. i^FvT r ‘y-M nODii^Y. JANUABY .17, 1M» iMawI|gHtgr Eopttfng l^rroUi Tbs Wei^btr T o w n Qdegard, Says Complainers Parents Leam 15,426 Of TransitSlon Nawefcefter- 4 City o f Vittogo Chmrm :T:M Not Getting Explanations To H i!^ School VOL. LXXXVIU, NO. 92 OOP TWn Director DavM a atop sign on Buah mu Rd., at (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 18» ItM m r a m U1 as N. Italn 1 - ............ i____________________ TEN C EN fi |« tourth In Odegard aald today that th e Olendale Rd., as a protecUon Parmia of 8th gnado students people iwho appear at Board of for school children. ■c> «l^r of tte at Bennett and IBlng Junior Dlroctora’ aeml-monttaly com­ Another suggeetlon filed con­ High flehooHs a re Invited to at­ U, apanmor- ment aeaaiona are not being told Oonanu- cents recreation actlViUea. The w hether th eir suggestlona And person who appeared suggest­ tend a program, "Ihe Transi France Asks Big 4 Paricy complaints are or are not being ed that the town should diarge tion to tflgh School," to be hekl taken care of. to r use of iU faculties, Thursday evening at 8 in the 71m AlUr Guild <X Emmanuel ee- How to Win Haarts He said that he will remind peclally the swimming^_ ^pools__ ______ Manchester High Schcd cafe- L a th a n n C lnroli wIB m aet lion- Town liCenager Robert Weias and the ski slope, and tli^ an tsrla. U.S. Said Sticking dajr at T;aa |u a. at tha homa of th at "those peop>e who appear Identification be provided for ___ and Influgnea Mn. laar Beott, m Bany Rd. town rnalitniita Speakers will be MHS Prlncl- Full Procedural Accord at the hearings are entitled to an explanation —whether some­ 1IW 1I. P«1 A. Raymond Rogers and Appatitgi . V h y>hmmfa C9afb of Man- thing was done by the town, ^ ^ JOSS Anne (Bm cU st, high school Arah’Israel Talks dMiiir u a naat Itoday at 8 P«j«w udio appeamd last ^ guldanc “ Watt and if not, utiy not." ■y IHB ASSOOA’FBD PBBSS announoamant Friday, quotad pJU. at tha iwina o( Itn . Elmar Odegard said he has been tel­ rsglstered a general com- KbppR, 9lh gtude counselor OMI. SU E. OHdar St. Itn. nihi: and Joel Chatoon, 91 fVanoe has called to r a quaiUtod aouroea an aajing Sac- ephoning ttMse a t o appeared retozy of Sfoto Oaon Ruak out­ J o ta natciM r arfB be oo- within the past yeatr. to And counselor at Bemtot, wUl MEATS mg Four conference ahned at settling the Middle Bast lined a fonn of two-tro«k nego- out whettwr^y^ informed aim be preeeht. tiationa in A note banded to So- of the disposition of their com- ----- . ..?**** The discussion program wlU — ^. 7 I I Chargo (TAftolrM Yuri N. Ooma DouUaa Ghtb at Nbrtii plaints add suggestions. Chann, particularly re- includeinoludi these presmtedlpiis: "ot- States ia reported tiaddng Tywr^ov ^ Reached at Paris Talks Ground and Uhttad liattwiBat Churoh wlli He said that, in most in- sped to toe sdiod qnstem.’’ ferings at the Ugh school, Ih a peaioemaki^ plan which ha*a a pmc*am on narootica stancee, they never heard from He said that, in his opinion, seleoUon of levMs, and the Im- The Star naid Ruak’a note tto- would include provisions poaad talka batwaan toe United piaaMitad by one of Omnaot- town officials. Increased taxes ahoidd be ac- portance of toe h l^ school rec' Glorious for direct talks between ^ e hMfa poMoamen hum the “It Is fruftratlng tor the cepted more readily. Then he ord for emplojrmertt and further Stataa and toa Soviet Union, and added, "Tax Increases In Man- educstton. Arab states and Israd. aeparafo talks batwaen toraal fltata M lea Speotal Service Dl- board, and It is frustrating for th e Waablngton Bvonlng Star, 4th Soviet aWon tonwtwar at 8 p.m. at those who appear at our ses­ Chester should be kept to line An opooituntty wlH be provM Beef ranks firsts but our and toa Arab otatoa under a In a atory toUowlng toa French U.N. “untotalla.’’ Real N^otiations thaohUNh. Ibwe wiabeaiflhn sions," Odegard said. "We with those In area towns.” ed Iw questions and answers. 8 in 1 pork, beef and veal and ttiday. The event ia open promise them that something combo (a^ lamb pat­ The talks betareen the two big Spaeieman to mantoera and trlenda. will be done —and then It isn’t ” ties) are dose contend-1 powara, lha nhwapapar report­ Last night’s session was era. ed, wotSd be [to hrip U.N. ape- 2kn Evanrelioal. Luttieran manned only by Odegard. Al­ CHARUE JR. IS A RGALCUHE. AUNT KATHY ctol envoy Oumiar V. Jarring Lands Safely Begin Next Week Chureh wlB conduct youth in- though toe comment eessipps Orokard Weah Maea, Baldwtaw. CMden * Bed DeUdoaB, Protestors mark out "toe perimeton" for atmotion toananxnv at 8;80 a.m. are sponsored by the entire Bnaoeto, Oartouida, Wlweaapa, Booe Psara. detailed Aroh-IaraaU -negotia- MOSCOW (AP) — Cosmonaut PARIB (AP)—The four roproMiitAtiveg at the new Freoh Splaaeii, Peoa, CauiUlower, Bracooli, Green 4k Tetlow Budget B eef Wdlfam . ttons. JaxTing reportedly would a t tha ohurcliL Board of Directors, only th e Botte VcOynov tended safely In Vietnam peace talks reached fuH agreenaent toAnr on aV RepubUcans have been man­ Hmiash, Ihdtve 4k Eeearole, Leeks, Paratops, Belgian En­ ton, aiqple-gtesed PpA madlato toa talks bahiman the dive, Beaton Lettoce, CMneos Cabbage, O ni^ WUto Sweet Loaf and Hamboiyer See 10,000 procedural matters and real neffotiationg will begin early The Toulii Cboir of Oon ning them . tonba and laraalis. toe Soviet Union today, (moceaa- Potatoes, Yellow 4k Purple Tap Turnips, A com ft Bottonint Buffet are just 8 of tiie | The SVanefa proposal, iosued fufty oomptetteg a four-man next week, tiie U.8. delwatfon reported. Bvaacelknl Luthenn Chureb A repeat suggestion (actual­ Sqnaaii, Egg Plant, Braaoeb Sprooto, SheO Beaaa, Hone- After a fiva-hour sad Utenta------------ ------------------------------ udB rehenrae tomomiiv at ll :S0 ly, It has appeared at three ladtoh. 46 lee^ in the ra>. a t toa United Miationa and In mlaaioa In wWksh tha Soviet Un­ mnsUiig At Inaugural Faria, auggootod that Franca, and anv. at the church. successive hearings) was filed Freak Strawberrlea, Tongerlnea, Tempieo, Spanlab Metona, issue of Esmilr Ciidel ion aiditevod toa worid’s Brat • ot teuto Vlehuun, North mattoea of on behalf ot the residents of Bed, White, Blue Ompea, Pink B White OrapeCralt, Bunklst magaiine which is sold WiASHINGnDN (AP) — la a d - toa Unltad States, Britain and Posthumous Citations for Bolton Soldier toe Bovlat -Union meat at toe crew tmnofer between ochtting Vtotnam and toe Vtet Cn«*s The Rev. Thomas Barry of th e Bush HIU Rd. area. It is for Navel Oraugee, Nuto, Figs, Dotoo. at Finehuist i era o f the no-oaHad oountar In­ National libecaUon Front—NLF Aa toe meettqg bagort The famUy of William Ursln, Oo. C, 20th Infantry, 3rd Bri­ School. (Herald photo >by Bu- Look at oar large varl^ of Haven of Boyel lee Greaml Uhitad Nations^ to dlscuos ways —Ambassador Cyme R. Venoe toM toe North VMnunni St. Jama^ Church wM conduct kUled in action in Vietnam last gade, 9th Infantry Division. He augural may tooy expect up to to and toe MbUla E artdiap^' ’Ito offkilal Soviet news agen- front delegaticeis It wa a aarvloe Sunday at 8:15 a.m. cehricius) oy ’Ihao said Volyaov’a Soyus 0 told reporters: “I am happy to Aug. 18, received a posthumous was inducted into the Army A' ¥liGKEND SIP0CIAI5 i r MKOOO protoototw to join in The nattona are among the Amailcan Aeabe, abarod by M - on radio station WINF. The pro­ citation and medals at a gath- For a IViday and Satuiv | croft matte a soft landiig' at 11 report tost we have raaebad foB last February and was sent to WHUam ' Howard T aft de­ paaoefuUy mockiiig RlebaiKd M. tone permanent mambata of toe a.m . Moscow tone, m miiiM agreement on oH pfooedusal gon, to “amuige aa early end to gram la aponaored jointly by the erlng at the home of Mr. and Vietnam July 16. POTATOES........... .........................• 20 H». 80« day special to introduce lAmibon U.N. Security Council. toe flghUng nn HanchMliwr Clecgy Association scribed his 1906 campaign for yo\f Wtooonfn aolemn tontoUntten. aoutowest of toe cMy of Kuotan- quesUona for toe flxrt plenary Mrs. William Ursin, the st^dler's He was a graduate of Bolton l a r g e SUNKIST n a v e l o r a n g e s for to tiiese 46 gteioua Tha fifto, NattonaUst CUito, is Vietnam han sutferad." and the Mancheater Oouncil of parents, at the Ursin home on toe presidency as "one of toe wa^ to use ground Tlia Y^pla oontlngant ptaas to ay. Thte would put him m few aaarion wliicb wUI take place Elem entary School and a 1 9 6 4 ^ m o at imernmiinirhitA. flour O^LO CARROTS ............................... R for not racognlaad by toe Soviet Un­ early naxt weto." Lau Iteted four OburolML South Rd., Bolton last night. meats, we oiffor this "ta-borurata" n plf as Frenl- ion. hundred mllaa northwest of tbs graduate of M anchester High m onths o t m y Hfe.'* Royal and Soaltest loe Cream.............Vi 8bL : of toa Utattad States. Wnoe center at UMkosIr, wbR« The UK. ambanmdor gave no _ — .
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