MES ONLY NEWSPAPER WITH COMPLETE SCOTCH PLAINS - FANWOOD NEWS y. t VOLUME 16, NO. 37 O _. SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD, N.j. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 197S 15 CENTS A COPY Rift Widens 'i"- ue Squad President Quits Two Hundred Citizen Nick Colarusso quit his post as president of ins Scotch Plains Rescue Squad Monday night, disgusted with the lack of support for a Pack Auditorium switch to a coed squad. Colarusso said the squad had met in a pri- vate session Monday night, at which time he tried to persuade mem- bers in attendance to open the ranks to younger members and to women, in accordance with state civil rights rules and regula- Master Plar tions, The squad has just received a complaint of discriminatory action from the New Jersey Director of Civil Rights. Colarusso said the squad was Council agrees and is doing its miire iritlif.e'1 to*«u"u pursuing aest to keep them at a realis- Claim Plan Would Change the matter further with the Town- had claimed that a 2/3 vote of :ic level), requests for a mu- ship Council, seeking to obtain the full membership had been nicipal pool and specific neighbor- Area's Residential Character their $3,000 annual budgtary con- necessary, and that the 5-4 vote hood traffic complaints, tribution from township funds. would therefore not carry, Col- The message to the Planning Board was loud and clear on Mon- Bringing it to the people to get arusso said another squad mem- day night, as about 200 residents gathered to have a say on possible public opinion was the discus- ber similarly recalled Hill tell- therefore, that our public schools revisions to the community Master Plan, Although there were sion, Colarusso said. Finally, ing the membership that the vote must not undertake programs dozens of changes recommended in a professional planner's report he decided continuation of the had not carried. Colarusso said which intrude into the affective which was the basis for discussion, comment centered very strongly argument amidst a group who the members had not checked the domain, specifically the teaching upon a single area of Scotch Plains, and a single zoning change, "just didn't want to listen, wasn't bylaws at the time. If they had, of values and attitude formation, Residents of the south side mose emphatically do not want multiple- they would have found that the worth getting my blood pressure This Board believes that our family dwelling at the Rahway up." bylaws require only a majority Road-Raritan Avenue corner. vote for change. school district must make effi- The Planning Board has not Colarusso also said he had cient use of the financial re- yet taken a position as a body on rather- than develop the south- been very perturbed when he On Tuesday night, the Town- sources granted to them to ere- a new Master Plan. To date side for multi-family housing, read in the newspapers recently ship Council met in special sss- ite a school environment de- I the planners have studied the sug- which might bring accompanying that First Lieutenant Harold Hill, sion with the squad to discuss gestions of Dean Boorman, the flood problems there, jr, told Council that the bylaws the monetary allocation, which riffin said the Council will professional planner, and the Retention of the rural, resi- of the Scotch plains Squad were has not baen forwarded to the wait until they are assured of opinions of an Ad Hoc Com- dential character of southside changed back in~ June of 1974 squad this year. Mayor Robert compliance with" state regula- 1 mittee - a broad-based group Scotch Plains was of concern to eliminate the word "male. * Griffin said the Council simply tions. o£ citizen representatives. The to homeowners. Milton Powell Colarusso said that indeed a vote outlined the legal requirements Griffin has written to the Res- session held Monday night at of 14 Indian Run challenged the had been taken on that question to be met for squad to obtain cue Squad this week with several Park junior High was another "townhouse" designation for the at that time. However, he said the funds. The squad will have requests. He has asked for sev- step in the gathering of opinion - area. The actual zoning desig- that back then Hill had led the to comply with the law, as it has eral items, Including bylaws and a the first of many sessions to be nation would only specify 12 bed- local squad to believe that the been interpreted by the Director record of the minutes of the scheduled in the future. rooms to an acre, he said. He issue had been defeated. Hill of Civil Rights. meeting at which the bylaws were The area which drew the questioned why anybody feels a changed. The Mayor also seeks need for luxiry housing. If there a financial statement and assur- crowds is a 94-acre tract at Raritan and Rahway, where Boor- is such a demand, put this type ances that if the squad obtains of housing where it will not des- Board Concerned Over township monies this year, there man recommends zoninff or town- houses - four to an acre. The troy the basic character of one- will be no cutbacks in services acre zoning, he said. South- Change In School Payments Continued On Page 7 total number of housing units possible on the 94 acres would side residents have paid high pri- The Scotch plains-Fanwood Board of Education had anticipated ces for their homes and will that the Scotch plains Township Government would continue its be 375, The location, land val- green need attention, and an in- ues and density would dictate band together to protect these payment schedule to schools In the same manner It had been doing, vestigation of productivity of luxury townhouses at the site, neighborhoods, he warned. While when the Board formulated its budget for the current school year. buildings and grounds personnel It was Indicated, the state may press communities Therefore, the Board anticipated regular quarterly payments, which is in order, Festa concluded, to provide varied housing, in- were invested until needed, providing interest which was applied October 7 and 15 have been set Southside homeowners zeroed cluding multi-family.hehas iwver toward tax reduction. Instead, the township has changed from regu- for public input sessions on the in on many questions in voicing heard of the state pushing for lar quarterly payments to monthly payments. The total annual school budget for next year. opposition. Traffic was one. luxury housing, Powell said. contribution from Scotch Plains totals about $8 million annually. Board members expressed With 375 more housing units and The change means a $30,000 pleasure at the "open'' and "can- a potential two cars per unit, Joseph Perfllio of 1081 Rari- termine whether Mr, Ciicken- 1 there would be a major buildup tan Road said the changes are reduction in monies available, did * presentation made by Car- In traffic potential for the main not wanted by homeowners, but by according to Michael Klick, ger is the same parson as the penter in forwarding to the Board roads serving the southside, peo- two developers. He claimed the assistant Superintendent for Bus- principal of Terrill junior High, his recommendation of peter ple felt. Cooper, Rahway and developers would have land worth iness, Although the Board and now out on sick leave, "We'll Karyekl as Acting Assistant Raritan would eventually have $280,000 instead of the $100,000 the Council had discussed a conduct a complete investigation Principal at Terrill. to be widened, it was said. it Is now worth if zoning changes change, that change was not to of the possible multiple activi- Carpenter will recommend ad- were made. Survey neighbor- be made for the current y«ar, ties of Mr, Clickenger, and if we ditional cuts for the 1575- Nancy Naragon of 1645 Rah- way Road cla'med an additional hoods, see if the people want Kllck said. Board president find an infraction of rules, it 76 school year, to accommodate change, he asked, will be dealt with," Bard said. the $275,000 gap which has resul- 375 families would change the Richard Bard said the Council Boorman and Sid Graybar, a had changed the method to pro- Frank Festa reported on a ted from reduced state aid, and character of the southside. "The the board will make public its amount of traffic allowed now local developer, both argued that vide more Income at the township comprehensive study he has made there is a need for luxury town- level. of buildings and grounds. He Intent upon studying his recom- at peak times is ridiculous," she mendations, said, She pointed out that Edison houses, people whose children The board plans to seek a new suggested an Ad Hoc Committee is planning low income housing are grown no longer want the attorney, working in-house, full- be established, from citizens who Vincent Shanni continued his on Inman Avenue, which would responsibilities of lawn care and time, for about |25,000 annual- are well versed in architecture, press for an improved inven- bring even more traffic to the maintenance, they said, Dan Bern- ly. The Westfield firm of John- building codes, construction,etc, tory system, He claims the in- area, "1 oppose widening and stein, attorney for Graybar, said stone and O'Dwyer has been hand- to form a list of priorities for district inventory system being improving of these roads," she there are residents who would ling school affairs here for sev- school improvements.
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