Physics Letters B 567 (2003) 175–178 www.elsevier.com/locate/npe Transverse activity of kaons and deconfinement phase transition in nucleus–nucleus collisions M.I. Gorenstein a,b,M.Ga´zdzicki c,d,K.A.Bugaeva,e a Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine b Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Frankfurt, Germany c Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Frankfurt, Germany d Swi¸´ etokrzyska Academy, Kielce, Poland e Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany Received 16 June 2003; accepted 24 June 2003 Editor: L. Montanet Abstract We found that the experimental results on transverse mass spectrum of kaons produced in central Pb+Pb (Au+Au) collisions show an anomalous dependence on the colliding energy. The inverse slope of the spectrum increases with the energy in the low (AGS) and high (RHIC) energy domains, whereas it remains constant in the intermediate (SPS) energy range. We argue that this anomaly is probably caused by the modification of the equation of state in the transition region between confined and deconfined matter. This observation may be considered as a new signal, in addition to the previously reported anomalies in the pion and strangeness production, of the onset of deconfinement located in the low SPS energy domain. 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. The statistical model of the early stage, SMES, of 30 A GeV. The present data show a maximum of the nucleus–nucleus (A + A) collisions suggests [1] that strangeness to pion ratio at this energy. An exact posi- the onset of deconfinement phase transition at the early tion and the detailed structure of this maximum will be stage of the collisions may be signaled by the anom- clarified by the expected soon new results on Pb + Pb alous energy dependence of several hadronic observ- collisions at 20 A GeV. ables. In particular, following earlier suggestions [2], In the present Letter we discuss another well- the behavior of strangeness and pion yields in the known observable, which may be sensitive to the on- transition region was studied in detail. Recent mea- set of deconfinement, the transverse momentum, pT , surements [3,4] of pion and kaon production in cen- spectra of produced hadrons. It was suggested by Van tral Pb + Pb collisions at CERN SPS indeed indicate Hove [5] more than 20 years ago to identify the de- that the transient state of deconfined matter is cre- confinement phase transition in high energy proton– ated in these collisions for energies larger than about antiproton interactions with an anomalous behavior (a plateau-like structure) of the average transverse mo- mentum as a function of hadron multiplicity. Let us E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Ga´zdzicki). briefly recall the Van Hove’s arguments. According to 0370-2693/$ – see front matter 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2003.06.043 176 M.I. Gorenstein et al. / Physics Letters B 567 (2003) 175–178 the general concepts of the hydrodynamical approach stage matter has a nonzero baryonic density. It was the hadron multiplicity reflects the entropy, whereas however demonstrated [8] that the main qualitative the transverse hadron activity reflects the combined features (T =∼ const, p =∼ const, and a minimum of the effects of temperature and collective transverse ex- function p(ε)/ε vs ε) are present also in this case. pansion. The entropy is assumed to be created at the In the SMES model [1], which correctly predicted early stage of the collision and is approximately con- energy dependence of pion and strangeness yields, stant during the hydrodynamic expansion. The multi- the modification of the equation of state due to plicity is proportional to the entropy, S = s · V ,where deconfinement phase transition is located between 30 s is the entropy density and V is the effective volume and about 200 A GeV. Thus the anomaly in energy occupied by particles. During the hydrodynamic ex- dependence of transverse hadron activity may be pansion, s decreases and V increases with s · V be- expected in this energy range. Do we see this anomaly ing approximately constant. The large multiplicity at in the experimental data? high energies means a large entropy density at the be- The experimental data on transverse mass (mT = ginning of the expansion (and consequently a larger m2 + p2 ,wherem is a particle mass) spectra volume at the end). The large value of s at the early T are usually parameterized by a simple exponential stage of the collisions means normally high tempera- dependence: ture T0 at this stage. This, in turn, leads to an increase of transverse hadron activity, a flattening of the trans- dN = −mT verse momentum spectrum. Therefore, with increasing C exp ∗ , (1) mT dmT T collision energy1 one expects to observe an increase of both the hadron multiplicity and average transverse where C is the normalization constant, and the inverse ∗ momentum per hadron. However, a presence of the slope parameter T is sensitive to both the thermal deconfinement phase transition would change this cor- and collective motion in the transverse direction. At ∗ relation. In the phase transition region the initial en- small pT the T parameter can be expressed within tropy density (and hence the final hadron multiplic- the hydrodynamical approach as ity) increases with collision energy, but temperature = = ∗ = + 1 ¯2 T0 TC and pressure p0 pC remain constant. The T Tf mvT , (2) equation of state presented in a form p(ε)/ε versus 2 ε shows a minimum (the ‘softest point’ [6,7]) at the where Tf is the kinetic freeze-out temperature and v¯T boundary of the (generalized [7]) mixed phase and the is the mean transverse flow velocity. In the parameter- QGP. Consequently the shape of the pT spectrum is ization (1) the shape of the mT spectrum is fully deter- ∗ approximately independent of the multiplicity or colli- mined by a single parameter, the inverse slope T .In sion energy. The transverse expansion effect may even particular, the average transverse mass, mT , can be decrease when crossing the transition region [5]. Thus expressed as one expects an anomaly in the energy dependence of ∗ 2 transverse hadron activity: the average transverse mo- = ∗ + + (T ) mT T m ∗ . (3) mentum increases with collision energy when the early m + T stage matter is either in pure confined or in pure decon- The energy dependence of the inverse slope para- fined phases, and it remains approximately constant meter fitted to the K+ and K− spectra for central when the matter is in the mixed phase. Pb+Pb (Au+Au) collisions is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. = = A simplified picture with T TC const inside The results obtained at AGS [9], SPS [3,4] and RHIC the mixed phase is changed if the created early [10] energies are compiled. The striking features of the data can be summarized and interpreted as following. • The T ∗ parameter increases strongly with colli- 1 In the original Van Hove suggestion the correlation between av- erage transverse momentum and hadron multiplicity were discussed sion energy up to the point at the lowest for proton–antiproton collisions at fixed energy. Today we have an (30 A GeV) SPS energy. This is an energy re- advantage to use A + A collisions at different energies. gion where the creation of confined matter at the M.I. Gorenstein et al. / Physics Letters B 567 (2003) 175–178 177 expected to be located. The resulting modification of the equation of state “suppresses” an increase of both Tf and v¯T , and this leads to the observed plateau structure in the energy dependence of the T ∗ parameter. • At RHIC√ (the c.m. energies per nucleon–nucleon pair s = 130 GeV and 200 GeV) the T ∗ is significantly larger than at SPS energies. In the RHIC energy domain the equation of state at the early stage becomes again stiff, the early stage temperature and pressure increase with collision energy. This results in increase of the transverse ∗ flow v¯T and, consequently, in increase of T (2) Fig. 1. The energy dependence (s1/2 is c.m. energy per nu- between SPS and RHIC energies. ∗ + cleon–nucleon pair) of the inverse slope parameter T for K The anomalous energy dependence of the m mesons produced at midrapidity in central Pb + Pb (Au + Au) col- T lisions at AGS [9] (triangles), SPS [3,4] (squares) and RHIC [10] spectra is a characteristic feature of the kaon data. (circles) energies. Why is it the case? How do the mT spectra of other hadrons look like? The answer is rather surprising: among measured hadron species the kaons are the best and unique particles for observing in their transverse momentum spectra the effect of the modification of equation of state due to the onset of deconfinement. The arguments are as following. • A simple one parameter exponential fit (1) is quite ∼ + − accurate up to mT − m = 1GeVforK and K mesons in A + A collisions at all energies. This means that the energy dependence of the average transverse mass mT (3) and average transverse momentum pT for kaons is qualitatively the same as that for the parameter T ∗. This simplifies analysis of the experimental data. Fig. 2. The energy dependence (s1/2 is c.m. energy per nu- • ∗ − The shape of kaons mT spectra is only weakly af- cleon–nucleon pair) of the inverse slope parameter T for K fected by the hadron rescattering and resonance mesons produced at midrapidity in central Pb + Pb (Au + Au) col- lisions at AGS [9] (triangles), SPS [3,4] (squares) and RHIC [10] decays during the post-hydrodynamic hadron cas- (circles) energies. cade [11,12]. + • The high quality data on mT spectra of K early stage of the collisions is expected.
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