Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 11-16-1968 UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs University of Akron WKU Athletic Media Relationis Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relationis, "UA19/17/1/4 Football Program - WKU vs University of Akron" (1968). WKU Archives Records. Paper 810. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/810 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. L. T. SMITH STADIUM NOVEMBER 16, 1968 1:30 P. M. HILLTOPPER KICKOFF • TWENTY FIVE CENTS after the game ••• . get off the bench, ioin us at •.. HILLTOPPER ~kb-oU OFFICIAL FOOTBALL PROGRAM 1968 Prepared and Edited by the Office of Public Affairs and Public Relations TABLE OF CONTENTS Faculty Athletic Committee ______________________ Page 1 Western Alma Mater ____________________________ Page 1 L . T. Smith Stadium-Seating Chart and General Information ______________ ___________ Page 3 Western Kentucky University Information ________ Page 4 Football Coaching Staff ______________ __ ___ .______ Page 5 The 1968 Hilltoppers ___________ __ ____ _____ _____ Pages 6-9 Opponents' Schedules ___________ ___ ___ ______ _____ Page 10 Hilltopper Hotline ___________________________ __ __ Page 11 Western Roster _____________________ ___ _________ Page 12 Starting Lineups _____ __________________ _____ _ Pages 14-15 Visitor's Roster _________________________________ Page 17 Today's Opponent ________________ ____ ___________ Page 18 Today's Halftime _____________________ _____ ___ ___ Page 19 WKU Cheerleaders _____________________ __ _______ Page 19 Hilltopper 100 Club ___________________ _______ ___ Page 20 Western Football History ________________________ Page 21 ALMA MA Little All-Americans, All-OVC Players ______ _____ Page 21 The Ohio Valley Conference ______________________ Page 22 COLLEGE Referee's Signals _______ __ ____ ___________________ Page 23 Student Managers _______________________________ Page 24 College Heights, on fttl,,-t~1P 1969 Hilltopper Football Schedule _________________ Page 25 With beauty all Western Basketball, 1968-69 ____________ ___ _______ Page 26 Lovely jewell fa.' more Cross-Country ______________________ ___ __________ Page 27 Than graces any College Heights, with And pur'pose st1'ong Service eve.· ·is thy goal, Thy spir it ever ne1C. FACULTY ATHLETIC COMMITTEE: Dr. John College Heights, thy Minton (Chairman), Dr. H. L. Stephens (Vice­ Shall e' er au.' 'TW .l:lP7" Chairman), Dean Robert G. Cochran, Dean Dero Teaching us th?'ough joy G. Downing, Dr. John Scarborough, Mr. Bennie To love humanity. Beach, Dr. Ronald Nash, Mr. Owen Lawson. College Heights, W P- hail HILLTOPPER KICK-OFF is the official program We shall never fail ••~!:;..., ... for home football games of Western Kentucky Falter never-live for'evll".',J University. Prepared and edited by the Office of Ha.il! Hail! Public Affairs and Public Relations, Robert G. Cochran, Dean, and Program Manager Paul Just. Represented for national advertising by Spencer Advertising Company, 271 Madison Avenue, New York, New York. -.:-- . ....... ' Western Kentucky University 1 WE ARE BACKING THE "BIG RED" 100% Capt. Walt Heath (T) J ohn Vance (QB) Romeo Crennel (T) Dickie Moore (FB) Jer ry Humble (LB) Jim Garrett (LB) ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR ALL HILL TOPPERS 4 ways to boy: • CREDIT PLAN 30 Day Charge Account-or longer, with option terms. • TIME PAYMENT ACCOUNT No Down Payment. Many months to pay. • LAY-AWAY Aconvenient way to hold your purchase of the day. STORES • CASH - Full satisfaction or your money refunded. AIrLW~u.~~ Shop 10:00 A. M. - 9:30 P. M. Monday thru Saturday. Sunday 12:30 P. M. - 6:00 P. M. Nashville Road & Campbell Lane on 31 W So. 2 Official Football P rogram ACADEMIC-ATHLETIC BUILDING NO.2 L. T. SMITH ST ADI UM We s t ern Kentucky University's L. T. SMITH STADIUM dream of a central athletic, recrea­ tional and physical education complex Tickets has been fulfilled this fall with the Please read your ticket for the lo­ completion of the Academic-Athletic cation of your seat and always keep Building No. 2-L. T. Smith Stadium your ticket stub with you. Tickets for and the adjacent tennis and baseball future home athletic contests may be facilities. obtained at the Business Office. Law­ Under the supervision of Director rence W. Wetherby Administration of Athletics Ted Hornback, Western's Building, open Monday thru Friday, athletic program is well-balanced with 8 3. m . to 4:30 p. m., and Saturday, S a. m. to noon. excellence and winning teams. All Reserve Seats ____ __ __________ [I==~ Hilltopper squads are assured of hav­ ing championship facilities as they General Admission ----------- ~+ ., :::::lkm Lost and Found strive to continue the standard of Student ---____ ___ ____________ 11illIII1l1II1II1l1lIIIUliIDU excellence that has already brought Should you lose or find an article in numerous honors to the Hilltop cam­ Smith Stadium, please report it to the pus. attendant at either door of the press box. The entire Athletics Complex now consists of a 19,250-seat football Sta­ L. T. Smith Stadium, the largest dium, a track with all-weather sur­ football facility in the Ohio Valley Service for Physicians face, a practice field. a baseball field Conference, is named in honor of the man who devoted much of his life to Out-of-town doctors should leave and 12 tennis courts with all-weather their name and seot number with the surfaces in addition to 12.500-seat E. the development of Western sports, serving the institution as football public address announcer. Local doc­ A. Diddle Area - home of Western's tors will be called over the public basketball teams since 1963. coach (1920-21) basketball coach (1921-22) and as chairman of the address system. The Academic-Athletic Building No. faculty athletic committee almost· con­ 2-L. T. Smith Stadium is a multi­ tinuosly from 1922 until his retirement Public Address System purpose structure, including 12 class­ in 1965. rooms, a two-story gymnastics room All special announcements to be al'd 26 offices in addition to a football made over the public address system dressing room for 80 players, spring STADIUM INFORMATION should be turned in to the public sports and visiting: dressing rooms for address announcer before the game 146 athletes, physical education show­ begins. ers and locker room facilities, public Drinking rest roooms, concession stands, equip­ Rest Rooms ment rooms, officials' and coaches' Drinking in Smith Stadium is pro­ dressing rooms, a first aid room and hibited by State Law forbidding the Rest rooms are located at intervals a press box with accomoclation for use of alcoholic beverages on state along the upper and lower concourses nearly 100 persons. property.. in the stadium. For All Your Drug Needs L & M BOOK STORE PLAZA 1409 Center Street BEST WISHES 842-4843 FOR A ,~ We Buy and Sell SUCCESSFUL SEASON PHARMACY New and Used Textbooks PLAZA SHOPPING Morris Jewelers CENTER • Textbooks 31-W By-Pass • Senior Rings School Supplies Nearest Wesiern Campus • • Art Carved Diamonds • Drafting Supplies and Wedding Rings • • Stationery & Greeting Cards Western Sportswear • W.K.U. Class Rings FREE PARKING • • P aperbacks 408 Main • • Review Notes College Jewelry Bowling Green, Ky. Owned and Operated By • A. RAY DOUGLAS Your Complete College Store 843-6103 and Serving JOHN HENRY Western Kentucky University Western Kentucky University 3 .~ .", .•• was originally created for the purpose of tram­ ing teachers in 1906. Sixty years later, as a reflection . offers a joint doctoral of its rapid rate of development and the ever in­ program in cooperation with creasing scope of its academic program, Western the University of Kentucky Kentucky State College was granted university ~-'U'''A"" and George Peabody College for Teachers. WESTERN KENT • • • located n a beautiful 186-acre hilI­ overleoking the southern Ken­ of Bowling C)reen (~ulation "'~~~~~,1i•. S~~ca~tt~tered about ·...,.e Hill" It athJetic te_ derive 48 .lIuiIdinJs com­ plant. In 585-acre parpoees. x-----=t WESTERN KENTUCKY COACHING STAFF Head Coach Head Offensive Coach Head Defensive Coach JIMMY FEIX JOE BUGEL ROBBIE FRANKLIN A ft e r serving Beginning his Franklin is in eleven years as his initial year as fourth season as a full-time mem­ offensive c 0 a c h a member of the under Nick De­ Hilltopper coach­ ber of the coach­ nes, Jimmy Feix ing staff, Bugel ing staff after moves up as head has been placed spending the 1967 coach this season in overall charge season as a Hill­ replacing the re­ of the offense this topper graduate tiring Denes. year after con­ assistant. An outstanding centrating on the Primarily con­ player in his own offensive linemen cerned with right, Feix led in the past. scouting Western Western to some of its best seasons An outstanding lineman on West­ opponents last fall, he will now apply ever (1949-52). Climaxing his playing ern's undefeated 1963 team, Bugel re­ his knowledge to the development of career was his selection as Western's lays a wealth of experience in de­ the defensive line. first football Little All-American in veloping a hard-hitting attack. Franklin came to Western after 1952 after quarterbacking the Hill­ three campaigns as a standout line­ toppers to a tie for the OVC cham­ His fine work last year was reflected man on University of Tennessee teams pionship and a Refrigerator Bowl not only in the Hilltoppers' fine of­ that captured two maior bowl victories. triumph. fensive record, but in the fact that three Western offensive linemen were Feix still holds the OVC pass com­ named to the All-OVC team. Defensive Backfield Coach pletion percentage record with a mark Offensive Backfield Coach of .63l.
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