WAA, 070 WEAR650 WJZ . T70 'NOR no WABC980I WEVD L330 WLIB . 1190 WOV 1280 WREN. .1330WHN 1050 WA1CA570 'SPAT . 930 IRADIO TODAY WISNX..13.80 WHOM 1480 WNEW 1130 WQXR 1560 TUESDAY. DEC. 5, 1944 WYWN..1430 WINS. 1010 woryc 130 WWFLL. 1600 Concert: New York City Symphony Orchestra, Leopold Stokow- NEWS BROADCASTS ski, Conductor, at City Center-WE.."-F, 8:15-8:40. Every hour on the hour Dick Hayrnes, Songs; Phil Harris, Guest-VVEAF, 7:30-8. from 8 A. M. through 11 P. N. Variety: Bob Hannon, Tenor; Jane Pickens, Soprano; Evelyn MacGregor, Contralto; Concert Orchestra-WABC, 7:30-8. NEW YORK TIMES news bulle- Symphony Hall: Brahms Symphony No. 3 in F-WQXR, 8:05-9. tins over WMCA-570 Roy Rogers Show: Pat Friday, Songs; Others-WOR, 8:30-9. Morning Alan Young, Comedy; Diane Courtney, Songs-WJZ, 8:30-9. 5: 00-WABC 8:55-WOR, W,TZ, Play: "Rendezvous at Mayerling," With Geraldine Fitzgerald,6:00-WHN WQXR Others-o-WABC, 8:30-8:55. 6:30-WMCA. WHEW 9:00-WABC. WNICA 7:00-WRAP. WOR. 9:30-WHEW Grade Fields Show: Fred Brady, Comedy-WJZ, 9-9:30. WABC. WNYC 9:45-WHN Burns and Allen, Comedy; Jimmy Cash, Tenor-WABC, 9-9:30. 05-WQXR 9:55-WQX51. WLIB Fibber McGee and Molly, Comedy; Others-WEA.F, 9:30-10. 7: 15-WMCA, WHN 10:00-WOR, WMCA 7:25-WQ7ER 30:15-WRAP Forum: "Should We Freeze the Social Security Tax?" Repre-7:30-WEAF. WHEW /0:30-WMCA. WHEW sentatives Harold Knutson of Minnesota, Charles Dewey of7:43-WJZ. WABC /0:45-WHN 7:55-WQXR 10:55-WQXR, WLIB Illinois, Walter Lysnch of New York, Herman Eberharter of8:00-WRAP, WOR. 11:00-WOR, WMCA.. Pennsylvania-WOR, 9.30-10:15. WJZ. WABC, WNYC This Is My Best: Play, "Princess O'Hara," With Lurene Tuttle, WMCA. WNYC 11:30-WJZ, WMCA. 8:30-WRAP, WMCA, WHEW Bee Benedaret, Charlie Cantor, Others-WAI3C, 9:30-10. WHEW 11:45-WHN "Government Reform," Henry Hazlitt-WMCA, 9:45-10. 11:45-WNYC. WHN. 11:53-WQXR WL/13 Bob Hope, Comedy; Frances Langford, Others-WEAF, 10,10:30. WLIB Songs; Hildegarde. Elsa Maxwell, JosephSzigeti,Gregory12: 00. WEAF. WOAR.ternoPn Ratoff, Guests-WEAF, 10:30-11. 3:30-WMCA. WNEW Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York, Discussing "Social12:30-WO R. VVJZ. 3:43-WABC. WNYC WHEW 3:55-WQXR, WL.1.13 Security Taxes"-WABC, 10:30-10:45. 12:45-WEIN 4: 00-WOR. WJZ, Words at War: "The Guys on the Ground"-WEAF, 11:30-12. 12:55-WQXR, WL1B WMCA Concert: Marita Fare11, Soprano; Mack Harrell, Baritone; Con- 00-WJZ, WMCA 4: 30-WJZ. WMCA. 1:50-WABC, WHN, WHEW cert Orchestra-WJZ, 11:30-12. WHEW 4: 55-WQX12, WLIB 1:45-WEAF 5: 00-WMCA Where there is no listing for a station the preceding 1:55-WQXR, WL/B 5: /5-WQXR program Is on the air 00-WOR, WJZ, 5; 25-WQXR WMCA, WNYC 5:30-WMC.A. WHEW 2:30-WOR, WHEW 5:55-WLIB 2:55-WQXR. WLIB MORNING Evening 6:00-WEAF, WON, 9.30 WHEW 5: 00-WABC-News; Variety Music VTMCA-N. Y. Times News WJZ, WABC. 9:55-WNYC. WQXR 5:30-WABC-Revethe Sweetheart wNYC-Masterwork Hour WMCA. W1113 10:00-WJZ, WMCA. 45-WOR-Farmers Digest WHN-Gloom Dodgers To 6:15-WABC WHN 6: 00-WJZ-Sunrise Salute WHEW-Dick Brown. Songs 6: 25-WQXR 10: 15- WOR WHN-Radio Newsreel WQXR-Today's Romantics 6: 30-WOR, WMCA,10: 30-WMCA WHEW wNEW-Recorded Music 9:03-WMCA-Atice Hughes, - Talk WHN, WHEW 10: 45- WHN 6: 30- WEAF-Mert Emmett 9:15-WOR-Bing Crosby Records 6: 45-WEAF, WJZ, 10: 50- WQXR WOR-News; Sun-Up Society WABC-School of the Air WABC. WNYC 11:00-WEAF, WJZ. WABC-Arthur Godfrey, Music 1VMCA-Talk-Isabella Beach 6:55-WLIB WOR, WABC. WMCA-News; Dude Ranch Music WLIB-Musical Vanity Box 7:00-WOR, WMCA, WMCA. WISH. WNEW-Recorded Music WQXR-Gypsy Melodies COHN, WQXR wEVD 6:45-WNEW-Morning Meditation 9:25-WOR-Lanny and Ginger, Songs 7:15-WEAF 11:15-WEAF, WOOL 7:00-WEAF-News; Recorded Music 9:30-WEAF-Adelaide Hawley, Talk 7:25-WQX5S 11:30-WHEW WOR-News; Musical Clock WOR-Food-A. W. McCann 7:30-WON, %YMCA, 12:00-WEAF. WJZ. WJZ-Variety Show WMCA-Variety Musicale WHEW WABC. WMCA, WABC-News: Arthur Godfrey. Music WHEW-News: The Wife Saver 8: 00-WON WJZ. WQXR WMCA-Gospel Church Program WLIB-Melody Playhouse WMCA 12: 30-WNEW IVNYC-News; Sunrise Symphony WQXR-Pop Concert 6:30-WHEW 12:55-WEAF. WHN WEIN. WNEW-Recorded Music 9:45-WEAF-Alice Cornell, Songs 8:45-WNYC WEVD 1:00-WJZ, W ABC, WQXR-Headlines and Harmonies WABC-This Life Is Mine 5:55-WABC, RTNYC WMCA 7:05-WQXR-News Reports WL.113-Road to Romany 9: 00 -WOR , WMCA. 1:50-WISH 7:10-WQXR-Headlines and Harmonies 9:55-WQXR-News Reports WISH, WQXR 7:00-WOR 7:15-WMCA-News; Recorded Music WLIB-News; Concert Music WHN-News; Recorded Music 10:00-WEAF-LOra Lawton 7:25-WQXR-News Reports WOR-News-Henry Gladstone BY SHORT WAVE 7: 30-WEAF-News-Don Goddard WJZ-My True Story Time, Eastern War-Megacycles WHEW-News; Recorded Music WABC-Valiant Lady LONDON WQXR-Breakfast Symphony WMCA-N. 1'. Times News 7713 A. M.-3700 P. M.-15 31 I5-WEAF-Songs of the South WNYC-Consumer Information 5:15 P. M.-12:45 A. M.-9.825, 7766 11 WJZ. WABC-News Reports WHEW-Make-Believe Ballroom 9:00 P M.-12:45 A. M.-9.78, 2.68 8:00-WEAF-World News Round-Up WQXR-Run of the House- WOR-News-Prescott Robinson Charlotte Adams MOSCOW WJZ-Martin Agronsky-News 10:03-WMCA-Piano Music 7:40 A M.-13.75 WABC-News Reports 10:15-WEAF-Robert St. John. News 6:58 P M.-15.23. 15.11 WMCA-N. Y. Times News WOR-Bessie Beatty Show MELBOURNE WNYC-News; Music WABC-Light of the World WQXR-Breakfast Symphony WMCA-Little Show. Variety 8:30 A M.-9.54 WNYC-Something for the Girls BERNE 8:03-WMCA-Milt Berth Trio WQXR-Insptration 8:15-WEAF-Listen to Lewis 10:25-WJZ-A Cappella Choir 10:00 P. M.-9.165 WOR-Aunt Jenny's Stories 10:30-WRAP-Finders Keepers Quiz STOCKHOLM WJZ-Are We Ready for Victory?- WJZ-Cliff Edwards. Songs 10:00 P. 36.-15.155 Dr. John S. Bonnell WABC-This Changing World WABC-Phil Cook-Music WMCA-News; Recorded Music FROM ENEMY SOURCES WMCA-Unity Viewpoint-Talk WNYC-BBC Morning News WLIB-Young People's Church WHEW-News; Recorded Music BERLIN 20-WNYC-Ration News WQXR-Composers' Corner 7:30, 9:30 A. M.-15.11 8: 30-WEAF-News :Charles McCarthy 10:45-WJZ-The Listening Post 7:00. 9:00. 11:00 P. M.-7.24 WOR-Talk-Pegeen Fitzgerald WABC-Bachelor's children TOKYO WJZ-Nancy Craig-Talk WNYC-Spanish Without Tears 6:15, 7:15 P. M.-15.105, 15.15. 11.725 WABC-Missus Goes A-Shopping WII13-Concert Music WMCA-News; Recorded Music 10:55-WQXR-News Reports WNEW-News; Recorded Music 11:00-WEAF-Road of Life it: 10-WRAP-Star Playhouse WLIB-Morning Overture WOR-News-Prescott Robinson WOR-Quiz Wizard 8: 35-VVNYC-Morning Serenade WJZ-Breakfast With Breneman WJZ-News-Gilbert Martyn 8:45-WEAF-Talk-Rod Hendrickson WABC-Amanda-Sketch WABC-Bright Horizon WABC-Margaret Arlen-Talk WMCA-N. Y. Times News WMCA-News; Dorsey Records WNYC-News; New York Today WNYC-News Reports WNEW-News; Recorded Music WEIN-News Reports WQXR-Other People's Business- WLIB-Treasury Salute WL/B-News; Household Hints Alma Hettinger WQXR-Concert Music 8:55-WOR. WJZ, WQXR-News 11: 03-WMCA-Recorded Music 11:45-WEAF-David Hamm 9:00-WEAF-Mirth and Madness 11:15-WEAF-Rosemary-Sketch WOR-Tobe's Topics WOR-Victor H. Lindlahr-Talk WOR-Star Parade WJZ-Jack Berth, Songs WJZ-Breakfast Club-Variety WABC-Second Husband WNYC-The Greater New York Den- WABC-News Reports WNYC-Musical Souvenir tal Meeting-Dr. Harry N. Manville AFTERNOON 12: 00-WEAF-News-Don Goddard WMCA-N. Y. Times News WJZ-Ozark Ramblers WOR-News: Gabriel Heatter WNYC-News; Symphonic Matinee 4:30-WEAF-Lorenze Jones WJZ-Giamour Manor, With Cliff WQXR-Ballet Institute Talk WOR-Food-Dr. W. H. Eddy Arquette. Others 2:03-WMCA-Recorded Music WJZ-News: Westbrook Van Voorhas WABC-Kate Smith Chat 2:05-WQXR-Treasury Salute WABC-Recorded Music WMCAk-N. Y. Times News 2:15-WEAF-Today's Children WMCA-News: Piano Music WNYCilusic for Defense Plants WOR-Talk-Jane Cowl WNEW-News; Aces Music WHEW-Denver Darling, Songs WJZ-Galen Drake 4:45-WRAP-Young Widder Brown WQXR-Luncheon Concert WABC-Two on a Clue WJZ-Hop Harrigan 12: 03-WMCA-Jerry Lawrence Records 20-WQXR-Concert Music WABC-Raymond Scott Show 12:15-WEAF-Talk-Maggi 2: 30-WEAF-Women in White WMCA-Popular Music WOR-Musical Appetizer WOR-News-Leo Egan WNYC-Living and Learning-Sophie WABC-Big Sister WJZ-Ladies, Be Seated I.. Goldsmith 12: 30-WEAF-Buckley Field Band WABC-Young Dr. Malone WHEW-Recorded Music WOR-News-Henry Gladstone WHEW-News; Variety Music 4:50-WLD3-Talk-Vincent Sheean WJZ-News; Farm-Home Makers WQXR-Request Music 4:55-WQXR-News Reports WA.BC-Helen Trent 2: 45-WRAP-Hymns of All Churches WL113--News; Concert Music WHEW-News; Music WOR-Real Stories 5:00-WRAP-When a Girl Marries 12:45-WOR-Jack Bundy's Album WABC-Perry Mason WOR-Uncle Don WABC-Our Gal Sunday 55-WQXR-News Reports WJZ-Terry and the Pirates WHN-News Reports WLTS-News; Concert Music WABC-Sing Along Club 12: 55-WQXR-News Reports 3:00-WEAF-A Woman of America WNICA-N.
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