DENISON UNIVERSITY BULLETIN OUNCEMENTS CATALOG NUMBER OR 1938-39 1937-38 Volume XXXVI1X, No. 1 Januaryj 1938 The Bulletin of Denison University A College of Liberal Arts Founded 1831 CATALOG Number 1937-1938 The University Bulletin la Issued bi-monthly and entered ut the Post Office In Qranvllle. Ohio, as mail mattor of the Second Class. Printed by The Grmville Timei « Publi.hinJ Co. 11RANVILLE. OHIO Correspondence To facilitate correspondence inquiries should be addressed as follows: Correspondence on matters of general interest to the PRESIDENT of the University. Requests for catalogs and other numbers of the Univer- sity Bulletin to the REGISTRAR. Entrance credentials for new students, requests concern- ing requirements for graduation to the REGISTRAR. Correspondence concerning rooms for women to the DEAN OF WOMEN; for men. to the DEAN OF MEN. Correspondence concerning business, financial aid. and payment of hills to the BURSAR. Correspondence concerning work in Music to the DI- RECTOR OF THE CONSERVATORY. Correspondence concerning Extension Courses to the DEAN OF MEN. Correspondence on matters pertaining to the Board of Trustees, gifts, or legacies to the SECRETARY OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Broadwaj I Iffice Building. Correspondence regarding publicity and advertising to the DIRECTOR OF PUBLICITY. Table of Contents Page University Calendar 1038-39 5 The President's Welcome C Board of Trustees 7 Faculty and Administrative Officers 10 General Information History 16 Buildings and Equipment 19 Student Health 24 Student Life and Organizations 28 Honors and Prizes 34 Scholarships and Loans 38 Method and Terms of Admission 42 Degree Requirements 50 Expenses 55 Special Information The Library 63 Suggested Outlines of Courses 65 Student Advisers 76 Departments and Courses of Instruction 77 The Conservatory of Music 126 Society of the Alumni 136 Degrees Conferred June 1937 139 Student Enrollment 145 Geographical Census 157 Summary of Attendance , 158 Index 19} 1937 • 1938 • I93S 1939 JULY JANUARY JULY JANUARY ' » f H T I ■! 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L»LI1LIJL ■ IS I III T F | 5 1 1 S 3 I 6 I 2 si 41 t1 Si 7 1| l! I 4l t 2 4 61 1 8 V 10 11 12 - V 111 II IS IS II 8 I 1011 12 S II 12 IS 14 16 III 17 I- IV SH I.', 16 17 IH IB 20 21 IS•I II' It II 17 l« III IS 17 ivie 20 21 -1- S! SI 26 26 2 II ii 14 s:. se s7 s- IS SI II S3 24 26 SS 22 23 21 26,26 27 2VSOSI... .. .. .. s; s- sv so,..!.. 20 i" .1 DECEMBER JUNE DECEMBER JUNE I IH 111 I M|T T|fl« 8 »< 4 ...... i t; s! 4 ".I." ||*|S U Ii' II .■'6 3- I I" II 4 6i e s tv »10 4 ft 6 12 13 II I.", II: I II IS II It 16 17 I'- 11 U IS II If. 1*11" li 1f I :i ie!i7 II S3 ;l J ll' si. SI II II si ::. i» in M --'I ?•: sx ii l- 19 SO II tt -'-I n 26 17 -- ."I 51 I • St. s. 28 :■, i ?;■ '_'B s; *_'■ an so ;n tl :>\ :: ■_"- -.'ii :m . k.-1-H". The University Calendar 1938 Spring Vacation begins Friday April 1.4 P.M. Spring Vacation ends Monday April 11.8A.M. Mother*! Day Saturday-Sunday May 7-8 Comprehensive Examinat'ns (senior ■(Thursday-Saturday May 19-21 Memorial Day (holiday) Monday May 30 Examination Study Day < m> <•>*■*•- l Wednesday June 1 Final Examinations Thursday-Friday June 2-10 Meeting oi the Board of Trustees Saturday June 11 Alumni Day Saturday June 11 Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday June 12 Commencement Monday June 13. 10 A.M. Pn -Mint's Reception Monday June 13,12 noon COLLEGE YEAR 1938-19.19 pjk. I'ir-i Semester opens Monday September 12 Freshman Week Monday-Thursday September 12-15 Registration of former students Wednesday Sepl. 14,1 :.!0-S p.m. Registration of new students Thursday September 15 Classes organized Friday Sept. 16.8 A.M. First Convocation Friday Sept. 16,10 A.M. Home-coming Saturday October 15 DuTi Day Saturday November 12 Thanksgiving Vacation begins Wednesday -Nov. 23, 12:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Vacation ends Monday Nov. 28,8 A.M. Christmas Vacation begins Saturday Dec. 17, 12 noon 1939 Chri.tmas Vacation ends Tuesday Jan. 3,8 A.M. »H■■■ Examination Study Day (no claw ) Wednesday January 18 Mid-year Final Examinations Thursday-Friday January 19-27 Second Semester begins Monday January 30 Registration of all students Monday January 30 Washington's Birthday (holiday) Wednesday February 22 Spring Vacation begins Friday March31,4 P.M. Spring Vacation ends Monday April 10, 8 A.M. Mother's Day Saturday-Sunday May 13-14 ( omprebensive Examinat'ns (■enior«>Thursday-Saturda> May 18-20 Memorial Day (holiday) Tuesday May 30 Examination Study Day (no cliuei) Wednesday May 31 Final (examinations Thursday-Friday June 1-9 i onunencenient Monday June 12 5 Tc> ALL NEW STUMNTS: Denison University extends to you a hemrty welcome. To qualify foi entrance to Denison in- dicates a high level oi previous achievement. We welcome you, therefore, for what you have done and for what you are. We welcome you also because of our high hope that having begun well, you will continue to achieve distinction. To quote an ancient friend of man, "He not weary in well doing!" We wel- come you to all the factors in our community life which will contribute to the development of your best and largest self. We assume that in coming to this school, you are ready to become a helpful member of our co-operative community, made up of students, faculty, administrative officers and citizens of Granvillc. You stand at the open door of a great opportunity, a real land of promise. What you may win from it depends almost wholly on yourself. If your attitude is one of "getting by", with the least effort and co-operation, then it is not worth while to start. We believe, however, that you will come all the way in at the beginning, and will be constantly asking "How can I make the most of these opportunities?" With that at- titude you will find everyone ready to help you gain the Utmost i I the riches waiting for you here. A. A. SHAW, President. Board of Trustees OFFICERS or THE HOARD DAVID E. GREEN. B.S., I.I..B., LL.D.. CHAIRMAN CUL EDWARD A. DEEDS, B.S., D.ENO., FIRST VICE CHAIRMAN \V PORTER BECK, B.S.. M.S., SECOND VICE CHAIRMAN REV. MILLARM BREESFORD, A.B., D.D., SECRETARY HENRY A. STOUT, TREASURER MEMBERS Ex-Offleio PRESIDENT AVERT A. SHAW, D.D., I.L.D., D.C.L. Class I—Term Expires June, 1938 W. PORTER BECK* U.S.. MS 345 Founh Avc, Pittsburgh, Pa.
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