Marginal Notes on Chadic Lexical Roots with *N- (Addenda Et Corrigenda to O.V

Marginal Notes on Chadic Lexical Roots with *N- (Addenda Et Corrigenda to O.V

Marginal notes on Chadic lexical roots with *n- (Addenda et corrigenda to O.V. Stolbova’s Chadic Lexical Database, Issue I: L, N, NY, R) Gábor Takács Hungarian Academy of Science Eötvös Loránd University Abstract. This paper examines the Afro-Asiatic etymologies of Chadic lexical roots discussed by Olga V. Stolbova in her Chadic Lexical Database, Issue I (2005). The analysis is arranged according to the following sections: (1) Common Chadic reconstructions, (2) Isolated Chadic roots that nevertheless have Afro-Asiatic cognates. The paper represents the third part of my longer series of papers on addenda et corrigenda to Chadic lexical roots. Introduction In this part of my longer series of papers on addenda et corrigenda to Chadic lexical roots, I will deal with those containing an *n- in the Anlaut. This paper in fact represents addenda et corrigenda to O.V. Stolbova’s most recent ‘Chadic Lexical Database, Issue I: L, N, NY, R’ (published in Kaluga: Poligrafiya, 2005), which is so far the most detailed elaboration of reconstructed Chadic lexical roots with initial *l-, *n-, and *r-. The etymological material discussed is divided into two sections, namely (1) that with reconstructed Chadic roots (even if attested purely within one and the same group) and (2) that with isolated Chadic forms, respectively. My remarks overwhelmingly carry additional information (new AA comparanda or those neglected by Stolbova) and sometimes corrections to Stolbova’s comparisons. Since this is not a review stricto sensu, I am not going to list the misprints that are unfortunately quite abundant in this book. Anyhow, neither of my remarks can diminish the serious values of this undisputably original compendium containing numerous precious insights into the historical development of the Chadic lexicon. Chadic reconstructions ● Ch. *nV ‘to come, go’ [Stl. 2005, 96, #325]: add WCh.: Bade n- ‘gehen, kommen’ [Lks. 1974–75, 103] || CCh.: Margi ná (particle before verb meaning an order) lit. ‘come (and ...)!’ [Hfm. apud RK 1973, 127] | Mboku nạ and Hurza nạ ~ ni ‘venir’ ISSN 1648–2662. ACTA ORIENTALIA VILNENSIA 9.1 (2008): 17–45 18 GÁBOR TAKÁCS [Mch. 1953, 173] | Masa na ‘aller’ [Ctc. 1983, 120] = na ‘aller’ [Brt.-Jng. 1990, 107], Gizey nà ‘aller’ [Ajl. 2001, 2], although the latter forms may better go back to *nda, cf. Ham & Musey ndà ‘aller’ [Ajl.]. The long vowel in WCh.: Bubure náawòo ‘to come’ [Hrn. 1992 MS, #f224] has to be explained. The comparison with Geez na«a ~ na«ā ~ nə«ā (suppletive form, imper. tante) ‘come! come now! up!’ [Lsl. 1987, 382] and Ar. nhw/y ‘venir, arriver’ [BK II 1359] (at a time!) excludes one another. The choice between the AA comparanda is uncertain. (1) The Geez root and its ES kindred have been explained from a different basic sense (Dlg. 1969, 237; Lsl. l.c.; OL 1998, 61; discussed in a most detailed form by Testen 1997, 175, §2.2). (2) On the other hand, this ES root has been alternatively affiliated (by Alb. 1918, 98; 1927, 219; Cohen 1947, #447; Dlg. 1969, 237) with Eg. n«j ‘gehen, kommen’ ~ ‘im Schiff fahren’ (OK, Wb II 206, 7–12) = ‘fahren’ (ÜKAPT VI 138) > Dem. n« ‘kommen (im futurischen Sinne)’ (Erichsen 1954, 373) > Cpt. (OSAB) na ‘gehen’, with the prep. e- ‘unterwegs sein, zukommen, passen’ (KHW 116). The Geez-Eg. etymology was declined by Hintze (1951, 85, §447) as ‘unwahrscheinlich’. (3) Dahalo nā«- ‘to go’, nā«-am-eđiđ- ‘to walk about’ [EEN 1989, 39] ||| SOm.: (?) Hamer Ÿa ‘to come, arrive’ [Lydall, Flm. apud Bnd. 1994, 147] and/or Banna ni"- ‘to come’ [Ehret]. For Eg.-Ngz.-Banna see also Ehret 1995, 323, #627. ● Ch. *nV ‘to fill’ [Stl. 2005, 96, #326]: add CCh.: NMargi nyu ‘remplir’ [Krf./Brt.- Jng.] | Bata nà ‘to fill’ [Pwd. 2000, 59], Gude na ‘to fill, become full’ [Hsk. 1983, 246] | Malgwa ná ‘3. füllen’ [Löhr 2002, 303] || ECh.: (?) Nancere nyó ‘ramasser’ [Brt.- Jng.] | Mokilko "ònné ‘suffisant’ [Jng. 1990, 154] (for Mokilko "V- see Takács 2002). For further Ch. reflexes see Brt.-Jng. 1990, 75, 77, 78, 85, 88, 93, 115–6. AA cognates appear in Eg. nj ‘remplir d’eau’ (AL 78.1974) = ‘füllen (mit Wasser)’ (GHWb 391). Stolbova’s supposition about two var. PCh. roots may be corroborated here, cf. Ch. *nVγV [Stl.] > WCh.: Bade nuhwi CCh.: Bura nhyi nhyi ‘gefüllt, voll’, nhye-nta ‘(er) füllen’ [Hfm./RK 1973, 94] | Mandara-Mora ānnāha ‘full’ [Egc. 1969, 140], which fit Ar. √nh" I ‘être rempli, bourré’ [BK II 1351]. ● Ch. *nV ‘to be (present), exist, become’ [Stl. 2005, 96, #327]: add WCh.: Angas nee ~ n‘ ‘sein (?)’ [Jng. 1962 MS, 28] | Karekare na ‘être, se trouver’ [Pls.], Dera na ‘être, se trouver’ [Pls.] vs. nínì ‘es gibt, gab’ [Jng. 1966 MS, 12] | Boghom náa ‘(wo) sein’ [Jng. 1965, 177] | Bade nàa ‘es gibt’ [Lks. 1973–74, 103], Ngizim nàa ‘there is/ are’ [Schuh 1981, 121] (WCh.: Pls. 1958, 83, #62) || CCh.: Margi nà ‘to be(come)’ [Hfm./RK 1973, 127] | Uldeme này ‘être’ [Clm. 1986, 139] = -náy- ‘être (là)’ [Clm. 1997, 209], Gisiga ne ‘vorhanden sein, da sein’ [Lks. 1970, 132] | Musgu: Girvidik na ‘sein, sich befinden’ [MB 1972–73, 70], Puss naa ‘être présent’ [Trn. 1991, 108]. Comes from the common AA heritage, being akin to Eth.-Sem. (from Cu.): Amh. nä- Marginal notes ON CHAD IC LEXICAL roots WITH *N- 19 ‘to be (stative copula)’ [Hds.] ||| LECu.: Saho-Afar na ‘esse, sein, sich befinden’ [Rn. 1890, 278–9] = ‘essere’ [CR 1913, 72], Boni ne"-ed (med.) ‘werden’ [Heine 1980, 99] | HECu.: Burji -na ‘to be (stative copula)’ [Hds.], Sidamo no ‘essere, esistere’ [Mrn.] = nō ‘esserci’ [Crl.] = no ~ nô (defective verb) ‘to be’ [Gsp. 1983, 247], Hadiya nä ‘è (copula)’ [Crl.] (HECu. parallels: Hds. 1989, 24) ||| NOm.: Kaffa ne ‘sein (indeclinables Verbum)’ [Rn. 1888, 322] = ne ‘(copula)’ [Mrn.] = ne ‘è (copula)’ [Crl.] (Cu.-Om.: Mrn. 1940, 231; Crl. 1951, 477). ● Ch. *nV > *nù ~ *nVy ‘1. to fall, go down, 2. put down’ [Stl. 2005, 97, #328]: add WCh.: Maha "ìnáayò ‘laisser tomber’ [Alio 1988 MS] | Ngizim nìyú ‘to submerge, go downward’ [Schuh 1981, 128] || CCh.: Mofu nìyáhá ‘to lie down’ [Rsg. 1978, 282, #424] | Musgu-Puss niwi ‘Untergang (der Sonne)’ [MB 1972 MS, 10] | Lame nó"ó ‘1. mettre dans, enfoncer, plonger, 2. mettre (parure, vêtement du bas), 3. baisser (tête, yeux), 4. se coucher (pour le soleil)’ [Scn. 1982, 378] (listed by Stolbova 2005, 100, #341 in a separate entry) || ECh.: Mokilko -né ‘là-bas (dont on a déjà parlé)’ [Jng. 1990, 144]. The relatedness of CCh.: Masa ni:á ‘to fall down’ [Jng.] suggested by Stolbova is dubious, cf. WCh.: Wangday nā ‘to fall’ [IL] < WCh. *nd ‘to fall’ [GT] (present in NBauchi and SBauchi). Similarly, Barreteau and Jungraithmayr (1990, 140) explained also CCh.: NMofu n- ‘se coucher’ | Masa ni ~ ne ‘tomber’ etc. from Ch. *√n-d ‘coucher, tomber’. Cf. Masa gr.: Gizey nì, Ham ndì, Musey ndì ~ dìk, Lew ndèk, Marba ndè ‘tomber’ (Masa: Ajl. 2001, 55). Stolbova’s proposal to derive also WCh.: Kulere nyà ‘liegen, sich (nieder)legen, schlafen’ [Jng. 1970, 354, 392] is equally unconvincing, cf. Fyer nyèr ‘id.’ [Jng. 1970, 392, 88], Karfa nyây ‘to lie down’ [Seibert 2000 MS, #f008]. It is puzzling why Stolbova lists CCh.: Logone nal (!) ‘to fill’ [JI] under this root. A possible AA cognate appears in Eg. nj ‘niederwerfen’ (PT, Wb II 201, 8) = ‘niederstoßen’ (NBÄ 692, n. 789). ● CCh. *nV ‘to scratch, notch’ [Stl. 2005, 97, #329a]: perhaps better *√n-w with regard to Daba nŒwà ‘scarifications’ [LG] and Ar. nwn (partial redupl.) ‘marquer, tatouer avec aiguille’ [BK] (quoted by Stl.). Highly noteworthy are also Eg. nw.t ‘Werkzeug: der Dächsel des Zimmermanns, viell. bildlich für die Kralle’ (PT, Wb II 216, 1) ||| Bed. nawe (f) ‘Dorn, Stachel, Gabel’ [Rn. 1895, 186] = ‘thorn, fork, sting’ [Rpr. 1928, 226] ||| CCh.: Kotoko *nVwV ‘finger’ [GT after Slk. 1967, 259]. Cf. Zhl. 1932–33, 168 (Eg.-Bed.); Blz. 1994 MS Bed., 29 (Bed.-Eg.-Kotoko). ● CCh. *nV ‘to love, want’ [Stl. 2005, 97, #330]: add CCh.: Daba ne ‘démander’ [Mch. 1966, 141] | Peve ...nε... ‘to ask’ [Schubert 1971 MS, 15, #325]. The comparison with both Eg. nḥj and Ar. nw« and nwy at a time cannot be accepted. (1) For the former cp. also Ar. naḥw- ‘intention, dessein’ [Fagnan 1923, 169]. (2) For the latter, in turn, cp. Ug. n«- (?) ‘to require, ask’ [Segert 1984, 194]. 20 GÁBOR TAKÁCS ● Ch. *nù ‘to lack, be absent, fail’ [Stl. 2005, 98, #334]: add also WCh.: Bokkos níí-ìmâ ‘vergessen’ [Jng. 1970, 145] may belong here, cf. esp. CCh.: Bura ni ‘to lose out, fail to accomplish what one sets out to do’ [BED 1953, 160]. In the long -aa- of ECh.: WDangla náàyè ‘perdre, égarer’ [Fédry 1971, 215], the trace of AA *-h- may be preserved. The comparison with Hbr. √"lh ‘to fall short’ [KB 49] is unconvincing. For this distinct AA root cf. rather Ar. lhw: I ‘1. den Verlust einer Sache verschmerzen, 2. vergessen’, VIII ‘mit einer Sache so beschäftigt sein, dass man eine andere darüber vergisst’ [Růžička 1911, 133] = lahiya ‘négliger, oublier’ [Dozy II 553] || Jibbali εlhé ‘to overlook’ [Jns. 1977, 83] ||| SCu.: Ma’a -láha [l- never < *n-] ‘to be lost’, -lahá-ti ‘to lose’ [Ehret 1974 MS, 39] ||| CCh.: Mofu-Gudur -ləh-́ ‘(s’)échapper, se sauver, manquer, rater’ [Brt. 1988, 156] | Kola lε ‘perdre’ [Wdk. 1975, 101] | Peve ...lέk... ‘to lose’ (sg.) [Schubert 1971 MS, 16, #332]. For Ch. *nù (from *nVh?), in turn, cp. better Eg. nhj ‘entgehen, verfehlen, Mangel haben/leiden’ (PT, ÜKAPT VI 141; Spiegel 1971, 484, 442–3, fn. 23) > nh.w ‘Verlust, Verminderung’ (MK, Wb II 281, 1) ||| LECu.: Saho nah (part.) ‘nicht, ohne seiend’ [Rn.

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