232 THE NATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL OF INDIA VOL. 6, NO.5, 1993 Indian Medical Colleges The National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad T. C. RAGHURAM, V. REDDY INTRODUCTION Osmania University on a sprawling 33-acre site. Three blocks The National Institute of Nutrition of the Indian Council of buildings constitute the Institute complex. A two-storey of Medical Research celebrates its Platinum Jubilee in 1993 main building with 70 rooms has a floor space of about after completing 75 years of distinguished and dedicated 100000 sq ft and provides space for several laboratories, service to the nation. The Institute which made a humble a library and offices of the Director and administration. beginning in 1918 as a 'Beri-beri Enquiry Unit' in one room The Golden Jubilee block, added in 1969, is the main of the Pasteur Institute in Coonoor, Tamil Nadu under attraction for visitors as it has a spacious nutrition museum Sir Robert McCarrison has blossomed into a leading centre with captivating displays and a well-furnished conference for nutrition research in India. hall. The Gopalan block, a three-storey building, accommo- dates the Food and Drug Research Centre and the National DEVELOPMENT Nutrition Monitoring Bureau. In addition to these three The 'Beri-beri Enquiry Unit' at Coonoor became the main buildings, there is the Laboratory Animal Information 'Deficiency Disease Enquiry' in 1925 and later in 1929, the Service facility located in an adjacent large complex as well Nutrition Research Laboratories with Dr McCarrison as as several service departments, an International Hostel, a its first Director. He was succeeded by Drs W. R. Aykroyd Guest House and staff quarters which are spread over the (1935-45) and R. Passmore (1945-46) and then Dr V. N. campus. Patwardhan, the first Indian Director (1946-60). During There is a beautiful ornamental garden with seasonal this period, the laboratories expanded their activities to flowers and picturesque lawns. The model nutrition garden include clinical, biochemical and community nutrition. How- with a small farm house not only serves to promote nutrition ever, as the facilities available at Coonoor were inadequate education but also enhances the beauty of the immaculately for these diversified activities, the laboratories were shifted maintained campus. to the present spacious campus in Hyderabad. In recognition of its expanding activities and scope, during its Golden ORGANIZATION Jubilee in 1969, the Indian Council of Medical Research The Institute is organized into various divisions for adminis- designated the laboratories as The National Institute of trative purposes, although functionally these are not Nutrition. watertight compartments. Many collaborative studies are During the 1960s, when Dr C. Gopalan was the Director conducted. (1960-73), and ,even during the late 1970s when he was the The Food Chemistry Division is mainly engaged in the Director-General of the Indian Council of Medical Research, analysis of foods and updating food composition tables. the Institute expanded and made rapid progress in all fields of research. Three centres were added-the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau, the Food and Drug Toxicology Research Centre and the Laboratory Animal Information Service \ Centre. Besides Drs V. N. Patwardhan and C. Gopalan, many eminent nutritionists like Drs S. G. Srikantia (1974-80), P. G. Tulpule (1980-83) and B. S. Narasinga Rao (1983-88) were associated with this Institute in the post-Independence era and guided its development as a major centre for nutri- tion research. CAMPUS The National Institute of Nutrition is situated near the The National Institute of Nutrition, Jarnai-Osmania PO, Hyderabad 500007, Andhra Pradesh, India T. C. RAGHURAM, V. REDDY FiG 1. Pasteur Institute, Coonoor, where the Institute made Correspondence to V. REDDY a beginning in 1918 in one room © The National Medical Journal of India 1993 INDIAN MEDICAL COLLEGES 233 FIG 2. Main building FIG 3. Gopalan block Newer thrust areas are assays for trace elements and the event and during the Fifth Five-Year Plan, the scope nutritional implications of food processing. The Divisions of of the Centre was considerably enhanced by the establish- Biochemistry, Endocrinology and Metabolism undertake ment of the National Infrastructural Facility for Laboratory basic research to develop simple biochemical tests for the Animals. early detection of nutritional deficiencies, assessment of various nutrient requirements and development of ACTIVITIES technologies for the fortification of foods to combat common During the last 75 years members of the Institute have nutritional deficiency conditions, and elucidating the role of contributed to scientific research, extension, training and nutrients in metabolic diseases such as diabetes, cataract and counselling on nutritional policies and in formulating and urolithiasis. evaluating nutritional programmes. As a part of the clinical division, three nutrition units have During this Jubilee year, it would be appropriate to high- been established in various local hospitals to cater to the light the scientific achievements of this Institute and pay needs of clinical research in maternal, paediatric and adult tribute to the scientists who have guided its destiny. How- nutrition. The major research areas of the clinical division ever, it is well-nigh impossible to catalogue all its major include the role of maternal malnutrition on pregnancy out- contributions and we are, therefore, only describing those come, interaction of nutrition, immunity and infections of which have been of relevance to public health. childhood and assessment of nutritional risk factors in cancer The Institute has been instrumental in initiating several and cardiovascular diseases. innovative techniques to combat nutritional deficiency The Division of Field Studies is engaged in nutrition conditions. As it has always taken up studies which are of monitoring, evaluation of national programmes, planning of national relevance, the results of its research have had a health care delivery systems and operational research. The considerable impact on the nutritional scenario of our Extension and Training Division undertakes the publication country. For example, several national nutrition programmes of popular magazines as well as books for dissemination of such as the distribution of massive doses of vitamin A for correct information on health and nutrition. In addition, it prevention of blindness in children, iron-folic acid conducts training programmes in advanced nutrition for key supplementation to pregnant women for control of anaemia, personnel in medical and health fields from many African fortification of salt with iron and supplementary feeding and Asian countries. Several service departments such as programmes for prevention of protein--energy malnutrition pathology, statistics, instrumentation, printing and photo- were based on the research carried out at the Institute. Some graphy provide necessary support to the activities of the of these programmes such as that on vitamin A deficiency are various divisions. also being replicated in other developing countries to combat The creation of the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau nutritional deficiency disorders. at the Institute has generated a nation-wide database on the The Institute has emphasized the importance of develop- diet and nutritional status of various population groups in ing alternative long-term strategies to combat micronutrient the country. In addition, it has highlighted the fact that the deficiency diseases. To control vitamin A deficiency, the primary bottleneck is the calorie gap and dispelled the dogma efficacy of horticultural intervention and utilization of that protein is deficient in Indian dietaries. With the estab- unconventional food sources such as red palm oil and lishment of the Food and Drug Toxicology Research Centre, spirulina (algae) were demonstrated. Recent studies on research activities for screening and toxicological analysis the relationship between vitamin A deficiency and child of foods and drugs widened. The Centre has played a key mortality received worldwide attention because of its role in the investigation of several food-borne diseases practical implications. Similarly, double fortified salt with and the identification of various toxicants, adulterants and iodine and iron was developed to combat both iodine con taminan ts. deficiency disorders and iron deficiency anaemia. The shifting of the Laboratory Animal Information Service Information generated on a continuous basis at the Institute Centre from Bombay to the Institute in 1976 was a major on nutrient composition of more than 1000 Indian foods 234 THE NATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL OF INDIA VOL. 6, NO.5, 1993 FIG 4. Dr S. Radhakrishnan's visit to the Institute FIG 5. Dr S. D. Sharma, the President of India, inaugurating an international conference including the newer hybrid varieties and tribal foods has been community. Several international agencies such as the World used as reference material by nutritionists and dieticians Health Organization, the United Nations International all over India. The Institute has developed. simple anthro- Children's Educational Fund" and the Food and Agriculture pometric and biochemical parameters for assessing the Organization have recognized its potential and its high nutritional status which can be used in community surveys. scientific standards and generously support its training The recommended dietary allowances
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