architecture california the journal of the american institute of architects california council a r cCA aiacc design awards issue 01.1 a w a r d i n g h o n o r arcCA 0 1 . 1 Editor Tim Culvahouse, AIA a r c C A is dedicated to providing a forum for the exchange of ideas among mem- bers, other architects and related disciplines on issues affecting California archi- Editorial Board Carol Shen, FAIA, Chair tecture. a r c C A is published quarterly and distributed to AIACC members as part Lisa Findley, AIA of their membership dues. In addition, single copies and subscriptions are avail- Daniel Gregory, Ph.D. able at the following rates: Single copies: $7 AIA members; $10 non-members. Lisa Padilla, AIA Subscriptions (four issues per year): $24 AIA members; $15 students; $34 non-members, U.S.; $38 Canada; $42 foreign. Barton Phelps, FAIA Buzz Yudell, FAIA Subscriptions: arcCA, c/o AIACC, 1303 J Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814, Anne Zimmerman, AIA www.aiacc.org David Meckel, FAIA, Ex-officio Advertising: 877.442.4995. Design Bob Aufuldish Inquiries and submissions: Timothy Culvahouse, Editor: [email protected]; Marc Phu c/o AIACC, 1303 J Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814; 916.448.9082x319; fax 916.442.5346. Bob Aufuldish, Aufuldish & Warinner: [email protected]. Aufuldish & Warinner Copyright and reprinting: © 2001 by AIACC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in Production Trudy J. Ung whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Permission is granted through the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Publisher Susan K. Miller a r c C A is a trademark of AIACC. California Regional Publisher Ann Looper a r c C A (ISSN 0738-1132) is published by The McGraw-Hill Companies on behalf of The American Institute of Architects, California Council. McGraw-Hill and AIACC are Publisher not responsible for statements or opinions expressed in a r c C A, nor do such state- The McGraw-Hill Companies ments or opinions necessarily express the views of AIACC or its committees. Con- tributors are responsible for credits and copyright permissions. Third class postage AIACC Erin K. Wells paid at Inglewood. Printed on recycled paper by Rodgers & M c D o n a l d . Director of Communications AIACC 2000 Board of Directors Los Angeles Chapter San Joaquin Chapter American Institute of Architects, AIA Regional Directors Clif P. Allen, AIA Arthur T. Dyson, AIA California Council Donald M. Comstock, AIA John R. Dale, AIA San Mateo County Chapter 1303 J Street, Suite 200 Robert L. Newsom, FAIA Robert G. Hale, Jr., AIA Jerry L. Winges, AIA Sacramento, CA 95814 Steven R. Winkel, FAIA Christopher C. Martin, FAIA Santa Barbara Chapter 916.448.9082 Brian Dougherty, FAIA Gordon N. Park, AIA Richard N. McKenzie, AIA 916.442.5346 fax Associate Directors Nick Seierup, AIA Santa Clara Valley Chapter www.aiacc.org Edward Mojica, Assoc. AIA Monterey Bay Chapter Edwin G. Bruce III, AIA Letrice Sherrillo, Assoc. AIA Kenneth L. Scates, AIA David K. Kaneda, AIA 2000 Executive Committee Student Director Orange County Chapter Sierra Valley Chapter President Patrick O’Donnel Lance G. Brown, AIA Robert T. DeGrasse, AIA R.K. Stewart, AIA California Central Coast Chapter Barbara G. Helton-Berg, AIA Ventura County Chapter First Vice President/ Randolph L. Rea, AIA Thomas R. Nusbickel, AIA Jeffrey Jordan, AIA President-elect California Desert Chapter Pasadena & Foothill Chapter Michael M. Hricak, Jr., FAIA Raymond L. Howard, AIA Laurie Barlow, AIA AIACC Staff Secretary Central Valley Chapter Scott Gaudineer, AIA Executive Vice President James H. Ehrenclou, AIA Laura B. Macaulay, IBD, AIA Redwood Empire Chapter Paul W. Welch, Jr., Hon. AIA Treasurer Paul R. Menard, AIA Scott P. Bartley, AIA Director of Communications Bernard Altman, AIA East Bay Chapter William W. Dodson, AIA Erin K. Wells Vice President of Frank L. Fuller IV, FAIA San Diego Chapter Associate Director of Regulation and Practice Eli M. Naor, AIA Thomas M. Anglewicz, AIA Resource Development Carl F. Meyer, AIA Golden Empire Chapter Michael C. Johnson, AIA Nicki Dennis Vice President of William J. Melby, AIA San Fernando Valley Chapter Communications/Public Affairs Inland California Chapter Robin C. Jaffe, AIA David Meckel, FAIA Robert J. Kain, AIA San Francisco Chapter Vice President of Long Beach/South Bay Chapter Martin B. DelCampo, AIA Legislative Affairs Peter E. Hendrickson, AIA Nora R. Klebow, AIA Bruce Race, FAIA Peggy M. Johnson, AIA Edgar A. Lopez, AIA Executive Vice President Bryant G. Rice, AIA Paul W. Welch, Jr., Hon. AIA Evan S. Rose, Assoc. AIA Douglas G. Tom, AIA a question we will, as we should, continue to ask Comment ourselves. Accordingly, around the featured pro- jects are articles that look at the process of redefining the Design Awards program itself, that consider changes over time in S u n s e t m a g a z i n e ’ s awards, and that review the curatorial choices of a recent exhibition. There are also more immediate- Long ago and far away, when I was in architecture ly practical suggestions for future applicants, as school, I attended a presentation by a visiting L.A. well as a look at a house that once tied for ninth architect. From the tiers of the former medical p l a c e . theater that served as the school’s main lecture Our hope is that you may find something hall, we looked down on a large, upright to applaud, something to holler about, something cardboard box, the sort a refrigerator comes in. to remark upon one way or the other. a r c C A ’ s The lights went down, a single slide projector “Correspondence” section has returned after an beam, sans image, shone on the box, and a voice issue’s absence, and I want to keep it filled. began: “Architecture is the magnificent play of Because otherwise the editorial life is a lonesome, forms in light.” garreted one, and aside from press releases (lively Then, wham! From inside, something reading), the only correspondence I can count on smacked the box. The projector beam went off and are e-messages from our editorial board, ending flashed back on. Again the voice: “Architecture is with remarks along the lines of “BTW, IMHO, the adjective frozen music.” Wham! Flash! “Architecture is…” ヤfriskyユ ought properly to be applied only to nonagenarians and terri- And over the course of a hundred comparable pro- ers.” nouncements, Coy Howard slugged his way out of “IMHO,” indeed. Not that I don’t enjoy a that box. Or almost did. well-argued point of diction, now and again. But Some of us are still slugging, and some of you follow my drift. So please keep writing. t us have spent the years gluing up sheets of Tim Culvahouse, editor cardboard (literally or figuratively) to define a r c h i t e c t u r e . p.s. Speaking of awards, we are honored to report In my capacity as copy editor, I inquired o f that a r c C A won first place in the “Most Improved one of this issue’s authors what is intended by the Magazine/Journal” category of the American term “rigor.” I have from time to time suspected Society of Association Executives’ Gold Circle that when people call for rigor, what they’re look- Awards for the year 2000. Look for a r c C A t - s h i r t s , ing for is the greater conformance of a peg to its based on our new graphics, coming soon, and sup- hole. And our author does allow as how the term port our continued improvement. derives from the Latin for “rigid.” The question then arises, do we award good fit, or a good hit—the satisfaction of expecta- tions or the fist punching through the envelope? Professional journals—at least those, like this one, promulgated by professional organizations—a r e not in the business of suggesting radical a n s w e r s to such questions, but we may note the dilemma. By no means does the question diminish the accomplishments of the Design Awards win- ners featured here. The question is not about the quality of particular projects, but about what cate- gories of endeavor we consider worthy. And this is 3 Contributors Tim Culvahouse, AIA, is Adjunct Steward Professor in the Lisa Padilla, AIA, is an associate partner in the Los Angeles Department of Architecture at CCAC (California College of office of Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership, where her Arts and Crafts), an architect with Peterson Architects in San project focus is urban design and master planning for public Francisco, and editor of a r c C A. and private institutions. She is a member of the a r c C A editorial board. Lisa Findley, AIA, is an architect and artist practicing in Oakland, an Affiliate Associate Professor in the Department of Barton Phelps, FAIA, is Adjunct Professor in the School of Architecture at CCAC, a contributing editor for A r c h i t e c t u r a l the Arts and Architecture at UCLA, principal in the Los Angeles R e c o r d, and a member of the a r c C A editorial board. firm of Barton Phelps & Associates, and a member of the a r c C A editorial board. In 1996 he chaired the national AIA Committee Daniel Gregory, Ph.D., Associate AIA, is home editor for on Design and prior to that was chair of the Awards Task S u n s e t magazine and a member of the a r c C A editorial board.
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