles Freestone, Maria Harvey, Mike Loseby, Dryden Age and Gender The Parish Plan and it’s associated Action Plan, repre- people listed on the Corby Borough Council Register of Phillipson (Chair). sents an agreement between the community and the Verbatim Comments 26-39 Electors (CY Corby Rural West No.3). Glover Court was Parish Council as to how we would like our parish to not included on the Register at the time, being still Action Plan 40,41 develop now and in the future. Data Analysis : Dorothy Anderson, Derek Robertson, Gordon under construction, a questionnaire was offered to Watson. every occupant then present . Like the Parish Plan itself, the Action Plan can be sub- The Head, Teachers and especially the children of Cottingham ject to review and revision. Priorities can change, and 53% of questionnaires were returned, which helped to Primary school for their village model and fine photographs. of course some objectives may not be met. The Parish produce data of reasonable accuracy, although this is Plan is not a guarantee, as many facets of local life are not a scientifically accurate survey, which would be affected by policy decisions at Central, Regional, Jane Smith www. cottinghamhistory.co.uk. beyond the resources and budget available. County and Borough levels. These authorities must , however, take Parish Plans into account when strate- The Countryside Agency. Policy on how to deal with each of the issues contained gic, planning and other issues affecting the local com- munity are being decided. in the plan flows from the feedback from the people of Northamptonshire Action With Communities in Rural England Middleton, as expressed at the open day, and the (NACRE). questionnaire. There are some issues that do not have a clear majority of views, and these need further dis- Will the plan have any real effect on cussion before policy is decided. In any event, the plan our community? Middleton Parish Council Chaired consecutively by Simon is not set in stone — a small community has the advan- Medwell and Keith Allsop Children’s Model of Middleton July 2003 If all or even some of the objectives in the plan are Middleton Parish Plan Page number 2 continued on page 3 E NVIRONMENT Q1 Standard of Street Cleaning (pavements? THE P RESENT SITUATION The village of Middleton lies on the south- being an almost year-long problem in some 60 Q1 Standard of Street ern edge of the Welland valley. This rural places. The footpath (Jurassic Way) from The Lighting? 40 38 area is blessed with a beautiful landscape ; Hill to East Carlton is particularly bad, at times 40 the abundant trees and ancient hedgerows hazardous, with mud and running water. % support a rich variety of wildlife. 60 17 20 Fly-tipping is a problem on the old A427 and 7 46 3 Most people feel that Middleton is a good where Occupation Road joins Ashley Road. environment to live in. There are some is- There is a high level of dissatisfaction with the 0 40 34 sues causing concern however, including slowness in clearing away the offending mate- V. V. road maintenance, grass cutting, dog foul- rial. % FAIR POOR POOR GOOD GOOD ing, muddy and overgrown footpaths and 5 64 61 22 9 bridleways. 20 The problem of pavements and verges fouled 13 Number of replies by dog mess is an issue that causes concern. 4 3 Problems with pushchair access, height of There are many dogs in the village, and most kerbs and pavement obstructions have a owners take their responsibilities seriously. 0 Q1 Standard of Street Cleaning serious effect on a relatively small percent- Regrettably, a small minority do not. Although age of people, and these problems must appropriate local byelaws exist, an education FAIR (Roads/Verges)? POOR be given a high priority. and awareness programme is clearly needed GOOD V. POOR V. GOOD to help address the problem. 60 6 76 56 22 5 44 Increasing amounts of rainfall have had an Number of replies 40 35 impact on footpaths and bridleways, mud % 20 12 3 0 P OLI 0 Policy E1 : The Parish will make every effort priate Borough and County authorities. ish, and the appropriate authorities will be CY to protect the natural environment in and Policy E3 : The quality of maintenance of vil- pressed to clean up without undue delay. V. V. around Middleton. FAIR lage footpaths and bridleways will be closely Policy E5: Dog fouling is unacceptable to the POOR POOR GOOD GOOD Policy E2: Where there is difficulty of access monitored. Feedback from regular inspec- parish, persistent offenders against the rele- 4 56 78 22 0 on pavements and roads in the village for tions will be reported to the County Council vant local byelaws will be reported to the push-chairs and wheel-chairs, priority will be Rights of Way Officer . appropriate authority. Number of replies given to resolving problems with the appro- Policy E4: Fly tipping is abhorred by the par- Middleton Parish Plan Page number 3 continued on page 4 E NVIRONMENT Q2 When walking in Middleton do you encounter problems with the following? 40 38 30 18 % 20 15 13 11 10 3 2 0 Litter Lack of seating Kerbs Access Height of Dog Mess Pushchair Quality of and paths Pavements Pavement obstructions 7 5 88 30 35 43 25 Number of replies Q3 Have you experienced Q4 What problems encountered when using footpaths & Bridleways? Q5 Satisfied are you with the difficulties when using footpaths 40 34 "natural environment" around & bridleways around Middleton? 30 Middleton? 30 55 60 56.96 44 60 % 20 43.04 % 30 8 7 40 10 4 6 6 1 2 1 % 0 0 20 VERY Mud FAIRLY 0 Other Animals High Stiles Overgrown NO Lack of Barbed Wire DISSATISFIED YES Locked Gates signs/waymarks 73 91 2 68 90 Crops/ploughing Number of replies 46 6 3 2 8 8 11 41 10 Number of replies Number of replies Middleton Parish Plan Page number 4 E NVIRONMENT Q6 Satisfaction with weekly refuse collection Q6 Satisfaction with weekly glass collection 75.15 80 100 78.48 60 80 60 % 40 % 40 16.97 18.99 20 7.88 20 2.53 0 0 VERY FAIRLY DISSATISFIED VERY FAIRLY DISSATISFIED 124 30 4 124 28 13 Glass Number of replies Number of replies Q6 Satisfaction with emptying of village waste bins Q6 Satisfaction with clearance of fly-tipping 80 60 54.14 57.26 60 40 32.33 39.32 % 40 % 20 13.53 20 3.42 0 0 VERY FAIRLY DISSATISFIED VERY FAIRLY DISSATISFIED 46 67 4 18 72 43 Number of replies Number of replies Middleton Parish Plan Page number 5 E MPLOYMENT Q8 Type of Employment if any THE P RESENT SITUATION 60 Middleton does not presently offer signifi- cant employment opportunities.
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