.1698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE._ ~~ JANUARY 29, , ~'alter I. Lillie, of Michigan, to be collector of customs for MUi"NESOTA. the district of Michigan, in the State of Michigan. Frederick A. McVicar to be postmaster at Grand Rupids, in APPOINTMENTS IN PORTO RICO PROVISIONAL REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. the county of Itasca and State of :Minnesota. To be second lietttenants with rank from Jamwry 17, 1906. MISSOURI. Felix Emmanuelli, of Porto Rico. Emory H. Brant to be postmaster at Maysville, in the county Daniel Rodriguez, of Porto Rico. of Dekalb and State of Missouri. Arthur W. Brewster to be postmaster at St. Joseph, in the GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF THE PHILIPPINES. county of Buchanan and State of Missouri. Henry Clay Ide, of Vermont, to be governor-general of the Thomas Francis to be postmaster at Bevier, in the county of Philippine Islands, provided for in the act of Congress 'approved Macon and State of :Mi ouri. July 1, 1902, entitled "An act temporarily to provide for the· Ezekiel A. Sample to be postmaster at Fredericktown, in the administration of affairs of civil government in the Philippines, county of Madison and State of Missouri. and for other purposes," as amended by the act of Congress William M. Tygart to be postmaster as South S~. Joseph, in approved February 6, 1905. the county of Buchanan and State of Missouri. VICE-GOVERNOR OF THE PHILIPPINES. John T. Wagoner to be postmaster at Odessa, in the county, of Lafayette and State of .Missouri. James F. Smith, of California, to be vice-governor of the Phil­ ippine Islands, provided for in the act of Congress approved NEW .TERSEY. July 1, 1902, entitled "An act temporarily to provide for the Robinson J. M. Chase to be postmaster at Nutley, in the administration of affairs of civil government in the Philippines, county of Essex and State of New Jersey. and for other purposes," as amended by the act of Congress 1\'"EW YORK. approved February 6, 1905. Edward J. Lewis to be postmaster at Saugerties, in the county of Ulster and State of New York. · PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. OHIO. Col. Frank Thorp, Artillery Corps, to be placed on the retired Plympton S. Lybarger to be postmaster at Shelby, in the list of the Army with the rank of brigadier~general from the date upon which he shall be retired from active service. county of Richland and State of Ohio. TE::s-::s-ESSEE. Oavalry Arm. William Spellings to be postmaster at McKenzie, in the county Second Lieut. Daniel D. Gregory, First .Ca.valry, to be :first of Carroll and State of Tennessee. · · lieutenant from J anuary 18, 1906. TEXAS. Second Lieut. Allen C. Keyes, Fourteenth Cavalry, to be first D. R. Emerson to be postmaster at Marlin, in the county of' lieutenant from December 5, 1905. Falls and State of Te..'ras. Second Lieut. John A. Pearson, Eleventh Cavalry, to be first John J. Stevens to be postmaster at San .Alitonio, in the lieutenant from December 28, 1905. county of Bexar and State of Texas. .At·tillery OortJS. WISCO::s-SIN. Second Lieut. Gordon Robinson, Artillery Corps, to be first E. Darwin Sperry to be postmaster at Phillips, in the county lieutenant from January' 1~ 1906. · of Price and State of Wisconsin. · PROMOTION IN THE NAVY. William B. Tscharner to be postmaster at La Crosse, in the county of La Crosse and State of Wisconsin. Lieut. Commander Roy C. Smith to be a commander in the Navy from the 22d day of January, 1906. WYOMI "G. Joseph Iredale to be postmaster at Rock Springs, in the POSTMASTERS. county of Sweetwater and State of Wyoming. ALABAM:A. William T. Hutchens to be postmaster at Huntsville, in the county of Madison and State of Alabama. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. CALIFORNIA. Walter H. Metcalf to be postmaster at Sawtelle, ln the ~ioNDAY, January 29,1906. county of Los Angeles and State of Californla. The House met at 12 o'clock m. - Thomas H. Selvage to be postmaster at Eureka, in the county Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. of Humboldt and State of California. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, January 27, CONNECTICUT. 1900, was read and approT"ed. Edwin W. S. Pickett to be postmaster at Fairfield,. in the REPBESE- TATIVE MITCHALEK. county of Fairfield and State of Connecticut. Mr. · YOUNG. Mr. Speaker, I present tlle following PriVI­ . FLORIDA.. leged resolution and report from the Committee on Elections John :McDougall to be postmaster at Tallahassee, in the No. 1, which I send to the desk and ask to have read. county of Leon and State of_Florida. I The Clerk read the repoi;t, as foJlows : IDAHO. The Committee on Elections No. 1, to whom was referred the pro­ test o1 citizens of the Fifth Congressional district of Illinois, ag-ainst the Hugh Cramer to be postmaster at Hailey, m the county of right of Hon. ANTHOYY 1\IrcHA.LEK, elected as n. Member of the House Blaine and State of Idaho. ot Representatives from that district to the Fifty-ninth Congress, to a ILLINOIS. seat in the House, on tbe ground that be was not at the time he was elected a citizen of the United Stutes, be~ leave to report and recom­ James R. Smith to be postmaster at Taylorville, in the county mend the passage of the following resolution: of Christian and State of Illinois. "Whereas there is now pending before the House of Representatives a protest alleging that the lion. ANTHONY MICHALEK was not at the time I::s"DIANA. of his election as a Member of this House, and is not now, a citizen Sherman L. Kea~h to be postmaster at Bedford, in the county of the United States and therefore is disqualified to be or remain a of Lawrence and State of Indiana. Member of this House, which protest has been referred to the Com­ mittee on Elections No. 1, for investigation : Therefore Martin V. Starr to be postmaster at Goshen~ in the county of ''Resolved by the Hou,se of Representatives, That said committee be Elkhart and State of Indiana. ~mpowered to take such testimony as it deems necessary to a deter­ George D. Taylor to be postmaster at Worthington, in the mination of said matter, either before said committee or before a sub- , committee thereof or a member of said Committee on ~ Elections No. 1 county of Greene and State of Indiana. appointed therefor or any other person selected by said committee for MAI!\TE. such purpose, and that the time, place, and manner of taking, certify­ ing, and returning said testimony be determined by said committee Marcellus L. Hussey to be postmaster at Guilford, in the and that the expenses incurred in taking sill.d testimony be paid from county of Piscataquis and State of Maine. the contingent fund of the House upon the order <>f said Committee MARYLAND. on Elections No. 1." Harry A. Carroll to be postmaster at Havre de Grace, in the The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the !-'esolu­ county of Harford and State of Maryland. tion. Asa Hepner to be postmaster at Sykesville, in the county of The question was taken ; and the resolution was :rgreed to. Carroll and State of Maryland. On motion of Mr. YouNG, a motion to reconsider the last -vote was laid on the table. MASSACHUSETTS. Charles L. Hammond to be postmaster at Quincy, in the BRIDGE ACROSS RED RIVER, LOUISIANA. county of Norfolk and State of Massachusetts. :Mr. WATKINS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for Edgar J. Whelpley to be postmaster at Salem, in the county the present consideration of the bill (H. R. 12314) to amend an of Essex and State of Massachusetts. act approved February 3, 1905, authorizing the construction ' of .,----- . 1906. CONGRESSIONAL ·R:EC0RD-·HOUSE. 1699 a bridge across Red River at Shreveport, La., which I send to unanimous consent for the present consideration of the bill the the desk and ask to have read. title of which the Clerk will report The Clerk read as follows : The Clerk read as follows : Be it enacted, etc., That an act of Congress approved February 3, An act (S. 312) to extend the time for the completion of a bridge 1905, entitled "An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across across the Missouri River at Yankton, S. Dak. Red River at Shreveport, La.," be, and is hereby, revived and reenacted. SEc. 2. That section 5 of said act is hereby amended to read as fol­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The lows: Chair hears none, and the Clerk will read the bill. " SEC. 5. That this act shall be null and void if actual construction The bill was read, as follows : of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within one year and completed within three years from February 3, 1906." Be it enacted, etc., That section 6 of the act approved March 9, 1904, authorizing the Yankton, Norfolk and Southern Railway Company to With the following amendments: construct a combined railroad, wagon, and foot-passenger bridge across In line 3 strike out the word " an " and insert in lieu thereof the the Missouri River at or near the city of Yankton, S. Dak., as amended words " section 5 of the." by the act approved January 27, 1905, be, and is hereby, amended by In line 6 strike out the words "revived and reenacted." extending the time for commencing the construction of said bridge to In line 7 strike out the words " SEc. 2. That section 5 of said act Is March 9, 1907, and by extending the time for completing said bridge to hereby." March 9, 1909.
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