Tour Program Code Title Date Start Time CE Hours Description Accessibility Format ET101 Historic Boathouse Row 05/18/16 8:00 a.m. 2.00 LUs/GBCI Take an illuminating journey along Boathouse Row, a National Historic District, and tour the exteriors of 15 buildings dating from Bus and No 1861 to 1998. Get a firsthand view of a genuine labor of Preservation love. Plus, get an interior look at the University Barge Club Walking and the Undine Barge Club. Tour ET102 Good Practice: Research, Academic, and Clinical 05/18/16 9:00 a.m. 1.50 LUs/HSW/GBCI Find out how the innovative design of the 10-story Smilow Center for Translational Research drives collaboration and accelerates Bus and Yes SPaces Work Together advanced disease discoveries and treatment. Physically integrated within the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman Center for Walking Advanced Medicine and Jordan Center for Medical Education, it's built to train the next generation of Physician-scientists. Tour ET103 Longwood Gardens’ Fountain Revitalization, 05/18/16 9:00 a.m. 3.00 LUs/HSW/GBCI Take an exclusive tour of three significant historic restoration and exPansion Projects with the renowned architects and Bus and No Meadow ExPansion, and East Conservatory designers resPonsible for them. Find out how each Professional incorPorated modern systems and technologies while Walking Plaza maintaining design excellence, social integrity, sustainability, land stewardshiP and Preservation, and, of course, old-world Tour charm. Please wear closed-toe shoes and long Pants. ET104 Sustainability Initiatives and Green Building at 05/18/16 10:30 a.m. 1.00 LU/HSW/GBCI Tour the new Terminal F Baggage Claim building, the first LEED Project at the PhiladelPhia International AirPort. Learn how Bus and Yes the PhiladelPhia International AirPort innovative strategies to conserve natural resources and save energy are being actively apPlied to both airPort buildings and Walking oPerations, in alignment with airline green initiatives. Tour ET105 Pleasure Garden, Arboretum, and Esherick 05/18/16 12:00 p.m. 3.00 LUs/GBCI Get three very different PersPectives on garden and landscape design on this unique tour. Start with the Chanticleer Pleasure Bus and Yes Studio Tour at Valley Forge Garden, with its unusual garden and formal house. Continue to the Jenkins Arboretum and its award-winning green education Walking center and wooden gardens. And finish with Wharton Esherick's crafted home and studio on Valley Forge Mountain. Includes Tour refreshments. ET106 500 Walnut: Residential DeveloPment on the 05/18/16 1:15 p.m. 2.00 LUs/GBCI Get a great view of what’s next. Tour Philly’s unPrecedented ultra-luxury condominium develoPment and discover the vision, Walking No Cutting Edge of History creativity, and innovation Powering this high-rise Project overlooking the most historic square mile in the United States. Plus, Tour learn more from the Project’s key Personnel—in Person. (Attendees must wear a hardhat and sign a release/waiver.) ET107 Interiors, IAQ, and OccuPant ExPerience at the 05/18/16 1:30 p.m. 1.50 LUs/HSW/GBCI Take a tour of the new LEED certified Saint-Gobain/CertainTeed headquarters in Malvern, Pa., to get a closer look at the Bus and Yes Saint-Gobain Headquarters integrated design Process. You’ll learn about Product selection and insPiration for occuPant acoustic, thermal, and visual Walking comfort, and discuss oPen office and ongoing occuPant change management initiatives. Tour ET108 Sustainability at the Morris Arboretum of the 05/18/16 1:30 p.m. 2.50 LUs/HSW/GBCI Tour 92 lushly Planted acres in Chestnut Hill and learn about Morris Arboretum’s commitment to sustaining natural resources Bus and No University of Pennsylvania and connecting Plants, Places, and PeoPle. Highlights include the sustainable design of the new, LEED Platinum certified Walking Horticultural Center and Maintenance Facility ComPlex, and the functionally restored SPringfield Mills historical structure and Tour mill. ET114 Lankenau Medical Center: Innovative Design for 05/18/16 2:00 p.m. 1.00 LU/HSW/GBCI Take a guided tour of the Lankenau Medical Center and discover how integrated evidence-based design and sustainable design Bus and Yes Healthy HosPitals and Bottom-Lines PrinciPles combine in one groundbreaking establishment. This LEED Silver Certified healthcare facility leads the way in Patient Walking care and environmental stewardshiP. Tour ET109 Housing the Student with Choice: Private 05/18/16 2:30 p.m. 1.50 LUs/HSW/GBCI Discover how the University of Pennsylvania’s newest College House (Bohlin Cywimsky Jackson) meets the needs of today’s Bus and Yes Housing and Public/Private PartnershiPs student through single rooms within suites, generous common sPaces, and more. Plus exPlore EVO (Erdy McHenry), a Private Walking third-Party develoPment targeted toward grad students and young Professionals. Tour ET110a Walk the Mural Mile and ExPlore the World’s 05/18/16 2:45 p.m. 2.00 LUs/GBCI Why has PhiladelPhia been designated the "mural capital of the world"? Find out during this guided foot tour through Center Walking Yes Largest Outdoor Arts Gallery! City. A Professionally trained guide will share the stories behind these murals and describe how each comPlements its Tour environment. Join us to see for yourself how art ignites change. ET115 CANCELLED BioPhilia and Stormwater 05/18/16 2:45 p.m. 1.50 LUs/HSW/GBCI A lush haven of greening innovations is found along this tour of University City. Get introduced to the PhiladelPhia Water Bus and No Management in University City DePartment’s new stormwater Programs and the elements of bioPhilic design, as embodied in locales as varied as Cira Green, Walking Drexel University, the University of Pennsylvania’s New College House, and the Radian Building. Tour ET111a Rittenhouse Sqaure 05/18/16 3:00 p.m. 2.00 LUs/GBCI Travel through Rittenhouse Square and discover the history behind a Public Park that dates back to 1683. Tour the surrounding Walking No neighborhoods, develoPed in the latter half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century, with interactive commentary Tour on notable examPles of the Period’s architecture. ET112 TemPle CamPus Transformation: Walking Tour 05/18/16 3:00 p.m. 2.00 LUs/GBCI From a Presentation of TemPle University's most recent Master Plans to a walking camPus tour, this exPerience is unlike any Transit Yes and Presentation of Master Plans other. Travel to recently comPleted buildings, historic buildings, landscape Projects, and ongoing constructions. Along the way, and you’ll learn about this camPus’s unique evolution—and the innovations yet to come. Walking Tour ET116 Lord Norman Foster’s Cutting Edge Comcast 05/18/16 3:00 p.m. 1.50 LUs/GBCI Tour the extraordinary Comcast Center, designed by world-renowned architect Lord Norman Foster of Foster + Partners. The Walking No Innovation Tower vertical-steePed, 1,121-ft. tower includes a block-long lobby with a glass-enclosed indoor Plaza Foster described as a “window on Tour PhiladelPhia.” With loft-like work sPaces, NBC Studios at ground level, and a 200-bed Four Seasons Hotel, the tower contains multitudes. ET113 Forging and Fabrication: Architectural 05/18/16 3:15 p.m. 1.50 LUs/HSW ExPerience a wide range of architectural metal fabrication techniques during a tour of an active shoP. Learn about traditional Bus and Yes Metalwork and the Modern Metalsmith and state-of-the-art methods, get demos in contemPorary blacksmithing Processes, and watch a design become an incredible Walking reality. You’ll rethink everything you know about the imPortance of metal in designs. Tour ET201a A Polished Gem: Master Plan Rejuvenates 05/19/16 7:30 a.m. 1.00 LU/HSW/GBCI Take a journey through the Union League to see how an ambitious master Plan revived John Frazier’s 1865 French Renaissance Walking Yes Trumbauer’s Union League style building and Horace Trumbauer’s beaux arts additions. With enhanced member amenities and Public sPaces, including a Tour state-of-the-art culinary center and the award-winning Lincoln Ballroom, it’s truly a remarkable achievement. ET202 Lessons on Structure: Designing and 05/19/16 7:30 a.m. 2.00 LUs/HSW/GBCI ExPlore the new Buerger Center for Advanced Pediatric Care at the Children's HosPital of PhiladelPhia, featuring a Plaza above Bus and Yes Constructing the CHOP Plaza Landscape five floors of structured Parking. Get lessons in innovative design and collaboration from Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Walking Architects, green roof consultants Roofmeadow, architects Pelli Clarke Pelli and FKP, as well as CHOP rePresentatives. Tour ET203 CANCELLED Sustaining Integrity: A Tour of a 05/19/16 7:45 a.m. 1.50 LUs/HSW/GBCI Tour the Materials Conservation Co. studios in South Kensington to enter the world of conservation and discover the true Bus and No Conservation Studio and Laboratory meaning of recycled building materials. Watch demonstrations of current conservators’ work, learn the intricacies of sPecialized Walking techniques, and learn about the use of modern technologies for conservation. Tour ET204 ExPerience WHYY Public Media Commons 05/19/16 8:00 a.m. 2.00 LUs/HSW/GBCI Stunning at any time of the day, the 6,000 LED nodes that form the beacon of light wrapPed around WHYY’s studios on 7th Walking Yes Street demand attention. Learn how this dynamic disPlay wall in the Public Media Commons captures the imagination of the Tour community—and brings its members together. ET111b Rittenhouse Sqaure 05/19/16 9:00 a.m. 2.00 LUs/GBCI Travel through Rittenhouse Square and discover the history behind a Public Park that dates back to 1683. Tour the surrounding Walking No neighborhoods, develoPed in the latter half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century, with interactive commentary Tour on notable examPles of the Period’s architecture.
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