Friday 15 March 1996 Belle Vue 48 Hull 47 - War of the Roses 1St Leg BV Hu Ht 1 Schott, Crabtree, Klingberg, Staechmann (Ret)

Friday 15 March 1996 Belle Vue 48 Hull 47 - War of the Roses 1St Leg BV Hu Ht 1 Schott, Crabtree, Klingberg, Staechmann (Ret)

Friday 15 March 1996 Belle Vue 48 Hull 47 - War of the Roses 1st Leg BV Hu Ht 1 Schott, Crabtree, Klingberg, Staechmann (ret). 4 2 BELLE VUE Ht 2 Jones, Hampson, Compton, Knowles. 5 7 Frede Schott 3 3 2 3 3 14 1 Ht 3 Manchester, Stonehewer, Thorp, Collins. 8 10 Niklas Klingberg 1 R 3 3 3 10 0 Ht 4 Grahame, Hampson, Lyons, Knowles. 9 15 Chris Manchester 3 3 3 3 0 12 0 Ht 5 Manchester, Staechmann, Collins, Crabtree. 13 17 Neil Collins 0 1 F X 1 0 Ht 6 Schott, Jones, Grahame, Klingberg (ret). 16 20 Jason Lyons 1 3 3 1 2 10 1 Ht 7 Lyons, Stonehewer, Thorp, Compton (fell rem). 19 23 Andre Compton 1 0 0 0 X 1 0 Ht 8 Klingberg, Crabtree, Hampson, Knowles. 22 26 Philip Knowles 0 0 0 0 0 Ht 9 Manchester, Grahame, Jones, Collins (fell). 25 29 HULL Ht 10 Klingberg, Schott, Thorp, Stonehewer. 30 30 Jan Staechmann R 2 1 2 0 5 1 Ht 11 Lyons, Crabtree, Staechmann, Compton. 33 33 Nigel Crabtree 2 0 2 2 6 0 Ht 12 Manchester, Jones, Thorp, Compton. 36 36 Paul Thorp 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 Ht 13 Schott, Staechmann, Lyons, Grahame. 40 38 Carl Stonehewer (G) 2 2 0 3 2 9 0 Ht 14 Stonehewer, Hampson, Collins (fell exc), Compton (fell exc). 40 43 Alan Grahame 3 1 2 0 6 1 Ht 15 Klingberg, Lyons, Jones, Staechmann. 45 44 Graham Jones 3 2 1 2 1 9 1 Ht 16 Schott, Stonehewer, Thorp, Manchester. 48 47 Mike Hampson 2 2 1 2 7 4 No race times were recorded for this match. Wednesday 27 March 1996 Hull 62 Sheffield 33 - Challenge Hu S Ht 1 Ermolenko, Staechmann, Crabtree, Aas, 70.2 3 3 HULL Ht 2 Jones, Hampson, Kessler, Atkin (exc 2 mins), 70.5 8 4 Jan Staechmann 2 2 3 2 1 10 3 Ht 3 Thorp, Stead, Nagy (fell rem), Smith (fell exc), 70.1 12 6 Nigel Crabtree 1 3 1 1 6 2 Ht 4 Grahame, Hampson, Kessler, Aas, 69.7 17 7 Paul Thorp 3 3 1 3 2 12 1 Ht 5 Thorp, Ermolenko, Aas, Nagy, 68.1 20 10 Robert Nagy 1 0 0 F 1 0 Ht 6 Crabtree, Staechmann, Atkin, Kessler, 70.3 25 11 Alan Grahame 3 3 3 3 2 14 0 Ht 7 Grahame, Smith, Hampson, Stead (fell), Jones (exc 2 mins), Graham Jones 3 M 2 2 3 10 1 68.2 29 13 Mike Hampson 2 2 1 2 2 9 3 Ht 8 Kessler, Hampson, Crabtree, Aas, 69.9 32 16 SHEFFIELD Ht 9 Ermolenko, Atkin, Thorp, Nagy, 67.8 33 21 Sam Ermolenko 3 2 3 1 1 3 13 0 Ht 10 Staechmann, Smith, Crabtree, Stead, 68.4 37 23 Rene Aas 0 0 1 0 1 1 Ht 11 Grahame, Jones, Ermolenko (fell rem), Atkin (ret), 68.2 42 24 Garry Stead 2 F 0 0 0 2 0 Ht 12 Thorp, Hampson, Atkin, Stead, 67.1 (TR) 47 25 Scott Smith X 2 2 X 0 4 0 Ht 13 Grahame, Staechmann, Ermolenko, Stead, 68.3 52 26 R/R Roman Matousek Ht 14 Kessler, Jones, Nagy (fell), Smith (fell exc), 70.3 54 29 Tony Atkin M 1 2 R 1 0 4 1 Ht 15 Jones, Thorp, Kessler, Atkin, 68.6 59 30 Robbie Kessler 1 1 0 3 3 1 9 0 Ht 16 Ermolenko, Grahame, Staechmann, Smith, 67.9 62 33 Sunday 31 March 1996 Sheffield 46 Hull 50 - Challenge S Hu SHEFFIELD Ht 1 Ermolenko, Thorp, Crabtree, Aas (ret), 61.0 3 3 Sam Ermolenko 3 3 3 3 2 2 16 1 Ht 2 Pickering, Jones, Hampson, Atkin (fell exc), 64.4 6 6 Rene Aas R 0 0 0 0 Ht 3 Stonehewer, Smith, Nagy, Stead, 62.8 8 10 Garry Stead 0 0 2 3 5 0 Ht 4 Bowes, Grahame, Hampson, Atkin, 64.2 11 13 Scott Smith 2 1 1 2 1 7 0 Ht 5 Thorp, Crabtree, Smith, Stead, 62.4 12 18 Shane Bowes (G) 3 1 3 2 1 3 13 1 Ht 6 Ermolenko, Grahame, Jones, Aas, 62.0 15 21 Paul Pickering (G) 3 0 0 1 4 1 Ht 7 Nagy, Stonehewer, Bowes, Pickering, 63.3 16 26 Tony Atkin X 0 1 0 1 0 Ht 8 Bowes, Crabtree, Atkin, Hampson, 63.2 20 28 HULL Ht 9 Ermolenko, Grahame, Smith, Jones, 62.6 24 30 Paul Thorp 2 3 3 3 1 12 0 Ht 10 Ermolenko, Stonehewer, Nagy, Aas, 63.1 27 33 Nigel Crabtree 1 2 2 1 2 8 2 Ht 11 Thorp, Bowes, Crabtree, Pickering, 62.9 29 37 Carl Stonehewer (G) 3 2 2 3 0 10 1 Ht 12 Stonehewer, Stead, Jones, Atkin, 62.9 31 41 Robert Nagy 1 3 1 3 0 8 1 Ht 13 Thorp, Ermolenko, Bowes, Grahame, 62.6 34 44 Alan Grahame 2 2 2 0 6 0 Ht 14 Nagy, Smith, Pickering, Hampson, 62.8 37 47 Graham Jones 2 1 0 1 4 1 Ht 15 Stead, Crabtree, Smith, Nagy, 63.6 41 49 Mike Hampson 1 1 0 0 2 2 Ht 16 Bowes, Ermolenko, Thorp, Stonehewer, 63.5 46 50 Wednesday 3 April 1996 Hull 54 Bradford 42 - Yorkshire Cup 1st Leg Hu B HULL Ht 1 Staechmann, Crabtree, Havelock, Pickering, 68.6 5 1 Jan Staechmann 3 3 R R 6 0 Ht 2 Jones, Taylor, Hampson, Readshaw (exc 2 mins), 70.5 9 3 Nigel Crabtree 2 1 0 3 2 8 1 Ht 3 Thorp, Nagy, Smith, Wilson, 68.9 14 4 Paul Thorp 3 3 3 3 2 14 0 Ht 4 Screen, Grahame, Taylor, Hampson (fell exc), 68.0 16 8 Robert Nagy 2 2 2 1 1 8 8 Ht 5 Thorp, Nagy, Havelock, Pickering, 68.5 21 9 Alan Grahame 2 3 1 1 1 8 2 Ht 6 Staechmann, Screen, Crabtree, Readshaw, 68.3 25 11 Graham Jones 3 1 1 F 5 0 Ht 7 Grahame, Smith, Jones, Wilson, 68.3 29 13 Mike Hampson 1 X 2 2 5 1 Ht 8 Smith, Screen, Jones, Crabtree, 69.0 30 18 BRADFORD Ht 9 Thorp, Nagy, Screen, Readshaw, 68.8 35 19 Gary Havelock 1 1 3 3 3 3 14 0 Ht 10 Crabtree, Smith, Wilson, Staechmann (ret), 68.5 38 22 Paul Pickering 0 0 0 0 0 Ht 11 Havelock, Hampson, Grahame, Pickering, 69.2 41 25 Sean Wilson 0 0 1 1 0 2 1 Ht 12 Thorp, Hampson, Wilson, Taylor, 69.3 46 26 Andy Smith 1 2 3 2 2 X 10 1 Ht 13 Havelock, Screen, Grahame, Staechmann (ret), 68.9 47 31 Joe Screen 3 2 2 1 2 3 13 2 Ht 14 Havelock, Smith, Nagy, Jones (fell), 70.0 48 36 Glyn Taylor 2 1 0 3 0 Ht 15 Havelock, Crabtree, Grahame, Wilson, 68.6 51 39 Chris Readshaw M 0 0 0 0 Ht 16 Screen, Thorp, Nagy, Smith (fell exc), 67.8 54 42 Wednesday 10 April 1996 Hull 58 Coventry 37 - British Premier League Hu C HULL Ht 1 Staechmann, Andersen, Smith, Bentley, 68.5 4 2 Jan Staechmann 3 3 3 2 1 3 15 1 Ht 2 Jones, Robson, Little, Hampson, 69.3 7 5 Andy Smith (G) 1 2 3 2 0 8 2 Ht 3 Thorp, Nagy, Robson, Tacey, Bowes (exc tapes), 69.1 12 6 Paul Thorp 3 2 3 3 2 13 1 Ht 4 Cross, Hampson, Little, Jones, 68.9 14 10 Robert Nagy 2 X 0 1 2 3 8 2 Ht 5 Bentley, Thorp, Andersen, Nagy (fell exc), 69.0 16 14 R/R Alan Grahame Ht 6 Staechmann, Smith, Cross, Robson, 69.6 21 15 Graham Jones 3 0 3 3 3 X 12 0 Ht 7 Jones, Bowes, Tacey, Nagy, 69.8 24 18 Mike Hampson 0 2 0 0 2 0 Ht 8 Smith, Little, Bentley, Hampson, 68.7 27 21 COVENTRY Ht 9 Thorp, Robson, Nagy, Cross, 69.5 31 23 Brian Andersen 2 1 1 1 2 1 8 1 Ht 10 Staechmann, Smith, Andersen, Bowes, 68.1 36 24 Paul Bentley 0 3 1 0 X 4 1 Ht 11 Jones, Staechmann, Andersen, Bentley, 68.0 41 25 Shane Bowes T 2 0 2 4 0 Ht 12 Thorp, Bowes, Robson, Hampson, 68.6 44 28 Shaun Tacey 0 1 1 2 1 Ht 13 Cross, Andersen, Staechmann, Smith, 68.4 45 33 Simon Cross 3 1 0 3 0 7 0 Ht 14 Jones, Nagy, Tacey, Little, 69.1 50 34 Stuart Robson 2 1 0 2 1 2 8 1 Ht 15 Nagy, Robson, Jones (fell exc), Bentley (fell exc), 68.4 53 36 Kevin Little 1 1 2 0 4 1 Ht 16 Staechmann, Thorp, Andersen, Cross, 68.7 58 37 Thursday 11 April 1996 Middlesbrough 15 Hull 8 - British Premier League (Abandoned after 4 heats) M Hu MIDDLESBROUGH Ht 1 Parker, Vinther, Staechmann, Crabtree, 65.5 5 1 Shane Parker 3 3 Ht 2 Svab, Hampson, Turner, Carter (fell), 68.4 8 4 Martin Vinther 2 2 Ht 3 Nagy, Robson, Thorp, Dixon (fell rem), 68.6 10 8 Martn Dixon 0 0 Ht 4 Walsh, Svab, Hampson (ret), Grahame (fell exc), Carter (fell Scott Robson 2 2 injured), 65.9 15 8 David Walsh 3 3 Antonin Svab 3 2 5 Wayne Carter F N 0 HULL Jan Staechmann 1 1 Nigel Crabtree 0 0 Paul Thorp 1 1 Robert Nagy 3 3 Alan Grahame X 0 Brian Turner (G) 1 1 Mike Hampson 2 R 2 Saturday 13 April 1996 Coventry 64 Hull 32 - British Premier League (Aggregate - Coventry 101 Hull 90) C Hu COVENTRY Ht 1 Bentley, Andersen, Staechmann, Crabtree, 66.6 5 1 Brian Andersen 2 3 R 2 3 10 2 Ht 2 Little, Robson, Martin, Dicken (exc tapes), 65.6 10 2 Paul Bentley 3 2 1 3 1 10 1 Ht 3 Bowes, Thorp, Tacey, Nagy, 64.5 14 4 Shane Bowes 3 1 3 3 N 10 1 Ht 4 Cross, Grahame, Little, Martin, 64.4 18 6 Shaun Tacey 1 2 2 3 8 1 Ht 5 Staechmann, Tacey, Bowes, Crabtree, 63.4 21 9 Simon Cross 3 3 2 3 3 14 0 Ht 6 Andersen, Bentley, Grahame, Dicken, 62.2 26 10 Stuart Robson 2 1 1 2 2 8 4 Ht 7 Cross, Thorp, Robson, Nagy, 64.4 30 12 Kevin Little 3 1 0 X 4 0 Ht 8 Staechmann, Thorp, Bentley, Little, 63.5 31 17 HULL Ht 9 Bowes, Tacey, Grahame, Dicken, 64.1 36 18 Jan Staechmann 1 3 3 3 0 1 11 0 Ht 10 Bentley, Thorp, Nagy, Andersen (ret), 64.1 39 21 Nigel Crabtree 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ht 11 Staechmann, Cross, Robson, Crabtree, 63.5 42 24 Paul Thorp 2 2 2 2 2 0 10 1 Ht 12 Bowes, Thorp, Grahame, Little (fell exc), 63.4 45 27 Robert Nagy 0 0 1 1 2 1 Ht 13 Cross, Andersen, Grahame, Staechmann, 63.1 50 28 Alan Grahame 2 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 Ht 14 Tacey, Robson, Nagy, Martin, 64.0 55 29 Lee Dicken T 0 0 0 0 Ht 15 Andersen, Grahame, Bentley, Crabtree, 62.9 59 31 Gareth Martin (G) 1 0 0 1 0 Ht 16 Cross, Robson, Staechmann, Thorp, Bowes (fell injured), 63.1 64 32 Wednesday 17 April 1996 Hull 47 Wolverhampton 49 - British Premier League Hu W HULL Ht 1 Correy, Crabtree, Staechmann, Grieves, 68.4 3 3 Jan Staechmann 1 2 2 2 2 9 2 Ht 2 Jones, Hampson, Taylor, McDonald, 64.6 8 4 Nigel Crabtree 2 1 3 3 0 9 1 Ht 3 M.Karlsson, Thorp, Stancl, Nagy, 69.2 10 8 Paul Thorp 2 3 3 3 2 13 0 Ht 4 P.Karlsson, McDonald, Grahame, Hampson (fell rem), 69.5 11 13 Robert Nagy 0 0 2 3 0 5 1 Ht 5 Thorp, Correy, Grieves, Nagy, 68.5 14 16 Alan Grahame 1 0 0 1 0 Ht 6 P.Karlsson, Staechmann, Crabtree, Taylor, 69.2 17 19 Graham Jones 3 1 2 0 1 7 0 Ht 7 M.Karlsson, Stancl, Jones, Grahame, 69.0 18 24 Mike Hampson 2 0 F 1 3 1 Ht 8 Crabtree, Grieves, McDonald, Hampson (fell), 69.2 21 27 WOLVERHAMPTON Ht 9 Thorp, Nagy, P.Karlsson, Taylor, 69.1 26 28 Ronnie Correy 3 2 1 1 3 10 0 Ht 10 Crabtree, Staechmann, M.Karlsson, Stancl (fell), 70.4 31 29 James Grieves 0 1 2 3 1 7 1 Ht 11 Grieves, Jones, Correy, Grahame, 69.8 33 33 Mikael Karlsson 3 3 1 R 1 8 0 Ht 12 Thorp, McDonald, Hampson, M.Karlsson (ret), 70.5 37 35 George Stancl 1 2 F 2 5 1 Ht 13 P.Karlsson, Staechmann, Correy,

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