metry: The Quarterly of the Editors: International Society for the Gy6rgy Darvas and D6nes Nagy Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry (ISIS-Symmetry) Volume 6, Number 3, 1995 Third Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress and Exhibition Washington, D.C., U.S.A. August 14- 20, 1995 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDY OF SYMMETRY (ISIS-SYMMETRY) Prestdenl ASIA D~:nes Nagy, Insmute of Apphed Physics, Umverslty of China, PR Da-Fu Drag, Shanghai Institu~e of Bloehem~stry, Tsukuba, Tsukuba Science C~ty 305, Japan Academia Smtca, 320 Yoe-Yang Road, (on leave from Eotvos Lor~nd Umversny, Budapest, Hungary) Shanghai 200031, P.R China [Geometry and Crystallography, H~story of Scmnce and [Theoretical B~ology] Technology, Lmgmsttc:,] Le-Xmo Yu, Department of F~ne Arts, Nan[rag Normal University. Nan[rag 210024, P.R China Honorary Presidents [Fme Art, Folk Art. Calhgraphy} Konstantm V. Frolov (Moscow) and lndta Ktrti Tnvedt, Industrial Design Centre. Indian Yuval Ne’eman (TeI-A’.qv) Insmute of Technology. Powm, Bombay 400076, India [Design, Indian Art] Vtce-Prestdent Israel" Hanan Bruen, School of Educaoon, Arthur L. Loeb, Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Umvers~ty of Haffa, Mount Carmel, Haffa 31999, Israel Harvard Umvers~ty, Cambridge. MA 02138, [Education] U S A [Crystallography. Chemical Physics, Visual Arts. Joe Rosen, School of Physics and Aslronomy, Choreography. Mustc] Tel-Aviv Umvers~ty. Ramat-Av~v, Te[-Av~v 69978, Israel and [Theoretical Physms[ Sergel V Petukhov, tnsmut mashmovedem),a RAN (Mechanical Engmeetnng Research Insl~tute. Russmn, Academy of Sciences 101830 Moskva. ul Gnboedova 4. Russia Japan Yasushi Kajikawa, Synerget~cs Insmute, (also Head of the Rus.s~an Branch Office of the Soclely) 206 Nakammurahara, Odawara 256, Japan [Blome~.hanics. B~omcs. Informahon Mechamcs[ [Design, Geometry] Koichiro Matsuno, Department of BioEngineering, Nagaoka Umvers~ty of Technology, Nagaoka 940-21, Japan Exe( un ve Secretary [Theoretical Physics, B~ophysicsl G)brgy Darvas, Symmetrlon - The Institute for Advanced Symmetry Studies AUSTRALIA AND OCEYd’llA Budapest, PO Box 4, H-1361 Hungary Austraha. Leshe A~ Bursdl, School of Physics, [Theoreocal Physics, Philosophy of Soence] Umverslty of Melbourne. Parkvdle, Victoria 3052, Austraha [Physics, Crystallography] Assoctate Edtlor" . John Hosack, Department of Mathemahcs and Computing Science, Unlvcra~ty of the South Pacific, P.O Box 1168, Suva, Fiji Fqt ,Jan Tent, Department of L~terature and Language, [Mathematlc.al Analysis, Philosophy] Umvers~y of the South Paclt-tc, PO Box 1168, Suva, F0i [Lmgmst~cs] Regtona[ Chatrpersons / Representanves New Zealand’ Michael C Corbalhs, Department or- Psychotogy, Umverslty of Auckland, Pt’~vate Bag, Auckland l, New Zealand A FP.I CA [Psychology] Mozambtque. Paulus Gerdes, Inshtuto Tonga. ’llaisa Futa+Ha’ar~gana Helu, D~rector, Superior Pedag6glco, Ca~xa Postal 3276, Maputo, Mozambique "Atenls~ (Athens) Institute and Umverstty, PO Box 90, Nuku’alofa, Kingdom of Tonga [Geometry, EthomathemaUcs, H~story of Sc~ence] [Phdosophy, Polynesian Culture] AMERICAS EUROPE Brazil: Uhi~a~n D’Ambrosio, Rua Pe~xoto Gomtde 1772, ap 83, Benelux: Pieter Huybers, Faculte~t der C~vmle Techmek, BR-01409 SaIo Paulo, Brazil Techmsche Umvers~telt Delft [Ethnomathemaucs] (C~vd Engineering Faculty, Delft Umverslty of Technology), Stevmweg I, NL-2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands IGeometry of Structures, Budding Teclmology] Canada. Roger V. Jean, Dfpartement de math6mauques el mformattque, Umvers~t6 du Qufbec ~t R~mousk~, Bulgatqa" Ruslan I. Kostov, Geologichesk* lnsmut BAN 300 all6e des Ursuhnes, R~mousk~, Qu6bec, Canada G5L 3AI (Geologtcal Instxtute, Bulgarmn Academy of Sciences), [B~omathemaucs] ul Akad G Bonchev 24, BG-III3 Sofia. Bulgarm [Geology, Mineralogy[ US A Wilham S. Huff, Department of Arch,tecture, State Umver-o*ty of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, Czech Repubhc Vojt~’ch Kopsk2~, Fyzfl~lni tistav ~AV NY 1,1214. U S A (Instttute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences), CS-180 40 [ Architecture, Design] Praha 8 (Prague), Na SIovance 2 (POB 24), N~cholas Toth, Department of Anthropology, Czech Repubhc [Sohd State Physxcs} Indiana Umvers~ty, Rawles Hall 108, Bloomington, IN 47405, U S A. France Pierre Sz,~kely, 3bts, tmpasse Vdhers de l’Isle Adam, [Prehistoric Archaeology, Amhropology] F-75020 Pans, France [Sculplure] continued inside back cover Third Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress and Exhibition of the International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry (ISIS-Symmetry) Washington, D.C., U.S.A. August 14 - 20, 1995 SYMMETRY: NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL Extended Abstracts, 3 Edited by Gy6rgy Darvas, D6nes Nagy, and Martha Pardavi-Horvath SYMME~Y: CVL~AND SClF~VCE is edited by the Board of the International S0~iety for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry (ISIS-Symmetry) and published qtmar- terly by the International Symmetry Foundation. The views expressed are those of individual authors, and not necessarily shared by the Society or the Editors. Any correspondence should be addressed to the Editors: GyOrgy Darvas Synunetrion - The Institute for Advanced Symmetry Studies P.O. Box 4, Budapest, H-1361 Hungary Phone: 36-1-131-8326 Fax: 36-1-131-3161 E-mail: [email protected] D~nes Nagy Institute of Applied Physics University of Tsukuba Tsukuba Science City 305, Japan Phone: 81-298-53-6786 Fax: 81-298-53-5205 E-mail: [email protected] World-Wide Web: http://www, arch. bme.hu/symmetry Annual membership fee of the Society: Benefactors, US$780.00; Ordinary Members, US$78.00 (including the subscription to the quarterly); Student Members, US$63.00; Institutional Members, please contact the Executive Secretary. Annual subscription rate for non-members: US$96.00 + mailing cost. Make checks payable to ISIS-Symmetry and mail to GyOrgy Darvas, Executive Sec- retary, or transfer to the following account number: ISIS-Symmetry, International Symmetry Foundation, 401-0004-827-99 (US$) or 407.0004-827-99 (DM), Hungarian Foreign Trade Bank, Budapest, Szt. lsw~in t~r 11, H-1821 Hungary (Telex: Hungary 22-6941 extr-h; Swift MKKB HU HB). ISIS-Symmetry. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the Society. ISSN 0865-4824 Cover layout: Gunter Schmitz Image on the front cover. Robert E. Dewar Dodecahedmnite mode~ Logo for ISIS-Symmetry, Symme~y: Na~ura/andArtiflcia/(1994) Image on the back cover:. Mih~ily Szoboszlai Transition of the logo from top to side view. Logo on the title page: Kirti Trivedi and Manisha Lele Fot6k~sz anyagr61 a nyomdai kivitelez~st v~gezte: 9522094 AKAPRINT Kft. E v.: Dr. H~czey l_Aszl6n~ .!1_ /ICULTURE & SCIENCE The Quarterly of the International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry (ISIS-Symmetry) Editors: Gy6rgy Darvas and D~nes Nagy Volume ~ Num~r 3, ~77-564,1995 SPECIAL ISSUE: SYMMETRY: NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL EXTENDED ABSTRACTS, 3 Congress Papers Mi - Z CONTENTS LECTURES Michiwaki, Y.: On the various phases of circles. Spheres in Wasan 383 Minai, A. T.: The creative universe 387 Musin, O. R.: Index of harmony and Delaunay triangulation 389 Miiller, S. C.: Spiral wave dynamics 393 Nagayama, K., Dimitrov, A. S.: Natural beauty of artificially textured surfaces: Morpho-butterfly coloring with particle arrays 396 Nagy, D.: Wasan (old Japanese mathematics): Science and art 400 Ne’eman, Y.: Symmetry as a fundamental element of physical reality 404 Nusayr, A.-M.: Symmetry and Islamic art 408 Ochinsky, V. V. On the system of musical sounds 409 Okumura, H.: Discrete patterns arising from results in Japanese geometry 412 Olovsson, I.: Snow crystals - Natural and artificial 416 Osbom, J. A. L: Diminishing opportunity in amphography 418 Ott, E., Venkataramani, S. C., Antonsen, T. M., Sommerer, J. C.: Fractal and power spectrum characterizations of on-off intermittenoj 422 Peterson, G.: Color symmetry in Navajo and contemporary Western art 423 Petukhov, S. V.: Highest symmetries and biological algorithms 426 Propp, J.: Symmetric surprises from virtual ants 428 Pryor, J. J.: Symmetry in Due/in the Sun 431 Putz, J. F.: The golden section: A natural balance between symmetry and asymmetry? 435 Rapis, E.: Symmetry and self-organization in protein 439 Re~bielak, J.: Bar space structures - Rules of shaping 442 Reggia, J. A.: Symmetries of natural and artificial neural networks 446 Rigby, J. F.: The visual beauty of geometrical figures 450 Robinson, E. A. Jr.: Quasisymmetry types for almost periodic tilings 453 Rosen, J.: Symmetry implies dissymmetry 455 Rosenhaus, V.: On symmetries and conservation laws for partial differential equations 459 Sabitov,/. Kh.: Some results in the bending’s theory of polyhedra 462 Saffle, M., Mason, S.: Self -similarity, FASS curves, and algorithms for musical structures 465 Sastroamidjojo, M. S. A.: A physicist looks at the Javanese shadow-puppet performance 468 Schwabe, C.: On the impossible tribar by Raoul Bricard 472 Servatius, H.: Planar Cayley graphs 473 Shaffer, D. W.: Symmetric intuitions: Dynamic geometry/dynamic art 476 Shechtman, D.: Symmetry in periodic and in quasi-periodic crystals 480 Sommerer, J. C., Ott, E.: Blowout bifurcations 481 Soroko, E. M.: Order structures of natural systems and generalised golden sections 484 Stachov, A. P.: Mathematics of harmony and harmony of mathematics 488 Suehiro, N.: Binary block code which composes 16 dimensional hyper regular polyhedron and a class of generalized Hadamard matrices each of wkich is a cubic root for the unit matrix 492 Takenouchi, K.: Aesthetic consideration of symmetry on a S-curved cable stayed bridge 496 Talldngton, S.: The use of geometric metaphor in a theory of communicative rationality 498 Tarnai, T.: Packings, coverings, and between 502 Thorsteinn, E.: The development pattern of geometrical structures 506 To~i~, V.: Symmetry in music as personal expression 510 Trix, F.: Along the path of mystic interpretation: Symmetry in a Muslim calligraphic plaque 514 Valencia Oviedo, J. A.: The band design in the ceramic of central region of Panama 518 Wat~:erz, S.: Dissymmetry as the source of movement and progress 522 Washburn, D. K.: Symmetry clues to the Puebloan lifeway 525 Webber, W.
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