135°45'E 135°50'E 135°55'E NNTR attachment: SCD2016/001 Schedule 2 - Part B - Hundred of Lincoln - Part 1 of 3 Page 1 of 19, A3, 23/06/2016 [varied by court order 06/04/2018] Louth Bay Hundred of Hundred of Louth Wanilla North Shields S443 S205 S477 S476 S481 S156 F216503A97 F216503A96 S204 S157 S202 S478 S444 S211 S210 S138 S513 F216503A95 S212 S514 S209 S137 F17131A33 S160 D54724A52 D67862A100 D66019A12 F147910A1 S152 D85840A50 F179981A759 F17131A32 F156084A1 S134 F179982A760 S85 F17131A31 See S186 Hundred of Lincoln S77 S254 D110930 S74 S37 See A10 S178 Mapsheet 2 S75 D110930A11 D88933Q3 Hundred of Lincoln S89 F6000A1 Mapsheet 7 F6000A4 F6326A5 34°40'S 34°40'S Barngarla Determination Area S87 F36499A21 D42957A23 F6000 S29 A2 F6326A4 Spencer Gulf S171 D77191A500 SAD6011/1998 F6000A3 F6326A3 D93428A42 S146 D93428A41 S222 S221 Schedule 2 - Part B F6326A1 Boston Bay S543 S217 D66275A63 D88732Q21 S471 Hundred of Lincoln F72A6 Boston Island D78043A2 Mapsheet 1 of 59 S465 D78043A1 Harbor of F2860A2 Port Lincoln S229 0 1 2 3 4 S230 D39256A2 OH (Lincoln) S106 kilometres S464 D57355A508 S118 S226 D39256A4 S214 Map Datum : GDA94 S315 S316 S307 S299 S60 S309 D14219A3 S306 S310 Native Title Exists Hundred of S401 F164797Q91 S508 S305 Uley S511 Port Lincoln Exclusive Native Title Exists D13984Q3 Native Title Extinguished S117 S83 C20658 S79 S92 S1235 S466 S78 Porter Bay S1236 Native Title Exists by application of See See Bicker Isles s47 or s47A NTA D56556A1 S1237 S507 Hundred of Lincoln S93 Hundred of Lincoln Mapsheet 16 S91 Kathai Mapsheet 18 Kathai S499 D17236A5 Native Title Status to be confirmed in ILUA 34°45'S Conservation 34°45'S S535 Park S328 S95 S187 F179467A245 D56556A2 External Boundary of Determination Area S495 S642 NPWA Reserve Grantham Tulka North IslandIsland Shack Site Shack Site HNA Harbor Spalding Cove Pastoral Lease Port Lincoln Proper Government Town Tulka Hundred Lincoln Shack Site Conservation Park Tulka Out of Hundreds Tulka West Shack Site Road (delineated in a public map) Flinders Shack Site Parcels as at 15 May 2016 Hundred of Flinders DISCLAIMER This map has been produced from data or documents of varying accuracy and sources. The State of South Australia expressly disclaims Hundred of all and any liability to any person, in respect of anything done or omitted Lincoln to be done by any person in reliance, whether in part or entirely, upon Sleaford Sleaford Mere the whole or any part of the information provided on this map. Conservation Park National Park 34°50'S 34°50'S 135°45'E 135°50'E 135°55'E (14/06/2016) LTSS GIS Unit 2015045_057_Hundreds 135°43'E 135°44'E 135°45'E 135°46'E 135°47'E NNTR attachment: SCD2016/001 Schedule 2 - Part B - Hundred of Lincoln - Part 1 of 3 Page 2 of 19, A3, 23/06/2016 [varied by court order 06/04/2018] Hundred of Hundred of Wanilla Louth S479 See S443 Hundred of Lincoln Mapsheet 3 S480 34°38'S 34°38'S S156 S476 S481 F216503A96 Hundred of S477 S157 S179 Lincoln S444 F216503A97 S478 S513 F147910A2 S514 F147910A1 Barngarla Determination Area S160 S193 D66019A12 SAD6011/1998 S152 D67862A100 D85840A50 Schedule 2 - Part B 34°39'S 34°39'S See S199 Hundred of Lincoln Hundred of Lincoln D66019A11 Mapsheet 4 S653 Mapsheet 2 of 59 S177 S85 S302 D57884A31 0 1 2 D57884A33 F17131A31 S186 S77 S254 kilometres D88933Q3 D110930A10 Map Datum : GDA94 D57884A34 S178 S74 S75 S252 S253 R1561AA D110930A11 Native Title Exists S89 D66275A64 Exclusive Native Title Exists 34°40'S F6000A4 34°40'S F180286A254 Native Title Extinguished S87 F180288A256 D42957A23 S171 Native Title Exists by application of Uley s47 or s47A NTA Hundred of F203770A92 D66275A61 F6000A3 Native Title Status to be confirmed in ILUA S146 External Boundary of Determination Area S221 S554 NPWA Reserve S219 F211017A231 F171187A94 S543 D67108A51 S217 HNA Harbor D67108A50 S509 D20773A1 Pastoral Lease S140 F161561A91 34°41'S D71667A1 34°41'S D66275A63 D20773A2 D88732Q21 F126379A3 Government Town S471 F216870A95 F180280A248 D49610A12 Hundred D90927A11 F102953A3 D49610A11 Road (delineated in a public map) See F7435A1 F211612A826 See Hundred of Lincoln Hundred of Lincoln Mapsheet 5 Mapsheet 6 F211330A544 F213766A102 D13422A5 F213748A91 S462 F213766A98 F213766A103 Parcels as at 15 May 2016 F213754A91 D13422A6 F213766A99 F213766A104 F213757A122 DISCLAIMER F2860A2 This map has been produced from data or documents of varying S465 accuracy and sources. The State of South Australia expressly disclaims F213749A92 all and any liability to any person, in respect of anything done or omitted S464 S118 to be done by any person in reliance, whether in part or entirely, upon 34°42'S 34°42'S the whole or any part of the information provided on this map. S546 S230 S106 S229 S463 F160969A1 135°43'E 135°44'E 135°45'E 135°46'E 135°47'E LTSS GIS Unit 2015045_058_Hundreds_25000 (14/06/2016) 135°42'30"E 135°42'40"E 135°42'50"E NNTR attachment: SCD2016/001 Schedule 2 - Part B - Hundred of Lincoln - Part 1 of 3 Page 3 of 19, A3, 23/06/2016 [varied by court order 06/04/2018] Hundred of Wanilla Hundred of Lincoln 34°37'40"S 34°37'40"S R919AK Barngarla Determination Area SAD6011/1998 Schedule 2 - Part B Hundred of Lincoln Mapsheet 3 of 59 S479 0 50 100 150 metres Map Datum : GDA94 S195 Native Title Exists 34°37'50"S 34°37'50"S Exclusive Native Title Exists Native Title Extinguished Native Title Exists by application of s47 or s47A NTA Native Title Status to be confirmed in ILUA Hundred of Uley S480 External Boundary of Determination Area NPWA Reserve R919AJ S477 HNA Harbor R919AJ Pastoral Lease Government Town Hundred Road (delineated in a public map) 34°38'S 34°38'S S179 Parcels as at 15 May 2016 DISCLAIMER S478 This map has been produced from data or documents of varying accuracy and sources. The State of South Australia expressly disclaims all and any liability to any person, in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by any person in reliance, whether in part or entirely, upon the whole or any part of the information provided on this map. 135°42'30"E 135°42'40"E 135°42'50"E LTSS GIS Unit 2015045_060_Hundreds_2500 (14/06/2016) 135°44'E 135°44'30"E 135°45'E 135°45'30"E NNTR attachment: SCD2016/001 Schedule 2 - Part B - Hundred of Lincoln - Part 1 of 3 Page 4 of 19, A3, 23/06/2016 [varied by court order 06/04/2018] S476 S481 S156 S444 S157 34°38'30"S 34°38'30"S Hundred of Lincoln D66019A12 S514 Barngarla Determination Area D67862A100 D85840 A51 SAD6011/1998 D85840A50 Schedule 2 - Part B D85840 A52 34°39'S 34°39'S Hundred of Lincoln D85840A53 Mapsheet 4 of 59 D67862A101 D66019A11 0 200 400 600 S193 metres R919AH Map Datum : GDA94 S152 S177 Native Title Exists S151B Exclusive Native Title Exists D57884A33 Native Title Extinguished D57884A31 S302 Native Title Exists by application of F216156A91 s47 or s47A NTA 34°39'30"S 34°39'30"S Native Title Status to be confirmed in ILUA D88933Q3 External Boundary of Determination Area R919AF R919AF NPWA Reserve D88933A2 S178 HNA Harbor Pastoral Lease S473 Government Town D57884A34 Hundred Road (delineated in a public map) D66275A64 D110930A11 34°40'S S197 34°40'S Parcels as at 15 May 2016 D88933Q4 D42957A23 D66275A61 DISCLAIMER S543 This map has been produced from data or documents of varying S512 accuracy and sources. The State of South Australia expressly disclaims all and any liability to any person, in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by any person in reliance, whether in part or entirely, upon the whole or any part of the information provided on this map. D66275A63 135°44'E 135°44'30"E 135°45'E 135°45'30"E LTSS GIS Unit 2015045_059_Hundreds_10000 (14/06/2016) 135°45'E 135°45'30"E 135°46'E 135°46'30"E NNTR attachment: SCD2016/001 S87 Schedule 2 - Part B - Hundred of Lincoln - Part 1 of 3 F180286A254 Page 5 of 19, A3, 23/06/2016 [varied by court order 06/04/2018] D47086 A24 S146 D42957A23 D66275A61 34°40'30"S 34°40'30"S D66275A62 S146 Hundred of F180285 S554 A253 Lincoln D66275A65 F211017A231 closed closed road road D67108A51 D67108A50 S197 Barngarla Determination Area S509 SAD6011/1998 former Section 109 Schedule 2 - Part B S140 F212678A104 34°41'S 34°41'S Hundred of Lincoln Mapsheet 5 of 59 D66275A63 0 200 400 600 S471 metres F216870A95 Map Datum : GDA94 F180274A242 F7435A2 Native Title Exists Exclusive Native Title Exists F7435A1 Native Title Extinguished Native Title Exists by application of s47 or s47A NTA 34°41'30"S 34°41'30"S Native Title Status to be confirmed in ILUA D13422A5 External Boundary of Determination Area NPWA Reserve HNA Harbor Pastoral Lease D13422A6 F2860A2 Government Town F6266A3 Hundred S465 Road (delineated in a public map) S118 S196 34°42'S 34°42'S Parcels as at 15 May 2016 DISCLAIMER This map has been produced from data or documents of varying accuracy and sources. The State of South Australia expressly disclaims S106 all and any liability to any person, in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by any person in reliance, whether in part or entirely, upon the whole or any part of the information provided on this map. 135°45'E 135°45'30"E 135°46'E 135°46'30"E LTSS GIS Unit 2015045_059_Hundreds_10000 (14/06/2016) 135°47'E 135°47'30"E 135°48'E 135°48'30"E 135°49'E NNTR attachment: SCD2016/001 Schedule 2 - Part B - Hundred of Lincoln - Part 1 of 3 F6326A4 F180286A254 F6000A2 Page 6 of 19, A3, 23/06/2016 [varied by court order 06/04/2018] F203770A92 S146 F6326A3 F6000A3 D67108A51 S171 34°40'30"S 34°40'30"S D93428A41 F180287 A255 S222 F180285A253 Hundred of S221 Lincoln F211018A232 F6326A1 F211017A231 S219 R1561APC D72489A78 F104860A6 F171187A94 D72489A66 D72489A77 D72489A72
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