USCF Vol. VI Wedncs d~ y, Number 13 , Offjeial Publication of ]je Unltecl States (bess'federation M:lrch 5. 1952 HEARST WINS AT MARSHALL SHERWIN SECOND, MASSACHUSETIS ADOPTS NCCP THIRD A TIE Holding the lead all the way, former New York State Cbampion ~S FIFTH STATE CHAPTER Eliot Hearst scored 12'1..-3Jh to win the annual Marshall Chess Club Championship in New York. By Decisive Vote of MSC A Members Undefeated, Hear st concedcd draws to Collins, Hill, Howard, Santasiere, Massachusetts Affiliates with USCF Dunst, Mednis and Sibbett State Champion James Sherwin, At the annu;')l meeting of the Massachusetts Slate Chess As~ocia· who also holds the Intercollegiate lion on February 22nd, adoption of NCCP wa.<; voted by a decisive title, finished a strong second with majority of the members of the MSCA, making the Massachusetts Slate 11·5. He lost 'a game to his Colum­ Chess Association the fifth State Chapter of the United Stales Chess bian team-mate Hcarst, as well as · Federation under the NationnL Chess Coordination Plan. Massachusetts gll mcs to Donovan and Santasiere, now joins with Michigan, Pcnnsyivnniu, Texas and Tennessee in co­ while he drcw with Collins, How­ ordinating its own program and membership with the nalional organiza. ard. Dunst, and Fajans. tion. ' In third place Jack Collins and By it<. prompt decision, the MSCA stok a march on several other .1erry Donovan lied for the honors Stale Associ:1tions wh ich Ufe also contemplating affiJiu tion under NCCP. with 10 'l~· 5 \1'~ each. Collins lost Actual coordination will lake place upon January 1, 1953, when the gam e~ to lIill. l~ajan s , Westbrock d ucs of UIC MSCA will become ~4.00 and include membership in the a nd Sibbett, while drawing with USCF (with subscriptioll to CHESS LIFE). The delay h occasioned by Hearst, Sherwin, Burger. Donovan the fact the USCF and M.SCA have already collected individua l dues lost games to Hearst, Collings, Ihis year independently und a combined dues is not now practical fO!' BrandiS and Dunst, and drew with J!t52. n ut USC{,' mcmbers in Massachusetts who arc not already mem­ Santasiere, Burger and !\fednis. bers or the MSCA are urged to join the Stale Chapler fOI' 1952, whil(' Till:'. EDITH L. \\'lEART T ROPHY Bernard IIiU placed fiftll with the !'IISeA is asking ill! me mbership to join the USCF, j( they arc not No.. ;11 crtf,.,J1 "I u. s. WOU,d" CI"",.pWII, M<lry Ba; .. 1(}-6, while Frankli n S. Howard and a ll·cady melllbel·s. A. E. Santllsiel"e tied eM sixth at !l Y~· 6'h each. Kad Burger was Although oHicill1 u(filiation will Picking the Winner at Havana ei.t:hth wilh 9-7, while Carl Pilnick not occur unW HJ52, it is vftll'lHed LEAD AT CHICAGO pl~ccd ;linth - with · 8YJ.: 7 rh~ -- - - ... _-- to inaugurate at onc<! as many of TO T AUTV AISAS By KENNETH HAHKNESS the features of NCCP as is practi­ The Chicago City Championship, USCF Ral;", S'd,is/iei"" cal. hccinnin IJ immcrliately with cul"odul.;k\I b:;. the Illinois State A!; r..l] is ~ \';~;~ ,lc!!, the big ir.te!.'n.;:\ti.entl! ,tournar.:lc nt at Ha.v ;!T) ..... i ~ EARLIER BIRDS the coordina tion of national and Chess Ass'n, a t the end of three getting under wa~r. Although the finallinc--up has not yet been announced, state activities in the promotion the list of probahle competi tors includcs some top-mgt, t masters from SNAP BAIN DATES rounds sees Povilas Tautvaisas The recently announced transcon­ of chess_ threatening to run away with the Europe, South America and the United Slales. This country is represent· cd by U. S. Cha,mpion Larry Evans, Grandmaster Samuel Reshevsky, tinental tour of U.S. Woman A full report upon the other de­ event with 3-0. He has defeated Champion Mary Bain found the cisions made at the annual meet­ Valdis Turns, Albert Sandrin and former U. S. Champion Her man Steiner, Senior Mastei· Israel A. Hol'O- ing of the MSCA is not yet availa­ witz, veteran U. S. Master Edward Lasker. early birds alert; and already Burton Dahlstrom. Angelo Sandrin plans for simultaneous evcnts are ble, but will be published later. holds second with 2lh-lh. Turian­ Natura1iy, we aU hope that one of our boys will bring home the set in Decatur (Ill.), Cleveland, In the election of officers for 1952, sky has I Ih-Jh with an adjourned bacon. And even with the price of meat these days, you can buy a lot Sail Lake City, and Las Vegas. Robert W. Reddy was again re· game, while V. Tums and Earl of bacon with the $2500.00 first prize being offered by our good frie nds elected president. Paul J . Wor­ But there arc 1t number of open Davidson have I Jh . in Cuba. H our brilliant young champion Larry Evans brings home that dz..tes remaining and any club de­ cester became treasurer, J. Le­ much dough he can pay his taxes and stiU play B t idg~ at the Marshall land Cawthorne secretary, GC<lrge ' s:iring t.he novelty of faCing an WACHS WINS Chess Club' for a fifth. e..'(pert woman player who defies Mahar schoolboy director, Eric a 5-1 chance that one of them will NiUc.he tournamenl dircetor, and Good chcssplayers being even the tradition that woman are the PHILA SPEED morc consistent than racehorses, it cop the big money. Larry Evans w{'aker sex (at chess), can still Stanley W. D. King publicity di­ The annual banquet of the Mer­ is on the way up, with no indiea­ rector. As vice·presidents werc is no trouble at ::Ill for your Rating make un engagement uy wl"iting cantile Library Chess Ass'n of Statistician to lay down his copy Uon of how (a r he can go. This Mrs. Mary Hain, Marshall Chess elected John P. Egan, Eben Draper, Philadelphia at the Hotel Robert lllay be the spot for him to show of Racing For m lor a few moment~ Club, 23 West Tenth Street, New Thos. H. HlIl"ritz, ond Charles S. Morris was well attended with wheth')r he is hcaded for the Jacobs. and give you the prohable order of York City, N.Y. sixty-four members and gucsts. finish at Hialeah·-I mean Havana. Grandmaster Class, or whether he Feature of the evening was a dis­ Judging by their past perform­ i ~ going to level oU below 2700 DOE TRIUMPHS L.A. GROUPS PLAN play of forty unique ehess sets ances, as measured by the rating poinl ~. Even to come in third or from Ute 500 set collection of John system, the boys will pass the line fourth would be a spectacular suc­ IN ALBERTA YOUTH PROGRAM F . Harbeson, who gave a lecture in the following order: cess . for this talented youngster Ray Doe of Calgary captured A long-range program to foster on chess sets. in his third foreign appearance. the Alberta Championship at Brae­ l. Samuel R e$h" · I~kV, U.S.A. _.2104 The evening concluded with the LaITY earned 3. Master's rating in chess among leen-agers in Ule 2. Miguel N. Najdorf, Argentina '1\4 mar Lodge, winning all h is games. senior high schools and play­ Speed Championship of the MLCA 1948 with an average of 2309 Doe was Saskatchewan Champion grounds of Om Los ..o\.ngele s metro­ in which 29 members competed. It should be a p hoto·iinish be· points. In three years he has shot in 1947, tieing for lhe title again twccn these two · Grandmasters. up to 2660 with never a backward polilan area is being organized by In the four preliminaries, Wachs in 1948. Seeond place ended in :I the L.A. County Chess League in placed first in section A wiUt They e nded up one-two at Amster­ glance. At Havana he faces a dam, 1950, and New York, 1951. tic between Lawrence Barrs and cooperation with the City Board 6-0 and Sklaroff second with 5·1 ; severe test but we believe he will Wa.lter Litwincz?k, both of Calgnry, of Edllcalion and the City Dept. of Sobel won section B wilh 6-1 and alternating for (irst prize. We give come through with flying colors. Reshevsky the edg:c because he has while Arthur Skcel, also or Cal­ Rccrealion. Ignatin was second with 51J.z ·1 Y:l; gary, was fou rth. Defending Morris was first in section C made higher ratings than Najdorf Gligorich and ·Eliskases have av­ eraged around 2650 points for the Champion Walter Holowaeh, who Preliminary tournaments at all with 5-0 and Fried second wilh 4· 1; in the past and bl'cause he is out to past four years. For either to fin­ has won the title six times, was playgrounds will be completed soon Bolden was first in section D with avenge the l o~ uf the U. S. Champ­ ish ahead of both Najdor! and unable to compete. so that win ners can qualify for the 5-1 and Shaffer second willi 41h·1 Y:l. ionship to LaITY Evans last year. Reshevsky would be unlikely but city-wide playground championship In the finals, Wachs romped Sammy will play harder than ever contest at Exposition Park on not impossible. away with the title with 6~· 'h, to recover his p[·cslige. March 15. Gray and Kcckhut, as USCF drnwing with Sobel who placed A diIfercnce of 10 points in cur­ 6.
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