CRMPRIGN RMERICR ID:202-408-5117 FEB 17'95 12:58 No.005 P.02 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas FINAL Contact Mo Taggart 703/749-1887 Uccp l-800-sky-page pin # 111 S6R9 Jo-Anne Coe 703/845-1714 Michelle Woodward 202/445-99&6 (cell phone) 800/429-6606 (page) Mike Glossner 800/627-3854 (page) SENATOH. J>OLt: SCHEDULE- FEBRUARY I 17-20.199S-- MASSACHUSETTS. NEW HAMPSHIRE AND .MAINE FRIDAY. }!'EBH.UAHY 17. 1995 3:35 pm DEPART Capitol for National Airpo11 Driver: Wilbert 3:55 pm ARRIVE National Airport and proceed lo departing aircran . FBU: Signature 703/419-8440 4:00 pm DEPART Washington for Boston/Logan Jnlcmation~l FUO: Signature Aircrufl: , Leur Tail number: N760-AC Flight time: 1 hour 10 minutes Pilots: .fock Kemper Jurgen Saar Seuts: 6 Meal: None Manifest: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Leo Jardot 5: 10 pm ARRIVE Boston, MNLogan International FBO: Sig.nature 617/569-5260 Met by: Chris Cushing Page 1 of 49 CAMPAIGN AMERICA ID:202-408-5117 FEB 17'95 12:58 No.005 P.03 . This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17._illS Ccopt'd) Page2 S: 15 pm DEPART airpo11 for DFP Fundraising Reception Driver: Custom Transpllrl.aOon 617/848-6803 (Howie Rappl es) Driv~ tim~: 30 minutes J,ocation: Boston Harbor Hotel 30 Rowes Wharf 5:45 pm ARRIVE Boston Harbor Hotel 617/439-7000 Contact: Herb Smith ext. 7280 5:45 pm- A'lTENO Private Uriefing with lligh Dollar Donors 6:05 pm Location: Phillips Room - 1st Flotlr (ext. 7342) Attendance: 20 Event runs: 5:30 - 6:05 pm Press: Closed Facility: Conference style seating l'onnat:: informal discussion Contuct: Chris Cushing 202/789-4040 202/789-4242 fox 6:10 pm- ATTEND/SPEAK DFP Fundraising Reception 7:05 pm Locution: , John Foster Sulun - 1st Floor (ext. 7340) Attendance: 75-100@ $1,000 per person Event runs: 5:30 ~ 7:30 pm Press: Closed Facility: Standing podium and mic Format: Herb Collins gives opening remarks, recognizes political guests and introduces Doug Krupp Doug Krupp introduces Senator Dole · Senator Dole gives remarks Photo·op Contact: Chris Cushing 202/789-4040 2021789-4242 fax 7:05 pm DEPART rundraiser for Roston Logan Airport Driver: Custom Transportation 617/848-6803 (Huyvie R.,pples) Drive ti me: 30 minutes Page 2 of 49 FE B 1 ?'95 CAMPAIGN AMERICA This ID:document202-40 is from 8the-S11 collections7 at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas FRIDAY, },EBH.UARY 17. 1995 <cont'dl Pagc3 7:35 pm ARRIVE airport and proceed to departing aircrafi J•BO: Signature 617/569-5260 7:40 pm DEPART Boston for Keene, NH/DWant Hopkins Airport Fl30: Emerson Aviation Aircrafi: Lear Tuil number: N760-AC Flight time: 35 minutes Pilots: Jack Kemper Jurgen Saar Scats: 6 .·, Meal: Dinner Muni fest: Senator Pole Mike Glassner Jim Murphy 8: J 0 pm ARRIVE Keene, NJJ/Dillant-Ilopkins Airpo1t FBO: Emerson Aviu.tion 603/357-5600 8:15 pm DEPART airpo11 for Best Western Soverign Hotel Driver: Jon l3yrne and John Byrne, Jr. Drive time:: 10 minutes Locatfon: Winchester Street Met by: Jesse Devitte, DFP Page 3 of 49 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas F co 1 I ......... CAMPAIGN AMERICA ID=202 408 5117 . .. : . ,;.. .. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1995 (cupt'dl Page 4 .. ·; . '· 8:25 pm ARRIVE Best Western Sovcrign Hotel 603/357-3038 603/357-4776 fax ·. : · Met by: Jane Lane Michelle Woodward f:. I ·~· RON----KEENR, NH · ·:. SATURDAY. FEBltUAUV 18.1995 I •- . 8:25 wu DEPART hotel room for WMUR- TV Interview Locution: C<.mcord Room R;30 am- WMlJR-TV Interview .·.-, 9:00 am T.ocntion: Concord Room 9:20 am DEPART hotel for DFP Potential Leadership Meeting Driver: John Byrne and John Byrne, Jr. Drive time: 10 minutes Localion: Home of Jane Lane 15 Russell Avenue 9:30 am ARRIVE Home of Jane Lane 603/352-0070 I 9:30 am- A TTRND/SPEAK DFP Potential Leadership Meetjng l 0: J 5 am Attendance: 25 Event runs: 9: J 5 - 10: 15 am Press: Closed Facility: None Format: June Lane gives introductions and introduces Bernie Streeter 13crnie Streeter introduces Cong. Charlie Hass Charlie Bass introduces Sen~tor Gregg Senator Gregg introduces Senator Dule Senator Dole gives remarks Contact: Barbara Russell 10:15 am DEPART IJFP Meeting for DFP Town Meeting Driver: John Byrne w1d Jolm Byrne, .lr. Drive tirnc: 15 minutes 1-ocation: Keene Libntry Auditorium 60 Winter Street Page 4 of 49 .•· ••-, - · .. ·... ~·· k ·- " ' CAMPAIGN AMERICA This documentID:202 is from408 the collections5117 at the Dole Archives,Ft:D University Ii ofJ:::> Kansas SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 199S (cont'd) Page S 10:30 am ARRIVE Keene Library Auditorium 603/352-0157 10:30 am- ATTEND/Speak DFP Town Meeting 11 :30 am Attendance: 45 Event runs: 10:15 -11:30 am Press: Oren Facility: Podium and Mic c·': Theater style seating -.. Funnat: Sam DeYoung introduces l3crnie Streeter Bernie Streeter introduces Cbng. Bass Cong. Bass introduces Senator Dole Senator Dole gives brief rcmurks Q&A Mix and mingJc Con1.a1.:t & Robert Fcrraigina Site fldvance: 603/358-7706 11 :30 am DEPART Keene Library for Keene Dillant-Hopkins Airp01t Driver: John Byrne and John Byrne, Jr. Drive time: 15 minutes 11 :45 am AR.RIVE airpo11 and proceed to departing ai.rcraH FBO: Emerson A viution 603/357-5600 11:50am DEPART Keene for Lebanon, NH/Municipal Airport FHO: Lebanon Jet Center Aircraft: King Air (Charter) Tail number: N87XX Flighl time: 30 minutes Pilots: Glenn Michael Greg Michael Scats: 6, 2 jump seats Meal: Lunch Manifest: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Charlie Bass Jim Murphy Jesse Devittc Michele Woodward Page 5 of 49 . ' ,. .-. ~ f CD LI :>o CRMP RI G~~ AME RICA This documentID: 202 is from 408 the collections511? at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1995 (cont'd) Patgc 6 . ·~ '· 12:20pm ARRIVE Lebanon, NH/Municipal Aitpo1t FBO: Lebanon Jet Center 603/298-8728 Met by: Kathryn Niemela 12:25 pm DEPART airport and proceed to DFP Potential Leadership Meeting ...... Drivers: To be determined Drive time: 20 minutes I ,ocalion: Radisson Inn - North Country 1-89, Exit 20 at Airport Roa~ _. 12:45 pm ARRIVE Radisson Inn - North Country 603/298-5906 Met by: Kathryn Nicmda 12:45 pm- ATTEND/SPHAK DFP Potential Leadership Meeting ..,, 1:15 pm Location: Seminar Room A Ucndance: I 0 Event runs: 12:30 - 1: 15 pm Press: Closed Facility: None Format: Bruce Berke introduces Cong. l3ass I I! Cong. Bass introduces Senator Dole Senator Dole gives remarks Site advance: Kathryn Niemela 603/643-6322 1: 15 pm- ATrEND/SPEAK DFP 'I 'own Meeting 2:00 pm Location: Director' s Room Attendance: 25-35 Event runs: 1 :00 - 2: 15 pm Prei::s: Open Facility: Podium and mic, theater style seating Formal: Bruce Dcrke introduces Cong. Bass Cong. Dass introduces Senator Dole Senator Dole gives brief remurks Q&A Mix and mingle Contact: Kathryn Niemela 603/643-6322 Page 6 of 49 , .-.. -~ ·~: • •' ~· , .. r • ." _ C_AMp_ -:-. A-I G_N_A_M_E:-:R=-1=-c=-A=------:I;:-;D~.:-:: 2::-;o::-;2'"--;4;?0'7'8>"""1"5-..1'1"""'.?,.-----,,,F,:E-,.Or-TI"'Ti --,J,-,J.---ri~... ~~· -~- - This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas SATURDAY. FRRRUAHY Ht 1995 (cont'd) Page 7 2:00 pm- Lebanon Press Avail 2:10 pm l .oeatinn: llallwuy 2:1 S pm DEPART Radisson hm for Lebanon Municipal Airport Drivers: })rive time: 10 minutes ARRIVE Lebanon Municipal Airport and proceed to departing aircraft 2:25 pm !. FBO: Lebanon Jet Center 603/298-8728 2:30 pm DEPART Lebanon fr>r Berlin, NH/Municipal Airpo1t VBO: Main Terminal Aircraft: King Air 'fail number: N87XX Flight time: 30 minutes Pilots: Glenn Michael Greg Michael Seats: 6, 2 jump seats M~al: None Manif't:st.: Senator Dole Mike Glassner Charlie Bass Jim Murphy Jesse Devitte Michele Woodward 3:00 pm ARRIVE Berlin, NII/Municipal Airp01t FJ30: Main Terminal 603/449-2] 68 Met hy: Steve Bracy, volunteer adv<mce 3:05 pm DEi' ART airport for DFP Potential Lc<u.lership Meeting Driver: Kevin Hughes Steve Rracy Dennis Hogan Drive time: 20 Minutes I .ocRtion: Town and Country Inn Tlirch Hill Road Page 7 of 49 -;·· .. • r_· ~· • ~ :, • - --~····,·· ,. ·--·-------: ·------ : -- ··- ~ ____ .. ... .. , - - -' ;:-'-c ... '"'' - 0 .~-C-R~M-P_R_I_G_N___ R _M~E=R~I~C~R.----------.I~D......,..,: 2.......... 0~2 --..4~u~s.-.s~1.-.-1~?-------------r~c~o,--,1~1 ~J~o-.-~~x~x,............-=-~·rn;.• · ~ - • • · - - This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas SATURDAY. JrERRlJARY 18, 1995 (cont'd) Page H 3:25 pm ARRIVE Town and Country Inn 603/466-3 315 Met by: Ed Ulmer 3:30 pm- ATTEND/SPEAK DFP Potential Prospect Leudership Meeting 4:00 pm T,(Jcatinn: Restaurant Attendance: l 5-20 Event runs: 3:30 - 4:00 pm Press: Closed Fucility: None Fonnat: Eli Isackson introduces Cong. Bass Cong. Bass introduces Senator })olc Senator Dole gives remarks Site advance: Steve Bracy 4:05 pm- A. TTENlJ/SPFAK DFP Town Meeting 5:00 pm T. ocation: Ol)}d Room Attendance: 50-60 Event runs: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Prt:ss: Open Facility: Podium and mic, theater style seating Fommt: Eli Isackson introduces Cong. Bass Cong. Bass introduces Stmutor Dole Senator Dole gives brief remarks Q&A Mix and Mingle Contu ct: Eli Isackson Site advance: Steve Bracy 5:00 pm DEPART Tuwn and Country Inn for B~rlin A.irpo1t Driver: Kevin Hughes Steve Bracy Dennis Hogan Drive ti111e: 25 minutes 5:25 pm ARRIVH Berlin Airport and proceed to d~p•uting aircraft.
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