Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 1-11-1967 The aB tes Student - volume 93 number 12 - January 11, 1967 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 93 number 12 - January 11, 1967" (1967). The Bates Student. 1517. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1517 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ?i "Bates Stuitcnt Vol. XCIII, No. 12 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, JANUARY 11, 1967 By Subscription PRESIDENT REYNOLDS ISSUES CHALLENGE "We stand on the thres- hold of educational oppor- tunities unsurpassed in the SERVICE REMEMBERS history of this institution. We are here because of what others have done for us in the past. What we do BATES STUDENTS now is up to us. Let us move ahead with courage By Linda Knox The quiet thoughtfulness of and imagination so that w» A memorial service for Pat- the large congregation fol- may convert unique oppor- ricia Ann Hubbard and John lowing the service was a *"^ tunity to solid achieve- Robert Malcolm was held in measure of the campus-wide ment. I shall call on you the chapel last Sunday night. fooling of shock, pity, and all for ideas, for boldness, Both students were killed questioning. Dr. Brown in his for good sense, and for when their single-car passen- prayer noted that all of us at hard work; and with faith ger train crashed into a stalled Bates have been saddened by in the strength of our mu- oil truck at an unguarded these two deaths whether we tual dedication we will, in- crossing in Everett, Mass. Ten knew Pat and John intimate- deed, move forward to a other persons were killed and ly, casually, or not at all; new position of education- eighteen were injured in the such a tragedy forces us to al service worthy of our accident which happened see "how brittle the span of founders and of our na- early Wednesday morning, time can be." He prayed thai tion." December 28, 1966. Pat was a this hurt we now feel, pre- sophomore English major Fifth Bates President Thom- venting "us from speaking as Hedley Reynolds issued from Beverly, Mass. John, a their names lest there be senior from Lexington, Mass., this challenge to the Bates tears" be healed, and that we community in his First Con- was majoring in Economics. may be able to find some in- At the service, Dr. David vocation Address on January ner resource to help us ac- 3. Speaking of our "right and Nelson offered words in mem- cept the deaths of this young need" to get the measure of ory of Patricia, while Profes- couple. our new president, he out- sor Carl Straub expressed his memories of John. Since, as lined his opinions on several Prof. Straub said, "words in contemporary issues in edu- cation. memory can be but the mood CONTROVERSIAL and memories of one," the Function and Role thoughts spoken by these two CORRESPONDENT "Students must in this day President Thomas Hedley Reynolds and age become specialists," professors in remembrance of Photo by Hartwell their former students served TO SPEAK according to President Rey- to stimulate each member of nolds, because of the explo- sion of knowledge in our the congregation both to re- Mr. William Worthy Jr., cor- time. The specialists must be call these two young people respondent of the Baltimore DANCE MIME MARTA BECKET as he personally had known able to understand each Afro-American, graduate of other, however, and a liberal them and to try to find his Bates College, Nieman Fellow PRESENTS VARIED SKETCHES own form of comfort for this arts college's principal job is in Journalism at Harvard in to nurture future specialists "grievous loss." Maybe, it was 1956-1957, and Ford Founda- By Larry Billings Vaudeville," in which five suggested, solace can be Tomorrow evening at 8:00 characters audition for an together in the humanistic tion Fellow in African Stud- tradition of our civilization. found in the following words ies in 1959-60, will speak in I p.m. in the Little Theatre the agent determined to resurrect of Dylan Thomas: "After the The role of the small lib- the Little Theater this Friday ! Concert-Lecture Series will "the good old days." first death, there is no other.-' eral arts college is that of at 7:30 p.m. on "The News We i present Marta Becket, well- This unusual offering orig- Or perhaps comfort can be ob- emphasizing the education of Do Not Get." He will consider i known New York dance inated when a dance troupe tained from a belief in the the individual. President Rey- a number of domestic and in- mime. Miss Becket will exe- which Miss Becket had as- Tightness of the will of God. cute a program in which she nolds said that "individual ternational issues and will ex- sembled to perform a Turkish portrays nineteen different people mature, and find plain why the American pub- ballet disbanded. Since the characters through the arts of act had been scheduled for themselves in such a variety lic is continuously taken by dance and mime. review by an agent, she, ful- of ways that the deliberate surprise by developments long Miss Becket's solo perform- filled the commitment by an creation and continuation of Debators Win in the making. ance entails the presentation impromptu performance in an educational atmosphere His professional agent, notes of as many as nine charac- which she enacted all the which pays more attention to The Bates debaters com- several controversial activi- ters in the same ballet roles. Her program has since the individual student will peted Saturday with seven ties by Worthy. through the judicious use of been repeated over 600 times always be a necessity." schools at the University of 1956 — deported from the masks, lighting, costume for colleges, universities, Size Maine in Portland. Max Stein- Union of South Africa, where changes, and special lighting. clubs, and civic cultural or- Although Bates should re- heimer '67 and Charlotte he had gone as a correspon- This program, for which Miss ganizations. She has been main small, President Rey- Singer '67 presented the nega- dent for the Baltimore Afro- Becket also provides the warmly received in both Car- nolds emphasized that the tive argument and won all American and CBS News. script, choreography, and cos- negie Hall and Town Hall in question of size is relative four of their debates. Max 1957 — "unauthorized" six- tume and stage decor designs, New York City. and that the "principal objec- Steinheimer was also award- week trip to China. Passport opens with "Curtain Raiser," On Broadway tive here is to be a first-rate ed a plaque for being the top taken away by the Dept. of in which she plays Colum- Marta Becket has danced in college of a size which per- negative speaker in the tour- State and never renewed (last bine, Harlequin, and Pierrot. Broadway musicals such as mits an atmosphere suffi- nament. Howard Melnick '68 formal application on April This is followed by a classi- "Show Boat," "A Tree Grows ciently intimate to keep the and Sue Francis '68 debated 16, 1964; last rejection, May 8, cal dance of the romantic in Brooklyn," and "Wonderful students squarely in focus as the affirmative side winning 1964.) era; "La Grande Perform- Town." She has been a guest the center of attention." How one out of four, and Howard 1960-1961 — four fact-find- ance," a parody on a ballet soloist with a number of large a college may get be- Melnick was selected as the ing trips to Cuba with the dancer of the Degas era; symphony orchestras and bal- fore it ceases to be small is second best affirmative fourth (1961) in the fact of a "Gossip," a tri-character short let companies, including the not known, but Bates must be speaker. The overall record U. S. ban on travel to that story; a wild Slavonic dance; Charleston, West Virginia big enough to afford those for Bates was five wins and country. In the resulting furor and a Turkish fairy tale to Civic Ballet, Baltimore Mu- educational facilities and fac- three losses placing them over government control and ethnic music. Miss Becket seum of Art, Buffalo Philhar- ulty making for a first-rate third in the tourney. Con't Pg. 5/Col. 2 concludes with "Come Back Con't Pg. 5/CoL 3 Con't Pg. 3/Col. 1 TWO *'fi BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, JANUARY 11, 1967 Excerpts From Convocation Address . Education, and particu- tinue to cultivate the dedi- order to afford the capital fa- larly higher education, is the cated participation of great cilities necessary to the qual- means whereby the wisdom of teachers. A college president ity of education which we are the ages is transmitted to our is only the principal ancillary involved in producing, then young. If we fail in this proc- service in a college and one we must increase our size. If. ess, we will not even have the of his primary functions is to for example, more teaching opportunity of attempting the assist, indeed to direct, the facilities, a better library, then difficult solutions which lie procedures which may accom- we must expand, providing ahead of us.
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