U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W Common Name Sp S F W Notes ___________ Greater Yellowlegs X ___________ Black-backed Woodpecker* R R R R __________ Townsend’s Warbler* R R R ____________________________________ ___________ Lesser Yellowlegs* C C C ___________ Northern Flicker* C C U __________ Blackpoll Warbler R R R ____________________________________ ___________ Upland Sandpiper* R R ___________ Olive-sided Flycatcher* R U R __________ American Redstart X ____________________________________ Tetlin ___________ Whimbrel* R R ___________ Western Wood-Pewee* R U R __________ Northern Waterthrush* U U U ____________________________________ ___________ Hudsonian Godwit X ___________ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher* X R X __________ Common Yellowthroat* R ____________________________________ ___________ Ruddy Turnstone X ___________ Alder Flycatcher* R C U __________ Wilson’s Warbler* U U U ____________________________________ National Wildlife ___________ Black Turnstone X ___________ Least Flycatcher X __________ American Tree Sparrow* U U U X ___________ Surfbird X X ___________ Hammond’s Flycatcher R R R __________ Chipping Sparrow* R U R Refuge Ethics for Birders ___________ Semipalmated Sandpiper U R U ___________ Say’s Phoebe* R R R __________ Clay-colored Sparrow X Use caution and restrain when observing ___________ Western Sandpiper R R ___________ Northern Shrike* R X R Brewer’s “Timberline” or photographing birds to minimize ___________ Least Sandpiper* U U U ___________ Warbling Vireo X __________ Sparrow* R disturbance. Disturbing nesting birds Bird Checklist ___________ Baird’s Sandpiper R X ___________ Gray Jay* C C C C __________ Lark Sparrow X will increase the chance of exposing eggs ___________ Pectoral Sandpiper U X ___________ Black-billed Magpie* U R U C __________ Savannah Sparrow* U U U X or young to extreme temperatures and ___________ Buff-breasted Sandpiper X ___________ Common Raven* C C C C __________ Fox Sparrow* U C U predation. ___________ Short-billed Dowitcher X ___________ Horned Lark* U R __________ Song Sparrow X ___________ Long-billed Dowitcher U R U ___________ Tree Swallow* C U __________ Lincoln’s Sparrow* U U U Remain well back from roosts, display ___________ Wilson’s Snipe* U C U ___________ Violet-green Swallow* C C __________ White-throated Sparrow X areas and feeding sites. ___________ Red-necked Phalarope* U U U ___________ Bank Swallow* R U R __________ Golden-crowned Sparrow R R R ___________ Black-headed Gull X ___________ Cliff Swallow* C C R __________ White-crowned Sparrow* C C C X Stay on roads, trails and paths where ___________ Bonaparte’s Gull* C C U ___________ Barn Swallow* X X __________ Dark-eyed Junco* C C C R they exist; otherwise try to minimize ___________ Mew Gull* C C U ___________ Black-capped Chickadee* U U U U __________ Lapland Longspur C R Boreal Owl, Jennifer Smith/USFWS disturbance to habitat. ___________ Herring Gull R R R ___________ Boreal Chickadee* C C C C __________ Smith’s Longspur* R ___________ Glaucous-winged Gull X ___________ Gray-headed Chickadee X X __________ Snow Bunting C R X ___________ Glaucous Gull X X ___________ Red-breasted Nuthatch X X X X __________ Red-winged Blackbird* R U R ___________ Sabine’s Gull X ___________ Brown Creeper X X X __________ Western Meadowlark X ___________ Black Tern X ___________ American Dipper R R R R __________ Rusty Blackbird* C C C X Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge ___________ Arctic Tern* U C R ___________ Golden-crowned Kinglet X __________ Brown-headed Cowbird X X X P.O. Box 779 ___________ Parasitic Jaeger X ___________ Ruby-crowned Kinglet* C C C __________ Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch X X X Tok, Alaska 99780 ___________ Long-tailed Jaeger X ___________ Arctic Warbler X X __________ Pine Grosbeak* U R R R 907/883 5312 ___________ Rock Pigeon X X X ___________ Northern Wheatear X __________ Purple Finch X 907/883 5747 Fax ___________ Band-tailed Pigeon X ___________ Mountain Bluebird* R X X __________ White-winged Crossbill* U U U C http://tetlin.fws.gov ___________ Great Horned Owl* U U U U ___________ Townsend’s Solitaire* R R X __________ Common Redpoll* C U U C U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ___________ Snowy Owl X ___________ Gray-cheeked Thrush* R R R __________ Hoary Redpoll R X R 1 800/344 WILD ___________ ___________ __________ Northern Hawk Owl* U U U U Swainson’s Thrush* U C U Pine Siskin X X X http://www.fws.gov ___________ Great Gray Owl* R R R R ___________ Hermit Thrush* U U U ___________ Short-eared Owl* R X R ___________ American Robin* C C C X Footnotes + Phylogenetic sequence and common Federal Relay ___________ Boreal Owl* R R R R ___________ Varied Thrush* U U U names follow The A.O.U. Checklist of 1 800/877 8339 Voice and TTY ___________ Common Nighthawk X X ___________ European Starling* X X North American Birds (7th ed, 1998) and ___________ Anna’s Hummingbird X White (Black-backed) supplements. ___________ Rufous Hummingbird X ___________ Wagtail X September 2007 ___________ Belted Kingfisher* U U U ___________ American Pipit* U R U Information used to compile this list comes from daily checklists kept for the Refuge ___________ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker* X X ___________ Bohemian Waxwing* U U U X and Tok area from 1990 to 1996, and data ___________ Red-breasted Sapsucker X ___________ Tennessee Warbler* X X from long-term breeding bird surveys, off- ___________ Downy Woodpecker X X X ___________ Orange-crowned Warbler* U U U road point counts, fall migration banding, ___________ Hairy Woodpecker* R R R R ___________ Yellow Warbler* R U U Christmas bird counts, phenology counts, and American Three-toed Yellow-rumped “Myrtle” incidental observations made through 2006. ___________ Woodpecker* U U U U ___________ Warbler* C C C Peregrine Falcon, USFWS Falcon, Peregrine Varied Thrush, USFWS Varied The Long Journey Imagine millions of birds making the Summer Homes Tetlin Refuge hosts an increasing The Seasons Abundance Common Name Sp S F W long, arduous journey to Alaska each number of Trumpeter Swans that Spring (March, April, May) Increased This checklist will give you an idea ___________ Lesser Scaup* C C C year with a single purpose – to breed nest near isolated refuge lakes and daylight and warming temperatures of what species you might encounter ___________ Harlequin Duck* X X X and raise young. Within a few short ponds. The Refuge is also within the in March bring early migrants such on the Refuge and in the Upper ___________ Surf Scoter* U U U months, adults and their offspring northern breeding range of several as Snow Bunting, Golden Eagle, Tanana Valley area. Abundance can ___________ White-winged Scoter* C C C will set out again to travel great species, including Red-winged and Bald Eagle. These are followed vary greatly from year to year and ___________ Long-tailed Duck R R X distances back to their wintering Blackbird, Sharp-tailed Grouse, and closely by Mallard, Barrow’s even within a season. There are 120 ___________ Bufflehead* U C U grounds in the lower 48 states and Blue-winged Teal. During the short Goldeneye, Northern Harrier, species listed as confirmed or probable ___________ Common Goldeneye* U U U Central and South America. Tetlin summer season, a rich banquet of Red-tailed Hawk, American Tree breeders, each noted with an *. ___________ Barrow’s Goldeneye* U U U National Wildlife Refuge lies along plants, insects and invertebrates Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, and ___________ Common Merganser R R R X this major migration corridor and provides food for nesting birds and Lapland Longspur. The first water C Common – Usually present in ___________ Red-breasted Merganser X is a crucial stop for these winged their young. Protection of these birds are attracted to thawing considerable numbers. Widely distrib- ___________ Ruddy Duck* X R X migrants. For some, like the Sandhill valued habitats, and the continued streams and ponds in late April uted and relatively easy to detect. ___________ Ruffed Grouse* U U U U Crane, Tetlin may be a needed breeding success of waterfowl, along with a few landbirds. Spring ___________ Spruce Grouse* U U U U stop before they continue west as raptors and songbirds, are primary migration peaks in mid-May, with U Uncommon – Usually present in ___________ Willow Ptarmigan* U U U U far as eastern Siberia. For others, goals of the Refuge. shorebirds and many songbirds. USFWS Warbler, Wilson’s relatively small or moderate numbers ___________ Rock Ptarmigan* R R R R like the Trumpeter Swan, it will be and often unevenly distributed. Not ___________ White-tailed Ptarmigan X X their summer home. Tetlin Refuge’s Checking the List This checklist includes 190 bird Summer (June & July) The breeding season regularly observed. ___________ Sharp-tailed Grouse* U U U U 730,000 acres of wetlands, lakes, and species+ that are known to occur in Alaska is relatively short. The ___________ Red-throated Loon X X X forests are nestled within Alaska’s in the Tanana Valley from the majority of birds nest in June, and R Rare – Present annually in very ___________ Pacific Loon* U C U Upper Tanana Valley. The area was Robertson River to the White River most young have hatched by July. small numbers or locally distributed. ___________ Common Loon* R R R established as a National Wildlife drainage on the Alaska/Canada By late July, some shorebirds begin Not frequently encountered. ___________ Horned Grebe* C C C Refuge in 1980 because it is so vital to border. their migration south. ___________ Red-necked Grebe* U U U North America’s migrating birds. In X Casual/Accidental – Do not occur ___________ Double-crested Cormorant X 2007, the Refuge and the surrounding We Need Your Your observations can play an Fall (Late August, September, October) annually.
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