This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com JFK ASSASSINATION SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION FORM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGENCY INFORMATION Released under the John . Kennedy AGENCY CIA &ssassination Records RECORD NUMBER 104-10112-100 9 9 ollection Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES JFK (44 USC 2107 Note) . AGENCY FILE NUMBER 80T01357A ase#:NW 53294 Date: DOCUMENT INFORMATION :J6-14-2017 AGENCY ORIGINATOR CIA FROM CONEIN, LUCIEN E. TO TITLE FORM:PERSONAL HISTORY STATEMENT---APPENDIX I SIGNED BY CONE IN DATE 09/24/1961 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS CONEIN, LUCIEN DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS 1A CURRENT STATUS RELEASED IN PART PUBLIC - RELEASED WITH DELETIONS DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07 / 22 / 93 COMMENTS JFK41 : F2 : 1993.07 .22.18:51:56:430390 : RELEASED EARLIER INCORRECTLY AS 104-10112-10093. [R) - I TEM IS RESTRI CTED 104-10112-10099 NW 53294 Docld:32399271 Page 1 ,.. ~ . f (.., . i" _ . ~ ,_ ..!r PERSONAL HISTORY STATEMENT- (Appendix I> Listed below are names of organizations ldentlfted by the Attorney General, under his resppnslbllty pursuant to Executive Order 10450, -dated 27 Apr111953; to list the names of ·each foreign or domestic organization, a~soclatlon, movemerit, group or combination of persons which he designates as Totalitarian, Fascist, Communist, or subversive, or as having adopted or having shown a pollcy of advocating or approving the commission of acts of forc;e or vlo­ ltmce to deny others their rights under the Constitution of the United States, or as seeking to alter the form of government of the United States by unconstitutional. means. '· Each applicant or employee and spouse (if any) must review the ~ollowlng list of organizations for certfJlcation purposes, and sign on the last page. Abraham Lincoln Brlgac1e BO&toJl School for Marx18t Studiea, Boston. Massachusetts Abraham Lincoln School. Cbtcago, Dllnots Brldge&-RobertsoJl-Schm1dt Defense Committee Ac:tlon Committee to Free Bpaln Now BulgarlaJl AmericaJl People's League of th8 UJllte4 States ot .Alabama !'eople'a Educational A88oclat1on <- eommun1st PoUti- Amerie& c&l A88oc1ation) American Association tor Reconstruction In Yugoslavia, Inc. Calltornla Emergency DefeJlBe Committee American Branch the Federation of Greek Maritime UDlona ot Calltornla Labor School, Inc., 321 Dlvl.sadero Street, San Franclaco, American CbrlatlaD Natlonallat Party Cal1torJlla American Committee for European Workers' Soc1aUat :aeuet <- Carpatho-Russtan People's Soc1ety Workers Party) · · ~- >. · Central CouJlcU of ADierican Wome11 of Croatian' Descent, a1eo American Committee for Protection of Porelp Born known as CeJltral councti of American Croatian WomeJl, Na­ American Committee tor Spanish Freedom tional CouJlcU or Croatian Wome11 · American Committee for the SettlemeJlt of .Jews ln-Blrobldj&Jl, Inc, Central Japanese AssoclatloJl· (Belll::oii::U Chuo-Nipponjln X&l) American Committee tor YugOiilav Bellet, lJlc. Central Japanese Aa6oclatloJl .!'!- Southern Cal.lforn.J.a American Committee to Survey Labor Conclltlona In l!:urope Central of the German-American National Alliance American Councn for a Democratic Greece, formerly k.DoWD. as the ~tlon (Deutsche-Amerlkanlsche Elnheltstront) Greek American Councn; Greek American Committee tor Na- tional UDlty - Cervantes Fraternal. Society American Councn on Soviet Relations China Welfare Appeal, lllc. Anlerlcan CroatlaD Congress Chopin Cultural Center · American Jew1sh Labor CouJlcU Clttzena Commlttee for Harry Bridges American League AgalD8t War and Pasc1am Cltlzena Committee of the Upper West Bide (New York City) Amerlcan League for Peace and Democracy ClttZena Committee to Free Earl Browder Amerlcan National Labor Party Citizens Emergency DefeJlSe ContereJlce Amerlcan National SoclaUat League Cltlzena Protective League American National Soclallat Party Clvll Liberties Sponsoring Committee ot Pittsburgh American Nationallat Party ClvU Rights Congress and its aftlllated organ.J.zatlona, 1ncluc11ng: American Patriots, lJlc. ClvU Rights Congress tor Texas American Peace Crusade Veterans Aga1Dst D1acrlintnat1oJl of Clvll Rights Congress o! Amerlcan Peace MobWzatlon New York American Poles for Peace Clvll Rights Congress for Texas (see Clvll Rights Congress) American Polish La.bor Councn columbiana · Amerlcan Polish League Comite Coordl:nador Pro Republica Espanola American Rescue Bhlp Mlsslon (a project of the UJllted Amerlcan Com1te Pro Derechos Clvlles Sp&Jllsh A1d Committee) (See Puerto Rican Comlte Pro Llbertades ClvUea) Amerlcan-Russlan Fraternal Society Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Polley_ American Russian lJlatltute, New York, a1eo known as the Ameri­ Committee tor Constitutional and PoUtlcal Freedom can RusslaD Institute tor CUltural Relations wlth the Sov1et Committee tor Natlonallat Action UDlon Committee tor Peace and Brotherhood Festival 1n Philadelphia American Russian lJlatltute, Philadelphia Committee for the Defense of the Pittsburgh Sb: American RUssian Institute of San Franclaco Committee tor the Negro 1n the Arts· · American Russlan Institute of Southern Cal1tornla, Loll Angeles Committee for the Protection of the Bffi of Rights . American Slav Congress Committee tor World Youth Friendship and CUltural E:zchange AmerlcanWomentorPeace Committee to Abolish Dlacrlmlnatlon In Maryland American Youth Congress (See Congress Agalnat Dlacrlmlnatlon; Maryland Congress American Youth tor Democracy Agalnat Dlacrlmlnatlon; Provlslonal Committee to Abollsh Armenian Progressive League of America Dlacrlm1natlon 1n the State of Maryland) Associated Klans of America Committee to A1d the Fighting South Assoclatlon of Georgia Kiana Committee to Defend Marte Richardson Association of German Nationals (Relchsdeutsche Vere1Dlgung) Committee to De!end the Rights and Freedom of Pittsburgh's AuslaJld-Organlzatlon der NSDAP, Overseas Branch of Nazi Party Pollt1cal Prisoners Committee to Uphold the Bffi of Rights Baltimore Forum Commonwealth College, Mena, ArkanB&B Benja.mln Davill Freedrn:n Committee Communlat Party, U. B. A., its subdlvlslona. subalcllarles. and Black Dragon Society amJ.Iatea IT'~ 444d USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS -1- (4) APPROVED fOR RELEASE 1993 CIA HISTORICAL REVIf.W PROGRAM Btl 53294 Docid: 32399271 Page 2· ·-~~--------- ~ ,---- -·----- · ---- -- · .. • ll v j' ; '•' eommuni.St Pollttcal Association, 1ts subd1v1s1ons, substdtartes. Indej)endent People's Party _and am.tlates, including: (See Independent Party) · Alabama People's Educational Association Industrial Workers ot the World Florida Press and Educational League International Labor Defense Oklahoma League tor Polttical Education International Workers Order, Ita aubdlv1a1ons, subsidiaries and People's Educational and · Press Association ot Texas afftlt.ataa VJ.rg1nla League tor People's Education Japanese Asaoclatlon of America •. congress Against D1scrlm1nation Japanese Overseas Central Boclet)' (Kalgal DobO Chuo Kal) (See Committee to AbOlish D1.scr1m1Datlon in Maryland) Japanese Overseas Convention, Tokyo, Japan, 1940 Congress of American Revolutlonaey Writer& Japanese Protective Asaoclatlon (Recruiting Organization) Congress ot American Women Jelferson School ot Boc1.al Selenee, New York Clt)' Congress ot the Unemployed Jewish Culture Boclet)' Connecticut Committee to A1d V1ctlma ot the Smith Act Jewish People's Committee connecticut State Youth Conference .Tewlsh People's Frateril.al Order CouDcU for Jobs, Bel1et and Housing Jl.l!::yoku l1nl!::a1 (The Committee tor the Cl'la18) Cotinc:u tor PaD-American Democracy .Tohn&on-Poreat G~p CouneU ot Greek Americana (See Johnsonttea) CouDcU on Atrtcan Afratrs Johnson!tea Croatian Benevolent Pratern1t)' (See John&on-Forest Group) Joint AnU-Fasclst Refugee Committee Da1 Nippon Butol!::u X&l (Mllltary VirtUe SOcl.et)' of Japan or Mlll- Joint CouncU of Progresslve Italtan-Amerlcana, Inc. tary Art Boclet)' ot Japan) Joseph Wedemeyer _School ot Boc1al Sclence, st. Louts, Mtssourt DaUy worker Preas Club Daniels Defense Committee K1be1 SeiDen Ka1 (Associauon ot u. ·a. Clttzens Or Japanese An- · Dante Allghieri Soclet)' (between 1935 and 1940) cestry who have returned to America after studying tn .Tapan) Dennl.s Defenae Committee Knlghta of the White Camell1a Detroit Y~th Assembly Ku Klux Klan K:vtrht~.e\JSer. also l!::nawn aa Ky1rhaeuser League . (X)'tfhaeuaer East :Bay Peace Committee' Bund), KJ11'l&euaer Fellow'lib1p (Ky1rhaeu.ser Kameradschatt) Els1nore Progressive League K)'tfhaeuser War Rel1et (K)'tfhaeuser Krtegshlltawerk) Emergency Conference to save Spanish Refugees (founding body of the North American Span.tah A1d Committee) · Everybody's Committee to Outlaw War LabOr CouncU for Negro lUghta Labor ReSe8.rch Assoct.atlon, Inc. ' FamUles of the Baltimore Smith Aet Vletlma LabOr Youth League Famtlles ot the Smith Act Vlctl.ma League tor Common Sense Federation of Italtan war Veterans tn the U. S. A., Inc. (A.ssocl&­ League of American Writer& . z1one Nazlonale Combattenti Ital1.an1, Federazlone degU Stati Llctor Boclety (Italtan Blacl!:: Shirts) Unlti d ' America) FlilDI.sh-Amertcan Mutual A1d Boclet)' MaeedODian-Amertcan People's League .florida Press and Educational
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