A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Qearly full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Published Every Thursday VOL. XVIII—NO. 32 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY,-SEPTEMBER 20, 1956 at 18 Green Street, WoodbrWgo, H. PRICE EIGHT GENTS Sweetness Duff and Light .Tearles By CHARLES E, GREGORY The flood-gates, still left open, have deluged us -with Official Commen telephone calls arid letters from irate parents who are full of complaints at^out the Quizzing of School Board Wins High Praise Praise Heaped operation^ of our school sys- tem. •'..•••••' ."•;• .: ' v;-V•..•-.''• --•:• Completed by Grand Jury By Superiors *.."• * "'. * •:. •' •'••.'• WOODBRIDGE — The Grand Jury completed taking testimony I suppose they come' here on the investigation of the spending practices of the Woodbridge Board of Education Friday and it is expected it will convene again On Cop, Action. knowing they will have a the early part of next week to make its decision. Called as witnesses sympathetic ear, which they were Edwin W. Casey, vice president of the Board; Harold Van Ness, WOODBRIDGE —• On a recom- have. I have made our edu- chairman of finance; James Mullen, board member; J. Lester Neary, mendation made by Township At- former Board member and Joseph torney Nathan Duff, who thor- cational facilities, or lack of J. Seaman, Board auditor. oughly investigated the shooting them, my particular concern School Population Deputy Attorney General Alex of Peter Eichman in Avenel early Aber said last night he expected a Friday morning by Patrolman for the "past 15 years, and decision September 27 or 28. In John E. Waldman, the Town so I guess it is natural that Exceeds Estimates any event the decision will have to 'ommittee next Tuesday will pass they and I have mutual be forthcoming before October 1, a resolution commending the, po- when the extension granted the lice officer for doing his duty as identity. I always had the WOODBRIDGE — The woes of Grand Jury expires. a "fearless and conscientious po- the school system are continuing The predictions in court house liceman." idea we should have antici- GETTING READY FOR NURSES' CAREER: Pictured above are members of the Freshman Class circles in New Brunswick waver pated the problem before we with registration figures much Mr. Duff in his finding stated at Perth Amboy General Hospital School of Nursing being measured for uniforms.*'-Left* to right larger than anticipated and many ! between a presentation and indict- the "right of a police officer to came face to face with it, are Marjorie Westerdahl, Patricia Hadden, Geral 'ine Kaczmarek, Donna Connors, Lois Barcheski, msnt There are no takers on a Barbara Na^y, Barbara Panek and Sandra Greeae. Joyce Karol, a junior stulent, is seated at the more students to-be enrolled from "no bill" decision. use his gun in defense of his per-' but I didn't seem to be able developments still under construc- ion or in pursuit of a felon is '...-. desk, recording measurements. The Grand Jury investigation well settled in this State. Your at- to generate any active or tion before the school year is over. was called after the Citizens for PATS.OLMAN WALDMAN tention is initially drawn to the affirmative support for my The office of the Superintendent Classrooms complained to Mr. "act that Eichman committed the of Schools anticipated an enroll- Ebel\ then Prosecutor, that the convictions— not, at least, Business Manager Parents Issue Ultimatum • . ,, • „ . ,. , -n . , Board was awarding contracts atrocious assault and battery upon ment of 11,000. As of last Friday. with t bids contrary to law. Waldman which, as I stated above until now. * • * sthere was an enrollment of 11,447 a high misdeameanor and places *•*.*... '..'• •• Talked by B. of E. To R. of E» on Bus' Service and it is anticipated' that by the the offender in the category of a end of the school year the en- "elon." Since this is the fact, I EDISON "Unless adequate WOODBRIDGE — The Board transportation is forthcoming for rollment "will be 12,000. ns Ruling Change Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said think I,must say here as I of Education will explore the Kevaljiaiion One Step Harry Sechrist, administrative yesterday afternoon he agrees pupils residing in the Farmhaven WOODBRIDGE — Gommis- wholeheartedly with Mr. Duff's have said to all my corres-f easability of hiring a business Homes development in the Oak Nearer, Mayor Believes assistant to Superintendent of j administrator. , Schools Victor C. Nieklas^ over the | emanded of State sioner Dwight R. G. Palmer will conclusion and said the committee pondents,'that they must; de- Tree section, the parents will take be greeted by an incensed Hope- will pass a resolution commending • The suggestion was made at these children out of the Oak Tree WOODBRIDGE — Mayor weekend made a survey of the \ Monday's meeting by Mrs. .Irving developments and he found that j lawn population when and if he Officer Waldman and offering him velop some patience. Those School until their request is com- Hugh B. Quigley reported yes- COLONIA — A petition with comes to Woodbridge next week their support at an adjorned meet- Kahree, Fords, a Board member. plied with. terday. that the meeting with' in the large developments alone j more than 385 signatures has of them who have just come Mrs. :Kahree said she felt the there are still 600 homes to be!been sent to Dr. Frederick M. to discuss the proposed East-West ing of the Town Committee Tues- This drastic action was taken Martin Miller, representative Freeway. The group was promised day night. here to live cannot be held time has come to hire a "business of J. L.. Jacobs & Co., 53 West . occupied. That figure does not in- j Raubinger, Commissioner of Edu- administrator or business mana-, here by. the entire community clude smaller developments and j cation and George O. Smalley, Tuesday night by: the Town Com- "I want the police department to any strict accountability after it was learned that half of Jackson Boulevard, : Chicago, mittee that the meeting will be to know this committee will stand ger." ./: III.,-, revaluation experts, "was , individual homes being built all president of the State Department for the laxity and the in- the children came within the two- over the Township. of Education, asking the State held in Hopelawn School so allbehind every officer who does his "the mail we employ," she de— mile limitations set up by the state very informative and put the v can be heard., duty," the mayor said. difference which have manu- cla-red/- "should not'Tbe an employe Township one step nearer re- "We will get the children from Department to permit bus trans- of the Township, but should be while the other half was ineligible all those homes," Mr. Sechrist portation in the Inman Avenue Joseph Lamele of the Hopelawn Patrolman Waldman, who was factured the incredible in- because they resided a shorter valuation." area, despite the two mile ruling. hospitalized as the result of the someone recommended by a top The mayor said Mr. Miller, said. Alliance Association read a sufficiency in which our distance. : . Letters, urging their support in statement which he said.in part: beating he received from Eichman, college such as Harvard or. Co- discussed the*inatter thorough- When making the original esti- changing the two-mile limit law, was released from the Perth Am- schools are now enveloped, lumbia. It sliould be done now A solid bloc on the issue was, ly and promised to .send, the mate of enrollment, the superin- "Many of us in' Hopelawn have fprmed when the parents of the have been sent to State Senator oftened wondered why we appar- boy General Hospital Tuesday because all of this liability so we can get started by the Jiext Town Committee a. statement*. tendent's;offwe.did notknow that John-A- Lynchi New Brunswick :: Migihles landed- together with the ently alone have been -singled night and is now convalescing at fiscal -year." The Board'i'" fise'at' •St.: Ofenfitra's-Parocftlal School. Ise-- an_._ d_, •-Assemblyme« :i-._:A_:...-'",„••„•-_n William• - ^Kurtz ._,_-, home. Eichman, after undergoing rests upon those of you who year starts July 1. parents of the other half to press of time it,, will take to complete lin, planned to eliminate kinder- out to be the guinea pigs for this South Amboy; David I. Stepacoff, supposed highway progress. We an operation, is still on the criti- had more than adequate Mrs. Kahree was supported by for- immediate action. There are the revaluation program in the garten classes. It was anticipated, ; cal list but'-actors say be is show- 68 homes in the' development. v Perth Amboy and J. Edward Cra- feel that we know the answer. warning and ignored it. For Commissioner Harry Burke who Township.. ;oo, that many pupils in the devel- biel .Miutown ing decided improvement. stated it "should be looked into The, contention of the group is opmerits would go to parochial There are only a few people in "I expect Mr. Miller's report The petition lists the need of Hopelawn and, as such, we consti- In his conclusions, Mr. Duff you, I have no tears. and studied thoroughly." that the two-mile limit is too tomorrow or the next day," the schools. However, the parochial bus transportation for four rea- stated in his report: "The facts Andrew Aaroe, president of thegreat a distance for their small schools are overcrowded, too, and tute a minority. It is always * * * mayor stated. He also said he sons as follows:- easier for a State agency or forare undisputed that , Eichmaa Board, appointed Mrs.
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