S,-,. 5X - ,r;r;^.: „i , ■■ ■■ • : ■■•' ■■> FRIDAY, M AY 4 ,1945| Manchester Evening Etvrold Averate Dally Circulation The Weather •\ Forecast of U. S. WaaUMr Buraaa \ For the Moath of AfrtrO, IMS - • ■ ' ' ■ ^ '' X Cloudy, with Ughl Hhowria to­ 9,195 day. Tonight ridnidy. Sunday part­ X ’. ly Moudy. X. of tte Audit : /■ ' ■ -ix HALE'S of GtreulatioBB TJie Priginal In Ei1i«Ii^<! ^ . ^ > ■ ; MarichM4^rr^--^ City of VMage Charm - \ , (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE 1’UKEK CtSNTSr X (OiaaaMeS AdvwtHliig aa >aga !• ) ’aX' MANCHESTER, CO^N., SA^IURDAY, MAY 5, 1945 VOL. L X ir., NO. 18S X ATURDAY SPECMbl X iX X G reen Stan»|H(^Given W ith CasHi S a l* !^ ■ \. ■ X Hale's Quality^reod Loaf. .X- Wlnohrtl Smith> 100% ■ «r ■X Whole Wheat Brecidl Loaf 15c .y\ Large Rings or ^ . \ I - X i \ for Mhfher X . V Crumb Cakes . Ea. 29c ■ x ^ "-' ' ■ ,.x '■ X Sniart new printa oeXtmhroWered HanWea. and ■X ■ : / ■ xtra Large S)6o laca edged HMWaa Ja new aport aiae^ Yanks March Past Munich Beer O llar Dous^iiuts Doe. 3 5 c ■X T W l X " X 25c .o $1.50 each l \ Donlslt^astry ^Box of 8 29c X O n Also for u l s t t i o n Sanko~~CoHge t ; O'-. Franciseo I House . '\ ^ Lb. Jar Molotov I* Now Seek­ f ■ !offee Furious Land, ing Wprd from Mw . j Cm ^ e a ^ ’i _ X • Norw arid ^ e c h o s l o ' I r f X Superior on Two Key ay Sea Fighting vakia Still Rentain \ ■ |^apo>cited M ilk 3 Cana Changes in Security Hfippy Danes A Ire Then V*E DayxCan li*. Plan ; Otherwise All I r Near OkinaMa Campbeir* Veg Aririouriced, Say Offi­ In Agreement NnW ' r} " cials; Sporadic Fight- ipup '\ Suicide Boats, Planes, San Francisco, May 5.— (/P) ihg Reported in Copen­ X. — Foreign : Commissar Molo­ Hjanian Flying Bombs ^ X ovetnment hagen; Nazi Warship* tov was believed seeking in­ And Counted Attacks Bradshaw's tney X- Fire ' Upon Patrit^ts. *' structions from Premier Sta­ On Land All in a Day. 1 Pound JaK.^^1 _ Lx„ lin today on two key changes S to c k h o h »r "M a y 5.— (/P)— ‘ •’pcelpt of U e news of the Ger- \ J tlk Jar 4 1 c ^ Christian wits reported to Paris, May 5.— (fl*)— Th« in the Dumbarton <^ks Guam, May 5—44^— In one of Jubilajjfr^Denmark, free of, zi yoke worn for five have ordered .nobtlization of the last half of 1,000,000 German ■X world. security plan. With tlie wildest battles of the Pacific ears, was reported already | whole resistance movement, put-, troops in northwest Germany thege two exceptions—on war, Japanese hurled ainphibious forming a new government: ^lug an estimated 300.000 it^n and Njizi-trodden Holland, Fancy Jaf of MustarcLI !fer o r F a b r ic provisions for reviewing in­ forces, th* first major tankled , * . • ' under arms in the capital alone, ternational relations and ‘ fitting m today with a View-to-taking a .^hey appeared everywhere, carry* arid Denmark surrendered; <lar C Be Used Aa a'Sugar ar RaHah Bool. regional defense arrangements in­ counters'sinu^ of - the Okinawa X; place among the - United Na- mif tommy guns and other .arms, unconditionally today, with X to the proposed world security campaign, suicide boats, plames lions. Moving swiftly after mostly of Briti.sh and American 8.i-Blarce ■' - council—the United SUtes, Rus­ shd pilot-guided flying bombs- at ceasefire orders climaxing a sia. China and BriUln were re­ miles south of Japan. ' .the unconditional surrender , of week of Nazi collapse. Half a X ported In full accord on 15 or 2Q Spaghetti with'Tojitato Every attack was broket) up, but inillioii Germans quit today X amendment* to the Dumbarton ^ h S ‘ "74Ta?-old?K^ whicTwM on this Zlat Arm y group front. A$ A ve ligh t U^ S. ships w e rt^ sufik tian JC v^s saw by the Danish l*--^?b* waa sj:h>dujfd ■ ^ ........................... and others damaged. ■ mahy~more BisaTgrven’Tlp to Bit;- ' in. Pouch or Envelope Styles. X . This plan was worked out in dlo to^have dcalgnslcd former ish and Canadians in the previous and^ Mushroo^ > Hundreds of the 4,000 attacking Premier Urla Buhl to organize » ern Sweden early today, it was of­ Some with zipper compart­ big four meetings at Waahingt^ ficially , announced. 48 hours, convinced as was OeHeg* . last year aa the basis for a, worra Japanese soldiers -were slaughter­ new government. ments in New Summer Colors ed in "the best day o f Jap killing Fighting Is Reported al Eisenhower that; "On land and Jar 23 c pe«ce-keepibg organization. The newspaper Dagehs Nyheter aCa and in the air the German* or Black and Brown. Laip- Molotov was reported to have since the Okinawa. campaign be­ quoted reaponsibje Danes in Swe­ Some members o f the resistance .£ -----------^ . , gan,” 154 planes shot down and IS movement attacked the headquar­ are thoroughly whipped. Then Sugar Heart x mies,ik)rdette or Failles. a g r^ in principle to the review den as predicting, that Denmark only • recourse is to 'surrender." • \ and regional, security proposals, explosive laden speed boats blown would be acknowledged a member ters of the Danish Nazi auxiliary \ • ' ■ X V • Already,' hegotlationa' were ra* hut asked 24 hours from last up. ' ^ , of the United Nations as soon as police corps, the Gestapo head­ Under cover of early morning ported well underway for tfie c*-’ 1 Lb. Jar 19c night to reach a final deClsiom the new government starts to quarter* in St; Anne palace, and darkness four Japanese amphibi­ the headquarters qt- Nazi Ambaa- pltulitlbn of the last two m'ajar American officiala, elated over function. enemy stands— in Norway and tha Mother>^ Day ous units, totaling about 600 men, The story quoted the Dan.es aa aador Dr. Werner Best at JPfg- Dorset this degree of Big Four attempted landings behind Am eri­ shrinking Czechoslovak-Austriajr American soldier*.march past the entrance to the beer cellar In Munich, Germany, where the abor­ saying that British Deputy F i^ e roarhuB on the Raadhus Piads, V' hoped that full Russian concur­ can lines on both coasts. Three of pocket—and the final realisatim ' rence would be forthcoming' T>*' tive puUch of 1923 resiirted in H ifer'a arreat and im {(ria'jnment, and where ip 1936, after hla %o Minister Clement Richard Attlee central sqviare of the^ Danish cspl- these ^psault forces got ashore on of V-E Day.V Qt. Can power, an attempt was made on his life. James Pringle. AP phetographer with the wartime, still pic­ had promised Denmark the status tal. X Tui^ey Soup Pres^htatidn fore midnight. the west coast In the rear o f the ture pool, made this photo. ^, ( A P wlrephoto via Sign** Corps radio.’)____________________ - - of a united nation' as soon as Reports to Malmoe newspapera Fall 'bf Berchtesgadea Altemativa Proposals 77lh Infantry division. Hours later ■n>e fine AnierlcM air dramatized by Nelly Don for Moth- there was a free Danish govern- from Copenhagen ^ d 20 persons The fall of Bercbteagaden swift-. Xo. 2^2 Gfa Betty Blue \ P lu o Tha. ■ I f it la not, Riwaia may have al­ they were still there, but they'were •>r’8 Day. Freab/and feminine prints with charming detaila mejit to ask for It. w e r ^ ille d and-i3<l*^ounded in the ly followed that of Berlin. and lovely atytihg. ' ternative proposals on these points trapped and being wiped out. clashes,^ Neariy a million Germans arid to submit to the United Nations Some Boats'Stranded Take Office Today Body of Hitler Buhl’a .government was expect­ A British broadcast at .8:30 p. Italians surrendered Wednesday in . c 8i i a 2 5 c -Boats carrying 200, Constituting •/ -X JOTCE Bn^RlTH^ x"'' '■-/ oonference. Rejects Geriiian ed to- take office aoroetinie today, ni., brought, the hews to Oipenha- Ugly and Western Austria. Tha Crisp pMipermtnt stripea-rhat make you ever ao alirn. Blua, Secretary of State Stettinius the fourth group, were stranded On igen that thX German "troops had eatem Allies since U-day had a reef off the east coast. Yanks lA Dispatches from Copenhagen No. t Cm Valveeta Gold^lifeeilv Sizes 12 to'44. ealled a news conference for today Not Found In told, of shouting, ainging. crying surrendered tq^ - Field Marshal taken well over S.OOO.OOO prison-, Galen Tubize Satin Stripe and *(9:30 a. id.. Pacific war time) to amphtracks annihilated them. ers—half of them in the last four More than 3.000 Nipponese at­ To Give Up to British and fighting aa the ordinarily explain what the whole set of pro- temperate Danes thronged streets 1 (ConMyi^ on^^age Eight days. The Russians have killed or Center Cuf^i^paragus 10c Chalk Finish posala la about and how, as the tacked 7th Division positionjf on -* - • ■■ -c. ... -X—Mr " ' ' ^ a z i Quarters captured- millions more German ■a*l apohsors cislm, they would the east flank at dawn behind 2() soIdlei-8. X $6.98 to $12.98 strengthen and give, flexibility to tank* and' under’ the protection of Triumph and Joy s’wept Deft- - the proposed world organization the eampaigrn’s heaviest enemy Marshal , Montgomery Jap Airfields mark and Holland, freed from-fiva artillery barrage. Big American Russians Look Over Soy Beans for Succotash in Its main task of building a se­ Flatly Refuses■ ■aasa toftrB Ciin-m Gzechoslovakiaii A years of Nazi rule, although thero cure peace.
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