ÌY Th e La w r e n t ia n TOL. XLII. Number 27. ULWKEXCE COLLEGE, AFPLBTOK, WISCONSIN Thursday, May 21. 1925. Student Chapels FINAL NOTICE OF MEETINGS Hold Speaking FOR ALL-COLLEGE ELECTIONS Welcome Host of Visitors Come Up For Vote Meet Today Tuesday, May 26, 7:30 p.m.—Lit­ For May Day Celebration Students To Vote On Weekly Friday erature Room, Main Hall,—Meeting Assembly of Students of the nominating committee, com­ High School Speakers Meet Here For Interest Runs High In Big Annual Ev­ posed of one representative from Original Acts In ent of Spring Prelims and Finals If the student body votes next Thurs­ each fraternity and sorority in the day to hold student assemblies every College of Liberal Arts, two faculty Tormenters Play Interest is running high in the mor­ This afternoon at 1:30 the prelim­ Friday next year, the peppy and enter­ members appointed by the college row’s festival, the first elaborate all­ inary contests in the annual high school taining student chapels of previous president, and representatives from “ Ten-Minute Eggs,’’ Zussman Bros., college celebration of the year, and oratorical and extempore speaking con­ years will return to Lawrence campus, not -Greek students appointed by the Scidmore and Archie to Perform much of the enthusiasm which has been test will be held in the auditorium of plus some new features, according to All-College president. All nomina- bottled up since the cancelled Home­ the Conservatory. The winners of these Charles Marsh, ’25, president of the All- tio.is must be handed to Joan Mills, Featured in the first act of “ Three coming is pouring itself into the May preliminaries will compete in the final College Club. secretary, by 6 p.m. that day. Sheets In the Wind,” Tormenters’ first Day plans. contests in the evening at 8:15. The issue will be presented to the Wednesday, May 26, 10:00 a.m.— annual production, to be presented at With the campus crowded with high These contests are known as the Law­ school a week from today at the annual Primary elections. Classes will meet Fischer’s Appleton Theater on June 1, school visitors aud other guests, and rence Annual Interscholastic Competi­ All-college elections. The programs as follows: are three original acts of college talent. scores of students making last minute tion in Speaking and are held annually will be in charge of the Student Senate, Freshmen—Chapel. The ten-miuute eggs, names not to be preparations for their roles in Friday’s Sophomores-—Library, room 21, under the auspices of the Public Speak­ and will be held in Memorial Chapel at mentioned, will work together 011 two activities, the gala atmosphere is inten­ ing Department. There will be two con­ the regular chapel hour. They will con­ Assembly. pianos; John ‘Jake’ Zussman, ’26, and sifying, and indicates unusual success tests, one in oratory, and the other in sist of pep meetings, all-college sings, Juniors—Main Hall, room 21, his young brother will do some tumbling for the fete. extempore speaking, open only to young campus forums upon various eollegiate Prof. Farley’s room. in real ‘big top’ style; and Harry Scid- The crowning Friday afternoon of the men students of the high schools of the subjects, and special stunts. They will Seniors—Main Hall, room 14, Lit­ more, ’26, and James Archie, ’28, glee Mav Queen, Ellen Tutton, of Palmyra, stale. The contestants in the oratori­ be more of all college affairs than the erature room. club veterans, will harmonize in song in a service assisted by her attendants, cal contest may give original or stand­ student chapels that juniors and seniors Conservatory students will meet hits sure to please. The acts are closely Florence Hector, Duluth, and Dorothy ard orations, and they will be judged on can remember. These Friday gather­ with the seniors. woven into the plot structure of the Rohrer, Clintonville, and Helen Hen- their ability to recreate thought and ings will be known as Student Assem­ Thursday, May 28, 10:00 a. m.— musical comedy, so that their introduc­ best, Appleton, as “ Lawrentia,” will, feeling and to move and impress the blies. Final Elections. Classes will meet tion will add to the general effect. of course, lie the peak of the program. listener. The contestants in extempore Or. Wilson S. Naylor, acting president as above divided. The orchestrations have been received Fill Every Hour speaking will receive a list of thirty or of the college, stated that it is practi­ from the Harry Alford Co., and the final Completed arrangements for the Fete forty subjects one hour before the con­ cally certain that two extra chapel touches are being given to the chorus indicate that the faithful work of those test, and each must prepare unaided a skips a quarter will lie gi .'en each stu­ Graduation by Dorothy Adsit, ’28, and Mrs. Ban­ in charge will be rewarded by an event five-minute speech 011 one of the topics. dent if the plan for compulsory attend­ nister of the Bannister Dancing Acad­ of unprecedented charm. The day lias Increase Awards ance at student assemblies is adopted emy, in charge of the dancing. LaVahn been planned in an effort to make every Owing to an increase in the tuition next Thursday. Plans Finished Maescli is at work directing both the hour from early morning to midnight for next year, the amount of the awards The resolution adopted by the Stu­ pit and record orchestras. filled with interest and holiday spirit has been increased. To the winners of dent Senate some time*ago follows: Commencement week will be the full­ John Fisliedick, ’27, is in charge of for everyone. The schedule will include first place in both contests will be given “ We, the Student Senate of Law­ est and busiest time for Lawrence this the ticket sale, which will open tomor­ athletic matches, class exercises, pag­ a two-year scholarship, equivalent to rence College, because: year, according to the schedule planned. row. Requests from out-of-town thea­ eants, and to top it all, the first of the $300 instead of $200 as formerly. One- First, we find a deplorable lack of Thursday evening, June 4, the Con­ ter goers indicate that the tickets will all-college dances. year scholarships of $150 each will be unity in the student body, servatory of Music gives its Senior Re­ be in great demand, but the club in­ Program Of Day given for second place, and $75 schol­ Second, We see the need for further cital. tends to supply student backers first, if The day’s program will begin at 7 arships for third places in both con­ agencies to spread information concern­ On Friday, June 5, is the annual possible. a.m. with a “ hare and liound” race, tests, instead of $100 and $50 scholar­ ing college activities, Trustee Meeting in the morning and The play is a rollicking, three-act warranted to dispel any remaining ships as before. Gold medals for first Third, We realize the value of a stu­ the Interclass Oratorical Contest at comedy with many feature acts and traces of sleepiness. At 9:00 the Wom­ and silver medals for second places will dent forum on campus affairs and on night. ■lances. The lighting, in charge of Har­ ans’ Athletic Association will take also be awarded, and the high school collegiate affairs in general, Saturday, June is an especially old Zuchlke and Reynolds Challoner, ex- charge. At this time awards will be team composed of orator and extempore Fourth, We realize tlie value of stu­ busy day. Phi Beta Kappa holds its jierienced in theater work, promises to given to women for athletic achieve­ speaker receiving the highest ranking dent entertainment to promote school business meeting in the morning, fol­ richen the settings, especially in the ments. Dean Mary Louise Brown will or percentage shall be awarded a shield, in terests. lowed by the Phi Beta Kappa oration, moonlight scene in the second act. The talk on the subject of women’s sports which is to be the property of the Do lierebv resolve, upon favorable “ Education for Leisure, 99 delivered by scene is laid on shipboard, and with the as opportunity for recreation in which school represented. student vot*, to hold required student I)r. Carl Russell Fisli, of the University sea as a background, songs by Isabel all girls can take ]>art, rather than as a Orr In Charge assemblies in the chapel at regular cha­ of Wisconsin. In the afternoon come Wilcox and Kllsworth Stiles are expect­ competitive enterprise. The closing The committee in charge of the con­ pel time every Friday morning.” the alumni luncheon and business meet­ ed to move the hearts of anyone with a feature by tlie Athletic Association will test is composed of Prof. F. W. Orr, ing. and banquet in the evening. spark of romance engrained iiPliis sys­ by a short Pageant of Progress, showing chairman, professors Farnzke, Kins­ “ Ilap” Holliday, ’22, Tells Devotional Service tem. This is also the setting for the the advance of girls’ sports from the man, and Trever, and George Skewes, Tlie senior and alumni devotional ser­ Mermaid chorus, a weird dance led by early 1800’s to the present time. secretary. Preliminary contests will be Of Japanese Civilization vice is scheduled for the morning of Ruth Bjornstad, '27, followed by her Perhaps the outstanding number of held 011 Thursday afternoon at 1:00, and Sunday, June 7, as well as the bacca- troupe of uncanny sea beauties.
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