fneort ol Obiects L t t J fne "hesitatingly concedethat we are happy about something,interested in something,and, at least in the majority of cases,do not wish or intend without wishing fpr or intending something.To put it briefly, The Theory of Obiects no one fails to recogniz-dthat psychologicalevents so very commonly have this distinctive "character of being directedto something" (auf uv ALEXIUS MEINONG etwas Gerichtetsein)\as to suggestvery strongly (at least) that we should take it to be I characteristicaspect of the psychologicalas (rneNsrerrD By IsAAcLEvI, D. B. TERRELL,AND opposedto the non-psychological. The purpose of the following remarks is, nevertheless,not to RODERICK M. CHISHOLM explain why I hold this way of looking at the matter to be firmly established,despite the many difficulties confronting it. There are so many casesin which reference,indeed explicit directedness(Ga- richtetsein), to that "something," or (as we say quite naturally) to an object, unquestionablyforces itself upon our attention that, even if they alone were to be considered,the question would soon be l. Tne Pnosr.BM answered for anyone who investigatedthese matters scientifically. The partitioning of whateverdeserves and needstheoretical con- siderationinto difterent scientificrealms, and the careful delimitation of these realms, may often be of little practical importance in ad- vancing the researchconnected with it. What matters in the final analysisis the work that is accomplished,and not the banner under which it is done. However, obscuritiesas to the boundariesof the diverse areas of sciencecan become significant in two contrasting ways: either the areaswhich are actually investigatedencroach upon one another, or they are separatedfrom each other, and conse- quently leave an intermediate area untouched./The significanceof such obscurities, within the sphere of our theoretical interest, is exactly the opposite of their significancewithin the sphere of prac- tical affairs. In the latter, the "ieutral zone" is a guarantee(always desired but rarely capableof being reahzed) of amicableneighborly relations, while the overlapping of territorial claims presents the typical case of conflict of interests.But in the realm of theoretical activity, where such conflicts, at least, have no justification, it is a gain, objectively considered,if the frontier districts coincide, for as a result they are investigatedfrom different sides.A separation,on the other hand, is always a disadvantage,the seriousnessof which dependson the size and significanceof the intermediate territory. The intent of the problem raised here is to call attention to just such an area of knowledge,Twhich is sometimesoverlooked, some- times not sufficiently appreciatedin its distinctive character. The see my questionconcerns the proper place for the scientific investigationof ,^^2. -Psychologisch-ethischen tlntersuchungen zur v[/erttheorie (Graz, 1894), pp. 34 f. AIso H1flet, Psychologie, p. 389, ltel The Theory ol Objects [78] ALEXIUS MEINONG uel the Object (Gegenstand)taken as such and in general-we wish to discipline which goes under the name of metaphysicshas been know whether, among the sciencesthat are accreditedby scientific thought to be exactly such a science.No matter how many disap- tradition, there is one within which we could attempt a theoretical pointments have been associatedwith this name, and are associated considerationof the Object as such, or from which we could at least with it, the responsibilityfor them lies with our intellectual capaci- demandthis. ties, and not with the idea of such a science.May one go so far, therefore, as to take metaphysicsto be the sciencewhose legitimate function is to deal with Objects as such-or Objectsin their totality? conceivedas 2. Tnu Pnr.ruprcp rN FAvoR oF THBAcruar, I If we rememberhow metaphysicshas always been includingtn its subjectmatter the farthest and the nearest,the great- It was no accidentthat the foregoing account took cognition as est and the smallestalike, we may be surprisedto be told that meta- physics its startingpoint in order to arrive at the Object. To be sure,cognition cannot take on such a task. It may sound strange to hear for of is not unique in "having" an Object. It has it in such a distinctive that metaphysicsis not universalenough a science Objects, just manner, however, that whenever we are speaking of Objects, we and hence cannot take on the task formulated. For the inten- (a are influenced to think first of all of the Object of cognition. For, to tions of metaphysicshave been universal fact which has so often been doubt, to be precise,the psychologicalevent we call cognition does not con- disastrousto its success).Without metaphysicshas stitute the cognitive situation in and of itself: knowledgeis, so to do with everything that exists.However, the totality of what exists, speak, a double fact (Doppehatsache) in which what is known including what has existed and will exist, is infinitely small in com- parison with of knowledge. This fact confronts the act of knowing as somethingrelatively independent. the totality of the Objects easily goes probably becausethe lively interest in reality The act of knowing is not merely directed toward what is known, unnoticed, part tends that in the way in which a false judgment may be directed toward its which is of our nature to favor exaggerationwhich finds the non-real nothing--or, more precisely, which finds Object. In knowing, on the contrary, it is as though what is known a mere has werg seized or grasped by the psychologicalact, or however else the non-real to be somethingfor which science no application at all or at least no application of any worth. one might attempt to describe,in an unavoidablypictorial way, some- How little truth there such a view easily shown by thing which is indescribable.If one concentratesexclusively on the is in is most do (bestehen),but do not Object of knowledge, the problem about the science of Objects ideal Objectsswhich indeedsubSist which by any means (existieren), and consequentlycannot in any which was raised above is initially placed in a rather unfavorable exist sensebe rcal (wirklicft). Similarity and differenceare examplesof light. A scienceof the Objects of cognition: does this mean any- objects this perhaps, circumstances, thing more than the demand that what is already known as the of type: under certain they sub Object of cognition be now made the Object of a science,and thus sist betweenrealities; but they are not a part of replity themselves. judgments, the Object of cognition for a secondtime? In other words, are we That ideas, as well as assumptionsand are nevertheless not asking for a sciencewhich either is made up of the sum-totalof concerned with such Objects (and often have reason to be very the sciencestaken together,or one which would have to accomplish intimately concerned with them) is, of course, beyond question. all over again what the recognizedsciences. jointly accomplishany- Similarly, number does not exist in addition to what is numbered, way? supposingthe latter does exist; this we clearly know from the fact We should guard ourselvesagainst concluding from these con- that we can also count what doesnot exist. Again, a connectiondoes siderationsthat the idea of a universal science,in addition to the not exist in addition\to what is connected,supposing the latter does special sciences,is abstrd. This understandingof the nature of the exist: That their existence is not indispensableis proven by the world in its entirety and of its ulrimate foundations,which the best 3. Concerning the sense in which I intend to\mploy the expression "ideal," minds have always consideredto be the final and most estimable which unfortunately is ambiguous in ordinary language, see my essay, "Uber Gegen- goal of their pursuit of knowledge, can only be the subject of a st6nde h6herer Ordnung, ete.," Zeitschrilt lilr Psychologie, XXl, 198. lThis essay -collected comprehensivescience in addition lo the specialsciences. Indeed, the appears in Volume II of Meinong's works; see Selected Bibliography.l t I [80] AIE)(IUS MEINONG The Theory of Objects [ 81] connection between the equilaterality and equiangularity of a tri- of languagethat this usage rnakes quite explicit existence-claims.E angle. Moreover, where existing objects are concerned, such as Even though the mathematicianmay use the term "existence," he atmosphericand thermometric or barometric conditions, the con- cannot but concedethat what we would otherwisecall "possibility" nectednessdoes not unite these realities themselvesso much as it is, in the final analysis, all that he requires of the objects of his doestheir being or even their non-being.In knowing such a connec- theoretical consideration; it is very noteworthy, however, that a tion, we are already dealing with that special type of Object (mit positive turn is being given to this ordinarily merely negativeconcept. jenem eigentumlichenGegenstandartigen), which, as I hope-I have Together with the prejudicein favor of our knowledgeof reality, shown,ais related to judgment and assumptions(Urteilen und An- alluded to previously, the basic independenceof nnathematicsfrom nahmen) in the rvay in which the Object, in a strict sense, (der existenceenables us to understand a fact which would be fair$ eigentlicheGegenstand) presentations(Vorstellungen). is related to -surprising if these points were not considened.Attempts to system- I haye recommendedthe name "Objective" (Obietkiv) for this atizn the sciencesas
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