Public Document Pack Head of Corporate and Customer Services/ Pennaeth Gwasanaethau Cwsmeriaid a Chorfforaethol Trevor Coxon LLB (Hons) Birm Solicitor Guildhall, Wrexham, LL11 1AY Neuadd y Dref, Wrecsam, LL11 1AY DX: 721924 - WREXHAM 4 Fax/Ffacs: 01978 292207 BT Text Phone: 01978 292067 www.wrexham.gov.uk www.wrecsam.gov.uk Your Ref/Eich Cyf Our Ref/Ein Cyf Date/Dyddiad 14 July 2014 Ask for/Gofynner am Ken Bickerton Direct Dial/Rhif Union 01978 292242 E-mail/E-bost [email protected] Dear Councillor You are requested to attend a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE of Wrexham County Borough Council to be held on FRIDAY, 18 JULY 2014 to view the undermentioned sites. Transport has been arranged with a mini-bus departing from the CIVIC ENTRANCE, GUILDHALL, WREXHAM at 1.45 pm. Yours faithfully Head of Corporate and Customer Services A G E N D A 1 Apologies for Absence 2 Declarations of Personal Interest, if any: 3 Itinerary: 1.45 pm Mini-bus departs from the Civic Entrance, Guildhall, Wrexham A 2.25 pm Erection of Detached Double Garage at Pear Tree Cottage, Mill Lane, Horseman’s Green, Wrexham (Application Code No P/2014/0293). Reason for Visit: To consider the impact of the proposed garage on the street scene. B 3.05 pm Installation of Solar Panels and associated equipment to enable energy generation and connection to National Grid on land East of Bronwylfa Reservoir and North of Legacy Substation, Aberoer Road, Aberorer, Wrexham. (Application Code No P/2014/0263) Reason for Visit: To consider the visual impact of the proposed development upon the landscape and its relationship to neighbouring development. In accordance with the Protocol on Planning Site Inspections, the Planning Committee will convene in Meeting Room No 1 at the Guildhall, Wrexham after the last site inspection, but no earlier than 4.00 pm to reach a decision on the above matters. TO: MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE Councillor Andrew Bailey Councillor M G Morris (Chair) “ I David Bithell, MBE “ Paul Pemberton “ Mike Edwards (Vice-Chair) “ Ronnie Prince “ Terry Evans “ John Pritchard “ A Keith Gregory “ Mrs J M B Roberts “ D J Griffiths “ Graham Rogers “ Kevin Hughes “ Paul Rogers “ J A Kelly KSG “ Barbara Roxburgh “ David Kelly “ Malcolm Taylor “ Bernie McCann “ Andy Williams LOCAL MEMBERS SITE A Councillor Lloyd Kenyon SITE B Councillors Kevin Hughes and Paul Pemberton Agenda Item 3 Page No 40 SITE A REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT – 7 July 2014 APPLICATION NO: LOCATION: DATE RECEIVED: P/2014 /0293 PEAR TREE COTTAGE MILL LANE 29/04/2014 HORSEMANS GREEN WREXHAM SY13 3EA COMMUNITY: CASE OFFICER: Hanmer DESCRIPTION: PF ERECTION OF DETACHED DOUBLE GARAGE WARD: AGENT NAME: Overton APPLICANT(S) NAME: MR S COLQUHOUN MR J FENLON ______________________________________________________________ THE SITE Proposed garage PROPOSAL Planning permission is sought for the erection of a detached two bay garage to the corner of the front garden area of the dwelling. The garage is proposed at a 6.6m by 7m footprint to a maximum ridge height of 4.3m utilising materials to match those of the existing dwelling. Page 3 Page No 41 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT – 7 July 2014 HISTORY 14716 Outline planning permission for the erection of a detached bungalow and alteration to existing vehicular and pedestrian access. Granted 05.01.1988 18767 Renewal of 14716 (above). Granted 14.01.1991 19730 Erection of dwelling and construction of new vehicular and pedestrian access (approval of reserved matters). Granted 11.11.1991 DEVELOPMENT PLAN The site is within settlement. Policies PS2, GDP1 and T8 are relevant. Guidance is contained in Local Planning Guidance Notes 16 – Parking Standards and 20 – House Extensions. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Object for the following reasons: • The size and height of the building is more like the size of a bungalow; • Not in keeping with the properties in the road as it is in front of the building line; and • It will obscure the view of the neighbouring property and it is closer to The Oaks than the applicant’s property. Local Member: Notified 23.05.2014 Site Notice: Expired 02.06.2014 Neighbours: Two neighbouring occupiers were notified 12.05.2014. One objection received raising the following points: • The proposal would not accord with policy GDP1 as the character of the immediate locality is one of openness, particularly the east side of sites adjacent to the road (Mill Lane), with many large open garden/lawn spaces between property frontages and the road. The proposed development represents a significant loss of existing garden space, so-called garden grabbing, as well as having a major impact on the openness of the area. The proposed development is also likely to make the site over-dense and over developed, and is disproportionate to the Page 4 Page No 42 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT – 7 July 2014 size of the landholding. The proposed development does not therefore make a positive contribution of the nearby locality. • The proposed development will harm the openness of the neighbouring green barrier and be an undesirable intrusion in to the rural landscape and be in conflict with policies PS1, GDP1, EC1 and H5; • The proposed development is overbearing in terms of its size and appearance, particularly the height of the roofline and its overall footprint. It will overshadow our property in the morning as the sun rises in the east. This is likely to have an adverse effect on the residential amenity of the neighbouring dwellings, particularly The Oaks; • The concern about the development is fully supported by the local Cllr, Lloyd Kenyon. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Design: The garage is proposed in the front garden area of the existing dwelling adjacent to the highway. The character of street scene is characterised by a mix of dwelling types ranging from traditional cottages to relatively modern bungalows. These properties are mostly located set back from the highway, but the neighbouring property to the south (Ingle Nook Cottage) is positioned immediately adjacent to the highway. Two photographs are shown below showing the application site within the street scene. View from South below Position of garage Page 5 Page No 43 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT – 7 July 2014 Position of garage View from north Whilst the garage would be visible within the street scene I consider that the context of the settlement is such that the siting of the garage forward of the principle elevation of the dwelling would not represent a particularly incongruous addition to the street scene. Ingle Nook Cottage sits adjacent to the highway edge and there is also a similar detached garage, albeit slightly smaller, further to the north outside The Sycamores. The variety of architectural styles also reduces the formality of the buildings in the area which further reduces the impact. The proposed double garage is of a typical size constructed from matching materials. Amenity: The garage would be located closest to the front elevation of The Oaks. However, the front elevation of this dwelling is such that the there are no habitable windows immediately adjacent to the proposed garage itself. As the front elevation of the property faces diagonally slightly away from the proposed garage I am satisfied that the proposal would not result in an overbearing structure that would harm the amenity of the neighbouring occupiers. Other matters: The remaining garden area to the property would be sufficient (3 spaces in accordance with LPG16) and the garage would not interfere with any existing parking provision. Conclusion: I am satisfied that this proposal can be accommodated given the characteristics of the settlement pattern in the wider area. I do not consider that the proposal would represent an overdevelopment of the site and I recommend accordingly. Page 6 Page No 44 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF COMMUNITY WELLBEING AND DEVELOPMENT – 7 July 2014 RECOMMENDATION: That permission be GRANTED CONDITION(S) 1. The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiry of five years from the date of this permission. 2. No facing or roofing materials shall be used other than those detailed on the application form and within the approved application documentation. 3. The existing hedges along the eastern boundaries shall be permanently retained and shall not be cut down, grubbed out or otherwise removed or topped or lopped so that the height falls below 1 metre at any point without the prior written permission of the Local Planning Authority. If any parts of the hedges are removed without permission, die or become diseased, they shall be replaced by hedges of such size and species and within a timescale all to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. REASON(S) 1. To comply with Section 91(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. 2. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. 3. To ensure a satisfactory standard of appearance of the development in the interests of the visual amenities of the area. ______________________________________________________________ PLANNING COMMITTEE 7 JULY 2014 ADDENDUM REPORT Pages 40 – 44 HAN P/2014/0293 Pear Tree Cottage, Mill Lane, Horseman’s Green Speaker: AGAINST – Mr M Faulkner (Local Resident) Page 7 Pond Pond Pond Willington Cottage The Glebe Farm Poplars M is s io n R o o Willington Grange m Sinks Scout Hut Te n Oak Villa O a k Spring Coniston s
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