2363 PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 1999-2000-2001 SECOND SESSION OF THE FIFTY-SECOND PARLIAMENT ___________ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS No. 85 TUESDAY 10 APRIL 2001 ___________ (The Questions and Answers Paper is published for each sitting day and will contain, by number and title, all unanswered questions, together with questions to which answers have been received on the previous sitting day and any new questions. Consequently the full text of any question will be printed only twice: when notice is given; and, when answered.) 2364 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Tuesday 10 April 2001 PUBLICATION OF QUESTIONS ANSWER TO BE LODGED BY Q. & A. No. 76 4 April 2001 (Including Question Nos 1585 to 1635) Q. & A. No. 77 10 April 2001 (Including Question Nos 1636 to 1662) Q. & A. No. 78 11 April 2001 (Including Question Nos 1663 to 1681) Q. & A. No. 79 12 April 2001 (Including Question Nos 1682 to 1714) Q. & A. No. 80 1 May 2001 (Including Question Nos 1715 to 1746) Q. & A. No. 81 2 May 2001 (Including Question Nos 1747 to 1784) Q. & A. No. 82 3 May 2001 (Including Question Nos 1785 to 1815) Q. & A. No. 83 8 May 2001 (Including Question Nos 1816 to 1851) Q. & A. No. 84 9 May 2001 (Including Question Nos 1852 to 1880) Q. & A. No. 85 10 May 2001 (Including Question Nos 1881 to 1908) 2365 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Tuesday 10 April 2001 Notice of Question given on the date shown 28 FEBRUARY 2001 (Paper No. 76) *1595 SECURITY ON TRAINS IN THE SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS—Ms Seaton to Minister for Police— (1) Can the Minister confirm the transit police patrol all trains from Central to Moss Vale? (2) If not all trains, how many trains from Central to Moss Vale (a) do transit police patrol? (b) which services are they? (3) At which station do transit police board the trains on this route? (4) At which station do they disembark? Answer— (1) to (2) The trains which are patrolled vary depending on police intelligence, targeted activities and commuter concerns. Intelligence has identified certain trains as warranting attention and these are patrolled using uniformed police and plain clothes officers for covert surveillance. (3) to (4) Various stations. *1628 CONSULTANTS FEES—Mr Richardson to Minister for Public Works and Services, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Citizenship— (1) What are the names of the consultants that have been employed on the Conservatorium of Music projects? (2) What work has each consultant carried out, how much has he or she been paid for that work, and how many hours did he or she work for their fees? (3) Which of these consultants were formerly employed by your Department and when did they cease working for your Department? Answer— (1) The table below lis ts the consultants employed by DPWS on the project. (2) The attached table also provides details of amounts paid and, where applicable, hours worked. These figures also include overheads. It is important to note that where the engagement is a lump sum contract Department of Public Works and Services (DPWS) is not privy to the hours worked. (3) DPWS staff are not aware of the employment history of every staff member of the consulting firms engaged on the project. However, the following individuals are known to have been formerly employed by DPWS: · Mr John Malone (JDM Group) – ceased employment with DPWS on 30 June 1995; and · Mr Bruce Hassall (Hassall Project Management) – ceased employment with DPWS on 31 January 1996. CONSULTANTS FEES Name Work Carried Form of Amount Paid Hours Worked Average Out Engagement to Date Hourly Rate Daryl Jackson # Principal Lump Sum $9,045,961 Not applicable Robin Dyke Architect/design development and documentation Casey & Lowe Archaeology Hourly $547,309 5761 $95 Tracey Programming Hourly $365,352 3262 $112 Brunstrom Hammond 2366 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Tuesday 10 April 2001 Kirkegaard Acoustic advice Lump Sum $304,361 Not available Page Kirkland Quantity Hourly $284,137 2583 $110 Partners surveying Hassall Project Contract review Hourly $31,476 238 $132 Management The Rice Membrane/ Lump Sum $6,000 Not applicable Daubney waterproofing Group advice Ove Arup & Vibration Lump Sum $4,250 Not applicable Partners review Natural and Archaeological Lump Sum $25,000 Not applicable Cultural Interpretation Heritage Pty Plan Ltd JDM Group Project Hourly $702,825.77 6502 * See Management explanatory Services note below * November 1997 to September 1998 - $1,950 for first 20 hours - five day week then $95/hr thereafter 1 October 1998 to 30 September 1999 - $2,050 for first 20 hours - five day week then $100/hr thereafter 1 October 1999 to 30 September 2000 - $2,250 for first 20 hours - five day week then $110/hr thereafter # Details of the nature of work performed is listed in the following table: Primary Subconsultant Nature of Work Performed Consultant Daryl Jackson 1. Design development – the development of preliminary design Robin Dyke concepts into a comprehensive and functional design; 2. Contract Documentation – the production of working drawings and specifications for all the work necessary to construct the building broken up into some ninety trade packages; 3. Construction inspection – inspection of the works during construction to ensure quality objectives are met and to provide supplementary design advice; Lincoln Scott Building code of Australia and Place of Public Entertainment advice and certification. Kirkegaard Specialist acoustic design advice, testing and supervision Associates Tanner Associates Specialist heritage architectual design and documentation. Arup 1. Structural engineering design, documentation and quality inspection. 2. Mechanical engineering design, documentation and quality inspection. 3. Fire engineering design, documentation and quality inspection. 4. Hydraulic services design, documentation and quality inspection. 5. Lift design and documentation. 6. Traffic assessment and advice. Barry Webb Electrical engineering design, documentation and quality inspection Coulston Landscape design and documentation The Mack Group Kitchen design and documentation Tony Youldon Theatre design and documentation. Wilkinson Murray Vibration Control 2367 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Tuesday 10 April 2001 6 MARCH 2001 (Paper No. 77) 1637 SUPPLY OF ALCOHOL TO YOUNG PEOPLE—Mr Armstrong to Minister for Police— 1638 DRUG USE SURVEYS—Mr Armstrong to Minister for Health— *1639 BLOWERING RESERVOIR—Ms Hodgkinson to Minister for Agriculture, and Minister for Land and (1) Is he aware of the significant environmental damage being done to the Tumut River by releases of water from the Blowering Reservoir? (2) What action will the Minister take to rectify the damage which is being caused to this river which the Fisheries Scientific Committee has described as ‘endangered’? (1) and (2) As I have previously advised the honourable member, the Department of Land and Water Conservation is mindful of the effects of artificially high and variable flows on the ecology of the Tumut River. The Department is seeking to minimise these impacts within the flow limits currently observed and subject to commitments to downstream irrigators. The Department has also been active in developing a consultation process that provides the opportunity for representatives of a broad range of community stakeholder groups, together with relevant government agencies, to meet on a regular basis and discuss matters of concern related to the ongoing maintenance, rehabilitation and operational aspects associated with the Tumut River. Finally the Murrumbidgee River Management Committee has also been working towards redressing these problems. The Committee is in process of finalising a River Management Plan for the Murrumbidgee River system. The Plan will produce major environmental benefits by addressing such matters as fish management and habitat, the management of introduced species, wetland watering and riparian zone management. 1641 POLICE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION SQUADS—Ms Hodgkinson to Minister for Police— 1642 ACADEMY RUNNING COSTS—Mr Humpherson to Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Corrective Services and Minister for Sport and Recreation — 1643 NORTH COAST COMMUNITY HOUSING COMPANY—Mr Humpherson to Deputy Premier, Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and Minister for Housing— 1644 FIRE DAMAGE TO PROPERTIES—Mr Humpherson to Deputy Premier, Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and Minister for Housing— *1645 COMPENSATION PAYMENT—Mr O'Farrell to Minister for Transport, and Minister for Roads— (1) Did Michael Knight pursue his claim against State Transit seeking compensation for alleged injuries sustained in an accident with a ministerial vehicle and a bus on 12 June 1998? (2) If so, has compensation been paid to Mr Knight? (3) How much did he receive? (4) What was the nature of the injuries sustained by Mr Knight for which he claimed compensation? 2368 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Tuesday 10 April 2001 Answer— (1) No. (2) to (4) Not applicable. *1646 CRONULLA—SUTHERLAND TRACK AMPLIFICATION—Mr O'Farrell to Minister for Transport, and Minister for Roads— What is the estimated cost of the full amplification of the track between Cronulla and Sutherland to dual tracks? Answer— I am advised by the Rail Infrastructure Corporation that the current estimated cost is $85 million. *1647 NPWS LEGAL COSTS—Ms Seaton to Attorney General, Minister for the Environment, Minister for Emergency Services, and Minister Assisting the Premier on the Arts— (1) In the financial years 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98, 1998/99, 1999/2000, 2000/2001 what was the level of expenditure by NPWS on legal advice (internal and external) in each of the following categories; (a) Defending/representing NPWS in ICAC matters? (b) Defending/representing NPWS in coronial enquiries? (c) Representing NPWS in actions brought by NPWS against private individuals and landowners? (d) Representing NPWS in actions brought by NPWS against leaseholders and licence holders in National Parks? (e) Representing/defending NPWS in prosecutions brought against it by other parties eg.
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