Deadline On Leader. Retirer lan America'B Largest Weekly for Public Employees See Page 3 yol. Xin — No. 52 Tuesday, September 9, 1952 Price Ten Cents Comptroller McGovern Appoints Committee To Explore Possibilities of Social Security Coverage in State and Local Retirement -— — See Page 3 Layoffs in DPUl BASIC WAGE STATISTICS ^gain, the Consumers Price Index reached a new high for the latest available figure ^ July. It is interesting to note that your 1940 dollar is now worth only 52c< Rise to 1,006 The old series of the Consumers Price Index for this month stands at 192.4, which is One hundred and forty perma- been sharpest—46 percent—from also an all-time high. « nent employees in the Division of 194,000 to 105,000. As a result, 289 Placement and Unemployment In- employees have been affected. Our In recent months, the Wholesale Index had been dropping, but this month turned surance received their layoff no- field staff is being cut from 1445 upward. Generally the other measurements of wage levels showed a slight and con-« tices last week, bringing the total to 1161. of dismissals in that agency to Upstate a 22 pereent drop has tinued upward trend, with no particularly violent change. 1,006. State Industrial Commis- reduced claims from 63,000 to 49,- The effect of the steel strike Is still making itself felt in a number of the phases sioner Edward Corsi states that 000, and layoffs totalling 275 are "other layoffs may follow if the reducing our field staff from 696 of the economy, but with the resumption of production, it is expected that the ma-« number of unemployment insur- to 421. jority of the economic statistics will resume their reflection of upward pressure. ance claims continues to drop." In the central office in Albany Last Thursday, in a second meet- where benefit claims and payments « OkMfa 9 fftaaf* 9 ing between department ofiBcials are processed, 291 employees have (a»««t iroat^ frtciiiai froa rr«* fraw •et. rronOct, and employee representatives, been laid off. tndexil Kont^ 1959 Kontk etH»t HenVt if r«ar If* IMt 1951 steps were considered for alleviat- The Financial Arrangements Covtiaar* rrle* Ia4«i (•) July 190. • I9».« •9.9 I9S.9 I97.» ing the drastic situation. Commis- "These are the financial ar- sioner Corsi and Milton O. Loysen, rgrchtt* fowar Dollar (k) July «.52. «.S9 -1.9 t.S9 -9.9 •.»* -I.9 rangements for administration of «hel«»al* Ir4*i - CavltM July Ill.t lll.t 119.2 -2.1 II3.T -i.r director of the DPUI, reviewed sug- the employment security program: F.R.I. !*«•« • Clar. • Pr«f. Juna 209 (») 209 (a) 9 197 (r) 'Ml. 9 2«l +2.9 gestions that had^beeen made; no 1. All operating costs of the • • > Coapoal t* (e) Jana 23* (9) 239 (9) •0.9 229 •Hl.% 229 concrete proposals came up, how- State unemployment insurance • • Mff. (waahlit} (•) Jaaa 291 (9) 2«a (>) -0.7 2TI (r) «2.9 272 ever, which show any real promise. program are financed by the Fed- Both Mr. Corsi and Mr. Loysen eral government by means of a Mitti E*mmn» expressed their desire to do some- Federal tax on employment. The * Hoarlr . • V S Mf«. (4) +3.r tl.6» 2.6 thing about the problem, and both Junt |i.e> tl.«t $1:61 State receives grants-in-aid for ad- Weakly • • " C<) Jun« tS.8« 66.70 6«.6« 64.20 6. • asked that the employees, through ministration when it is qualified VholataU Tra4a (•Klir) ITS («) Jana 75.57 75.26 +0.1 70.4* 73. 9.1 their organizations, exert strong under the Federal Social Security laUII Tratfa (wkly) NTS (4) iluna 5«.es 63.77 52.35 56.07 f pressure upon Federal administra- Act. (State levied taxes on em- lioarly Earalni* - ».«. Mff. (•) Jaaa 1.65* (>) 1.657 (r) 0 1.591 •3.7 1.615 2.7 66.6I (r) +0.6 +2.» 65.61 2.6 tive and congressional officials. The ployment go into the Unemploy- Vaakly C«ratn«a •> «.S. Nft* (•} ( 4«»t •5.01 crux of the difficulty, they main- ment Trust Fund which can be tain, is the formula by which the used only to pay benefits, not to PPUI receives Federal funds. finance operations.) The State SOUXCEt Mr. Corsi rejected a proposal Unemployment Insurance Law spe- • - 1935-39 9.3. 9a»t. of Lt^r, laraaa »f Itkor Stttittic* a . PraJ lalaary 0 • •• «aa«»ra< by Ua CaR>«aarir Priea latfaa T ~ laviaa^ made by employee representatives cifically provides that the State C«a»ll«4 ky Ua latatrek 3t«ff that the State dip into its general will accept no liability for operat- NY3 Oapt. of Lt»»r. DPUI laraaa of t«*. « »taW C<vll Sarvleo Eaylayaaa Ataeclatla* funds or other funds to tide over ing costs. Iavlia4 the Division during its slack peri- "2. Each year a tentative Fed- ods. This, said Mr. Corsi, would eral grant is made to the State •ot«{ Pareaat ektagaa ara t« lat«*t avoMakl* «o»M require legislative action and the based on an estimate of employ- Legislature would never go along ment and unemployment and on with such a proposal in view of the pre-determined unit prices to be large sums collected in taxes by allowed for each of the various the Federal government from New kinds of activity involved in the Pay Appeals Yfestern N,Y, Employees lYork State. Mr. Loysen stated that program. he would continue his efforts to "3. At the beginning of the fiscal get a better deal from Federal year the State receives in cash Turned Down To Hear About Legislative officials. one-third of the total tentative Unfinished Business grant. This is to finance four ALBANY, Sept. 8 — Applica- When employee representatives months' activity. At the end of tions for salary increases have Process, Toll Operations pointed to the quantity of work re- three months, an adjustment is been denied by the Director of IROQUOIS, Sept. 8 — How maining undone in the Division Stearns, collector of tolls in West- made to reflect the actual number Classification and Compensation legislation works, the operation of chester County and 3rd vice-presi- Mr. Corsi admitted it, saying that of transactions handled up to that for the following titles: a toll system, a workshop for pub- the Division was, in effect, boxed dent of the Civil Service Eml- point. If unemployment has been Insurance Sales Representative, lic employe representatives — ployees Association. in. higher than the estimate, we get G-18. these are among the events Four Steps 3. The legislative process, to be more dollars at the same fixed unit Unemployment Insurance Re- scheduled for delegates of the described by a legislator. Mr. Corsi issued this statement: price. If unemployment has been feree, G-25. Western Conference of Civil Ser- •"To do what I can to ease the situ- 4. Evening session in VFW Hall, lower, the Federal government re- Motor Vehicle License Exami- vice Employees, scheduled to be Gowanda. ation, the following things have covers the money by reducing our ner, G-11. held on Saturday, September IS, been done: (1) I have asked the Dinner reservations should be payment for the next quarter. at Thomas Indian School in Iro- sent to Mrs. Dolores Rupp, Iro- President of the State Civil Service "This financing plan requires quois, N. Y. Grace Hillery, Con- Commission to advise all State de- Only a limited quantity of the quois, N. Y., before Monday, Sep- that we operate within our income. wonderful Rayex anti-glare ference chairman, will preside. tember 8. Tickets are $2.50 each. partment heads that these employ- Any delay now in making the in- In addition to luncheon, din- Thomas Indian School is six miles ees have preferential rights em- glasses remain in stock. These dicated layoffs would mean impair- glasses make night driving safe. ner, and an evening of pleasure, from Gowanda on the Gowanda- ployment in appropriate titles. (2) ment of service to the public in the program includes: Irving Road, route 438. Routet Some have already been placed in future months — regardless of If you want to assure yourself of your pair, turn now to P. 9. 1. Workshop in the School's 18, 62, 39 lead to Gowanda. From other jobs for which they qualify whether claims go up or down in gymnasium. routes 18 and 62 visitors are ad- in the Division itself, which has the future. 2. Talk on tolls by J. Allyn vised to turn off at Lawtons, N. Y. very large public employment ser- vice and tax collection operation Who Are Affected as well as benefit paying responsi- "The employees affected by the To Every Civil Service Painter, toilities. (3) The State Employment layoffs have been for the most Service is also doing everything part employees who held the title Therapists Water-€ol<»ri$$t9 Seulptor, Ceramist — possible to find private jobs for any of assistant interviewer. These are Tiiis Is Important! of the affected employees. (4) A the people who man the counters special unit in the Employment in our offices where benefit claims To Appeal Yon are being asked to participate in a great civil service are filed. When claims are not art show. Your participation may win you one of the handsome Service to take care of laid-off em- prizes; in addition, it will help enlarge the prestige of civil ployees was set up." filed, their work disappears at once. They are the first, therefore, to For Pay Rise service and your job.
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