C:Al,11 FlORMIIIA Cali/fJln/a Institute fJ/ Tec!1nfJlfJgy Volume LlV Pasadena, California, Thursday, February 5, 1953__.,...- No. 15 ·Honor keys distributed Heart Fund, WSSF, Red from merits of applications Tech men to submit itemized lists of deserved Honor Points in hopes of Keys and Certificates Feather Drive Rolls Monday If you have earned 100 honor. .' _ points since the beginning of I -d I e House that digs deepest wins prize th.ird term last year, you are eli- Frl ay ec·tures Ca Itech t Oj~Hd ISCUSS., The e I ed h' e f ' glble for an honor key. If you edt e I bl ' IS IS on y outsI e canty 0 year have earned 50 points, you are h- hi- ht ~ -, In us na. pro ems eligible for an honor certificate.' 19· 19 s air, The 1953 Consolidated Charities Drive starts on Monday, The deadline for all applications, The 1953 series of the Work- February 16. This year the charities represented are WSSF which will be considered by the Four Friday Evening Demon- shops on Communication, spon- (World Student Service Fund), Pasadena Community Chest, and Honor Point Committee, is Fri- stration Lectures, which should sored by the Caltech Industrial the American Heart Association. Each of the students will re­ day, February 20, 1953, at 7:00 be of more than passing interest Relations Section will be held ceive literature on these charities and information concerning am. All persons with 50 or to Tech students are planned for the second Tuesday of each these charities will appear in next week's Tech. more points and those who think .' month from February through Prizes for winners that they may be entitled to a the remamder of the term. The June, according to Professor This year's drive will take the form of competition between certificate or key should turn in Friday Evening Series is an in- Robert D. Gray. .each of the Student Houses and an itemized list. stitution of long standing on Topics to be discussed at HI f Throop Club, The house having Submit to Wheels campus and is an excellent op' Workshop meetings mclude suo ot pans or the largest per capita donation Applications may be submitted portunity for anyone to broaden pervisors manuals, employee will receize a "prize" to be an- to Pat Fazio, head of the com- .. handbooks, explanation of job ~Y' f- -d nounced later. The prize, accord- mittee, or to the other commit- hlS general sClentific knowledge, evaluation and wage administra- Iresl es ing to Pat Fazio, will be well tee members, F'irst Representa- The subjects covered are wide tion to employees, suggestion worth working towards. tive Bob Lynam and Second Rep- enough in scope and treated in plans, and preparation of em. The ever-popular Y fireside Fazio urges support resentative Ralph Miles. Appli- such a manner that almost any- ployees for retirement. program will wind up this term · Is bId' th with two firesides and a poolside. Says Pat Fazio, who is run­ catlOns maya 0 e pace m e one should enJ'oy them. The meetings will be held from "F" b f I Th Hosts will be Mr. Carleton Sollo- ning the drive, "I want to re­ ox 0 ower roop. 1 to 5 pm in Culbertson Hall, Honor points for all Astronomy located on the SW corner of the way, Dr. Linus Pauling, and Dr. mind each of you that the Con­ You nee dn'b t e an e1ecte d o·ffi Fl'or examp e, m tomorrow Caltech campus. The fee for the Richard Jahns. solidated Charities Drive was cer to earn honor points. You night's lecture Dr. Robert Leigh- series is $15 or $4 for each meet- Definition started by ASCIT for a very can get them just by being a ton, astrophysicist, is going to ing. Inquiries may be addressed As a word of explanation, a definite and worthwhile reason. ' t "fireside" is a bull session at the Before ASCIT started running member 0 fany 0 f the numerous talk abou t the vanous aspec s to the Industrial Relations Sec- campus organizations. A com- of moon crater formation and tion, Caltech, Pasadena, phone home of some faculty member a combined drive, the students plete list of activities for which the planet Jupiter. The talk and SY. 6-7121, extension 109. Where he has a chance to relax at Tech were constantly being honor·pom . ts are glven .may beac c0 mpanYl'ng mot'lOn plC. ture Workshop leaders will include: and talk outside the environs of touched by the many charities. Every week it was a different foun d on page 167 mel' th L'ttleare sa deSl'gned that anyone wh 0 Supervisors manuals _ David the classroom. Some of these T. Notice that honor points may is curious about this aspect of E. Martin, DucoIl\mun Metals & teachers have a really amazing one. By taking the responsibility be requested for any additional astronomy will find an answer to Supply Co.; Leslie A. Smith, Wil- wealth of experiences that never for the drive and consolidating activities. some of the astronomical phe- mington Refinery, Union Oil of come to light in the dry atmos- all of the charities into one drive The keys and certificates are Inomena which are puzzling him. California; Elmer F. Sproule, phere of integrals or elementary per year, ABCIT has saved you presented at the Awards Assem- Biology Hughes Aircraft Co. German. students many inconveniences. bly late in the third term. a F b 13 D R t IDmployee handbooks-L. Can- Mr. Solloway Consolidation n e ruary , r. ena 0 Tomorrow night, the host will Dulbecco, biologist, will lecture tel, Jr., Standard Oil of Califor­ be Mr. Solloway, a former Tech "Some charities preferred not on the very general subject of nia; Ivan J. Hansen, Essick Man­ stUdent and at one time a memo to be represented in a consoli­ Nominations viruses. Dr. Dulbecco, an au- nufacturing Co.; C. C. Lincoln, ber of Dabney House. He left dated drive and therefore with­ thority in medical research, will Security-First National Banl{ of to become a marine and is now' drew from the Tech campus. Be­ explain what a virus is, how it Los Angeles. back teaching calculus to the cause of this and other reasons next Thursday lives, what it does in the human Explanation of job evaluation freshmen. ABCIT has limited it to the three body, and other interesting as- and wage administration to em· mentioned above (for this year). Next Thursday will be the pects. The all-out research cam- ployees-Stanley W. Campbell, Dr. Jahns If you want to keep this con­ ASCIT nominations assembly. paign to find new knowledge Armstrong Cork Co.; Mills S. The poolside, to be given the solidated drive an active part People who are going to be can­ about all sorts of viruses will be Hodge, Procter & Gamble. afternoon of Saturday, Feb. 21, of Tech life and the~by'keep didates for any ASCIT office will outlined, and their importance in Suggestion plans-D. G. Morse, is a recent innovation. It works from being plagued by individual be nominated then. medical progress explained. General Motors Corp. on the theory that no one in charities all through the year Persons who want to be nomi­ Preparation of employees for Southern California needs a fire get behind this drive and sup­ nated for an office should see Brr, it is cold retirement _ Warren S. Gage, anyway, but everyone likes to port it," said Fazio. either George Johnston or John Professor Watson will repeat Shell Oil Co.; Karl Kunze, Lock- go swimming, and along with "Keep these facts, and the fact Gee and mention both the of­ (Continued on Pa/?e 6) heed Aircraft Corp.; Lloyd G. resonant bonds and twisted pro­ that a 'prize' is to be awarded fice and the name of the nomi­ I Nelson, Pacific Telephone and teins is the idea of Dr. Pauling. to the winning house, in mind -------------~Telegraph Co. nator. As head of the chemistry depart­ when your solicitor contacts All officers including the ones L~TT~I:?J ment and freshman lecturer, he you," Fazio concluded. which are not filled until next is well known to all students. year will be voted upon in the Game room closed (Coutinued on Page 6) coming elections. Because of the perpetually un­ Nominations will remain open kept state of the Game Room in I Tax trouble? for one week and then there the basement of the Student by Lewis and Haenggi Music Dargain 1 will be a week of campaigning. Houses, the Institute decided Many complaints can be heard Help coming not to invest any more money on the campus about the Insti­ Attention, music lovers! This To assist Caltech students, in its upkeep. The Interhouse tute. A survey of individual Sunday, February 8, the Pasa­ staff, and faculty with the prep­ Inlervlew Schedule Committee then voted to close opinions showed that many of dena Civic Auditorium is ad­ aration of their 1952 Federal In­ THURS., FEB. 5 and FRI., FEB. 6-BS the Game Room until it could these complaints are evidently mitting all Techmen to the up/ME, EE, CE; MS up/Ae. Ma, Ph. Doug­ come Tax returns, a Deputy Col­ las Aircraft. Citizenship necessary. Inter­ somehow be operated in a man­ outweighed by favorable factors. Concert for the mere price of ested in BS/MEs going on for.MS/Ae; also ner that would not only benefit The question asked this week one dollar.
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