MUMBAI RAILWAY VIKAS CORPORATION LTD. DETAILED PROJECT REPORT FOR FAST CORRIDOR ON CSTM PANVEL PROPOSED CST‐‐PANVEL FAST CORRIDOR SPUR TO AIRPORT VASHI MANKHURD LTTLTT NERUL KURLA CHEMBUR BELAPUR KHARGAR WADALA NMIA PANVEL CSTM Palm Beach CST Road Panvel JUNE 2016 (A Government of India Enterprise) Detailed Project Report for Fast Corridor onn CSCSTM – PNVL Harbour Line June, 2016 EXECUTIIVVEE SSUUMMMAARRY 0.1 BACKGROUND Mumbai, the financial,, comcommercial and entertainment capital of Indiaia is the world's top ten centres of commommerce in terms of global financial flow. The numerous employment opportunitienities in different sectors, attracts majority popuopulation from different parts of the counountry thereby, making it the most populous cityity oof India. To sustain the presentnt aand growing needs due to the envisagedd infrastructurein projects like SEZs, New PoPort – Rewas, Navi Mumbai International Airportport, expansion of JNPT, Internationalal EExhibition centre at Khandeshwar, Integratedated Transport Terminal consisting of LonLong distance Railway Terminal, Metro Stationn anand InterState Bus Terminal (ISBT) at DDushmi, Govt. Of Maharashtra consideredd necessaryn to operate high end transitnsit system between Mumbai and Navi Mumbaibai to facilitate faster travel. A Techno-Economic Survervey and preparation of DPR for fast corridor on CSTMCS - Panvel Harbour Line was takenn up in Feb’ 2012, with the following planning paraarameters: i. Fast corridor alignmlignment within Railway ROW ii. Broad Gauge withith ccoach width of 3.66 m iii. Scheduled averagerage speed of 60 kmph iv. 8 car Rakes v. Total of 11 Statiotations namely CSTM, Wadala, Kurla, Tilak Nagaagar, Chembur, Mankhurd, Vashi,hi, NNerul, CBD Belapur, Kharghar and Panvel vi. Spur to proposeded NNavi Mumbai International Airport (NMIA) frofrom Seawoods station vii. Maintenance Depoepot at Kharghar viii. Project implementaentation on PPP MRVC now intends to revrevise the Study having changes in gauge, alignmignment/stations at certain locations, systemstem (from Broad Gauge to Standard Gauge) andnd project to be implemented with Governvernment funding. Executive Summary Page - i Detailed Project Report for Fast Corridor onn CSCSTM – PNVL Harbour Line June, 2016 FIGURE 0.1: PROPOSEDED FAST CORRIDOR ON CSTM – PANVEL HABOURUR LLINE Executive Summary Page - ii Detailed Project Report for Fast Corridor onn CSCSTM – PNVL Harbour Line June, 2016 0.2 RIDERSHIP ESTIMATIOTION Daily ridership on the corrcorridor for the years 2021, 2031 and 2041 is expexpected to be 8.0 Lakh, 10.8 Lakh and 1313.0 Lakh passengers respectively, Table 0.1. It is estimated that thee avaverage trip length for the proposed corridoror will be about 21.3 km. TABLTABLE 0.1: RIDERSHIP ESTIMATES CORRIDOR/ SECTIOCTION Avg. Daily Passengers (In Lakh) 2021 2031 204141 CSTM - Panvelvel 8.0 10.8 13.03.0 The proposed Corridorr is expected to be operational by 2022. Desiredsired shifting of passengers from otherr momodes of transport to proposed system is a slow process as commuters take time in cchanging their travel habits/patterns. Thus,s, it is assumed that the ridership projecjected for 2021 will actually materialize by 2022022 and system planning has been donee acaccordingly. With provision of the NaNavi Mumbai Airport Spur from Nerul, additionational PHPDT of 1800 by 2021 and 4200 by 2031 is projected. This spur is projecteded tto add daily ridership of 30,000 in 2022021, and 70,000 by 2031 which is projected to increasein upto 1,00,000 by 2041. 0.3 DESIGN PARAMETERSERS 0.3.1 Permanent Way Gauge It has been decided thatat ththe corridor will be designed on Standard Gaugeuge (1435mm). Rail Section and Grade For main lines, 60KG UIC HH rails of grade 1080 are proposed. For othether than main lines and Depot lines,s, 660 kg rails of grade 880 (without Head hardening)har are proposed. These rails are being manufactured indigenously. The railsls fofor main lines and depot lines shouldld aalso conform to the technical specificationss lalaid down by Indian Railways in IRS-T- 12-2009. The rails should have cancant of 1 in 20 and wheel profile of rolling stockstoc should be compatible with rail profilerofile. Executive Summary Page - iii Detailed Project Report for Fast Corridor onn CSCSTM – PNVL Harbour Line June, 2016 Formation Ballastless track is propooposed for elevated and underground stretchesches. At Depot, following track structurere is proposed to serve specific usage:- • Ballastless for Washinghing Line • Steel pedestal for inspeinspection lines • Embedded Rail typee ininside Workshop • Conventional Ballastedsted track for Stabling and other line Fastening System for BallaBallasted Track In Feb. 2015, Govt. off IndIndia, Ministry of Railways, has issued “Procedurdure for Safety certification and Technicanical clearance of Metro System”. Part-A, Annexurexure C-2 of the said document covers “Pe“Performance criteria of fastening system for ballaballast less track on Metro Railways/MRTSRTS SSystem”. Ministry of Railways has already appropproved certain fastening systems complyiplying the requisite performance criteria. Further, scope for introduroduction of “new fastening system” has been mamade available (for those not approveded bby Ministry of Railways) with the proviso that the details of such fastening systemss shashall be made available to Ministry of Railwayss ((MoR)M and the same will be kept underer oobservation by MoR for a period of two yearsrs uunder service conditions in associationon wwith Metro Railways/MRTS system. Turnouts and Scissor CrosCrossover From considerations of mmaintainability and riding comfort, it is proproposed to lay following two types of turnturnouts: • On main lines, 1 in 9 type turnout with a lead radius of 3000 m and speed potential on divergentent track as 45 km/h. • On Depot lines, 1 in 7 type turnout with a lead radius of 1400 m and speed potential on divergentent track as 25 km/h. • The Scissors cross-oveovers on Main Lines (1 in 9 type) will be with a minimumm track centre of 4.5 m. Welding To minimize noise andnd vvibrations, track joints should be welded by Flash Butt Welding Technique andnd AAlumino - Thermit Welding may be done onlonly for those joints which cannot be wewelded by Flash Butt Welding Technique. 0.3.2 Traction System Based on the ultimatee trtraffic requirement, uniformity, standardizationation and other techno-economic considesiderations, 25kV ac traction system is considereered to be the Executive Summary Page - iv Detailed Project Report for Fast Corridor onn CSCSTM – PNVL Harbour Line June, 2016 best solution and hencence, proposed for adoption on this Fast corridrridor. Suitable measures will have to be imimplemented for the mitigation of EMI & EMCC ccaused by 25 kV single-phase tractionn cucurrents. The overhead traction lines will be flexibleflex copper OCS. 0.3.3 Rolling Stock Rolling Stock proposedd fofor the corridor shall be Standard Gauge, air-conditioned coaches with electricallylly aactuated door operation, Stainless steel/Alumluminium body, Automatic Voice Announcuncement System, Coach Interior with modernrn aaesthetics to optimize passenger comfomfort etc. The detailed specifications of the rollinolling stock and its procurement may be decided on the basis of the project impimplementation mechanism. The broadad features of rolling stock which may bee fofollowed are presented in Table 0.2. TABLE 0.2: BROAD FEATURES OF ROLLING STOCK S. Parameter Fast Corridor on CSTM- Panvel Harbarbour Line No. One Driving Trailer car (DTC/TC) / Motor carr (MC)(MC . Every Basic Unit coach should be fully interchangeable with any other coach of same type. 1 6-Car Train DTC-MC-TC-MC-MC-DTC Composition 8-Car Train DTC-MC-TC-MC-TC-MC-MC-DTC Composition 2 Coach construction Light weight stainless steel/ Aluminium body 3 Tare Weight DTC (42.0 T), TC (42.0 T), MC (42.0 T) 4 Axle load 17 T 5 Propulsion system 3 phase drive system with VVVF control 6 Type of traction supplyply 25KV AC Overhead collection 0.3.4 Signalling System Communication based TraTrain Control (CBTC) Signaling System is mainlyy useduse for MRTS networks. It is the latesttest Signaling and Train Control Technology availableavai and is being adopted by moderndern metros around the world. It is also beingg adoptedad by all upcoming MRTS Networksorks in India viz, DMRC Phase-III, Kochi Phase-I, BMBMRCL Phase- II etc. The Communication basedased Train Control (CBTC) Signaling system providevides adequate safety level of CENELECEC SSIL-4 (Safety Integrity Level) and permits an operational headway of 90 secondsonds with continuous automatic train control.trol. The CBTC Executive Summary Page - v Detailed Project Report for Fast Corridor onn CSCSTM – PNVL Harbour Line June, 2016 Technology is proven now in many Metros around the World and is also suitable for UTO (Unattended Trainin OOperation) / DTO (Driverless Train Operationation), which is equivalent to GoA Levelvel 4. Communication based Train Control (CBTCBTC) Signaling System, which is the latesttest technology available, is recommended for fast corridor on CSTM - Panvel harbourr line. 0.3.5 Telecommunication The telecommunicationn sysystem acts as communication backbone foror Signaling and other systems and providovides telecommunication services to meet operationaloper and administrative requiremenments of metro network. The proposed telecomom system and transmission media willill hahave following systems: • Optical Fiber Transmissmission System • Telephone Exchange • Mobile Radio Communmunication System • Public Address
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