SHOP EARLY THE WESTFIELD LEADER FOR CHRISTMAS THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—No. 15 \\T.STFIKL1), NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1965 40 Page*—10 Cent* Dugan Clarifies Open House WEEKEND PROJECT The public is In vile it to attend an upcu house u< the WesUk'ld Plan's Report Adult School Monday night at 9 Edison Junior High School. All Westfield s Christmas Gift clusses uxay be attended without On Hospital charge. In addition, display! demon- TO SOUTH VIETNAM UiscusiiilB the Wcstfielifs «„.,.. strating (IK- activities of various tals campaign. Frank .!. l)ui>an. vice ! courses will hi- on exhibit. Re- In proclaiming the coining weekend of Dee. 4-5 "Wetirield'i chairman of ihe drive, and rhairiniin i freshments win l>« served. Christmas Gift to South Vietnam" weekend. Mayor Robert Muli-eany of the Wesificld Ilospilal Council.! Class hours begin at 7:£5 p.m., pointed out Dial Ihe project bearing the same name being run by today said. 'Soim- misunderstanding; j 7:50 p.m. and S p.m. the Westfield Juycccg and similar Christinas projects organized by may have arisen from the Planning | other chic groups aimed al Vietnam "arc truly significant at Christ- Board's reccnl report proposing Dial I mastime, 1965." a pared of land bo -set aside for a ; •future hospital site.' " j Gift Memberships The mayor continued, "A gift we Americans give at home Is •'The Hos|n(al Council," Mr. Du-1 really two glfls—one to a suffering people thai shows them America Kan said, •'sees no nrod of a West- cares and our of faith to the American soldier, who has proof In Available At Y what he gives to the Vietnamese people that Americans al home stand field Hospital in the foreseeable fu- with him and are proud of him." ture This area was recommended Special Christmas gill member- by ihe original Hospital Council [ MORASIi DR. HEROLD C. HUNT ships are available at Ihe Westfield The United States Jayrees have organized Ihlt project nationally should it ever he required. At this YMt'A according to Harold J. Hohl- in cooperation with the Defense Drparliurnt. A cross-country train ! Board President given progress report lime, however, the area hospitals man, membership secretary. will pick up all of the romnuinlllre gifts and place them on a ship In I by consultant in recruitment of successor are adequately servicing the resi- A "Y" gift membership presented San Francisco bound for Vietnam. According lo Westfield Jaycce to Superintendent of Schools dents of our town, and we strongly in on attractive folder will be ap- projret chairman, James Lothrop, the Defense Department has Issued urge your suppurt of their programs. preciated throughout the year and a list of items nerdeil !iy the South Vietnamese. They Include inedleal "At the same time," the vice will bring muny satisfactions to both supplies, special foods (dehydrated soups, powdered milk and eggs, ress Cited In Search chairman added, "we feel it wise adulls and children, Mr. Rohlman beans, rlcr, flour and sugar), clothing and U>y> for children, tools and to reserve property in a rapidly said. personul hygiene Items. (!ru»'in|! cnmimanity for facilities The gift certificate provides space which might hecome desirable at for the name of tin1 individual re- Cooperating with the Jiiycees In this Yule endeavor arc the noard r. Ewan 's Successor some distant future." of KdurBtlon who huve placed collection bins In all the schools), most ceiving the membership nnd the ef- of the churches in town, six supermarkets which have collection bins I Hunt, named earlier cago, University of Illinois. Univer- Mr. Dugan also reported (hat fective date of the membership. Pro- placed in them mid many local morehnnls who will make contributions [ Education to serve sity of Iowa, University of Mary- "satisfactory progress" being vision is provided for the individual of Mtelr own. Letters have been sent to all (he doctors and dentists t in recruiting a suc- land, University of Michigan, Uni- marie it) Ihe campaign to receive orientation into the "Y" in town, asking for contributions of incdlcul supplies. N. Ewan Jr., Super- versity of Pennsylvania, University $430,000 in Westfield for the expan- program and to receive the neces- cools who will retire of Pittsburgh, University of Texas, sion programs at MuhlcnbcrR and sary program information, Mr. Hohl- "Special thanks, ul this point," said project chairman l.otlirop, [this school year, has Western Reserve University, and Overlook Hospitals. He also revealed man slated. "go to Tnwnsend Movers for the eotitiiliutlon of collection bins, to Ur. ; to date to Norman Yale University. thai a generous pledge has been re- This is an ideal way, he said, to S. N. Ewun and the Hoard of Education, Robert I.re. president of the ^president. The candidates represent 14 slates, ceived from Ihe Rotary Club of please some closely related individ- Chamber of Commerce, and (o Mayor Mulreany (or their enthusiasm Weslfield. third of Westlietd's serv- ual or someone of your knowledge and wholehearted support of this effort." A tillUSTMAS I'HOCLAMATION—WcsllielJ Mayor Robert II. M«l- paries William Eliot the largest number eominij from rcany has proclaimed December 4 and 5 "Wculflcld's Christmas Gift lucation at the Har- New Jersey. Other candidates are ice organizations to make a donation who would benefit from a 'Y'" mem- (o the campaign. bership. Mr, Lothrop udded, "We have very little (line to place Westflrld's to Soulh Vietnam" weekend. Mayor Mulreuny and Wcatfleld Joyce* r Graduate School of from Pennsylvania, Illinois. Now load on the train, but we feel sure that with the help of the people of President David Collins are shown looking over one of many collection iridge, Mnss., has York, California, Massachusetts. Westflcld, we can more than do our pnrl." bins located around town In which townspeople can place Utelr gifts. credentials and Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Kentucky, A Chunce To of 49 candidates Missouri, Nebraska, Soulh Carolina, Trinity High School'* ] seven applicants as and Vermont. Boosters' Annual Fall Sports Award Y's Men's Annual to administer the Dr. Hunt has served as consultant Library Aidt'H Find |c Schools on a high to the Boards of Education in such "Share Again" Work ' isional and civic re- communities as Shaker Heights, Dinner Thursday In WHS Cafeteria Yule Tree Sale | the present time the Parma, and Cleveland, Ohio; Phila- One of the activities which par- icwing these seven delphia, Pa.; Lansing, Mich.; Rye, For Christmas ents of Holy Trinity High School The Westfield School Hoosters As- Opens Saturday .students find most Interesting is tcriu, those present will assemble fell as several others. Cold Spring Harbor, South Hunting- During past holiday seasons, many suciation loduy nnnounccd that the Itredentials were re- ton, and Rochester, N.Y.; Te.ineck work at the school library. Under 21st Annual Full Sports Award Din- in the hljjh school auditorium for the Vw the past three weekends, tho groups and individuals have ex- the direction of Sister Alice James, ner will be held next Thursday at sports awards. The program will al- I colleges or universi- and Montclair, N.J.; Greenwich and pressed the wish to assist a needy Glee Club Names Westfield Y's Men have boon erect- i Rutgers and as far school librarian, a group of moth- 7 p.m. In the senior high school so include short talks hy the team In); facilities for their 19th annual Darien, Conn., nnd several commu- Westfield family at Christmas by coaches nnd directors of the various pvcrsity in California. nities in Massachusetts, including ers act us i.'jrury assistants. Among cafeteria. Christmas true sulo at Elm St. and providing a holiday food basket, or Guest Artist For the work they do is typing, filing groups Invited. Orchard St. Tho annual, non-profit s submitting creden- Boston and Qulncy. gifU. and processing new books, maga- More thun 200 students ore being A limited number of tlckots arc i University, Cornel] ovent. proceeds of which support A native of Holland, Mich., Dr. In order to avoid duplication, and zines and records. Invited tu the banquet ns guests of still nvuilnblc for anyone denlrlng brge Pcabody College, Hunt received his bachelor's and Yuletide Concert (he Boosters. Included will l>c all continued youth activities, starts in the hope that no needy family will [n announcing the names of (lie In nttend and may be obtained by Saturday. •slty, Michigan State master's degrees from the Univer- the members of the high school contnctlnK boaster members Wult be overlooked, a committee of rep- assistants for the current year, Sis- Over 3,000 trees are available, York University, sity of Michigan and his doctorate resentatives from various commu- nonnie Bogle, young American pi- football, soccer und cross country Trent or Fred Sehnible. jrersity, Teachers Col- from Teachers College, Columbia anist from Littleton, N. II., will ap- ter Alice Jumcs emphasized the Im- teams. Steve Mlnno, dinner chair- Canadian Hnlsnms, ijrown. and cut nity agencies has met and suggested portance of their work in the school and sold by St. John's Y's Men of University, Temple University. He assumed his present that all groups or persons interested pear with the Westfield Glee Club man, stated that senior members of jtversity of California position at Harvard University Saturday, Dec. 11 nt 8:30 p.m. nnd program and said she found their the school hnnd, twlrlers, cheerlead- New Brunswick, nssuro quality dou- in assisting in this way, call Mrs. help invaluable. McDermott, Fried ble needle trees. Tho Douglas Fir, University of Chi- Graduate School in 1953.
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