ta’VTC T«3P»,,r ^'^V ^ita ^ 'v yj O ^ t - « ;-‘i, i’;.?* \ ( - ' %' ■ , 1 rij* 4 AJ ta , Jfc * «I« I» «, >*»■ ’ S'" ~ . 4 - p * ...■.■‘.j v .-;ì j 'v ‘^VtHÈ TRIBUNE, D Ï ^ ^ 'ÿ Ô N T ., F R ÌijfejU N É 26, 1931. ^ SEVEN Star for Every“ State in Flag of the Union CTke K I T C H E N Since the admission ot New Mex­ ico vand -Arizona iuio the Union In -1912, our flag lias borne -4S stars. CABINET With the addition of two more stars for these, two states,* it-,was" neces­ (©, 1031. Western Newspaper Union.) 1 sary to rearrange the position of all His is Jhtippiest who hath power stars-In the ting. In that year Presi­ To gather-• wisdom' from every, dent Taft issued an Executive order- flower, ■ .providing for the specific arrange­ And wake his heart In every hour ment of (lie Mars in the Hag, and the time, so tjidy made an outfielder To pleasant gratitude. —William Wordsworth. also -designating one for' each ‘state. of hinv He immediately started in the Beginning at the upper left rpmer. business of manufacturing home runts. VARIETY IN THE MENU and following.each row from loft to1 H e, turned them out with > such per­ right, the stars represent tlie states sistent regularity that the sporting For a luncheon menu after prepur-: in the order in-which they ratified Feel 1&0 % Younger writers began to take notice and dig the Constitution (for-the first 13 into their records; They had to throw, g the salad of crisp lettuce, french If y 5u feel older than your years—if dressing with a few “sec­ states) or were . admitted to the ypu are “run-down” and unhappv—if them away . because"" the Babe . made Union. new ones, and continued to do so tions of grapefruit qr you long for.the vitality and enthusiasm ■sv pineapple, -sprinkle, it Here is the pattern of the- star of youth—you .can light weakness and until temporary incapacity curtailed field, with the name of the state sub­ aid Nature by taking Fellows' Syrup. ids output. with a handful of good < jv '/v 4 ' stituted for each star: . It builds lip the. weakened-systtunby' v What has enabled Babe Ituth to nut s—p ea mi t s, almonds, pecans or hickory nuts— First row—Delaware, Pennsyl­ .restoring what Nature demands. Tlie~ achieve ids reputation on the dia­ result is an immediate improvement in any nut will be good and vania, New'-Jersey, Georgia, Con- mond? Some people will say. that it is nc-Uout, Massachusetts, Maryland, appetite. You cat better, 'sleep better, ids powerful swing of the bat, made supply the protein which and feel years younger. Ék is needed for the well- Sout h Carolina.. , possible by great strength in Ids arms. Second row—New Hampshire.' Yir- There is new pleasure in Irving as your balanced menu. With a stamina'ami strength return. Alter the This is true, but equally important is — pjnin,—New- York, North Carolina, -'ÍNTCHHffTKmU the good eyesight which is essential Â;î slice of. whole -wheat first few doses of this wonderful tonic HELEN 3A B E Rhode Island, Vermont, Kentucky, tiie results will delight'you. Ask your WILLS when a fast hall is coming toward the l'"cad ;md a glass of.milk, this-makes RUTH a good meal. Tennessee.. * druggist for the genuine Fellows' Syrup. man at the bat. 1 Third row—Ohio, Louisiana, Indi­ It is not only the sturdy arms of Creamed Finnan Haddie. — There should\be one and one-half cupfuls ana, Mississippi,. Illinois, Alabama, .Helen Wills, but it' is also her steady Maine, Missouri. eye that make her queen of the tennis of the fish, (lake or break into small bits, after soaking in water. Remove Fourth row—Arkansas. Michigan. FELLOWS' court. Bill Tilden, Jack Dempsey, Florida. Texas, -Iowa, Wisconsin. Bobby .Tones and the other topnotch- all bone'-, and skim Make a white sauce as usual, add the fish and sim­ California, Minnesota. " ' ers in the field of sport owe their rep­ Fifth row—Oregon. .Kansas, West utations and success largely to the mer for ten minutes. Halve .cross­ SYRUP wise large, fresh, green peppers and Virginia, Nevada, Nebraska. Colo­ .* fact that they are blessed with healthy remove the. see^ls and veins. Scald rado, North Dakota, South Dakota. eyes as well as strong bodies, with boiling water and drain Well. Sixth row—Montana, U'usl'.iugton, Dynamite Center Goo.d eyesight is also important to Idaho. Wyoming,' Utah, Oklahoma. Elkhart, Kan., is the dynamite the thousands of sport fans who go to Fill with the creamed lish, cover with . Now Mexico, Arizona. center of southwest Kansas because watch their favorites perform. One buttered crumbs and place the pep- "pers Irr gemjtnns to hold, their shape, of its unique allowance of explosive cannot truly enjoy any athletic game, List of Active Members within I lie city limits. Nca'rb/ towns whether in playlng^or watching, un­ Rake ten minutes or until well heated -and the crumbs well browned. Sal­ forbid tiie unloading of dynamite, less one has clear'vision. in League of Nations mon, tuna or cooked fresh lish well hut ibis city lias no sudi itali timi Without such good eyesight that a The League of Nations now lias a seasoned may be used in place of the consequently is (lie basis of opera­ tMPfftWOOO&X strategic situation may be seen accu­ membership of 51 slates. Her«' !s tin* 'BOBBY huddle. Garnish with riced, hard- tion within a large ladius, Shipping JONES rately and understood at a moment’s roll of member states: Albania-, Ar­ cooked egg and chop the whites and contracts require Hint tin* iranrsp.oi'- glance, one cannot acquire skill in any gentina, Australia, Austria. Belgium. use as a border around the edge of ttil ion company remove the product sport. Most professional atldetes real­ Bolivia,- Bulgaria. Canada, chile, l lie pepper for a more fancy and nu­ .to a sali* distance and explode it if ize this, and therefore, take every pre­ China, Columbia, Culm, Czeclio do- tritious dish. customers fail to daim if williiu 48 caution to keep their eyes in good vakia. Denmark, Dominican Repub­ French Potato Soup.—This 1ms ap­ hours.—Indianapolis News. condition. Sometimes it is necessary lic, Fstlionhi. Ethiopia, Finland. peared before, but is such a favorite France, Germany, Great Britain, fof the athlete to wear glasses, but that one hopes to find a few new ones this does not mean - that his days of Greece, Gualoma r Ha!.' Iloinlnr s, to become its advocates. Slice a large Hungary, India. Irish Free Stale, '*>1 usefulness on the field are past. potato or two, an onion or two—one Italy, Japan Latvia, Liberia Lithu­ It is interesting to note that a few may vary the proportions depending Don’t of the best known ball players in the ania, Luxemburg, Netherlands. New on the number to he served. Slice the Zealand, Nicaragua. Norway. I’an-i- major leagues find it necessary to onions and put them to cook In two wear glasses. Lee Meadows, an out­ ma, Paraguay, Persia, Peru. Poland. R tnhlcKpoonfuls of huttcr. When a Portugal, Rumania. El Salvi or. standing pitcher in the National league golden brown add them to the pota­ for several years, wore glasses in the Shim, Soiilli Africa, Spain, Sweden. Scratch toes which arc covered with boiling Switzerland, Eruguay, Venezuela and pitcher’s box. Another pitcher who water, cook until soft. Season, add wears them is Vic Sorrell of the De­ hot milk and serve. Jugoslavia. The mil ions not In (lie longue are Flit kills troit Tigers, who is one of this year’s Use the fruit left in the bag when these: Afghanistan, Brazil, Costa sensations. Others are Toporcher and draining for jelly to make Jam. If mosquitoes Iljlea. E(Ecuador. Egyi t. I lie Hodja/. TILDEN MacFayden. Glasses are worn on the ACfAYDEN carefully looked over and the fruit is baseball field also by Chick Haley, fresh, it will make most acceptable njnd Ne.p Mexico, Soviet Russia, (U. quick! outfielder of the St. Louis Cardinals, jams. By adding an orange, u few S. S. R,), Turkey and the United and by Mark Koenig, shortstop of the nuts, one will have a nice tasty con­ States of America. Detroit team in the American league, serve. who is rather well known in New Baby Whale« Hatched York city where he was shortstop for For the first time, writes a corre­ the Yankees for several years. Hafey spondent of tli(> London Sunday < >b- '"H u j U l v r d f i and Koenig are the first fielders in sorvor, the Budapest zoo has been baseball to wear glasses while playing. successful in hatching whales' eggs Glasses are worn in other sports Canute Had Nothing on In till incubator. The four halo fish also. In tennis, for instance, Watson Michigan Court Crier which appeared are disporting I hem Washburn, who was for several years selves merrily in a small si (el eh of a member of the United States Davis In 1S33, before .Michigan had be­ come a state, (lie sessions of the Su­ water. cup team, has worn glasses on the As Hungary's only considerable tennis court for a long time. And in preme court were held in the terri­ Largest Seller in 121 Countries torial capitol building. The crier of lake, the'Balaton, would scarcely In* golf, Willie McFarlane, former na­ large enough to harbor four grown tional open champion and now a pro­ the court was Isaac Day, familiarly Now !t Can Be Told known as "General Day" or “Field whales ¡is well as its yachting so­ fessional in Westchester county, New .
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